Department of Conservation

119 posts | 46 images

The Department of Conservation is the central government organisation charged with conserving the natural and historic heritage of New Zealand on behalf of and for the benefit of present and future New Zealanders. Its mission is "to conserve New Zealand's natural and historic heritage for all to enjoy now and in the future". 

Joined September 2007
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News Images
Conservation 22 Jul 2008
The benefits of 1080 and why DOC uses it

The Department of Conservation (DOC) uses aerial application of sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) as a valuable biodiversity protection tool to control mammalian pests that threaten conservation values.


Crime 27 Jun 2008
DOC receives packages inferred to be 1080 bait

The Department of Conservation (DOC) has received packages of a substance that was inferred to be 1080 bait, at its Nelson Conservancy office, and Takaka and Motueka area offices.


Conservation 3 Jun 2008
Marine life likely to benefit from further protection in the seas around the Subantarctic Islands

The sea around New Zealand’s Subantarctic Islands is recognised as a World Heritage Area and is likely to receive a boost in protection from a review of marine protected areas in the region.


Tramping 16 May 2008
Modest fee increases announced for some DOC facilities

The Department of Conservation has announced some modest fee increases for some of its high profile walks for the coming season/year.


Conservation 5 May 2008
Kaimanawa Horses Seeking Homes

CENTRAL PLATEAU — Kaimanawa wild horses are once again available to the public with the Department of Conservations annual muster scheduled for later this month.

Kaimanawa Horses Seeking Homes


Conservation 2 Apr 2008
Having Your Say in How Public Conservation Land is to be Managed.

“Giving the public a say in how the public conservation estate is managed is at the heart of the current round of Conservation Management Strategies to be done throughout parts of the country,” New Zealand Conservation Authority Chair Kerry Marshall said today.


Conservation 1 Apr 2008
Rats to find Frogs

"Enemies to be come allies" says Minister of Conservation Steve Chadwick announcing initial success at training rats to locate New Zealand's tiny rare native frogs "Aside from being nocturnal, and extremely well-camouflaged, the frogs are also tiny, easily fitting into a matchbox"


Conservation 31 Mar 2008
Kakapo chicks hatch on Whenua Hou/Codfish Island

The eagerly-awaited arrival of some of New Zealand’s most precious babies has started, with the hatching of five kakapo chicks in the last two weeks.


Energy 14 Mar 2008
Department of Conservation agrees strategic energy efficiency partnership with Right House

Energy audits, energy conservation measures and renewable energy advice are at the heart of a strategic partnership that the Department of Conservation and Meridian Energy subsidiary, Right House Ltd, have announced for helping the Department achieve its goal to become carbon-neutral by 2012.


Conservation 25 Feb 2008
Seaweek 2008 is on its way

The first week of March marks the 21st anniversary of Seaweek and this year’s theme is ‘One Ocean - It starts with me;’ focussing on ways everyone can be involved in protecting the marine environment.



Conservation 21 Feb 2008
Recuperated Pukaha kiwi returns to the forest

WELLINGTON — Kopakopa, the nine year old female kiwi who injured her beak a year ago in the Pukaha Mount Bruce forest, was re-released back there today.

Kopakopa recuperated and ready to go back


Conservation 21 Feb 2008
Response to bird ‘flu outbreak – simulation exercise

CANTERBURY — Note: Operation Avis is a simulation only, of a biosecurity response to a national bird flu outbreak.


Business 4 Feb 2008
Green is the new black

In a first for public conservation land, DOC helps businesses gain their green credentials through a “win-win” investment in biodiversity.


Conservation 18 Jan 2008
Post-mortem clears endangered Maui’s dolphin of virus

WAIKATO — Results from a post-mortem carried out on a female Maui’s dolphin and pre-natal calf found beach-cast at Raglan late last year, have cleared the dolphin of the disease Brucellosis, but were unable to determine a cause of death.


Water 19 Dec 2007
Concession approval for Kaituna hydro proposal

BAY OF PLENTY — A 60 year concession to Bay of Plenty Energy Limited to place part of a weir on, and to inundate a portion of, the Upper Kaituna Scenic Reserve on the Kaituna River, has been granted by the Director-General of Conservation Al Morrison, under delegated authority from the Minister of Conservation.


Conservation 13 Dec 2007
Roading Amendment to National Park Management Plan is Declined.

OTAGO — The New Zealand Conservation Authority has declined to approve an amendment to the Mount Aspiring National Park Management Plan, allowing for the construction of a new road and tunnel within Mt Aspiring National Park.


TV 30 Sep 2007
DOC Goes Digital – Introducing “Meet the Locals” on TVNZ 6.

Some of the country’s shyest, weirdest and rarest inhabitants have stepped into the limelight on TVNZ’s new digital channel, TVNZ 6.


Court 28 Sep 2007
DOC says Waikatea environment court decision a win win

WAIROA — “The decision is a win for the environment, a big tick for the resource consent process, and a win for the farmer”, Department of Conservation (DOC) Conservator, Peter Williamson said today.


Conservation 20 Sep 2007
Rare kiwi thriving on Tiritiri Matangi

AUCKLAND — Little spotted kiwi have more than doubled in number on their Hauraki Gulf island home in the last five years, according to the results of a recent Department of Conservation survey.