Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Education 17 Jul 2008
Students are worth it, Greens say

The Government should release a timetable for the roll out of universal student allowances, Green Party Tertiary Education Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Politics 17 Jul 2008
Bradford asks Nats to clarify NGO and work for dole plans

A report in the ‘New Zealand Herald’ this morning that Australian NGO corporate Mission Australia is keen to bring its work for dole programmes into New Zealand should ring major alarm bells about what may await beneficiaries, and the community and voluntary sector, in the event of a National victory.


Politics 16 Jul 2008
Aussie ETS no model for New Zealand

The Green Party is disappointed that Australia’s proposed emissions trading scheme will not provide a model for New Zealand.


Business 16 Jul 2008
Chair case sends strong signal on buy Kiwi made integrity

NEW PLYMOUTH — The outcome of a case where a New Plymouth furniture company was convicted under the Fair Trading Act of falsely declaring products ‘New Zealand made’ underlines the importance of maintaining the integrity of the brand, the Green Party says.


Transport 16 Jul 2008
Roads. 230 times better: Transit

Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman is describing Transit’s 10 Year Transport Plan, which proposes spending 230 times more on roads than on cycle and walking infrastructure, as 1960s style transport thinking.


Food 15 Jul 2008
Affordable food prices an absolute necessity: Greens

The Government needs to step in and help struggling New Zealanders, by increasing benefit levels and extending the $60 a week in work payment, in light of today's announcement of record high food prices, the Green Party says.


Transport 15 Jul 2008
$1/litre petrol drives NZs biggest roading programme

A Green Party analysis of Land Transport New Zealand economic evaluations shows that the Government systematically discriminates against public transport projects, including pricing petrol at $1 dollar a litre.


Science 15 Jul 2008
Severe suffering in experiments almost doubled last year

The Green Party says the Government needs to explain why the numbers of animals who were forced to endured very severe suffering during experimentation almost doubled last year.


Transport 14 Jul 2008
Kiwi trains good news for kiwi economy

The Green Party encourages the Government to move as quickly as possible on plans to assemble new KiwiRail locomotives in New Zealand, says Regional Economic Development Spokesperson Sue Bradford.


Transport 14 Jul 2008
New Helensville service shows future for rail

AUCKLAND — Auckland Green Party MP Keith Locke hails the new Helensville-Auckland passenger service, after travelling on the inaugural train this morning.


Transport 13 Jul 2008
Get into gear to improve Public Transport: Greens

Reports from around New Zealand of overcrowding on buses and trains is evidence of a creaking and groaning public transport system that desperately needs to pick up the pace, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Energy 11 Jul 2008
$10 a litre petrol prices in a decade is a wake-up call

Predictions from prestigious Australian research institute CSIRO that petrol could cost up to AUS$8 – about NZ$10 – per litre within a decade means we need to rapidly change course to avoid serious economic disarray, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Transport 11 Jul 2008
Transmission Gully costs will never end

WELLINGTON — Reports today that the cost of Transmission Gully cannot be met by the local and regional councils come as no surprise to the Green Party, Wellington Transport Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Environment 10 Jul 2008
Royal Society is clear: deniers are mischief makers

The Green Party welcomes the unambiguous statement today by the Royal Society of New Zealand’s expert committee on climate.


Food 9 Jul 2008
Controversial insecticide found in food tests

The Green Party is concerned that residues of the highly toxic and controversial insecticide Endosulfan have been found in lettuce, strawberries and courgettes sold in New Zealand.


Health 8 Jul 2008
Inquiry shows ambulance services in desperate situation

New Zealand’s ambulance service is underfunded, under-staffed, lacks strategic direction, regulatory oversight or national clinical standards, and relies too heavily on volunteers, the Green Party’s minority report says.


Media 7 Jul 2008
National's broadcasting policy - more of the same

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says that National's Broadcasting Policy, announced today is likely to add further commercial pressure to an already fragile public broadcasting environment.


Politics 7 Jul 2008
Bradford challenges Key to come clean on NGOs

Green Party MP Sue Bradford is alarmed at indications the National Party has plans that could silence local NGOs on social issues.


Cricket 7 Jul 2008
Government should help NZ Cricket stop it's tour of Zimbabwe

Green Party MP Keith Locke wants the Government to ensure the Black Caps tour of Zimbabwe doesn’t go ahead.


Education 4 Jul 2008
Green MP joins students in protest

AUCKLAND — Green Party Tertiary Education Spokesperson, Metiria Turei, joined students in Auckland this morning in a march down Queen Street against student debt and fees.


Agriculture 4 Jul 2008
ERMAs madness endangers NZ beef exports and our health

It is madness that the Environmental Risk Management Authority is risking New Zealand’s meat and dairy exports by continuing to allow the use of a highly toxic insecticide which is banned or heavily restricted in more than 50 countries, the Green Party says.


Politics 3 Jul 2008
Greens criticise Governments 'bandaid' welfare plans

The Green Party welcomes minor changes to supplementary assistance for beneficiaries announced today, but says they fail to address fundamental faults in the benefit system.


Transport 3 Jul 2008
Trucking must pay its way - Greens

It is time to stop subsidising the trucking industry and price transport on a level playing field if New Zealand is to make the transition to a sustainable economy, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 3 Jul 2008
Presidential candidates release welcomed by NZ Greens

Reports that Colombian Green Party politician Ingrid Betancourt, along with three American citizens, has been rescued from FARC militia after six years in captivity have been greeted with enthusiasm by the New Zealand Green Party.


Police 2 Jul 2008
Police enthusiasm for pepper-spray needs to be reviewed

Green Party Police Spokesperson Keith Locke wants the Police Commissioner to review the way his officers are using pepper spray.


News 2 Jul 2008
Pollution plan smells like a hijack, Mr Anderton

Word for word submissions from Landcorp and Federated Farmers opposing improvements to water quality in the Manawatu and Wanganui regions rivers to make them safe to swim in, smell of a hijack, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Environment 2 Jul 2008
Open letter receives closed response

John Key has finally responded to Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons open letter in which she requested details of Nationals preferred Emissions Trading Scheme.


Transport 1 Jul 2008
Council takes commuters for a ride

WELLINGTON — Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says she is shocked to learn that Wellington children will no longer have a reduced fare in the central city, and that some train fares are to increase by over 30 dollars a month.


Media 1 Jul 2008
'UnFairfax' should keep Subeditors in local communities

Fairfax has a journalistic responsibility to keep editing jobs in our communities and regions ahead of short term cost cutting, Green Party Employment Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Diplomacy 30 Jun 2008
Help Britain kick Zimbabwe cricket out of 20/20

Green Party MP Keith Locke wants New Zealand to back Britain in getting Zimbabwe cricket kicked out of the World Twenty20 next year.


Environment 30 Jun 2008
ERMA oks continued use of one of worlds worst pesticides

The Green Party says it is shocked ERMA has recommended the continued use of endosulfan, a highly toxic chemical banned in many western countries, and is calling on the Minister for the Environment to review the decision.


Employment 29 Jun 2008
Working week set for major changes: Greens

Green MP Sue Kedgley hopes flexible working patterns will become the norm and the rigid nine to five working week will gradually become a thing of the past, once the new flexible working right comes into force on Tuesday 1 July.


Marine 27 Jun 2008
Govt's oceans plan sinks the environment

The Labour Government has yet again let down New Zealanders and the environment this time by back-tracking on its promise to protect New Zealands oceans.


Politics 27 Jun 2008
Govts oceans plan sinks the environment

The Labour Government has yet again let down New Zealanders and the environment this time by back-tracking on its promise to protect New Zealand’s oceans.


Food 26 Jun 2008
Supermarket mark-up on Kiwi staples surprising

The Green Party has renewed calls for a Commerce Commission investigation into supermarket pricing practises and has revealed the large mark ups that supermarkets have placed on two Kiwi staples.


Defence 26 Jun 2008
Military aircraft cost blowout unacceptable: Greens

Green Party MP Keith Locke is concerned at the lack of accountability by the Ministry of Defence and Defence Force regarding cost blowouts of almost $400 million on key defence projects, identified in an Auditor General’s report released today.


Police 26 Jun 2008
Better police systems needed for at-risk detainees

Green Party Spokesperson for Mental Health Issues, Sue Bradford, says the case of four police officers acquitted of assaulting a man in custody demonstrates systemic problems in the force when it comes to dealing appropriately with people with mental health issues.


Employment 25 Jun 2008
New employment right comes into effect 1 July

A new employment right to request flexible working arrangements comes into effect on 1 July 2008, as a result of a members Bill from Green Party MP Sue Kedgley.


Waste 25 Jun 2008
Parliaments greenwash hoodwinks Ministers

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons told a conference on carbon neutrality and sustainability in the Public Sector that under the Govt3 waste system Ministerial Offices have - for over a year - diligently been separating organic waste, only for it to be landfilled.


Politics 24 Jun 2008
Price on carbon could be positive for the economy: Greens

Farmers would profit from involvement in the Emissions Trading Scheme, reinforcing the Green Partys insistence that farming be included in the Bill earlier than 2013, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Motoring 24 Jun 2008
Transmission Gully makes no sense, say Greens

WELLINGTON — With petrol costing over $US130 a barrel, it makes no sense to build a billion dollar motorway, especially one along an earthquake fault line, Green Party Wellington Transport Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 23 Jun 2008
Biofuels will be sustainable and cheap

The sustainability clause in the new Biofuel Bill, reported back from select committee today, is the strictest in the world, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Electricity 23 Jun 2008
Nothing to fear from energy efficient lighting: Greens

The National Party has gone on record for a second time today opposing sustainability and lower energy prices for households.


Conservation 23 Jun 2008
Greens send S.O.S to Japanese media

The anti-whaling message of hundreds of New Zealanders is being sent to the Japanese media today, to coincide with the start of the International Whaling Commission conference in Chile.


Politics 23 Jun 2008
Bradford responds to referendum petition

Green MP Sue Bradford is calling on political parties and the voting public to reject calls to turn back the clock in response to the launch of the extra signatures on the petition opposing changes to the law on child discipline at Parliament today.


Politics 20 Jun 2008
Nandors valedictory speech scheduled

WELLINGTON CITY — Green Party MP Nandor Tanczos valedictory speech and Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman’s maiden speech have been scheduled for the upcoming fortnight.


Politics 20 Jun 2008
Locke to welcome deported peace activist home today

Green Party MP Keith Locke criticises Israel for deporting New Zealand peace activist Harmeet Sooden.


Politics 20 Jun 2008
Greens challenge Key to reveal Nationals version of ETS

The Green Party is challenging National Leader John Key to come clean on what kind of emissions trading scheme his party would introduce if it becomes Government later this year.


Politics 18 Jun 2008
Horse vaccine kills GE-free NZ

The release of a live genetically engineered virus would kill New Zealand’s ‘GE free’ status and, as discovered with possums and didymo, create huge risks through a lack of containment, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 18 Jun 2008
Govt must protect local workers from fishy schemes

The Green Party is horrified that two South Island seafood companies may be granted permits to bring in migrant labour just weeks after 323 jobs were axed from Sealords Nelson mussel factory.


Politics 16 Jun 2008
Greens make the polluters  not the public - pay

The Greens have succeeded with several improvements in the Emissions Trading legislation at select committee stage and so voted for the Bill to return to the House for further consideration.


Transport 16 Jun 2008
Catch the train now or miss the bus: Greens

AUCKLAND — The Government should underwrite the funding stream for the electrification of the Auckland rail system so new electric trains can be ordered now, the Green Party says.


Politics 16 Jun 2008
Urgent inquiry into counterfeit pesticides needed

The Green Party is calling for an independent and public investigation of allegations that counterfeit pesticides are being widely imported and used in New Zealand, and for a significant increase in testing to detect for illegal or counterfeit pesticides.


Deaths 12 Jun 2008
E moe Matua Monte Ohia

CHRISTCHURCH — Green Party MP Metiria Turei expresses her deepest sorrow to the whanau of Monte Ohia who passed away in Christchurch last night.


Agriculture 12 Jun 2008
Backroom deal guts agricultural targets: Greens

A backroom deal between the Government and the agriculture sector has gutted the industry’s voluntary emissions targets and directly contradicts Government policy, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons has revealed.


Traffic 11 Jun 2008
Kp ur eyes on da rd

The Green Party says that regulating cell phone use in cars is a long awaited move that will make New Zealand roads safer and undoubtedly save lives.


Politics 9 Jun 2008
Greens challenge Govt: drop crippling road policy

The Government urgently needs to shift funding from new motorways into better public transport, says Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Electricity 9 Jun 2008
It's the little things that make a big difference

The Green Party says most consumers could reduce their energy consumption without any reduction in comfort or convenience just by thinking ahead.


News 9 Jun 2008
GE food call way out of whack with reality: Greens

It is inappropriate for the president of the World Organisation for Animal Health to go in to bat for genetic engineering, says the Green Party.


Energy 8 Jun 2008
Trying to catch a Fish with a Teaspoon

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons has answered John Key's call to lower the OCR to counter high oil prices by saying that is like trying to catch a fish with a teaspoon.


Marine 6 Jun 2008
Shark photos prove finning alive and well in NZ

Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei is calling on the Minister of Fisheries to ban the barbaric practice of shark finning, and put New Zealand law in line with that of other developed countries.


Environment 6 Jun 2008
Vital to show leadership in confronting climate change

Climate change is the Issue of our Generation and it’s vital that politicians show leadership when confronting this challenge, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 4 Jun 2008
Most parents agree: non-violence is the best way

Green Party MP Sue Bradford welcomed news this morning that the New Zealand Health Survey has found physical punishment is one of the least used methods of child discipline.


Travel 3 Jun 2008
New regs for kiwi visitors to US bureaucracy gone mad

New travel regulations for Kiwis visiting the United States have been criticised by Green Party Human Rights Spokesperson, Keith Locke, as ‘bureaucracy gone mad’.


Politics 31 May 2008
Green's Menu for Change launches food revolution

AUCKLAND — Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons today launched a Menu for Change - a basket of goodies designed to ensure New Zealanders have access to affordable, healthy food, in her speech to the Partys Annual Conference today.


Food 30 May 2008
Kedgley to attend World Food Security Conference

Green Party Safe Food Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is attending the High Level World Food Security Conference in Rome next week, as a member of the New Zealand delegation.


Conservation 29 May 2008
Dolphin plan fails to guarantee species survival

The Maui’s and Hector’s Threat Management Plan announced by the Minister of Fisheries today has failed to guarantee the survival of these endangered species, Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Politics 29 May 2008
Cheap Chinese labour is fishy deal for local seafood industry

It’s crazy to catch fish in New Zealand, then ship it to China for processing, before bringing the finished product back to New Zealand for sale, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Transport 29 May 2008
Heavier freight will endanger other road users

Heavier trucks on New Zealand roads will endanger the lives of other road users and undermine incentives to use safe and sustainable transport such as rail and shipping, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.


Community 29 May 2008
Hoodies not just for hoods, get over it

Green Party MP Metiria Turei is delighted to support Youth Week and especially Hoodie Day.


Court 29 May 2008
Acquittals reinforce need for public prosecutors office

Acquittals in three high profile criminal cases have reinforced the need for the establishment of a public prosecutor’s office, the Green Party says.


Conservation 28 May 2008
Department of Conservation: A species in decline

The Green Party is bitterly disappointed in the Government’s Department of Conservation staff cuts announced today.


Environment 28 May 2008
Arctic melts while Labour drags chain

New discoveries about the rate at which the Canadian Arctic ice cap is breaking up should inspire urgency in our efforts to address climate change, says Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Health 28 May 2008
Keeping warm a matter of life and death: Greens

News that an extra 1600 New Zealanders die every winter due mostly to cold, damp and poorly maintained homes underpins the significance of the Green Party’s successful Budget initiative to insulate all state houses, Greens Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Electricity 28 May 2008
Bright future for energy efficient hot water technologies

Government Spokesperson on Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Jeanette Fitzsimons, today announced that 31 projects with a combined value of $950,000 have been offered funding under the second round of a government fund to encourage smart innovations in solar water heating and heat pump water heating technologies.


Politics 28 May 2008
Greens disgusted over treatment of East Coast beneficiaries

BAY OF PLENTY — Green Party MP Sue Bradford will be asking questions of the Social Development Minister in Parliament today about Work and Income treatment of sickness and invalid beneficiaries in the Opotiki-Whakatane district.


TV 27 May 2008
Transparency should be paramount for TV funding: Greens

The Green Party strongly supports the Broadcasting Minister’s decision to require TVNZ to have to bid for any future Charter funding in a transparent way through New Zealand on Air.


Agriculture 27 May 2008
Crowded house for chickens: Greens

Chickens worldwide must be in a terrible condition, if New Zealand chickens have the best animal welfare standards in the world, Green MP Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 26 May 2008
Green Party Annual Conference, Auckland University Waipapa marae, updated programme

AUCKLAND — Green Party 2008 Annual Conference Friday May 30 to Monday June 2, (with workshop details) at University of Auckland’s Waipapa Marae, and some sessions at Owen Glenn building.


Politics 26 May 2008
Greens call for urgent and meaningful action on benefits

While the Green Party welcomes news that the Government is considering some relief for beneficiaries in the wake of last week's Budget, it says the changes are not enough.


Community 26 May 2008
Poll shows positive shift in child discipline attitudes: Greens

A Family First survey released today that shows 48 percent of parents still smack their children actually highlights a massive improvement in attitudes over the past year, Green Party MP Sue Bradford says.


Health 23 May 2008
Contaminated medical devices a huge concern - Greens

News that life saving medical devices used in New Zealand have been found to be coated with contaminated blood thinning pharmaceutical Heparin is a huge concern, the Green Party says.


Education 23 May 2008
Meager tertiary concessions fail students yet again

Green Party Tertiary Education Spokesperson, Metiria Turei, has labeled the meager tertiary concessions in the 2008 budget as ridiculous.


Politics 22 May 2008
Greens win $100 million for environment and community

Almost $100 million has been secured by the Green Party in the 2008 budget, comprising their largest budget package ever.


Food 21 May 2008
Country of Origin Food Labelling

Green MP Sue Kedgley questions economist and investor Gareth Morgan about food safety standards and the Green Party's call for country of origin food labelling.


TV 21 May 2008
Prime-time local content declining, survey shows

New Zealand On Air’s latest Annual Local Content report shows that the amount of New Zealand programming on free to air prime-time television is declining, the Green Party says.


Politics 21 May 2008
Tanczos to stay till election

Green Party MP Nandor Tanczos will remain in Parliament till the 2008 election.


Politics 20 May 2008
Green Party viral video attracts unlikely fans

A viral video released by the Green Party has received nearly 3000 ‘hits’ in three weeks, one of them from a new subscriber to the Green Party’s online channel - ‘johnkey2008’.


Conservation 20 May 2008
Green Party Budget initiatives boost conservation projects

Two important conservation programmes will get a major funding boost of $12 million, thanks to the Green Party’s successful Budget initiative.


Politics 20 May 2008
Cullens challenge: support regional economies

With 320 job losses at Sealord’s Nelson mussel factory and 138 meatworks jobs going from Dunedin, Thursday’s budget needs to raise benefits and rebuild local economies, Green Party Regional Development Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Politics 18 May 2008
More delay is the last thing we need: Greens

John Key's approach to climate change policy has all the urgency of a methane-emitting cow chewing its cud, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 16 May 2008
Green Party release controversial video

To Launch their new campaign “Some things are bigger than politics” the Green Party of New Zealand have released a humorous viral video through Youtube and their Green Party website.


Horse Racing 16 May 2008
Peters has it all wrong on Racing - Greens

Last night’s Budget announcement that the taxpayer will put $9 million dollars into prize money for premier racing over the next three years shows how skewed the Government’s approach to racing has become, Green Party Racing Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Food 15 May 2008
New advertising guidelines favour industry not kids

Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley welcomes the fact that the industry has taken the initiative on children’s advertising, but is disappointed that the new guidelines apply to so few hours in a day, in addition to having so many opportunities for the industry to exercise a right of veto.


Agriculture 15 May 2008
Landcorp and Government should help struggling sheep farmers

Green Party MP Nandor Tanczos calls on Landcorp to support New Zealand sheep farmers by trialling organic sheep farming methods rather than leading the shift to dairy conversion.


Building 15 May 2008
Greens secure warmer, drier State homes

The Green Party has ensured that five years from now all State House tenants will be living in insulated homes.


Electricity 13 May 2008
Minister ignores DoCs inconvenient submission against dam

Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says the Minister has displayed flawed reasoning in declining to call in the Mokihinui Hydro Proposal under the Resource Management Act.


Health 13 May 2008
Greens help set up antibiotic resistance surveillance scheme

The Green Party has secured $4 million funding over four years to establish a comprehensive antibiotic resistant surveillance system in New Zealand.


Food 13 May 2008
Imported food testing regime gets Green Budget boost

Additional funding of $2.4 million over four years secured by the Green Party in Budget 2008 will improve the monitoring and testing of foods that are imported into New Zealand.


Food 12 May 2008
False info calls food labelling system into question: Greens

The extent of inaccurate and false information of food labels calls into question the credibility of the entire food labelling system, following research which shows that nearly 58 percent of food samples tested showed inaccurate information on nutrient levels, Green Party Safe Food Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.