Move Managers will pack and unpack at the new home

Move Managers will pack and unpack at the new home

Move Managers Ltd

1 June 2012, 5:25PM

Move Managers Ltd


When it would help to have a room, several rooms,  the
garage or an entire house decluttered, packed up or
moved to a new location and to magically make the clutter and chaos go away, real estate agents, lawyers and home owners call us -  a one-stop cost effective resource that
adds value : for managing a pack, sort and relocation,
taking care of unwanted items, cleaning, rubbish removal and maintenance. We'll even unpack at the other end.   Andsometimes it's urgent

Recently Move Managers received a call from Hong Kong.

“I have sold my Waikato house and I have a bit of a
problem – the settlement date has been moved forward to next Thursday – can you help?”

By Wednesday the five bedroom home was empty, cleaned and rubbish removed. The client's personal items were on their way via air-freight to Hong Kong, the remainder
trucked to family and storage and the key returned to the
real estate agent. Job done.