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Government 25 Sep 2024
Govt blind to risks as science cuts leave Kiwis more vulnerable to natural disasters

GNS Science today confirmed final decisions that will see a net 59 roles, around 10% of its workforce, cut, including principal and senior scientists, geologists, geophysicists, geochemists, technicians and support staff.


Employment 28 Feb 2024
More than 180 Personal Grievances claims lodged against NIWA for discrimination

More than 180 PSA members have today lodged Personal Grievance claims against NIWA claiming they are being discriminated against because they are union members.


Employment 2 Oct 2023
18,000 Allied health workers receive significant pay equity offer

Today about 18,000 health workers in more than 100 Allied professions - including physiotherapists, social workers, and laboratory scientists - are being offered a proposed pay equity settlement to honour the true value of the work they do.


Employment 22 May 2023
Disabled workers celebrate end of minimum wage discrimination

The PSA’s Deaf and Disabled Network is today celebrating the end to one form of discrimination of disabled people in the workplace following Budget 2023.


Employment 19 May 2023
A positive Budget for the public service and public service workers

Budget 2023 ensures New Zealanders can continue to rely on the critical services they need from a strong public service.

New Zealand Budget 2023


Employment 12 May 2023
Unions celebrate win in maintaining additional sick leave for community-based support workers at Access Community Health

Workers providing essential support for older people and others at home have safeguarded their entitlement to additional sick leave following a successful case before the Employment Relations Authority.


Council 10 May 2023
Rotorua ratepayers not being told all the facts about proposed cuts to services and jobs

ROTORUA — Cuts to critical community education and environmental services and jobs are being glossed over in Rotorua District Council’s public consultation according to the union representing many council workers.


Council 30 Apr 2023
The public, staff, and PSA agree: Auckland Council's service cuts spell disaster

AUCKLAND CITY — Feedback on Auckland Council’s proposed budget shows that cuts to services will be unpopular, irresponsible, and devastating to the communities the Council is supposed to serve.


Employment 20 Apr 2023
1900 Community Corrections staff continue strike action today

With Corrections failing to provide an acceptable renewed offer, 1900 Community Corrections workers will again walk off the job today.


Employment 19 Apr 2023
PSA urges Auckland Transport to hit the brakes over planned job cuts for 150 - workers deserve better

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Transport needs to slow down and undertake a proper consultation before pushing ahead with plans to cut 150 jobs says the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga.


Politics 17 Apr 2023
National fails to understand importance of the government communicating with the public

National’s attack on public service communications workers today is just the latest salvo in its campaign to undermine confidence in the public service.


Corrections 13 Apr 2023
1900 Community Corrections staff begin strike action today

1900 Community Corrections workers walk off the job today after members rejected the department’s pay offer following nine months of negotiation.


Corrections 30 Mar 2023
Corrections staff vote to walk off the job after nine months of bargaining

1900 Community Corrections workers have voted to strike three times over April, after nine months of negotiations between the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi, and the Department of Corrections.


Council 17 Mar 2023
Wake up Mr Brown, your libraries need paid librarians!

AUCKLAND CITY — The suggestion of Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown that libraries could be run by volunteers is an insult to the mahi council library workers are doing every day to serve their community.


Community 2 Feb 2023
Citizens Advice Bureaux supporting Auckland flood victims face cuts

AUCKLAND — Auckland councillors need to keep funding the city's Citizens Advice Bureaux which provide critical services to communities across the city, says the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi.


Employment 28 Jan 2023
PSA welcomes first public sector agency to adopt a flexible working week with no pay cut

The Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi has congratulated staff and management of Ngā Taonga after New Zealand’s audiovisual archive became the first public sector agency to adopt a flexible and shorter working week with no cut to pay.


Employment 7 May 2022
10,000 health workers to strike from Monday

Allied health workers are still hoping for an offer from DHBs and the Ministry of Health in time to avert strike action by 10,000 essential workers.