Whakatane District Council

113 posts | 8 images

The Whakatane District in the Eastern Bay of Plenty is one of the most diversely beautiful areas in New Zealand. Sandy beaches are predominant along the 54 kilometres of coastline that stretches from Otamarakau in the west to Ohiwa in the east. Central areas include fertile lowlands and farming areas on the Rangitaiki Plains through to Murupara. Te Urewera National Park in the south, which makes 41% of the district, is protected native forest and is home to a rich array of flora and fauna. The total area of the district covers 433,000ha or 4,442km2. 

Joined November 2007
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News Images
Environment 31 Mar 2008
Gum tree to be removed

WHAKATANE — One of the largest trees in Whakatane is dead and plans are underway to have the tree removed for public safety reasons by the middle of next month.


Traffic 5 Feb 2008
Paekoa Rd seal extension

WHAKATANE — Whakatane District Council will start seal extension of 4km Paekoa road on Thursday 7 February 2008 at a cost of $400,000.


Traffic 1 Feb 2008
Ohope road resealing

WHAKATANE — The re-surfacing of the Ohope Hill Road is now scheduled for the 7 and 8 of February, weather permitting.


Council 30 Jan 2008
Library reciprocal membership available

WHAKATANE — Can’t get what you want at your local library?


Community 21 Jan 2008
Children's holiday event 08

WHAKATANE — Imagine being thrown a party as a send off to school..! Whakatane District Libraries has just done that and is inviting children of the district to a free, fun end of summer holidays event on Friday 25 January 2005 in the Margaret Mahy Court at 9:30am.


Community 21 Jan 2008
'Where do you come from?'

WHAKATANE — What to know where you come? Whakatane District Libraries is now offering an online genealogy web research facility -


Court 8 Jan 2008
Judicial review - adjournment declined

WHAKATANE — The High Court has dismissed an application by Environment Bay of Plenty (EBOP) to adjourn the hearing of the judicial review of the Regional Council’s decision to relocate head office from Whakatane to Tauranga.


Council 18 Dec 2007
Ohope escarpment drainage project

WHAKATANE — The Ohope escarpment drainage project to build stormwater and wastewater reticulation system is on schedule and the contractors are pleased with the support and cooperation they are getting from both residents and road users, says Whakatane District Council’s Community Projects Manager, Barbara Dempsey.

Otarawairere project


Council 3 Dec 2007
Take to the track walk

WHAKATANE — Following on the success of the Walk To Health campaign this spring, Whakatane District Council is, organising a walk on Sunday 9 December to Julian’s Berry Farm.


Council 20 Nov 2007
Council disputes newspapers claims

WHAKATANE — Whakatane District Council has dismissed the article in Whakatane Beacon on Friday 16 November 2007 that it has refunded development contributions under threat as misleading, one-sided and a distorted representation of facts.


Traffic 9 Nov 2007
Logging trucks on Manawahe road

WHAKATANE — The Whakatane District Council is advising road users and residents living along Manawahe, Caverhill, Matahi, Herepuru roads and Matata area that Professional Harvesting Systems (PHS) have commenced harvesting a forestry block in the area.


Real Estate 7 Nov 2007
Property revaluations 2007/08

WHAKATANE — The three yearly revaluations of property values in the Whakatane District show moderate increases in values across the property spectrum, consistent with the national trend towards easing growth in property values.


Traffic 5 Nov 2007
Ohope road works nears completion

WHAKATANE — Ohope Road works are nearing completion with the road sealing being brought forward to complete the upgrade before the start of the summer holiday season.