New Zealand Government 2005-2008

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The Labour led government under Prime minister Helen Clark in her last term.

Joined April 2008
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Conservation 21 Jun 2008
IWC meeting critical opportunity for progress

Next week’s meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) is a critical opportunity for the organisation to move forward towards operating as an effective international body, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick says.


Court 17 Jun 2008
Construction on Invercargill court redevelopment begins

INVERCARGILL — Courts Minister Rick Barker was in Invercargill today to signal the beginning of construction on the Invercargill courthouse redevelopment and announce that initial work on the new sallyport is underway.


Politics 17 Jun 2008
ACC Bill improves weekly compensation for casual and seasonal workers

More than 400,000 workers in casual and seasonal employment stand to gain improved accident compensation cover if they are injured under a Bill expected to have its second reading tonight, says ACC Minister Maryan Street.


Community 17 Jun 2008
Volunteers work vital part of NZ communities

Whether it’s replanting native shrubs, or supporting a new mum, the work of thousands of volunteers throughout New Zealand is a vital part of our social fabric, Conservation, Women Affairs and Associate Health Minister Steve Chadwick said today.

Volunteer Awareness Week (15-21 June)


Politics 17 Jun 2008
New chairman of Rewrite Advisory announced

Revenue Minister Peter Dunne today announced the appointment of Wellington barrister David McLay as the new chairman of the Rewrite Advisory Panel, the body that oversees the rewrite of income tax law into plain language.


Energy 17 Jun 2008
Lights out for the incandescent bulb

The traditional incandescent light bulb is on its way out, as part of a strategy for more energy efficient lighting announced today by Energy Minister David Parker and Government Spokesperson on Energy Efficiency and Conservation Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Maori 17 Jun 2008
Honouring Maori women leaders

Leadership does not always involve being in the spotlight, and He Wahine Pkmanawa is a wonderful opportunity to honour some of our less well-known Maori women leaders, Womens Affairs Minister Steve Chadwick said yesterday.


Health 13 Jun 2008
West Coast DHB Report

The Minister of Health, David Cunliffe today said that an external review of the West Coast District health Board’s booking systems calls for some short term actions at the DHB and a greater collaboration between the West Coast and other South Island DHBs.


Health 13 Jun 2008
Rotorua Joint Venture for Laboratory Services

ROTORUA — The Minister of Health, Mr David Cunliffe has agreed to a joint venture between the Lakes District Health Board and Diagnostic Rotorua Limited to deliver laboratory services in the Rotorua area .


Legal 12 Jun 2008
Appointments under the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act

Associate Justice Minister Rick Barker has today announced the appointment of Dr Duncan Webb as the Legal Complaints Review Officer and Hanneke Bouchier as the Deputy Legal Complaints Review Officer under the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006.


Conservation 12 Jun 2008
Government boosts funding for pest management

Wilding pines, gorse and broom, rabbits, goats and possums are among the pests to be targeted across the country as a result of the recent funding boost for Regional Pest Management Strategies (RPMS).


Finance 11 Jun 2008
Statutory Interest Rate Changes

The interest rate courts can award for the recovery of debts or damages will be increased to bring it into line with current market borrowing rates, Courts Minister Rick Barker said today.


Traffic 11 Jun 2008
Hand-held phone ban for vehicle drivers considered

Transport Safety Minister Harry Duynhoven today announced that the Government will consider amending the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 to ban the use of hand-held mobile phones while driving a vehicle.


Health 10 Jun 2008
Hutt Valley DHB redevelopment gets the go ahead

LOWER HUTT — Residents of the Hutt Valley will benefit from an $81.9 million redevelopment of Hutt Valley District Health Boards theatre and Accident and Emergency Departments.


Health 9 Jun 2008
Auckland DHB a National Asset

AUCKLAND — The Minister of Health David Cunliffe today praised the Auckland District Health Board as one of health’s real success stories.


Politics 9 Jun 2008
Paper seeks views on GST changes

A tax policy issues paper released today for public consultation looks at options for strengthening the GST neutrality of business-to-business transactions and reducing the risks that GST can present to both businesses and the government.


Electricity 8 Jun 2008
Many options available to tackle low hydro lakes

The government has been working with the electricity industry for some weeks now on a range of options to manage the impact of the drought and low hydro lakes on the electricity system.


Corrections 7 Jun 2008
Criminal Procedure Bill gets a kickstart

Courts Minister Rick Barker has welcomed the National Party's decision to support the Criminal Procedure Bill and is now looking forward to the Bill moving through the final stages as quickly as possible.


Politics 7 Jun 2008
Public ownership of ACC vital

Hundreds of thousands of injured New Zealanders annually would be getting less protection if the ACC scheme is privatised, says ACC Minister Maryan Street.


Politics 7 Jun 2008
National prepared to gut emissions trading scheme

National has once again proved it’s slippery on climate change, and will tell audiences whatever they think they want to hear, David Parker said today.


Health 6 Jun 2008
No Proposal for Hutt Valley DHB to use theatres in Wellington

WELLINGTON — Minister of Health David Cunliffe today confirmed there is no proposal for Hutt Valley DHB to use theatre space at Capital and Coast DHB.


Conservation 6 Jun 2008
New eco village an asset for Marlborough Sounds

MARLBOROUGH — A new sustainable community-developed accommodation complex is an asset for the Marlborough Sounds and will be enjoyed by locals and visitors, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today. 


Environment 5 Jun 2008
Keep it simple on World Environment Day

Tree planting is a simple and effective way for people throughout the country to get involved and contribute to solutions on World Environment Day, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Technology 4 Jun 2008
Broadband Spectrum

Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe today announced the release of a discussion paper on the operation of the Managed Spectrum Park (MSP) in the 2.5 GHz radio spectrum band. 


Environment 27 May 2008
Helping New Zealand prepare for climate change

Climate change is real, and we now know more about how it will affect New Zealand, Climate Change Minister David Parker says.


Finance 27 May 2008
Nutritek gets green light to increase stake in NZDL

Nutritek Overseas Pte Limited has received consent to increase its shareholding in New Zealand Dairies Limited, Finance Minister Michael Cullen and Land Information Minister David Parker said today.


Entertainment 27 May 2008
Radio frequency auction 10 results announced

Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe today announced the provisional results of Radio Frequency Auction 10.


Politics 27 May 2008
Government recordkeeping capability boosted

Nearly $2 million in funding over the next four years will provide Archives New Zealand with the capability to establish a comprehensive recordkeeping audit programme across the public sector, the Minister responsible for Archives New Zealand Judith Tizard said today.


Books 27 May 2008
Major Redevelopment of National Library

Prime Minister Helen Clark and the Minister Responsible for the National Library, Judith Tizard, announced today a major investment in the redevelopment of the National Library of New Zealand.


Motorsport 26 May 2008
Cosgrove congratulates Dixon for Indy 500 win

Sport and Recreation Minister Clayton Cosgrove congratulated New Zealander Scott Dixon today for his win at one of the world’s most prestigious motor sporting events, the Indianapolis 500 race in the United States.


Politics 25 May 2008
Viet Nam veterans and families to receive Crown apology

Prime Minister Helen Clark and Veterans' Affairs Minister Rick Barker said today that the Crown apology to Viet Nam veterans and their families will be made in Parliament next week.


Health 23 May 2008
Investing in our Pacific communities

Budget 2008 continues this government's drive to enhance and support the social wellbeing, economic prosperity, and diverse cultures of Pacific people in New Zealand, Health Minister David Cunliffe and Pacific Island Affairs Minister Luamanuvao Winnie Laban announced today.


Health 23 May 2008
Act helps health and safety of sex workers, report says

Associate Justice Minister Lianne Dalziel today welcomed a report which shows the Prostitution Reform Act (PRA) 2003 has had a positive effect on the health and safety of sex workers and has not led to a predicted increase in their numbers.


Real Estate 23 May 2008
A major investment in affordable homes

Budget 2008 includes significant investment in affordable housing reflecting a wide-ranging plan of action to ensure New Zealanders’ housing needs and expectations can be met in the future, says Housing Minister Maryan Street.


Conservation 22 May 2008
NZ disappointed by reports of Iceland return to whaling

New Zealand is disappointed that Iceland is considering a return whaling Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Business 22 May 2008
Small Business Ministerial Council meets on trans-Tasman issues in Christchurch tomorrow

CHRISTCHURCH — Climate change, regulatory reforms and improving the ease of doing business are key agenda items for the Small Business Ministerial Council meeting in Christchurch tomorrow, says the Small Business Minister Clayton Cosgrove.


Defence 21 May 2008
Registered Viet Nam vets and families hits 5000

With Tribute 08 fewer than two weeks away, Veterans' Affairs Minister, Rick Barker has welcomed the news that 5046 Viet Nam veterans and their family members have now registered with Veterans' Affairs New Zealand.


Crime 21 May 2008
Sexual violence researchers announced

Sexual violence victims will benefit from the results of research being undertaken in a two-year project led by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Minister of Women’s Affairs Steve Chadwick said today.


Science 21 May 2008
A proper process for xenotransplantation

The Minister of Health David Cunliffe today reaffirmed that a proper and rigorous process is underway in consideration of the xenotransplantation application by Living Cells Technology (LCT).


Electricity 21 May 2008
Do not get a shock from your next power bill

Don’t be shocked by your next power bill, see if you can switch and save.


Conservation 17 May 2008
New approach for Great Barrier marine protection

AUCKLAND — Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today announced a new approach to marine protection for Great Barrier Island.


Technology 15 May 2008
New cellular network given access to the airwaves

Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe today announced that Telecom and Vodafone have accepted offers for the renewal of cellular spectrum.


Building 15 May 2008
State house insulation programme fast-tracked

A major Budget 2008 funding injection will see the state house insulation programme dramatically accelerated, improving tenant health and delivering energy cost savings, says Housing Minister Maryan Street.


Environment 14 May 2008
Gull proves sustainable biofuels are affordable in NZ

Energy Minister David Parker has congratulated Gull Petroleum for proving biofuels can be sustainable and affordable.


Politics 14 May 2008
Law changes to provide tax certainty for entities in lead-up to charities registration deadline

The government will introduce legislation to ensure that state-funded tertiary education institutions, state and integrated schools, and non-resident charities do not have to register with the Charities Commission to retain their tax-exempt status, Finance Minister Michael Cullen, Revenue Minister Peter Dunne and Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Ruth Dyson announced today.


Health 14 May 2008
Action Over Grey Base Hospital Concerns

The Minister of Health David Cunliffe has asked the Director General of Health to report to him urgently on claims about patient safety at Grey Base Hospital on the West Coast.


Art 13 May 2008
Artist resale right legislation introduced

Legislation that seeks to ensure a fair economic deal for artists and provide enhanced protection of their intellectual property, has today been introduced to Parliament.


Education 13 May 2008
Violence prevention programme wins global award

Associate Health Minister Steve Chadwick today congratulated the Aotearoa New Zealand Peace Foundation on their recent Global Peacebuilders’ Award.


Business 13 May 2008
Clean green energy important to Rio Tinto

BLUFF — The Labour-led government has already moved to address concerns over the Emissions Trading Scheme legislation raised by Rio Tinto today at select committee, Climate Change Minister David Parker said.


Conservation 12 May 2008
New Marlborourgh Sounds - island sanctuary

MARLBOROUGH — Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today announced a new Marlborough Sounds island native wildlife sanctuary.

Blumine Island


Health 9 May 2008
9 out of 10 women happy with maternity care

Nine out of 10 women are happy with the maternity care they received, according to the report on the Maternity Services Consumer Satisfaction Survey 2007 launched today by Associate Health Minister Steve Chadwick.


Marine 8 May 2008
New marine reserve off the Taranaki coast

TARANAKI — The establishment of the new Tapuae Marine Reserve off the Taranaki coast near New Plymouth was announced today by Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick.


Health 8 May 2008
$46 million more for injured New Zealanders

The Government has allocated an additional $46.5 million over four years to support injured New Zealanders, ACC Minister Maryan Street announced today.


Education 8 May 2008
Industry Training taking off in Nelson

TASMAN — Associate Tertiary Education Minister Maryan Street says a visit to a local Industry Training initiative in Nelson today has highlighted the government’s success in promoting job training.


Traffic 7 May 2008
No reduction in speed limit planned

The government is not proposing to cut the speed limit in a bid to cut greenhouse gas emissions, Associate Transport Minister Judith Tizard said today.


Export 6 May 2008
ETS move would allow extended support for exporters

A proposed change to the emissions trading scheme framework would offer extended support to businesses under the provisions of the emissions trading scheme, as we transition to a low-carbon economy, Climate Change Minister David Parker said.


Conservation 5 May 2008
Waihi Beach seawall approved

WAIHI — A consent to construct a rock seawall at Waihi Beach has been granted by Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick.


Conservation 5 May 2008
Awarua Wetlands recognised for size and diversity

SOUTHLAND — Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today congratulated Southland’s local communities for their commitment to maintaining the internationally recognised Awarua wetland.


Health 5 May 2008
Midwives Day celebrated with new resource rooms

AUCKLAND — TheNew Zealand College of Midwives' resource centre will provide education and a sense of community for midwives, pregnant women and new mothers, Associate Health Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Music 1 May 2008
NZ Music Month kicks off in style

New Zealand Music Month 2008 was launched today by Associate Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Judith Tizard.


Community 1 May 2008
$1.75 million Community Sector Research Fund opens

Internal Affairs Minister, Rick Barker today declared the new Lottery Community Sector Research Fund open for applications.


Conservation 30 Apr 2008
Hakatere Conservation Park expands

CANTERBURY — Hakatere Conservation Park will grow by 17,000 hectares with the addition of land from the Mt Potts and Redcliffe high country pastoral leases, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick announced today.


Transport 30 Apr 2008
Improved information on used cars for sale: When a SIN becomes a CIN

Changes to the information notice that motor vehicle traders must provide to consumers, when selling used cars, were announced today by Consumer Affairs Minister Judith Tizard.


Transport 30 Apr 2008
Vehicle exhaust emissions to be put to the test

Testing will begin tomorrow to ensure all vehicles entering New Zealand meet tough new exhaust emissions standards, Associate Transport Minister Judith Tizard said today.


Business 30 Apr 2008
Emissions trading is effective and affordable

A summary of economic modelling shows emissions trading is an effective approach to reducing New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions in the long term, Climate Change Minister David Parker says.


Culture 30 Apr 2008
Archives New Zealand digitises early Tainui records

WAIKATO — Some 850 images of Waikato -Tainui land confiscation records dating back from the 1830s to the early 1900s have been digitised in a project to help make archives more accessible, the Minister responsible for Archives New Zealand Judith Tizard said today.


Culture 29 Apr 2008
Errol Clark appointed to Historic Places Trust Board

Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Judith Tizard has announced the appointment of Errol Clark to the board of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust.


Court 29 Apr 2008
Courts a priority for this government

Courts Minister, Rick Barker has welcomed the invitation from National Courts spokesperson, Kate Wilkinson to outline the steps the government is taking to address the issue of Court waiting times and stays of proceeding.


Defence 29 Apr 2008
Rick Barker to Veterans' Summit in Washington D.C

Veterans Affairs Minister, Rick Barker departs for Washington D.C today to attend the 2008 Veterans' Affairs International Ministerial Summit where he will deliver a paper on post deployment care for veterans in New Zealand.


Electricity 29 Apr 2008
Faulty electrical safety device

Associate Energy Minister Harry Duynhoven is alerting people who have bought two specific types of PDL POWERGUARD branded Residual Current Devices (RCDs) to note a voluntary recall which has taken place over recent weeks.

The types of RCDs affected by the recall


Crime 29 Apr 2008
Counterfeit passport bust a timely reminder

The recent smashing of an international passport counterfeiting ring by Thai authorities in Bangkok is a timely reminder of the value of the New Zealand passport and the need for passport holders to look after their most valuable document, Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker said.


Environment 29 Apr 2008
Emissions trading also good for air, water and land

An independent report finds the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme will produce important benefits for air, water and land, as well as for the climate.


Health 29 Apr 2008
Health Survey

The Minister of Health, David Cunliffe says the largest-ever survey of New Zealanders' health shows more people now have better access to primary health care.


Politics 29 Apr 2008
Bill to modernise apartment laws set for introduction

A Bill to modernise apartment-ownership and body corporate laws – The Unit Titles Bill – will be introduced to Parliament shortly by Building and Construction Minister Shane Jones.


Conservation 28 Apr 2008
Costs could be cut by backcountry hut plan

The Department of Conservation (DOC) and the Department of Building and Housing are working on a plan to cut red tape for backcountry hut building consents, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Politics 28 Apr 2008
New State Services Commissioner appointed

State Services Minister David Parker today announced the appointment of Iain Rennie to the position of State Services Commissioner.


Conservation 28 Apr 2008
Important restoration project for Resolution Island

SOUTHLAND — A 19th century conservationist will soon have his dream realised when work starts on the removal of all stoats from Resolution Island in Fiordland National Park, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Building 28 Apr 2008
Lower hot water bills on the way

Home owners are set to save money through strengthened energy efficiency rules for new hot water systems, says Shane Jones.


Finance 28 Apr 2008
Income splitting for families with children

A government discussion document released today seeks peoples views on the idea of allowing families with children to split their income for tax purposes, to reduce the amount of income tax they pay.


Mountain Biking 26 Apr 2008
New Taupo track benefits cyclists and walkers

TAUPO — Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today opened a new mountain bike track near Taupo which will run from Whakaipo Bay to Kinloch.


Building 25 Apr 2008
DIY rules aimed at eliminating building rogues

Building and Construction Minister Shane Jones announced new guidelines for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) home owner-builders aimed at eliminating rogues in the building sector yesterday.


Business 24 Apr 2008
World intellectual property day celebrates innovation and creativity

World Intellectual Property Day is an initiative of the World Intellectual Property Organization and is celebrated annually on April 26.


Politics 24 Apr 2008
Two new Land Valuation Tribunal members appointed

Associate Justice Minister, Rick Barker, has today announced the appointment of two new members of the Land Valuation Tribunals in Wanganui and Taranaki – Ken Pawson and Max Dick.


Health 23 Apr 2008
Minister pleased with DHB staffs response to Strike

The Health Minister, David Cunliffe has commended the way District Health Board staff have responded during the two day Junior Doctors’ strike.


Health 23 Apr 2008
New appointments to Whanganui DHB

WHANGANUI — The Minister of Health, David Cunliffe said today he had appointed two Crown Monitors, a deputy chair and a new member to the Whanganui District Health Board.


Health 23 Apr 2008
First men's health meeting a success: O'Connor

Better coordination between existing mens health initiatives was the objective of a meeting called in Wellington last night by Associate Health Minister Damien OConnor.


Internet 23 Apr 2008
National's broadband plan a wolf in sheep's clothing

Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe says that John Key is trying to pull the wool over the publics eyes with his latest release on Nationals broadband plan.


Internet 23 Apr 2008
National broadband plan back to the future

National’s plan for broadband rollout lacks detail and credibility and smacks of opportunism says Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe.


Defence 22 Apr 2008
Free one off medical checks for Viet Nam veterans one step closer

The process for the free one off medical checks for Viet Nam veterans is now in the final trial stages and Veterans Affairs New Zealand will start sending information about how to access the checks to registered veterans in the next few weeks.


Technology 21 Apr 2008
New spectrum for FM radio

Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe and Broadcasting Minister Trevor Mallard have today announced the release of more than seventy FM radio licences for commercial and non-commercial use.


Health 21 Apr 2008
Twenty finalists in Health Innovation Awards announced

Twenty finalists have been chosen out of nearly 130 entrants in the New Zealand Health Innovation Awards.


Environment 19 Apr 2008
Allocation issues important in emissions trading talks

Designing an emissions trading scheme which effectively reduces greenhouse gas emissions while being fair to industry is an important matter which requires careful consideration, Climate Change Minister David Parker says.


Environment 18 Apr 2008
Figures for 2006 greenhouse gas emissions released

The latest annual greenhouse gas inventory report shows New Zealand’s emissions rose less than one per cent between 2005 and 2006.


Gas 18 Apr 2008
New Government Policy Statement on Gas Governance

Energy Minister David Parker today released the Government’s revised and updated Government Policy Statement (‘GPS’) on Gas Governance.


Health 18 Apr 2008
Minister welcomes Auditor General's Decision

HAWKE'S BAY — Health Minister David Cunliffe today welcomed the decision by the Auditor- General not to investigate the affairs of the former Hawkes Bay District Health Board any further. 


Tourism 18 Apr 2008
Increase in Sydney-Queenstown flights welcomed

QUEENSTOWN — An increase in the number of flights from Sydney to Queenstown in this year’s ski season will help the government meet its goal of having 1 million Australian visitors to New Zealand over a 12 month period, Tourism Minister Damien O’Connor said today.


Conservation 17 Apr 2008
Australia and New Zealand affirm close relationship on whale conservation

New Zealand and Australia will continue to work together to lead the global debate on the conservation of whales.


Health 17 Apr 2008
Junior Doctors Strike

Minister of Health, Mr David Cunliffe said he was disappointed at the lack of progress in today’s talks on the Junior Doctor’s pay claims.


Defence 16 Apr 2008
Poppies on Parliament - Your way to remember

WELLINGTON — State of the art projection equipment will be used tonight to illuminate the full front facade of Parliament with a programme of tumbling poppies, floating petals and Peter Jackson's restoration of the historic film Heroes of Gallipoli.


Conservation 16 Apr 2008
Conservation Minister to meet Australian colleagues

Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today travels to Australia to participate in ministerial council meetings and discuss ways that New Zealand and Australian governments will face environmental challenges.