Pure Advantage report a credible plan for green growth

Labour Party

Thursday 15 November 2012, 2:21PM

By Labour Party


Pure Advantage’s report must be heeded by the Government if New Zealand is to make the most of its unique green growth opportunities, say Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson and Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.

Labour believes there are no trade-offs between our environment and our economy. Green growth provides New Zealand with unique opportunities to protect our natural heritage and grow our economy,” says Grant Robertson.

“This is an in-depth and effective report that sets out the opportunities for New Zealand in green growth. Importantly the report makes it clear that green growth creates prosperity, builds community and reduces risks, both to the environment and the economy.”

David Cunliffe says green growth must be an increasingly important part of New Zealand’s economic development, despite the Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce disparaging Pure Advantage’s previous report.

Labour is placing green growth at the heart of economic development. Low carbon power, transport and building technology could be worth $3 trillion by 2050. These are huge potential export opportunities for New Zealand companies.

“The Government cannot dismiss this report out of hand like it did the previous one. That was an insult to the high calibre members of Pure Advantage. With world-renowned economist Lord Nicholas Stern involved in this report further insults would be a step to far.

“It’s time for National to catch up with the 21st century, not wallow in the policies of the last one.”