Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 22 Oct 2008
Coke versus Pepsi not good enough anymore: Norman

An analysis of election media coverage in The Press today shows that TV news programmes are being bullied into cutting the MMP parties out of their content, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Education 22 Oct 2008
More community input into preschools needed: Greens

Green Party Education Spokesperson Metiria Turei welcomes Government funding of $9 million over two years to develop nine new early childhood education services on existing school sites in south Auckland, but calls for more grassroots community involvement rather than the state subsidising overseas-owned education franchises.


Transport 22 Oct 2008
Greens Launch Wellington Transport Strategy

WELLINGTON — The Green Party announced their Transport Strategy for Wellington today, which is designed to eliminate congestion in Wellington, make public transport affordable, and reduce our carbon emissions and our reliance on fossil fuels.


Environment 22 Oct 2008
Endosulfan use just tip of toxic iceberg

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says she was horrified to learn at the ERMA public hearing today that the highly toxic insecticide endosulfan is being widely used on privately owned sports fields, bowling greens, croquet lawns and golf courses around New Zealand.


Politics 21 Oct 2008
Inflation figures show need for a Green Investment Plan

The Green Party is renewing calls for a green public investment plan, in light of the highest inflation figures in 18 years - driven by high oil prices.


Politics 21 Oct 2008
Fitzsimons to take the plunge - literally

QUEENSTOWN — Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons will today fulfil a 20-year dream to hurl herself from a bridge attached to a thin rubber band.


Politics 21 Oct 2008
Peters privatisation of KiwiBank dangerous

The Green Party is rejecting calls by New Zealand First to privatise KiwiBank.


Health 21 Oct 2008
Mental health care crisis needs urgent attention: Greens

AUCKLAND — The coroner’s inquest into the death of Shane Fisher while a patient at Auckland Hospital’s psychiatric acute unit will today raise questions that the Auckland District Health Board must urgently answer, Green Party Mental Health Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Politics 20 Oct 2008
Greens outline approach for post-election talks

The Green Party has evaluated the policies, programmes and public statements of the two old parties according to the 12 criteria announced a week ago.


Finance 20 Oct 2008
Green Economic Policy

The Green Party’s Economic Policy - launched today by Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons - includes new measures of economic success, lowering income taxes and instead taxing pollution and waste, and allowing only citizens and residents to buy New Zealand land.


Politics 17 Oct 2008
Greens counter Peters with welcoming immigration policy

Anti-immigration feeling has no place in the Green party Immigration and Population policies released today, Green MP Keith Locke says.


Politics 17 Oct 2008
Green Party focus on democracy, education and justice for Maori

Protecting the role of Mori in our democracy underpins the Green Party Mori Issues policy released today.


Politics 16 Oct 2008
Winstons migrant bashing wont work: Greens

Winston Peters’ scaremongering about immigration won’t work this time around, Green Party Immigration Spokesperson Keith Locke says.


Finance 16 Oct 2008
Cooperation needed to reign in cowboys and speculators

The Green Party is supporting calls by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for an internationally coordinated overhaul of financial regulation and will be pushing for the next New Zealand Government to join international action.


Politics 16 Oct 2008
Buying out broke timber mills is not the answer

The Government should be helping the struggling timber industry through the downturn, but purchasing their plants is not the way to do it, the Green Party says.


Politics 16 Oct 2008
Greens worried campaign is taking its toll on PM

The Green Party is concerned that the stress of the election campaign may be causing the Prime Minister's memory to fail her.


Politics 16 Oct 2008
Maori Party's 'No Dole' will increase poverty, social risks

Maori Party Co-Leader Tariana Turias suggestion yesterday that the dole should be scrapped is dangerous in the extreme, and especially for Maori who tend to be disproportionately unemployed, the Green Party says.


Finance 15 Oct 2008
Guarantee should include responsible lending rules

The announcement this afternoon of further details of the Government's deposit guarantee scheme is welcome, but New Zealanders should get a guarantee of responsible lending practices and responsible salary packages in return, the Green Party says.


Economy 15 Oct 2008
Advance state home building for jobs, homes, transport

The Green Party says it is time to join the dots between tough economic times, job losses in the construction and timber industries and chronic housing shortages.


Politics 15 Oct 2008
Whale Rider star campaigns in London

Whale Rider star Rawiri Paratene will be in London this week to campaign for the Green Party.


Politics 14 Oct 2008
Labour heats up the left overs and promises hot air

Labour's sustainable infrastructure announcement is a disappointing mixture of already-announced initiatives and promises so vague they have no real meaning, the Green Party says.


Politics 14 Oct 2008
National announces plan to keep homes cold and damp

National’s plans to cancel the Green Party’s $1 billion home insulation programme reveals yet again that they are not interested in the health and welfare of ordinary New Zealanders, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 14 Oct 2008
Rob Hamill to Stand for the Green Party

TARANAKI — Trans-Atlantic rowing race winner Rob Hamill will be calling on Taranaki-King Country to “Party Vote Green” in the upcoming General Election.


Politics 13 Oct 2008
Greens welcome student allowances, shame it took 9 years

The Green Party has welcomed Labour’s promise today to phase in universal student allowances, but says that only the Green Party will make sure that Labour delivers on its pledge.


Politics 13 Oct 2008
Time for sustainable infrastructure, not tax cuts

The Green Party is calling for spending on sustainable infrastructure to be brought forward in response to the global financial crisis - but is opposed to further dead-end spending on new motorways.


Food 13 Oct 2008
Consumers opt for cheaper, unhealthy foods - Green survey

A Green Party snapshot grocery shopper survey has found that many New Zealanders are increasingly unable to afford healthy food and are purchasing cheaper less healthy alternatives in order to feed their families.


Transport 10 Oct 2008
It's Makeover Monday for Mt Eden Railway station

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland rail commuters will be treated to a vision of the future on Monday morning (October 13) when Green Party MP Keith Locke and his supporters transform the Mt Eden railway station into a more pleasant place for commuters.


Food 10 Oct 2008
Unsafe food allegations point to massive breach of trust

The Green Party is calling for an independent review into the New Zealand Food Safety Authority’s decision-making processes following allegations the agency hushed-up its own report which questioned the safety of GE Corn variety MON863 for human consumption.


Fishing 9 Oct 2008
QMS open to widespread abuse Mfish officials say

Instead of blowing the trumpet of New Zealand’s QMS system, Ministry of Fisheries Chief Executive Wayne McNee should concentrate on preventing the well known and widespread abuse of the system, the Green Party says.


Environment 9 Oct 2008
Time to aim a spotlight on contaminated land - Greens

A Green Party Budget bid aimed at investigating contaminated land in New Zealand has shed a small shaft of light on dioxin contamination at sawmill sites.


Food 9 Oct 2008
Better to be safe than sorry - Greens

The Green Party is calling on food safety authorities to take a precautionary approach and test fruit and vegetables imported from China, following reported possible finds of melamine contamination in other countries.


Politics 9 Oct 2008
Old parties' policies go under Green microscope

The policies of the two old parties will come under the scrutiny of the Green Party over the next few weeks as it decides which of them has the best interests of New Zealanders at heart.


Politics 8 Oct 2008
Nat's cuts will increase debt, poverty

Green Party Co-Leaders have called Nationals proposed tax a fake free lunch which will increase New Zealands debt and the gap between rich and poor, and suck resources out of research and science.


Politics 8 Oct 2008
Former Channel 9 reporter stands as list candidate for The Greens

Lizzie Gillett started out as a news reporter here on Channel 9 but in just seven years managed to work her way up to the role of Producer on a cinema documentary.

Filming a train timelapse


Food 8 Oct 2008
Greens call for an end to misleading labelling

The Green Party is urging New Zealand manufacturers to follow the lead of the makers of Anathoth jams and introduce detailed, accurate country of origin labelling on their products.


Conservation 8 Oct 2008
St James worthy of new National Park: Greens

The Green Party believes the Government’s purchase of the iconic St James Station announced today gives an opportunity to create a new National Park centred on the Lewis Pass highway.


Health 8 Oct 2008
Eltroxin sufferers to wait months, not weeks as promised

Government drug-funding body Pharmac has confirmed today to the Green Party that people experiencing adverse reactions to the thyroid drug Eltroxin will have to wait until at least mid November for a subsidised alternative medicine, despite Government assurances in September that an alternative was only weeks away.


Politics 7 Oct 2008
Key must act responsibly: Greens

The Green Party is calling on John Key to do the responsible thing and drop his plans for further tax cuts on top of Labour’s tax cuts, in light of the Government’s financial position and the uncertainty in global financial markets.


Conservation 7 Oct 2008
Global plight of mammals plays out in NZ courts

Green Party MP Metiria Turei says the Red List released today by the highly respected International Union for Conservation of Nature shows there have been very few improvements for New Zealand’s marine mammals.


Transport 7 Oct 2008
Greens investigate legal challenge on Penlink funding

AUCKLAND — The Green Party is considering a legal challenge to plans to fund the new Rodney Penlink road out of a regional fuel tax.


Pets 7 Oct 2008
No place in New Zealand for industrial animal torture

The Green Party policy on Animal Welfare, launched today, calls for an independent Commissioner of Animal Welfare to help end animal suffering in New Zealand.


Politics 6 Oct 2008
Time for Green thinking on the economy

It is time for Government to set its sights on a Green economy to ensure there will be jobs for New Zealanders, that food will be affordable and it won’t be out of people’s reach to get around, the Green Party says.


Forestry 6 Oct 2008
Greens' woulds for green wood

The Green Party has pledged in its Forestry Policy today to protect New Zealand’s timber industry from cheap, illegally logged rainforest timber, and reduce New Zealand’s part in the global trade in priceless rainforests.


Corrections 6 Oct 2008
Victims' rights forgotten in Nat's 'Schools of Crime': Greens

National’s controversial plan to focus on New Zealand’s worst criminals ignores our victims of crime, says the Green Party.


Politics 5 Oct 2008
Green Party Campaign Launch

Keynote speeches by Green Party Co-leaders


Environment 3 Oct 2008
Stop the crap and save Doubtless Bay

NORTHLAND — Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman is supporting calls by Ngati Tara for the Far North District Council to rethink plans to increase the amount of treated human sewerage going into Doubtless Bay via the Parapara Stream.


Politics 3 Oct 2008
Are Chinese spies monitoring Fonterra and New Zealanders?

New Zealanders will be disturbed to learn that China has been conducting a massive spying operation on the online phone service Skype, and that one of the trigger phrases is ‘milk powder’, Green Party Human Rights Spokesperson Keith Locke says.


Politics 3 Oct 2008
MMP parties join forces over TV3 debate

The leaders of three MMP parties have written a joint letter to the TV3’s head of news and current affairs Mark Jennings condemning the decision to cancel the All Parties Leaders debate and asking for it to be reconsidered.


Transport 2 Oct 2008
Peak oil and public transport: Cullens revelation

The Green Party have challenged Labour to redirect the billions of dollars earmarked for New Zealand’s largest ever roading programme into public transport, following Dr Cullen’s admission yesterday that people will choose public transport if it is provided and that Peak Oil is real.


Trade 2 Oct 2008
Drug flood threat lurks in Chinese trade deal: Greens

New Zealand’s burgeoning methamphetamine problem could worsen as more precursor ingredients enter the country because of our preferential trade deal with China, says the Green Party.


Politics 2 Oct 2008
Labour leaves legacy of pollution

The Labour-led Government should be ashamed for allowing the country’s waterways to become more polluted under its watch, despite Labour promising at the last election to make rivers safe for swimming in, Greens Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Deaths 2 Oct 2008
Greens saddened by death of kaumatua

The Green Party is saddened by news of the death of Parliament's kaumatua John Rangitihi Rangiwaiata Tahuparae.


Environment 2 Oct 2008
Lake tests seem to confirm leaching from sewage ponds

LEVIN — Tests in Lake Horowhenua after the recent overflow of nearby sewage ponds appear to confirm the lake suffered from extra pollution because of the event, Greens Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Sport 2 Oct 2008
New Zealand sports grounds getting toxic treatment

The Green Party says children are being needlessly put at risk by 18 councils around New Zealand that are spraying playing fields with a highly toxic insecticide, banned in more than 50 countries, when a safer alternative is readily available.


Crime 1 Oct 2008
Family violence rise means more resources critical: Greens

The increase in family violence reporting revealed in statistics released by the police today is one clear indicator of just how successful the ‘It’s Not OK’ and related campaigns have been, says the Green Party.


Politics 30 Sep 2008
Nat's RMA reforms endanger environment: Greens

Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says the National Partys plans to reform the Resource Management Act are a misguided business-first, community-second, environment-last policy.


Police 30 Sep 2008
Police Assoc shouldnt justify excessive violence: Greens

Green Party MP Keith Locke says the Police Association should not be justifying the excessive use of pepper spray in police cells.


Food 30 Sep 2008
Chinese trade deal means more food safety concerns: Greens

Food safety concerns can only grow with the start of New Zealand’s preferential trade deal with China tomorrow, says the Green Party.


Transport 30 Sep 2008
Simple sums, more public transport = fewer cars: Greens

The latest figures from the New Zealand Transport Agency and ARTA show that even the recent fall in petrol prices has not been enough to encourage commuters back into their cars.


Electricity 30 Sep 2008
Grid buyback essential if foreign owners go under

The Green Party is calling on the New Zealand Superannuation Fund to buy back the South Island electricity grid if Wachovia Bank - which effectively owns the grid - collapses as expected.


Business 30 Sep 2008
Residents need to know  where are the cell tower sites?

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley is calling on Telecom, Vodafone and NZ Communications to publicly release a list of thousands of proposed sites for new cell phone towers, to inform local residents before they are built.


Politics 29 Sep 2008
Family First shows legal ignorance

Clarification of earlier media release.


Finance 29 Sep 2008
NZ Super Fund invests $100m in nukes etc

The Green Party is challenging the New Zealand Super Fund’s statement today that they no longer invest in ethically compromised companies such as those engaged in nuclear weapons manufacture.


Politics 29 Sep 2008
Consumer protection more vital than trade in Chinese food scandal

In the wake of the European Union’s ban on imports of all Chinese milk-related products for children over the weekend, the New Zealand Government must put consumers before trade deals in its handling of the melamine scandal, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 29 Sep 2008
Bully-boy tactics attempt to gag MMP parties

 The Green Party is disappointed that TV3 has allowed itself to be bullied by Helen Clark and John Key, and effectively gagged the MMP parties.


Health 29 Sep 2008
Greens support removal of tobacco displays from retail outlets

The Green Party strongly supports the call to remove tobacco displays from their prominent position next to checkout counters in most supermarkets and dairies around New Zealand.


Politics 29 Sep 2008
S59 poll results gives mixed message - Greens

Today’s Herald poll on attitudes to the Section 59 law change shows just how confused next year’s referendum question is, Green Party Children’s Issues Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Politics 28 Sep 2008
MMP attacked by Clark and Key's refusal to front: Greens

The collaboration of Helen Clark and John Key to refuse to share a TV platform with other party leaders is extreme arrogance and signals the start of a major attack to undermine MMP, says the Green Party.


Transport 26 Sep 2008
Free travel a good start but what about the rest?

The Green Party welcomes free off-peak public transport for superannuitants but says the most urgent thing is better quality, more reliable and more frequent services.


Politics 26 Sep 2008
Nats & Labour bar Country of Origin food labelling: Greens

In light of the Chinese infant formula scandal, New Zealanders will be shocked to learn that Labour and National have voted against a 39,000-signature petition calling for mandatory country of origin labelling of fresh and single component food, Green MP Sue Kedgley says.


Deaths 25 Sep 2008
RIP Brian Donnelly: Greens

New Zealand has lost a highly principled and respected citizen with the death of former New Zealand First MP Brian Donnelly QSO today, the Green Party says.


Politics 25 Sep 2008
Taxpayer to fund hunting lobby group

The Government and United Future are keeping close to their chests the cost of creating yet more hunting advocacy and advice groups, and which recreation services will be cut to pay for them.


Politics 25 Sep 2008
ANZ launches Sell New Zealand Made campaign

ANZ National Bank has badly let down New Zealanders with today’s announcement that they will cut staff numbers through attrition and redundancy, Green Party Employment Relations Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Food 25 Sep 2008
NZFSA must reveal identity of contaminated product

New Zealand’s Food Safety Authority must immediately name the New Zealand-made product found to contain melamine and issue a nationwide recall of it and the White Rabbit Creamy Candies, the Green Party says.


Environment 25 Sep 2008
Hand-wringing by Minister will not clean up rivers

The Government is doing little else but hand-wringing over the polluted state of New Zealand’s lowland rivers instead of taking the brave action needed, Greens Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Transport 25 Sep 2008
Bus lockout heavy handed; low wages disgraceful

WELLINGTON CITY — “The lockout of 300 Wellington bus drivers is a heavy handed over-reaction to legitimate claims by Wellington bus drivers for a decent wage increase,” Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.


Conservation 24 Sep 2008
Green light for Community Conservation Fund

Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei, with the Minister of Conservation Steve Chadwick, today launched the new Community Conservation fund, which provides $4 million dollars over the next two years for projects on public land.


Politics 24 Sep 2008
Ironic for Fonterra to criticise SanLus silence

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says it is astounding Fonterra are condemning their partner company SanLu for covering up the milk powder crises for seven months, when they themselves chose to remain silent for a whole month too after learning of the contamination, and failed to alert senior Chinese officials or issue a mandatory nationwide recall.


Health 24 Sep 2008
Government puts Public Health Bill on backburner: Greens

As Parliament heads into its final week, the Green Party says the Government has lost its nerve, bowed to food and advertising industry pressure, and put the Public Health Bill on the backburner,” Greens Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Food 24 Sep 2008
Banned chemical to come back in children's food?

WELLINGTON CITY — Green MP Sue Kedgley today expressed dismay that an attempt is being made by a Wellington company to reintroduce a banned chemical into food that children will eat.


Food 23 Sep 2008
Country of Origin Labelling a food safety issue: Greens

It is incredible that the Government still insists on keeping New Zealanders in the dark on the question of where their food comes from, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Energy 23 Sep 2008
Choosing efficient water heating is now even easier

Government Spokesperson on Energy Efficiency, Jeanette Fitzsimons, has today announced that heat pump water heaters will soon be included in the solar grants scheme, giving consumers more efficient hot water choices.


Politics 23 Sep 2008
Govt. covers up animal suffering

The Government is covering up animal welfare and other concerns about AgResearch’s genetic engineering facility at Ruakura by refusing to answer any parliamentary questions about the research, says Greens Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Politics 23 Sep 2008
Pharmac, GE free, ownership at risk in US trade deal

The Green Party is calling on the Government to make a public commitment not to weaken Pharmac and not to weaken laws on genetic engineering or foreign ownership in any trade deal with the United States.


Transport 23 Sep 2008
NZ maps show who oil prices are hitting most

Following a record US$25 spike in the price of a barrel of oil, Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons has released a series of city maps which show how well, or badly, New Zealand’s suburban populations are prepared for rising oil prices.


Politics 21 Sep 2008
Faster, cleaner, safer, cheaper  our public transport future

WELLINGTON CITY — More choices for commuters and protection from prices at the petrol pump are key elements of the Green Party’s Transport Package released by Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons in Wellington today.


Politics 19 Sep 2008
Govt must explain 25 day delay in taking action

The Government must explain to New Zealanders why there was 25 day delay before it took any action to warn the Chinese Government that SanLu infant formula was contaminated.


Politics 19 Sep 2008
Green Candidate Campaigning for the Party Vote in Tauranga

TAURANGA — Regional Councillor Karen Summerhays was selected today as the Green Party candidate for the Tauranga electorate.


Council 18 Sep 2008
Coast suffers while council dithers over sewage

NORTHLAND — It is ridiculous for Far North District Council to blame “greenies” for the council’s lack of long-term planning and for sewage problems created by the council, Greens Co-Leader Russel Norman says.


Traffic 18 Sep 2008
Motorists forced to share roads with more trucks: Greens

The Government predicts a 75 percent increase in the amount of freight carried through New Zealand, but is not considering increasing rail or shipping capabilities, even though ETS legislation has just been passed to reduce climate changing carbon emissions.


Politics 18 Sep 2008
Food imports from China? Who knows.

With more than 6000 Chinese babies suffering kidney damage from contaminated baby milk formula, our own Government must drop its opposition to mandatory Country of Origin labelling of food before a similar tragedy occurs here, the Green Party says.


Politics 18 Sep 2008
Intruder Alert: State snoopers in your computer

Green Party MP Keith Locke is concerned that the new Search and Seizure Powers Bill will further intrude on New Zealanders’ privacy.


Politics 18 Sep 2008
Nothing to fear from gang treaty claims - Greens

The Treaty of Waitangi claims lodged by two gangs will air the impacts of 1940s and 50s government policy shifting Maori from rural areas as a cheap urban workforce, the Green Party says.


Food 17 Sep 2008
Fonterra has responsibility to assist sick babies

Fonterra has a responsibility to ensure that the families and children affected by their Chinese partner’s contaminated products are getting the medical attention they desperately need, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.


Agriculture 17 Sep 2008
Ag. leaders beef-up pressure against river clean-ups

Regional councils must resist new pressure from farming leaders who seem to want to stop council moves to enforce effluent consents and clean up rivers, the Green Party says.


Politics 17 Sep 2008
National reveals roading lobby donation thanks to EFA

The National Party has been forced to reveal they are being funded by the roading lobby as a result of the ‘rolling disclosure’ provisions the Greens insisted were placed in the Electoral Finance Act.


Politics 17 Sep 2008
Make peace not war: Green Party Foreign Policy launch

New Zealand should be much bolder in promoting peace, human rights, social justice and sustainability on the world stage, say the Greens.


Politics 17 Sep 2008
Greens: Policies for workers must be fair for all

The Green Party today publicly launched its Industrial Relations policy for the 2008 election.


Politics 17 Sep 2008
Kaukapakapa a test for National

HELENSVILLE — Hearings starting next week for a proposed new gas-fired power station in National Leader John Key’s electorate of Helensville are a major test for Mr Key and his party on climate change issues, Greens Co-Leader Russel Norman says.

Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman (centre) meeting local residetns at the Kaukapakapa site last week.


Politics 16 Sep 2008
Even more reasons for Fonterra to have gone public

Fonterra had even more reason to go public about the contaminated milk issue after it was revealed that the company who imported the milk powder for further processing in Taiwan is one of their subsidiary companies, the Green Party says.