Canned charities review another Government U-turn

Labour Party

Friday 16 November 2012, 2:31PM

By Labour Party


The Government’s about face on a long-promised review of the Charities Act is nothing more than a sop to commercial sector interest groups,  Labour’s Community and Voluntary Sector spokesperson Louisa Wall says.

“Jo Goodhew knows there is a widely-recognised problem with the definition of charity in the Charities Act.

“She also knows that at the moment big commercial enterprises are able to channel tax benefits into private hands, while small community-based groups, working at grass-roots level, are being refused registration.

“It’s appalling of the Government to treat the Community and Voluntary sector in such a disrespectful manner, especially after the Minister said at the Second Reading of the Crown Entities Reform Bill: ‘I know from first-hand experience how vital the charitable and non-profit sector is, the challenges that it faces, and the benefits it produces for New Zealanders.’

“If Ms Goodhew truly believed that, then she would be proceeding with the review, not canning it.

“This is a bad decision made by an arrogant Government that doesn’t care how it will impact on the 93,000 community and voluntary sector organisations and 25,000 registered charities in New Zealand.

“And it shows, yet again, that this Government is willing to ignore the concerns and advice of the people at the coalface.

“Ms Goodhew needs to listen to her stakeholders. She should rethink her decision before she loses the complete confidence of the sector,” Louisa Wall said.