Waikato Maori

Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Friday, 13 May 2011
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Monday, 21 June 2010
Monday, 29 March 2010
Monday, 25 January 2010
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Friday, 9 January 2009
Maori 2:26PM
Taupo iwi and local government make history

Taupo —  After a year of planning, a historic agreement will be signed between iwi and local government next Saturday [17 January] when TaupM District Council grants Ngti Tkwharetoa decision-making powers in resource consent decisions - the first time a New Zealand local government has transferred powers to an iwi.

a historic agreement will be signed between iwi and local government this Saturday when TaupM District Council grants Ng�ti Tkwharetoa decision-making powers in resource consent decisions


Sunday, 7 September 2008
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Friday, 30 November 2007
Maori 5:16PM
Historic pou return to Waikato River scape

Hamilton — Saturday’s unveiling of traditional Maori carvings at Miropiko Reserve will not only recognise the historic significance of the site but also mark the return of what was once a common sight – pou on the Waikato riverside.


Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Saturday, 26 May 2007



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