Taupo Half Marathon

Taupo Half Marathon

Perry Bernard

16 October 2015, 2:00PM

Perry Bernard


Taupo Half Marathon – one word, Brrrrrrrrrr!

As I am still a newbie to this running activity, I was a bit concerned to the eyebrow movements when I mentioned running in Taupo on August 1st despite it being just 5 weeks after the last half marathon in Wellington.

So riding high on the euphoria of completing my first event, the trusty red rucksack was packed again with kit, spare kit and after a little more research, warmer layers…

We arrived late in the day (as usual) and I have clearly, after 10 years, acclimatised to the subtropical temperatures of the North of the North Island as Taupo was freezing cold with frost on the ground and the nip in the air took my breath away.

After checking into the hotel, the first essential was to check that I had packed my gloves and bobble hat this time as these were to be glued to me for the next two days – running is not, and never will be for me, a fashion competition.

Read the full article here.