Dark day for high-tech manufacturing

Labour Party

Tuesday 6 November 2012, 4:35PM

By Labour Party


On the day Fisher and Paykel was sold overseas Rakon outsourced high-paying jobs to Asia, marking a dark day for Kiwi high-tech manufacturing, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.

“Today New Zealand technology manufacturing lost an icon and 60 good jobs overseas. It’s a dark day for high-tech manufacturing and exports in New Zealand.

“New Zealand has lost an icon with Fisher and Paykel officially sold to Haier. It’s worrying news and Labour will hold Haier to its assurances that Fisher and Paykel’s research will stay in New Zealand.

“Without vigilance, odds are those smart, high paying jobs will head overseas. It’s vital that the company’s research and development and ownership remain in New Zealand if it’s to provide momentum to New Zealand’s high tech industry.

“On the same day Raykon announced outsourcing chip production to China and India. While that is a decision for the company, the fact is 60 high-paying jobs go with it.

“National is happy to stand by and watch these jobs and companies go offshore. Labour isn’t.

“Labour will work actively with the high-tech sector to develop solutions so they can grow and flourish in New Zealand, creating more good jobs and reducing our external deficit.

“Labour has the bold, innovative ideas needed for a new economy. Labour’s research and development tax credits would be a direct advantage to Rakon and other companies in the sector. We are also considering an accelerated depreciation allowance to support investment in new technology.

“We’ve lost Fisher and Paykel, let’s make sure we don’t lose the likes of Raykon as well.”