Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Environment 26 Feb 2010
Ending the addiction to Methyl Bromide

New Zealand must end its addiction to the highly toxic ozone destroying gas methyl bromide, the Green Party said today.


Politics 25 Feb 2010
Gareth Hughes Maiden Speech

24 February 2010 Kia ora Mr Speaker.


Electricity 23 Feb 2010
Householders deserve a choice with smart meters

Meters will be smarter and householders will be given more control over their power bills, thanks to the Smart Meters (Consumer Choice) Bill being drawn from the ballot, the Green Party said today.


Agriculture 20 Feb 2010
Biggest issue left out of cow welfare code

A new code of welfare for dairy cows that completely ignores the issue of factory-style dairy farming is a major concern, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Environment 19 Feb 2010
Report an attack on democracy and environment

CANTERBURY — The findings of a review of the Canterbury Regional Council (Environment Canterbury or ECan) are an attack on democracy and could be disastrous for the Canterbury environment, the Green Party said today.


Food 18 Feb 2010
Kedgley complaint against Demon upheld

A decision condemning Demon Energy Drink’s marketing methods highlights the lengths corporate interests will go to hook Kiwi kids on their products, Green Party Food Spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 18 Feb 2010
Cuts to ACC unfair and unnecessary

The legislation to undermine ACC that is before the house today is both unfair and unnecessary, said the Green Party.


Politics 18 Feb 2010
Three strikes consultation a farce

The three strikes legislation is being forced through the Select Committee process with no regard to the public’s right to have its say, the Green Party said today.


Education 17 Feb 2010
Step change is a step backwards

The “Step Change” report on Education misses the point that the only real way to lift educational performance is to address underlying inequality, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Feb 2010
Spending caps needed to protect democracy

The Government reforms for electoral finance need to include spending caps for groups campaigning in elections, said the Green Party today.


Politics 16 Feb 2010
MMP Referendum needs spending caps

It is only fair to have spending caps for campaigning in the MMP referendum, said the Green Party today.


Energy 16 Feb 2010
Industry leaders warn of imminent oil crunch

The Green Party is calling on our Government to prepare for a significant oil crunch, in light of an industry led report warning the UK Government about the threat of rising oil prices.


Politics 14 Feb 2010
Mining costly to New Zealand economy

International condemnation of plans to mine the conservation estate shows how John Key’s proposal will damage the New Zealand economy, the Green Party said today.


Politics 11 Feb 2010
Drug laws hurting our families

The Law Commission’s report on controlling and regulating drugs is an important step in the right direction, Green Party Co-Leader Metiria Turei said today.


Tourism 11 Feb 2010
Nga Haerenga (New Zealand cycleway) takes shape

New Zealanders will soon be able to access some of our most picturesque countryside on their bikes with today’s addition of thirteen more rides to the next funding round, the Green Party said today.


Politics 10 Feb 2010
Jeanette Fitzsimons Valedictory speech

Excerpts On the beginning and the end.


Politics 9 Feb 2010
Key Government signals poverty and environmental degradation

The Key Government is intent on digging New Zealand into an economic and environmental black hole, said Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman today.


Environment 6 Feb 2010
National blocking protection of Mackenzie Country

OTAGO — The Green Party is calling on the Government to stop obstructing the Department of Conservation from protecting public land in the Mackenzie high country, said Green Party Co-leader, Dr Russel Norman today.


Education 2 Feb 2010
Reduce inequality if you want to improve education

If the Government really wants to raise national standards of literacy and numeracy it needs to get serious about reducing socio-economic inequalities in our society, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Feb 2010
Legislation must protect farm animals as well as pets

Any legislation increasing penalties for animal cruelty must include all forms of animal cruelty not just individual acts of cruelty to pets, Green Party Animal Welfare spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Environment 29 Jan 2010
Two days for Government to make climate change commitment

The Government has just two days to make a serious commitment to reduce emissions under the Copenhagen Accord, the Green Party said today.


Politics 28 Jan 2010
Fitzsimons announces February resignation

Green MP Jeanette Fitzsimons announced her resignation today, bringing a 13-year Parliamentary career to a close.

Fitzsimons announces February resignation


Politics 27 Jan 2010
Government neglects vulnerable again

A twenty-five cent increase in the minimum wage will do little to help some of New Zealand’s most vulnerable families make ends meet, said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei today.


Environment 27 Jan 2010
Greens welcome call-in of factory farm consents

OMARAMA — The Green Party today welcomed Environment Minister Nick Smith’s decision to make the right call and call in consent applications for factory dairy farms in the Mackenzie country.


Conservation 27 Jan 2010
DOC allows commercial fishing of endangered eels

The Department of Conservation (DOC) is allowing commercial fishers to harvest endangered eels from rivers on conservation land, the Green Party said today.


Politics 24 Jan 2010
Tax Reform on Greens Equality Agenda

The Green Party offered its support of tax reform legislation today, noting that the right type of change to the tax system would help reduce the gap between rich and poor in New Zealand.


Finance 20 Jan 2010
Gap between rich and poor set to increase under Tax Working Group's recommendations

Creating greater inequality by cutting taxes for the rich is bad for the economy, said Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman today in response to the release of the findings of the Tax Working Group (the Group).


Politics 19 Jan 2010
Locke welcomes Tamil asylum seeker decision

Green MP Keith Locke has warmly welcomed the government decision to accept 13 Tamil asylum seekers picked up by the Australian customs boat, Oceanic Viking.


Agriculture 18 Jan 2010
Make the right call, Nick – call it in

The Green Party is calling on Environment Minister Nick Smith to make the right call and call in resource consent applications for factory dairy farms in the Mackenzie Country.


Employment 21 Dec 2009
NZ reverts to working longer and dumber

Proposed changes to four weeks annual leave will see New Zealanders' family life suffer for little or no productivity gains, Green Party Industrial Relations spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Real Estate 19 Dec 2009
NZ wide open to massive land grab

New Zealand needs to tighten its rules around overseas investment as China and the Gulf States go on a world-wide shopping spree for prime land, said Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman.


Environment 18 Dec 2009
Leaked UN report shows Key needs to step up

A leaked UN report shows that New Zealand needs to come to the party and lift its emissions target to stop catastrophic runaway climate change, said the Green Party today.


Politics 17 Dec 2009
Speaker clarifies Schmucky affair

The assessment by the Speaker, Hon Dr Lockwood Smith, that clauses in a Government Bill conferring benefit on Doug Schmuck may be private clauses and should not have been included, was welcomed today by Green Party Co Leader Dr Russel Norman.


Agriculture 17 Dec 2009
Pig code delay is pork barrel politics at its worst

The pig-headed Pork Industry Board is holding a gun to the Minister of Agriculture, David Carter, and delaying the release of a new pig code, Green Animal Welfare spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Diplomacy 16 Dec 2009
Stop bullying our Pacific neighbours

New Zealand needs to work on preventing climate change rather than bullying its vulnerable Pacific neighbours, said the Green Party today.


Environment 15 Dec 2009
New Zealand needs to reduce emissions at home

John Key needs to cut emissions at home, not pay poor countries to do our share, said the Green Party today.


Transport 15 Dec 2009
Joyce's bulldozer poised to slice through Kapiti and Wellington communities

WELLINGTON — The Government’s decision to spend $2.4 billion on the Wellington Northern Corridor road project will have devastating effects on the sustainability and liveability of the region, the Green Party said today.


Council 15 Dec 2009
Hand of Hide all over Supercity

AUCKLAND — Councillors on the new Auckland supercity will have their hands tied when it comes to running the city, due to the unprecedented powers granted to the Minister of Local Government in a Bill to be debated today, the Green Party said.


Politics 14 Dec 2009
New Zealand getting left behind in Copenhagen

New Zealand’s climate change targets are well below those being proposed at Copenhagen, said the Green Party today.


Environment 13 Dec 2009
Government commits to coal rather than Copenhagen

New Zealand is dramatically increasing coal production and exports at the same time it tells the world it can do nothing to reduce its carbon emissions, the Green Party said today.


Food 11 Dec 2009
Coca Cola and Pepsi move just fizzy PR spin

The move by Coca Cola and Pepsi to no longer supply sugar-filled fizzy drinks to schools is just a ploy to keep vending machines and their brands in schools, Green Party Food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Environment 10 Dec 2009
PM going to Copenhagen to freeride

The Prime Minister wants other countries to cover New Zealand’s climate change responsibilities while we shirk doing our fair share, the Green Party said today.


Agriculture 10 Dec 2009
Govt needs to explore all options to stop factory farms

The Green Party today urged the Government to get its act together and investigate what can be done to protect New Zealand’s international reputation from plans to begin factory-farming dairy cows in New Zealand.


Politics 10 Dec 2009
Pay-as-you-go way to go for ACC

ACC should be funded on a year-by-year basis to stop massive levy increases and cuts to ACC services, said the Green Party today.


Environment 9 Dec 2009
Copenhagen needs bold, fair and binding commitments

The Government must have an open mind and be ready to join forces with world leaders at Copenhagen and make bold, fair and binding commitments to fight climate change, said the Green Party today.


Deaths 9 Dec 2009
McCully must stop dodging over Balibo 5

New Zealand’s Foreign Minister Murray McCully must press Indonesia to accept responsibility for the execution of New Zealand journalist Gary Cunningham in 1975, Green Party MP Keith Locke said today.


Agriculture 8 Dec 2009
Prime Minister can act to protect NZ's reputation

The Green Party today urged the Prime Minister to show leadership to protect New Zealand’s reputation and export industries from being damaged by plans to begin factory-farming dairy cows in New Zealand.


Agriculture 7 Dec 2009
Feds contradict themselves on factory-farming

The response today from Federated Farmers’ leadership to the spectre of factory-farm dairying contradicts the line they took just six months ago, said Green Party co-leader Russel Norman.


Agriculture 7 Dec 2009
Factory dairy farming arrives in New Zealand

New Zealand is on the brink of introducing factory farming of dairy cows, the Green Party said today.


Politics 7 Dec 2009
Green Party turns 10

The Green Party marks the 10th anniversary of its entry to Parliament tomorrow, Monday, December 7th.


Politics 4 Dec 2009
New Green plan for jobs and more, healthier forests

New Zealand can create thousands of jobs and store millions of tonnes of carbon according to new research from the Green Party.


Politics 1 Dec 2009
Massive levy increases will undermine ACC

ACC's failure to address the concerns of a record number of submitters in its levy recommendations is disappointing but comes as no surprise, Green Party ACC spokesperson Kevin Hague said today.


Economy 30 Nov 2009
Inequality won't lead to economic prosperity

Revisiting the disastrous policies of the 80s and 90s will lead to increased inequality and environmental damage, and will not put New Zealand on the road to long-term economic prosperity, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman said today.


Conservation 30 Nov 2009
Govt aspiring to mine another National Park

The Green Party today confirmed rumours that the Government is considering removing mining protection from 20 percent of Mount Aspiring National Park.


Employment 28 Nov 2009
Green MPs back low paid workers

Green MPs today joined union actions across the country against the wage freeze in the public sector.


Environment 27 Nov 2009
Key sticks out like a sore thumb on Copenhagen

News that Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will attend the climate summit in Copenhagen next month puts further pressure on Prime Minister John Key to do the right thing and also attend, the Green Party said today.


Politics 27 Nov 2009
CHOGM must address human rights - Greens

New Zealand must use the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting to put pressure on Sri Lanka over its shameful human rights record, the Green Party’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Corrections 26 Nov 2009
Court cells are not prison cells

Court cells won’t work for housing prisoners.


Politics 26 Nov 2009
Come to Copenhagen John!

With the news this morning that US President Barack Obama will briefly attend the Copenhagen Climate talks next month, there really is no excuse for John Key’s continued refusal to join other world leaders there, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Agriculture 26 Nov 2009
Greens keen to tell Good Farm Stories

Innovative farmers got a big ‘good on you’ from the Green Party today.


Water 26 Nov 2009
Manawatu water quality needs Government leadership

PALMERSTON NORTH — News that the Manawatu River is one of the most polluted in the Western world, with a pollution measure that is literally off the scale, drives home the urgent need for Government action on water quality, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Technology 24 Nov 2009
Celltower radiation needs independent review

An independent review of New Zealand’s standard for telecommunications facilities is urgently required said the Green Party, in light of a new select committee report.


Politics 23 Nov 2009
ETS changes bad for Maori and Pakeha alike

Legitimate Treaty settlement concerns are not a good reason for Maori to support flawed legislation that will cost both Maori and Pakeha dearly, the Green Party said today.


Diplomacy 19 Nov 2009
Government clearly boycotting Dalai Lama visit

The Government is clearly embarrassed about its ‘unofficial’ boycott of the Dalai Lama when he visits New Zealand next month, said Green Party MP Keith Locke today.


Food 18 Nov 2009
Commission ruling highlights need for proper GE labelling

Today's Commerce Commission warning that Inghams’ poultry risk breaching the Fair Trading Act by claiming that their chickens are GE-free highlights the need for proper GE labelling laws in New Zealand, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley said today.


Transport 18 Nov 2009
Govt. should drive vehicle efficiency gains

Passing a Green Party Bill in Parliament today would see Government taking the lead on driving a more fuel efficient and therefore cheaper vehicle fleet, said Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman today.


Politics 18 Nov 2009
Bill would benefit our economy and world climate

A Bill regulating the import of illegal and unsustainable tropical timber could benefit New Zealand forestry to the tune of $270 million per year as well as help save the rainforests, Green MP Catherine Delahunty said today.


Politics 18 Nov 2009
David Clendon Maiden Speech



Politics 16 Nov 2009
Creech appointment bad news for environment

CANTERBURY — Appointing former Deputy Prime Minister Wyatt Creech to oversee an investigation into Environment Canterbury’s resource management functions is like former US President George W Bush’s practice of appointing industry cronies to senior regulatory positions, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 16 Nov 2009
Smith's ETS: something worth swearing about

Revelations that Climate Change Minister Nick Smith’s proposed changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme are going to cost taxpayers an extra $105 billion is something really worth swearing about, Dr Russel Norman, Green Party Co-Leader said today.


Technology 15 Nov 2009
Public has right to know radiation level of cellphones

All cellphone packaging and advertising should include information on how much radiation the phones emit, said the Green Party today.  “Members of the public have a right to know the radiation level of their cellphones.


Food 12 Nov 2009
NZ needs to take a fresh look at food price inquiry

Now is the right time for an inquiry into how the two giant supermarket chains set their prices, said Green Party Food spokesperson Sue Kedgley.


Politics 12 Nov 2009
Government needs to come clean on ETS costs

Serious disagreements have arisen about the true costs of the Government’s Emissions Trading Scheme proposals and the Minister needs to explain himself, the Green Party said today.


Finance 11 Nov 2009
Bank and tax systems due for overhaul

The National Government can no longer be complacent about the state of play within our banking and financial sectors given their central importance to our economic prosperity, said Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman today.

Labour, the Greens and the Progressives decided to act and launch their own banking inquiry


Politics 10 Nov 2009
Green Party welcomes democratic moves in Tonga

The final report of Tonga’s Constitutional and Electoral Commission recommending a democratic form of Parliament for Tonga is welcome news, said Green Party Foreign Affairs spokesperson Keith Locke.


Cycling 10 Nov 2009
Safer cycling key to success of the Cycle Trail project

The turning of the first sod in the New Zealand Cycle Trail project will hopefully mark a turning point for central government’s commitment to cycling in New Zealand, said Green Party Cycling spokesperson Kevin Hague today.


Deaths 6 Nov 2009
The Green Party pays tribute to Sir Don Beavan

BANKS PENINSULA — Green Party MP Sue Kedgley today paid tribute to Sir Don Beavan for his outstanding work on diabetes treatment and prevention.


Politics 5 Nov 2009
Fire Hide and help keep Kiwis in jobs

National must start investing in job creation rather than following the extremist job slashing policies of their coalition partner ACT, Green Party Co-Leader Metiria Turei said today.


Agriculture 5 Nov 2009
Govt foot falls from mouth on biosecurity risk

The Government has finally acknowledged that there are palm kernel biosecurity risks, including from foot and mouth disease, following Green Party questioning and pressure in past months.


Environment 4 Nov 2009
Environmental priorities must connect the dots

This morning’s New Zealand Institute of Economic Research report on environmental priorities fails to connect the dots between modern environmental challenges, particularly when it suggests that reducing climate change emissions is a low priority for New Zealand, claimed the Green Party.


Politics 3 Nov 2009
Superfund bets against the International Energy Agency

Investing New Zealanders’ retirement savings in a risky retail business is a poor first attempt at investment in the local market, said Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman today.


Food 3 Nov 2009
Christmas ham likely to come from sow crate

Reports from animal welfare group SAFE that an urgent review of the Pig Code had been delayed and may not be completed this year are alarming, said Green Party Animal Welfare spokesperson Sue Kedgley.


Politics 3 Nov 2009
Respect Maori rights in any new foreshore law

It is crucial that any new foreshore and seabed legislation respects Mori customary rights, said the Green Party today.


Food 2 Nov 2009
NZ must withdraw approval for GE food

The Government must immediately withdraw its approval for a genetically engineered corn that is no longer being commercially developed in Europe because of safety concerns, Green Party Food Safety spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 29 Oct 2009
Supercity turns out to be a corporate con

AUCKLAND — The Green Party has been briefed about proposals to restructure the Auckland Council along corporate lines, and place control of Auckland’s assets in the hands of eight companies, Green Party Local Government Spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Water 29 Oct 2009
Government contradicts itself on water privatisation

Statements from the Government on the issue of water privatisation are confusing and contradictory and give no assurance to the public that private interests won’t soon be profiting from the provision of water, the Green Party said today.


Economy 29 Oct 2009
OCR alone will not rebalance the economy

The Reserve Bank’s reliance on one tool, the Official Cash Rate (OCR), is not sophisticated enough to rebalance our economy onto a more sustainable, productive footing, said Green Party Finance Spokesperson Russel Norman today.


Politics 29 Oct 2009
Sue Bradford Valedictory Speech

Excerpts A well-paid privilege I know it is an enormous privilege to be elected as a Member of Parliament, and to be paid a high salary to represent the parties and voters that put us here.


Water 29 Oct 2009
Local govt changes disregard environment, privatise water supplies

Cabinet decisions released by Local Government Minister Rodney Hide today show complete disregard for the environment and would effectively privatise all aspects of water supply services, the Green Party said today.


Health 27 Oct 2009
Have a heart and label trans-fats

The failure of the Trans-Tasman Food body to require labelling of artery-clogging, artificially produced trans-fats in foods will lead to poor health outcomes for New Zealand, said Green Party MP Sue Kedgley.


Environment 21 Oct 2009
Elephant looms behind PCE mining report

The Green Party responded to today’s Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment report on Stockton mine with caution, noting it does not seek to address the elephant in the room - that mining has a massive environmental impact, particularly because coal is the worst climate change pollutant.


Health 21 Oct 2009
Health changes a mixed bag

The Green Party expressed relief today that the worst aspects of the Horn report seem to have been avoided.


Conservation 20 Oct 2009
Open season on protected lakes and rivers?

News today that the Government is considering weakening the Water Conservation Order (WCO) on the Rakaia River is just the tip of the iceberg, with the Government declaring open season on our most protected rivers and lakes, the Green Party said.


Politics 20 Oct 2009
MMP referendum process a good start

The Green Party today welcomed the proposed two step MMP referenda but called for the questions to be written by an independent body.


Environment 20 Oct 2009
Maori given cold shoulder under 'moderated' ETS

The so called ‘moderated’ ETS gives billions in free subsidies to foreign-owned industries, while limiting the allocation given to Maori owned interests, the Green Party said today.


Conservation 18 Oct 2009
Urgent response needed to save national icon

The Government needs to act swiftly and definitively to save New Zealand’s iconic kauri trees from a killer pathogen – kauri rot - that is decimating them.


Environment 18 Oct 2009
Hunt for minerals underway in Schedule Four land

Information obtained by the Green Party has revealed 21 current mineral permits for prospecting and exploration in 42 areas protected from mining by Schedule Four of the Crown Minerals Act.


Environment 16 Oct 2009
Green Bill to prevent exceptional pollution

Green MP Catherine Delahunty has drafted a Member’s Bill that would prevent polluters from being granted consent to indefinitely pollute waterways under an “exceptional circumstances” clause.


Food 16 Oct 2009
Food alert shows need for labelling

The New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) has issued an alert to New Zealand importers to make sure that any prunes imported from China do not contain high levels of lead, Green Party Food Safety spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Agriculture 15 Oct 2009
Government has foot in mouth on biosecurity

The Government’s lax approach to protecting New Zealand’s agricultural economy and natural environment from biosecurity risks has been criticised by the Green Party, who today released information about the biosecurity risks of palm kernel.