New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development

126 posts | 1 images

OUR MISSION & AIMS Our Mission To provide business leadership as a catalyst for change toward sustainable development, and to promote eco-efficiency, innovation and responsible entrepreneurship. Our Aims Our aims and strategic directions, based on our mission include: Business leadership - to be the leading business advocate on issues connected with sustainable development. Policy development - to participate in policy development in order to create a framework that allows business to contribute effectively to sustainable development. Best practice - to demonstrate business progress in environmental and resource management and corporate social responsibility and to share leading-edge practices among our members. Global outreach - to contribute to a sustainable future for developing nations and nations in transition. ShapeNZ is run by the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development. The Business Council researches policy options which it then advocates to Government and other decision makers. Your responses to our surveys will directly help shape our recommendations.

Joined April 2008
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News Images
Environment 16 Jun 2008
Proposed changes emissions trading bill "gentle and generous"

Recommended changes to the emissions trading bill as reported back will protect New Zealand industry from any unfair offshore competition and probably push assistance to major emitters to the limit of public acceptance.


Business 13 Jun 2008
Heavy emitters' change of heart on price capping welcomed

Business leaders have welcomed a change of heart in principle on price caps by heavy emitters.


Business 12 Jun 2008
Businesses vote to spend hundreds of millions with sustainable suppliers

New Zealand businesses with annual sales of more than $44 billion have voted to make sure at least six of their top10 suppliers are providing sustainable goods and services.


Transport 5 Jun 2008
Business leaders welcome report officials investigating incentives for low-emission vehicle buyers

Business leaders are welcoming a report today that Ministry of Transport officials are investigating options for incentives to encourage people to buy low-emission vehicles as significant and welcome news.


Politics 23 May 2008
First Budget Poll: New Zealanders support three year tax cut plan, but not totally satisfied

New Zealanders are not totally satisfied with the tax cut benefits they will personally get from the Budget, but support the three year $10.6 billion tax reform programme.


Business 22 May 2008
EU move toward carbon labelling all imports a major wake up call for New Zealand

An overnight move by the European Parliament to adopt a report which calls for .carbon footprint labels on all goods and services could have major implications for New Zealand's traders.


Business 22 May 2008
International authorities lead NZ World Environment Day events

AUCKLAND — Two of the world's foremost authorities on managing climate change will be joined by the Prime Minister Helen Clark and New Zealand business leaders at Auckland events to mark World Environment Day on June 4.


Business 20 May 2008
New Zealand companies win at Trans-Tasman sustainability reporting awards

For the fifth year in a row Auckland company WaterCare Services has been honoured at the annual trans Tasman sustainable reporting awards announced in Sydney today.


Politics 19 May 2008
Leadership not delay is what we New Zealand needs on the ETS bill

Delaying the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) until after the election would only slow action to reduce emissions which in turn will increase the cost of adjustment for New Zealand


Politics 12 May 2008
Business leaders advise politicians to deliver stable climate change policy

Business leaders tonight called on political parties to achieve a stable climate change policy, based on the country's long-term interests, if they want to achieve a public commitment to reducing emissions.


Business 12 May 2008
Business decision makers back emissions trading, only 2% support emissions support until 2030

Six out of 10 business people agree with the Government's policy to introduce an emissions trading scheme.


Politics 12 May 2008
Business Council reminds political leaders action needed to reduce emissions

Strong political leadership on climate change is required if New Zealand is to lower greenhouse gas emissions – and avoid higher costs and tougher trade competition later.


Business 11 May 2008
New Zealanders think heavy emitter businesses are having most influence on climate change policy

Businesses with high greenhouse gas emissions are having the most influence on climate change policy, according to a new national survey.


Energy 10 May 2008
New fuel price sensitivity research: $2 per litre will trigger major fuel economy drive

If petrol and diesel prices break the $2 per litre barrier, it will trigger nearly a quarter of New Zealanders to significantly reduce their fuel use.


Business 9 May 2008
New poll: Support for postponed petrol price rises - but only 1% back relief plan for emitters

A new nationwide poll taken since Tuesday night shows New Zealanders like the Government's major announcements this week to postpone an emissions price on their fuel use  and to phase in regional fuel taxes.


Business 6 May 2008
Policy shift a pity, taxpayers may now pay more for fuel users' emissions.

The move to defer transport fuel's inclusion in the proposed emissions trading scheme by two years doesn't wipe out the emissions bill.


Business 30 Apr 2008
Political realities mean emissions scheme phase in slower than desirable

The political reality of having all sectors included in an emissions trading scheme means some major emitters will start paying for their greenhouse gas emissions later than is desirable in a perfect world.


Business 28 Apr 2008
Climate Change Leadership Forum backs emissions trading scheme

The Climate Change Leadership Forum, including 34 business and other sector leaders, has issued 10 key points of policy advice made so far to the Government and Finance and Expenditure Select Committee on the proposed emissions trading scheme (ETS).


Environment 23 Apr 2008
Business Council: Focus on emissions not banning coal

New Zealand will be better encouraging clean coal technology than banning the fuel.


Business 21 Apr 2008
Survey shows all sectors believe climate change a problem, emissions trading supported

A large majority in all business sectors believe climate change is a problem.


Electricity 7 Apr 2008
New Zealanders' choice of future energy sources

New Zealanders overwhelming favour wind and solar power as the best energy sources for the country in the next 10 years.


Business 1 Apr 2008
New research shows New Zealanders' purchasing decisions are influenced most by price and quality.

However, 11 per cent of purchasing decisions are influenced primarily by consumers' perceptions of goods' and services' environmental, human and social impacts.


Business 7 Mar 2008
Overwhelming voter backing for use of new time and cost cutting national environment statements

Business leaders today welcomed a Government move to cut the red tape involved in securing planning consents from every council in the country for telecommunications developments, while ensuring the environment is still protected. 


Transport 27 Nov 2007
New poll: Public back tighter vehicle emissions controls, want incentives to dump their dirty cars

New Zealanders are worried about air quality and back the Government's new moves to bring in tougher emissions controls on imported vehicles.


Business 31 Oct 2007
Ministerial and business budget summit dealing with major health, skills and tax reform issues

The countrys second annual Business Budget Summit will tomorrow look for long term policy solutions to avoid a major future health cost shock, overcome the countrys critical skills shortage  and possible paths to long term personal tax reform.

Cameron McIntosh


Employment 30 Oct 2007
New research: we like our migrants, low pay blamed for skills shortage

Almost 90 percent of New Zealanders are concerned at the skills shortage and say that low pay is to blame.