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Whangarei is a thriving, modern and vibrant city set within idyllic natural surroundings, nestling into the hills that overlook the picturesque harbour. The region features fertile farmland, orchards, forests and spectacular coastline with some of the country's finest beaches. The city's full name is ‘Whangarei Terenga Paraoa' which can be literally translated as the ‘swimming place of the whales'. This translates further to mean ‘the meeting place of the chiefs', since the whale-bone mere was a weapon of chiefly status, and refers to the inter-tribal wars of the 1800s when Whangarei was a meeting place for all the great Maori chiefs of the district.
WHANGAREI — The document which plans the next ten years of Council work, services and spending will be presented to Council for approval and adoption on 1 April and the consultation period is due to run from 8 April to 8 May, with hearings to be held on 25-28 May.
WHANGAREI — The link, needed to bring a rail service to the deepwater port at Marsden Point, requires consents from both Northland Regional Council and Whangarei District Council.
WHANGAREI — To introduce the draft plan public meetings have been scheduled for the next three weeks.
WHANGAREI — A quick glance through the Infrastructure Services report for February shows impacts on water levels, underground pipes and traffic islands.
WHANGAREI — WDC Mayor Stan Semenoff, CEO Mark Simpson and Strategic Communications Manager Pauline Rose have met Local Government Minister Rodney Hide to suggest a working party be established to overhaul the Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) process.
WHANGAREI — The long awaited work will ensure the Airport continues to meet Civil Aviation Authority Certification requirements and will allow bigger planes to use it on a more regular basis.
WHANGAREI — Second-hand Sunday is a community recycling event where Whangarei households can give away unwanted items at their gate.