Greens welcome Pure Advantage commitment to a smart green economy

Green Party

Thursday 15 November 2012, 2:19PM

By Green Party


The Green Party today welcomed Pure Advantage's commitment to an ambitious economic strategy that strengthens the economy and the environment.

Pure Advantage today released its report entitled Green Growth Opportunities for New Zealand and the summary document, The Race Plan. Pure Advantage is made up of some of New Zealand's most successful business people including Sir Stephen Tindall, Geoff Ross, Justine Smyth, Mark Solomon, Joan Withers, Sir George Fistonich, Rob Fyfe, Chris Liddell, Phillip Mills, Jeremy Moon, and Rob Morrison.

"Pure Advantage have set out an ambitious plan to grow our economy while protecting our environment," said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.

"This is a smart, win-win economic plan that our Government should be supporting.

"Since taking office, the National Government has unfortunately chosen to further exploit the environment for the sake of the economy leaving both the poorer."

The report labels the Government's economic and environmental performance to date as "dire". It cites the Yale Environmental Index where New Zealand once ranked as the greenest country in the world in 2006 but has now slipped to 14th.

"The private sector has taken the lead in researching opportunities where New Zealand has competitive and comparative advantages in the global green economy," Dr Norman said.

"What's needed now is a 'whole of country' approach to developing an investment case for the various sectors identified by Pure Advantage as offering the best returns on investment - the energy, agriculture, biotechnology, transport, construction, forestry, and energy efficiency sectors.

"Labour employment data from overseas shows that the greener the industry, the faster growing and more jobs rich it is.

"Green economic opportunities are one way the Government can turn around record unemployment numbers while simultaneously moving our economy onto a more sustainable footing."

Link to Pure Advantage report: