Green Party

2,545 posts | 8 images

The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 16 Sep 2008
Opportunity knocks to reduce oil dependence: Greens

The drop in oil prices by a third from their record high in July will be welcome to motorists but relief at the pumps is only a temporary reprieve, the Green Party says.


Politics 15 Sep 2008
Fully crewed ambulances should be a priority: Greens

The Green Party is profoundly disappointed that the Government has virtually ignored a recommendation from the Health Select Committee that steps be taken to ensure ambulances are properly crewed.


Marine 15 Sep 2008
Oceans in crisis: fishing lobby litigates

The fishing industry’s obstinate opposition to recent protections for the critically endangered Maui’s dolphin shows how essential it is to strengthen New Zealand’s fisheries and marine protection laws, the Green Party says.


Crime 15 Sep 2008
Greens warn against ban on gangs

Green Party MP Keith Locke has warned the Labour Government against any ban on gangs.


Politics 15 Sep 2008
NZ Govt, Fonterra should have gone public on milk powder

Questions must be answered as to why Fonterra remained silent when it learned last month that baby food its joint venture company was selling in China was contaminated with a poisonous substance melamine, the Green Party says.


Environment 14 Sep 2008
Greens urge action to save coastline

The Green Party today called for a national ranking of coastlines plus central Government action to protect those deemed “national treasures”.


Politics 12 Sep 2008
Election date - the change we need is Green

Green Party Co-Leaders Jeanette Fitzsimons and Russel Norman welcome the Prime Minister’s election date announcement of November 8.


Politics 12 Sep 2008
Greens call on Fonterra to lower domestic dairy prices

Today Green Party MP Sue Kedgley has called on Fonterra to reduce the domestic price of cheese and dairy prices, following its admission that international dairy prices have fallen sharply in recent months, and by 38 percent in the past 14 months.


Politics 12 Sep 2008
Goodbye to local rights, hello to telco equipment

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says intrusive and potentially harmful telecommunications equipment will be able to be installed as of right, without consultation, on most telephone poles in New Zealand, thanks to just gazetted sweeping National Environmental Standards.


Conservation 12 Sep 2008
Big boost for Conservation in new Green Party policy

A $100 million boost for the Department of Conservation features prominently in the Green Party’s Conservation policy.


Waste 11 Sep 2008
Waste Bill first step to zero-waste NZ

The Green Party welcomes the passing of the Waste Minimisation Bill into law and calls on Ministers, businesses and the community to use the tools it provides to achieve a zero-waste New Zealand.


Health 11 Sep 2008
How long will Eltroxin sufferers have to wait?

The Green Party is calling on Medsafe to tell the hundreds of New Zealanders suffering adverse reactions to the new formulation of thyroid drug Eltroxin when an alternative drug will be available.


Politics 11 Sep 2008
ETS a first step, time for some big strides now - Greens

The TTThe passing of the Emissions Trading Scheme is the first small step towards getting New Zealand’s carbon emissions under control – there is still much work to be done, the Green Party says.


Politics 10 Sep 2008
Rivers too polluted for stock to drink from

The Government can’t ignore a report on Waikato water quality out today that shows 70 percent of 78 rivers and streams tested were unsafe for swimming and more than 75 percent were unsafe for stock to drink from, Greens Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Environment 10 Sep 2008
Listen to tourism lobby, not just Fonterra, Mr Mallard

Greens Co-Leader Russel Norman is urging Environment Minister Trevor Mallard to take as much notice of tourism industry lobbying as he has of lobbying by polluters in recent months.


Politics 9 Sep 2008
Greens Release Children's Policy on eve of major conference

The Green Party has released its Children’s Policy for the 2008 election on the eve of the Every Child Counts Conference being held September 10 to 11 in Wellington.


Politics 8 Sep 2008
Photos needed of GE research downsides

The Green Party is calling on AgResearch to publicly release photographs of deformed calves so the public can see downsides of genetic engineering as well as hearing and reading the Crown Research Institute’s spin.


Advertising 7 Sep 2008
Green Party Launched First Billboard - Fresh new Advertising campaign applauded

AUCKLAND — Friday, at a media conference in Auckland, the Green Party launched a simple and powerful advertising campaign for the 2008 election.

Russell Norman with the new Green Party campaign posters


Environment 6 Sep 2008
Nat's enviro policy: wood, but no trees

The Green Party is calling for more detail from the National Party on their environment policy after reading the partial policy draft leaked yesterday.


Politics 6 Sep 2008
Citizens to have say on electoral matters

A Citizens’ Forum will be established to consider matters of election and political party funding, as part of an agreement between the Green Party and the Government during the negotiations around the Electoral Finance Act, the Green Party announced today.


Science 4 Sep 2008
Deformed calves don't enhance NZ's image, AgResearch

 A long press statement by AgResearch today in which it tries to justify its application to genetically engineer a wide range of animals, plus human and monkey cells, inadvertently shows sad downsides to GE research such as deformed foetuses and calves.


Politics 4 Sep 2008
Housing solutions dont include harassing homeless: Greens

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland City Councillor Paul Goldsmith’s “blame the victim” response to the homeless is the worst way to handle New Zealand’s housing crisis, the Green Party says.


Community 4 Sep 2008
Insulation fund to help lift Maori and Pacific communities

The health of Maori and Pacific Island communities will get a big lift from the $1 billion home insulation fund secured by the Green Party in the ETS negotiations, Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Environment 4 Sep 2008
Secret meetings wrong move on Lake Horowhenua

LEVIN — Horowhenua District Council is making the wrong move by proposing secret meetings with a tiny number of invited members as the main community consultation, Greens Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Health 2 Sep 2008
Death raises need for urgent action on mental health services

AUCKLAND — Problems at Auckland Hospital's acute psychiatric unit will come under the spotlight in Parliament this afternoon when Green Party MP Sue Bradford questions the Health Minister about another tragedy associated with the Te Whetu Tawera unit.


Environment 2 Sep 2008
Sad time for Lake Horowhenua

LEVIN — It is disastrous the edge of Lake Horowhenua is still being polluted by sewage, with high levels of e.coli found in official tests between council sewage ponds and Lake Horowhenua after the treatment plant overflowed recently.


Politics 2 Sep 2008
Housing a critical election issue - Greens

The Green Party says the housing crisis evident to many ordinary New Zealanders is not being treated seriously enough by either National or Labour.


Gambling 31 Aug 2008
Greens aim to end pokie rorts

The Green Party has released its updated Gambling Policy on the eve of New Zealand's Gamble-Free Day - September 1 - stating that parts of the community sector need assistance to overcome addiction to pokies, just as individual gambling addicts do.


Environment 28 Aug 2008
MfE lawyers blocked dioxin testing at Mapua

TASMAN — Correspondence and other information given to the Green Party shows the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) used lawyers to argue against Tasman District Council (TDC) testing for dioxin during the recent toxic site clean-up at Mapua.


Police 28 Aug 2008
Commissioners consultation over Tasers a travesty

Green Party MP Keith Locke says Police Commissioner Howard Broad’s day long consultation with MPs before deciding to introduce Tasers is a travesty.


Politics 28 Aug 2008
Greens: Housing at crisis point for many

News that increasing numbers of families in the far north are being forced into mortgagee sales should be a wake up call to Government and all political parties about the seriousness of the current housing crisis, the Green Party says.


Health 28 Aug 2008
Situation critical for thyroid sufferers, Greens say

The Green Party is calling on the Government to intervene to help hundreds of New Zealanders who are experiencing significant adverse reactions to a new formulation of thyroid medication Eltroxin.


Police 27 Aug 2008
Greens say no to tasers

This is a very sad day for policing in New Zealand.


Politics 27 Aug 2008
Mother and baby bill tipped to pass in Parliament today

Green Party MP Sue Bradford's third private member's bill in this term of Parliament is expected to pass its final reading in the House this evening.


Water 27 Aug 2008
Water allocation debate welcomed

The Green Party is welcoming the debate opened by a NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development report which calls on the Government to implement a water trading system.


Politics 26 Aug 2008
Say No To The ETS

ACT Leader Rodney Hide today expressed hope that both the Green Party and New Zealand First would refuse to support the Labour-led Government's Emissions Trading Scheme.


Politics 26 Aug 2008
Green Party wins major improvements to ETS

The Green Party Caucus has decided that the substantial changes we have won to the ETS justify voting for it.


Politics 25 Aug 2008
Over 2500 emails in Greens ETS inbox

The Green Party has received over 2500 emails on its forthcoming ETS decision in the four days since it asked for public input, and they are still flooding in at a rate of about 2 a minute.


Transport 25 Aug 2008
Nationals road toll policy would punish the poor

Auckland Green Party MP Keith Locke says National transport spokesperson Maurice Williamson’s proposal for high tolls on new motorways would only hurt poor people in the absence of adequate public transport alternatives.


Politics 25 Aug 2008
Nats fail real test: should pay more attention in class

National’s plans for national testing of school children, if implemented, will follow in the footsteps of other international failures and, like them, result in the dumbing down of teaching, the Green Party says.


Real Estate 24 Aug 2008
Overseas speculators could shut out first home buyers

The Greens are calling on the Government to take action after a report that overseas buyers are swooping on the New Zealand property market, keeping out first time home buyers.


Politics 22 Aug 2008
Landslide response to Greens' call for ETS input

The Green Party is facing a busy weekend at the computer as views from the public on their ETS decision flood in.


Politics 21 Aug 2008
Greens seek opinions from kiwis on ETS

The Green Party is facing a difficult decision over whether to lend its support to the Emissions Trading Scheme.


Waste 21 Aug 2008
Sewage ponds overflow at Lake Horowhenua

MANAWATU-WHANGANUI — Sewage ponds have overflowed at the Lake Horowhenua treatment plant with only new unlined earth banks keeping them from spilling into the lake.


Health 20 Aug 2008
Green MP joins school kids for tobacco protest

CHRISTCHURCH — The Green Party is supporting the call from Christchurch children for all tobacco retail displays to be removed from the sight of children and young people in dairies, supermarkets and petrol stations around New Zealand.


Technology 19 Aug 2008
Making IT work for people - new Green policy

DUNEDIN — The Green Party released its Information Technology (IT) Policy today ahead of a lecture tonight by free software legend Richard Stallman, jointly hosted by Otago University's Campus Greens branch and the computer science department.


Waste 18 Aug 2008
Call for public debate over waste management

LEVIN — Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman MP has challenged Horowhenua Mayor Brendan Duffy to a public debate in Levin over the District Councils waste management practices.


Environment 17 Aug 2008
Greens moot tougher penalties for polluters

The next Government needs to increase instant fines possible under Resource Management Act regulations for serious polluters of rivers and lakes, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Environment 15 Aug 2008
Woollies get thumbs up over rainforest tissues

The Woolworths supermarket chain is being praised by the Green Party for severing links to a pulp and paper company linked to alleged illegal logging and unsustainable practices.


Water 14 Aug 2008
Save the Whitebait (fritter)

WEST COAST — On the eve of the whitebait season, the Green Party is calling on farmers, councils and the Government to protect whitebait habitat from the impacts of livestock and industry.


News 14 Aug 2008
Nats energy policy is financial madness

The National Party's new energy policy is a tribute to cronyism and makes no economic sense, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 14 Aug 2008
Yadegary decision shows need for Immigration Bill change

Green Party MP Keith Locke welcomes the Court of Appeals decision upholding bail to a jailed Iranian Christian, and says Parliament should delete a provision in the Immigration Bill that allows indefinite detention.


Politics 12 Aug 2008
National courts beneficiary-bashing vote with welfare policy

National's new welfare policy is a recipe for further harassment and despair, and little more than an updated replay of its failed 1990s attack on unemployed people and beneficiaries.


Water 12 Aug 2008
Otago must come clean about rogue farmers

OTAGO — Otago Regional Council must stop protecting names of persistent polluters if it is serious about the problem of worsening river quality in the region, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Politics 12 Aug 2008
Petition calls on Govt to protect Pacific's tuna fisheries

The Green Party is launching a petition calling on the Government to take urgent action to halt the over-exploitation of the Pacific's tuna fisheries.


Agriculture 12 Aug 2008
Polluters gain control over freshwater - Rural News

Reports in the 82,000-circulation Rural News newspaper that agricultural polluters gained control of the Government’s Water Programme of Action should be a cause of concern for all other New Zealanders, says Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman.


Politics 12 Aug 2008
Nuclear power definitely not an option: Greens

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons describes Matthew Hooten as ‘indulging in some wishful thinking’ in the Sunday Star Times this week.


Politics 11 Aug 2008
National makes dangerous moves on welfare: Greens

National looks set to take a giant step backwards in its plans for beneficiaries, say the Greens.


Waste 11 Aug 2008
Threat of sewage discharge into Lake Horowhenua

Horowhenua District Council needs to rethink its priorities, with a new threat to discharge sewage into Lake Horowhenua, the Green Party says.


Health 8 Aug 2008
Herceptin decision a blow, but not for politicians to make

Pharmac’s decision to turn down additional funding to extend Herceptin funding from 9 weeks to 12 months is a bitter blow for many New Zealand women, Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 8 Aug 2008
Big gains for community sector: Green Party policy launch

The Green Party believes the New Zealand economy and society would benefit hugely if the community sector was properly resourced and enabled to meet its full potential.


Olympics 7 Aug 2008
Open Letter to Dave Currie - NZ Olympic Team Manager

I am writing to you in my capacity as Sports Spokesperson for the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand.


Science 7 Aug 2008
AgResearch aims to spread GE animals around NZ

A huge application to genetically engineer a wide range of animals, plus human and monkey cells, side-steps a government promise to deal with GE applications on a case by case basis, Greens Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Energy 7 Aug 2008
Petrol prices are due to peak oil not profits

The problem with petrol pricing is the end of cheap oil, Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel confirmed today.


Politics 6 Aug 2008
Hungry young mums should be treated with dignity: Greens

It is not acceptable that Work and Income case managers continue to bully and intimidate people seeking their assistance, the Green Party says.


Transport 5 Aug 2008
Public transport the poor cousin, again

The Government’s Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding, released this afternoon, fails to meet goals for sustainable transport, severely underfunds alternatives to cars and will keep New Zealanders shackled to petrol for many more decades, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Environment 5 Aug 2008
Council lacks courage to save Tukituki

HAWKE'S BAY — The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council appears to be all talk when it comes to making the Tukituki River anything other than an insipid agricultural drain, says Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman.


Environment 5 Aug 2008
Wairau decision will destroy braided river ecosystem

MARLBOROUGH — The Green Party is disappointed in the decision of Marlborough District Council to grant resource consents for Trust Power’s hydro scheme on the iconic braided Wairau River.


Politics 5 Aug 2008
Repression is not an Olympic sport

Green Party MP Keith Locke and Wellington human rights activists will meet in front of Parliament at 1pm today to highlight the plight of those striving for democracy in China and Tibet.


Health 5 Aug 2008
24,000 suffer adverse reactions to medicines

Over 22,000 New Zealanders suffered adverse reactions to medicines while they were in hospital last year, and a further 1910 experienced adverse reactions to medicines obtained outside of hospitals, according to figures obtained by the Green Party from answers to written questions.


Politics 4 Aug 2008
Lonely dinosaur seeks white elephant

News that the National Party plans to borrow billions and gut the RMA so it can fast track new motorway projects is evidence that National is living in the past, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Environment 1 Aug 2008
GE promoters scared of public spotlight

The New Zealand genetic engineering lobby group Life Sciences Network has shown its true colours by fighting against both open information and protection for non-GE growers, says Greens Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Conservation 31 Jul 2008
Photos prove that massacred trees were healthy

WEST COAST — The Green Party has obtained photos of the mature rainforest trees felled by Transit last week, which show they were not rotten and dangerous, and should never have been removed from the protected World Heritage site they grew in.


Politics 31 Jul 2008
Clark and Cosgrove must challenge Games web censorship

Green Party MP Keith Locke is asking the Government and New Zealand Olympic officials to challenge Beijing’s censorship of websites available to those visiting the Games.


Politics 31 Jul 2008
Greens tighten GE safeguards

As part of its co-operation agreement with the Government, the Green Party has negotiated new safeguards to protect all those who want no part of any genetically-engineered farming industry.


Politics 31 Jul 2008
Greens back IHCs human rights complaint

Green Party is backing IHC’s complaint to be laid today with the Human Rights commissioner that Government policy systemically discriminates against children with special education needs.


Food 30 Jul 2008
Food scare reinforces need for country of origin labelling

Consumers who have purchased a product containing unapproved genetically engineered rice should be being warned not to eat it as its affects on human health are unknown, the Green Party says.


Politics 30 Jul 2008
Officials out of touch with New Zealanders

CANTERBURY — It is ridiculous that officials are backing a proposal to set up a new field trial in Canterbury of genetically engineered onions, spring onions, garlic and leeks by saying it would “enhance” aspects of New Zealand’s reputation, says Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Environment 29 Jul 2008
Cleaner land at Mapua at the expense of air and water

TASMAN — The Green Party is concerned that the clean up of the Mapua site near Nelson has probably come at the expense of further contamination of air and water.


Water 29 Jul 2008
Action, not cover-up, needed over Coast water quality

WEST COAST — Greens Co-Leader Russel Norman says he is worried central government may put pressure on West Coast authorities to ignore a report saying 100 percent of West Coast water supplies failed to meet drinking standards.


Deaths 28 Jul 2008
Sad loss to New Zealand

New Zealand has lost one of its strongest Maori guardians of this country’s indigenous flora and fauna.


Energy 28 Jul 2008
Oil dependency takes its toll

Today’s new trade deficit figures showing a massive increase in the cost of importing petrol and other oil products dramatically illustrate why the Government must reduce New Zealand’s dependence on oil, the Green Party says.


Olympics 28 Jul 2008
Currie must stop discouraging free speech for athletes

Green Party MP Keith Locke has criticised the chef de mission of New Zealand’s Olympic team Dave Currie for discouraging our athletes from speaking out on human rights issues while in Beijing.


Environment 28 Jul 2008
Major breakthrough in tropical timber campaign

Pledges by most New Zealand major furniture retail chains to stop importing outdoor kwila furniture is a major victory for those campaigning to save Melanesian rainforests, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman said today.


Police 26 Jul 2008
Police must butt out of politics during Rice visit

AUCKLAND CITY — It is a constitutional affront for the Police to threaten students wishing to conduct a citizen’s arrest of visiting US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Green Party MP Keith Locke says.


Energy 25 Jul 2008
Coal or Kiwi: Solid Energy at it again

WESTPORT — More native forest, snails and kiwi habitat are destined for destruction by Government-owned coal company Solid Energy.


Health 24 Jul 2008
Spotlight Needs to Shine on Aged Care Homes: Greens

AUCKLAND — The Green Party says fears that five other rest homes could be almost as bad as Auckland’s Belhaven home – where an elderly woman was gagged – undermine confidence in the entire aged care sector, and to restore confidence the government should publicly release audits of all New Zealand rest homes.


Politics 24 Jul 2008
Taxation Bill will strip New Zealands manufacturing base

Giving tax breaks to New Zealand businesses that move their operations offshore is insanity, Green Party Regional Development Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Environment 23 Jul 2008
Swimmable rivers promise on indefinite hold

The Government’s long-awaited Proposed National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management released today puts on hold a Labour promise to make all water bodies safe for swimming within a generation, according to Green MP and Co-Leader Russel Norman.


Health 23 Jul 2008
Dear Helen, please listen to the parents - Greens

The Government must listen to the concerns of parents worried about the health risks of locating huge telecommunications tower masts next to pre-schools and schools, Green MP Sue Kedgley said today.


Water 22 Jul 2008
Broken promise on water safety in leaked paper

A leaked government blueprint for freshwater management shows Labour may be about to break its promise to make all water bodies safe for swimming within a generation, according to Green MP and Co-Leader Russel Norman.


News 22 Jul 2008
Methyl bromide review overdue but welcome: Greens

The Green Party is pleased that ERMA is finally listening to community concerns and will reassess the use of methyl bromide - an ozone depletor which has been linked to severe ill-health in workers.


Politics 22 Jul 2008
Removing barriers for disabled is a human rights issue

Green Party MP Metiria Turei has today released the Party’s Disability Policy: Removing the barriers.


Water 22 Jul 2008
Shocking report on West Coast water quality

WEST COAST — The West Coast mining and dairy industries must be called to account by the West Coast Regional Council and the Government, after the industries were identified today as major offenders in a report saying 100 percent of West Coast water supplies failed to meet drinking standards, the Green Party says.


Migration 21 Jul 2008
Immigration Bill improved, but still oppressive

Green Party MP Keith Locke has welcomed improvements in the Immigration Bill, reported back to Parliament today, but says it is still oppressive.


Environment 21 Jul 2008
Don't kill the golden goose, Fonterra

Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman has welcomed figures announced today showing boosted export success for Fonterra, but warns the company needs drastic change to protect New Zealands and the companys long-term future.


Business 21 Jul 2008
Questionable supermarket policy needs investigation: Greens

Allegations that supermarket giant Progressive Enterprises is applying pressure to its suppliers adds further impetus to the Green Party’s call for a Commerce Commission inquiry into industry practices, and a code of conduct for supermarkets, Safe Food Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 21 Jul 2008
Greens call for independent review of light bulb claims

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons has called on the Government to commission a review of the evidence of health effects from mercury in CFL lamps, from an independent specialist toxicologist, following the article in this issue of Investigate magazine.


Transport 21 Jul 2008
Move to public transport a golden opportunity: Greens

News that public transport use is at a record high – with a 34 percent rise in Auckland rail passengers – is a golden opportunity for the Government to build on this trend and further encourage commuters to leave their cars at home, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Environment 18 Jul 2008
Green Party applauds Long Bay Regional Park decision

AUCKLAND — The Green Party today welcomes news that the Environment Court has moved to put more safeguards around protection of Long Bay Regional Park.