Nick Smith

164 posts | 1 images

Nick entered parliament in 1990 as the youngest MP ever and the first National MP in Tasman since 1932, then following the MMP reforms in 1996, was elected the first Nelson National MP since 1954. He continues to hold the seat with a comfortable majority. A Minister in the National Government he has held the portfolios of Education, Corrections, Assoc Minister of Immigration, Treaty Negotiations and Social Welfare. At present he is National Party Spokesman for Environment/RMA, Energy and Building & Construction, in addition to being the Caucus representative on the National Party Board 

Joined January 2008
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Environment 26 Oct 2010
Govt boosts funding to improve land management practice

Management of waterways and native flora and fauna near farm land will be improved as a result of a funding boost for the New Zealand Landcare Trust, Environment Minister Nick Smith announced today at the premiere of the film Water Whisperers Tangaroa in Takaka, Golden Bay.


Waste 13 Oct 2010
$2 million recycling initiative for 2011 RWC

Environment Minister Nick Smith today launched a $2 million programme to install hundreds of public recycling bins around New Zealand in preparation for the 2011 Rugby World Cup.


Environment 6 Oct 2010
Govt steps up e-waste recycling

Environment Minister Nick Smith today announced $1.15 million in grants from the Waste Minimisation Fund for eDay 2010 and new e-waste processing facilities.


Environment 21 Sep 2010
Transmission Gully plan change referred to Board of Inquiry

WELLINGTON — Transmission Gully has moved a step closer today with Environment Minister Nick Smith referring a vital plan change to an independent Board of Inquiry.


Motoring 12 Aug 2010
Motorcyclists & ACC look to Victoria to improve motorcycle safety

New Zealand needs to follow the lead of Victoria, Australia where the serious injury rate for registered motorcyclists has fallen 20% since a safety levy was introduced eight years ago, ACC Minister Nick Smith says.


Environment 1 Aug 2010
New RMA efficiency measure takes effect

New regulations requiring councils to provide a discount for late processing of resource consents come into effect tomorrow and will reduce delays and help the economic recovery, Environment Minister Nick Smith says.


Water 21 Jul 2010
Minister approves moratorium proposal for Hurunui

CANTERBURY — Environment Minister Nick Smith has given his approval for Environment Canterbury Commissioners to place a moratorium on new water takes from the Hurunui River and its tributaries from 23 July 2010 to 1 October 2011.


Water 1 Apr 2010
First step to improving Canterbury water management

CANTERBURY — The passing of the Government's Environment Canterbury (Temporary Commissioners and Improved Water Management) Bill through Parliament today is the first step to improving Canterbury's water management, says Environment Minister Nick Smith and Local Government Minister Rodney Hide.


Environment 27 Feb 2010
Govt consulting on tree weed exemption

Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith today announced the Government's proposed regulations for allowing the clearance of some tree weeds without penalty under the Emissions Trading Scheme.


Politics 17 Feb 2010
Govt working hard to save ACC for Kiwis

The Government's reforms of ACC are all about ensuring the scheme is affordable and sustainable for future generations, ACC Minister Nick Smith says.


Agriculture 27 Jan 2010
Minister calls in Mackenzie Basin dairy discharge consents

CANTERBURY — Environment Minister Nick Smith today called in three large dairy effluent discharge consents in the Mackenzie Basin and established a board of inquiry to decide on the applications.


Waste 23 Jan 2010
$3 million to councils for waste minimisation

City and district councils will today receive their first payment of waste levy funding collected under the Waste Minimisation Act, Environment Minister Nick Smith says.


Agriculture 9 Jan 2010
Government considering intervention options over McKenzie intensive dairying proposals

CANTERBURY — "The Government recognises the level of public interest in major proposals for intensive dairying in the McKenzie basin and is considering options for intervention", Environment Minister Nick Smith said today.


Environment 12 Dec 2009
Govt to consult with industry on ETS allocations

The Government yesterday released a consultation document as a first step in the process of allocating emission units to industry under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith says.


Politics 10 Dec 2009
Government announces 2010/11 ACC levy rates

ACC levies for workers, employers and motorists will increase next year but less than those recommended by the ACC Board, ACC Minister Nick Smith says.


Politics 23 Nov 2009
ETS agreement enables progress on climate change

The Government has secured the support of the Māori Party to enable New Zealand to implement an affordable and workable emissions trading scheme next year, Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith says.


Politics 17 Nov 2009
Motorcycle accident record cannot be ignored

ACC minister Nick Smith responded to today's motorcycle protest over proposed ACC levy increases by highlighting the significant increase in fatalities and claims from motorcycle accidents.


Politics 16 Nov 2009
Changes to ETS needed to reduce costs

Parliament needs to pass amendments to the existing Emissions Trading Scheme prior to Christmas to make it workable and affordable, Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith says.


Media 14 Nov 2009
Guardian criticism a reality check on climate change policy

Criticism in today's Guardian is a reminder of the risk to New Zealand of not taking climate change seriously and ensuring our actions match our words, Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith says.


Politics 31 Oct 2009
Labour hypocrisy over ACC levy increases

It is a bit rich for Labour to today be protesting increases in ACC levies given it was its financial mismanagement that created the problem, ACC Minister Nick Smith says.


Politics 27 Oct 2009
Review of ACCs approach to sensitive claims

ACC Minister Nick Smith today announced that he has requested that ACC commission an independent clinical review in six months' time of its new approach to managing sensitive claims.


Environment 24 Oct 2009
Wairau report confirms need for RMA reforms

Minister for the Environment Nick Smith today released a report on the processing of TrustPower's application to operate a hydro-scheme on the Wairau River.


Environment 22 Oct 2009
River ranking puts focus on water quality

Environment Minister Nick Smith has today welcomed the release of league tables that rank the water quality of New Zealand's major rivers.


Politics 14 Oct 2009
Law changes needed to make ACC affordable

Changes in ACC are needed to make the scheme affordable, sustainable and fair, ACC Minister Nick Smith says.


Politics 5 Oct 2009
Goodbye Nanny State; Hello Green Economy

The Government's environmental agenda is about rolling back Nanny State regulations and achieving better environmental outcomes through financial incentives, says Environment & Climate Change Minister Nick Smith.


Politics 20 Aug 2009
Minister welcomes Resource Management Bill report-back

Environment Minister Nick Smith today welcomed the report back to Parliament on the Resource Management Amendment Bill saying the recommendations will cut through costly red tape without compromising environmental protections.


Politics 13 Aug 2009
Labour wrong on 2020 costs

Labour's claims that the Government has exaggerated by tenfold the costs of a 10% to 20% emissions reduction target announced yesterday raises serious questions about the economic literacy of the Opposition.


Politics 11 Aug 2009
2020 target balances economy & environment

Climate Change Ministers Nick Smith and Tim Groser today announced an emissions reduction target range of 10% to 20% below 1990 levels by 2020.


Politics 7 Aug 2009
ACC stocktake details announced

ACC Minister Nick Smith today announced the terms of reference and membership of the steering group for the stocktake of ACC that will look at how the scheme can remain affordable for families, businesses and the Government.


Electricity 5 Aug 2009
Bold 2020 target comes with high price

Achieving 100% renewable electricity by 2020 would cost $17.5 billion, put power prices up by 30% and require the equivalent of seven Clyde Dams being built, Climate Change Minister Nick Smith says.


Electricity 5 Aug 2009
Bold 2020 target comes with high price

Achieving 100% renewable electricity by 2020 would cost $17.5 billion, put power prices up by 30% and require the equivalent of seven Clyde Dams being built, Climate Change Minister Nick Smith says.


Environment 1 Aug 2009
Audit report step forward for Mapua

MAPUA — The audit report on the remediation of the former Fruitgrowers Chemical Company site in Mapua has confirmed the land is now fit for residential, commercial and open space use – subject to certain conditions.


Environment 29 Jul 2009
Nelson botanist wins premier conservation award

NELSON — Nelson botanist Dr.


Environment 29 Jul 2009
Public meeting details for Mapua report released

MAPUA — Environment Minister Nick Smith today confirmed details of a public meeting to be held in Mapua on 31 July where residents will find out results of key reports into the state of a former contaminated site.


Politics 28 Jul 2009
New reports help inform climate change policy

New reports released today on the economic and forestry aspects of climate change policy will help inform Government decisions on New Zealand’s 2020 emissions target and policy on emissions trading, Climate Change Minister Nick Smith says.


Conservation 9 Jul 2009
Forest and Bird concerns unfounded

Forest and Bird's claim that the Government plans "wide-scale privatisation" of the South Island high country is complete rubbish, says Associate Minister of Conservation Kate Wilkinson.


Environment 8 Jul 2009
Govt consults public on 2020 emissions target

WELLINGTON —   The Government today began a process of public consultation on New Zealand’s 2020 emissions target with a public meeting in Wellington last night.


Water 1 Jul 2009
Government improves water quality monitoring

“An important part of the Government’s strategy to address fresh water quality is improving the standard and frequency of monitoring”, Environment Minister Nick Smith said today in addressing Fish & Game New Zealand’s annual staff conference.


Forestry 19 Jun 2009
Bill to amend ETS forestry timing

The Government today introduced a bill into the House amending technical aspects of the timing of the emissions trading scheme relating to forestry.


Environment 18 Jun 2009
Economic analysis supports modified ETS

A joint report by economic consultants NZIER and Infometrics concludes that a modified emissions trading scheme is the best way forward for New Zealand on climate change policy.


Council 13 Jun 2009
RMA shake-up needed to fix late consents

Changes in law and practice are needed to address the record number of late resource consents, Environment Minister Dr Nick Smith said today.


Environment 10 Jun 2009
Air quality standards to be reviewed

New Zealand's air quality standards need reviewing to ensure they are practical and achievable, Environment Minister Nick Smith announced today.


Environment 8 Jun 2009
Fresh water reform process announced

A new process to improve New Zealand's fresh water management was today announced by Environment Minister Nick Smith and Agriculture Minister David Carter.


Environment 15 Apr 2009
Government cautious over NZ's Kyoto surplus

New Zealand is now expected to exceed its Kyoto target by 9.6 million tonnes  a surplus worth an estimated $241 million, Climate Change Minister Nick Smith announced today.


Weather 23 Mar 2009
Australia and New Zealand Strengthen Climate Change Cooperation

Australian Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong, and New Zealand Minister for Climate Change Issues, Dr Nick Smith, met in Canberra today to discuss climate change and water issues.


Weather 20 Mar 2009
Australia and New Zealand Strengthen Climate Change Cooperation

 Australian Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong, and New Zealand Minister for Climate Change Issues, Dr Nick Smith, met in Canberra today to discuss climate change and water issues.


Politics 9 Mar 2009
New start for ACC

ACC Minister Nick Smith today announced the appointment of former Ernst & Young Chief Executive John Judge as the new chair of the board of ACC replacing Ross Wilson.


Politics 3 Feb 2009
Reform tackles costs, uncertainties and delays of RMA

Changes to the Resource Management Act will simplify and streamline processes without compromising environmental protections, Environment Minister Nick Smith says.


Conservation 10 Dec 2008
Minister releases independent Mapua clean up report

MAPUA — New Environment Minister Nick Smith today released the independent report commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment into its handling of the Mapua contaminated site clean-up near Nelson.


Politics 10 Dec 2008
Climate change select committee established

New Zealand needs to build a broader consensus about how to make progress on climate change issues, Climate Change Minister Nick Smith said today in releasing the terms of reference for the select committee to review the Emissions Trading Scheme and related matters.


Politics 5 Dec 2008
Big blow-out in another ACC account

Officials are recommending an increase in earners levies of $1.337 billion over the next three years to cover significant increased costs of the ACC Earners' Account that funds non-work accidents involving employees.


Politics 17 Jul 2008
Consider Aussie ETS before passing bill

New Zealand needs to give careful consideration to the design of the Australian emissions trading scheme before passing the current bill, says National Party Climate Change spokesman Nick Smith.


Politics 19 May 2008
Parker panics over slowing of ETS process

The cost of rushed, ill thought-out ETS legislation will be far more disastrous for this country than any minor delay while the details are worked out, says National's Climate Change spokesman, Nick Smith.


Politics 9 May 2008
Secret talks on ETS complete nonsense

A report in the National Business Review of secret talks between National and Labour on a deal over the Emissions Trading Scheme is complete nonsense, says National's Climate Change spokesman, Nick Smith.


Forestry 8 May 2008
Labour asleep on Blue Lake logging

ROTORUA — The Labour Government has been asleep at the wheel in regards to the logging of 90-year-old forests on Crown land surrounding the Blue Lake, Tikitapu, in Rotorua, says National's Environment & Conservation spokesman, Nick Smith.


Finance 5 May 2008
Kyoto liability tops $1 billion

Treasury figures released today that put New Zealand's Kyoto liability at over $1 billion for the first time demonstrate the extent of Labour's climate change failure, says National's Climate Change spokesman, Nick Smith.


Environment 3 Apr 2008
Biofuels bill blasted by Environment Commissioner

The Government must heed the message of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment that its biofuels bill is flawed and a risk to New Zealand's clean, green brand, says National's Environment spokesman, Dr Nick Smith.


Electricity 29 Mar 2008
Solar water heating grant to double under National

A future National Government would introduce a $1,000 per household solar water heating grant and simplify the complex building consent rules for solar water heating in order to double the number of systems, says National's Climate Change spokesman, Nick Smith.


Forestry 19 Mar 2008
Chainsaw massacre continues unabated

Figures released today on deforestation are nothing short of an environmental disaster, says National's Climate Change spokesman, Dr Nick Smith.


Politics 20 Feb 2008
More dodgy dealings at Environment Ministry

An admission today that a Ministry for the Environment official attempted to threaten a submitter at a select committee is further proof of political interference in the public service, says National's Environment spokesman, Nick Smith.


Environment 14 Feb 2008
Climate change bungle tops $2 billion

The admission from Labour that New Zealand's Kyoto obligations have deteriorated from a $1.1 billion surplus in 2002, to a $967 million deficit now, confirms the extent of the failure of Labour's climate change policies, says National's Climate Change spokesman, Nick Smith.


Environment 11 Feb 2008
Independence essential in environmental reporting

Revelations that Government officials suppressed parts of the recently-released State of the Environment report add weight to calls for such reports to be prepared by the independent Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, says National's Environment spokesman, Nick Smith.


Politics 14 Jan 2008
$245,000 DOC loo typifies Labour culture of extravagance

TASMAN — Revelations that the Department of Conservation spent $245,000 on a new architecturally designed toilet in the Nelson Lakes National Park illustrates a culture of extravagance within the Government, says National's Conservation spokesman and Nelson MP Nick Smith.


Building 10 Jan 2008
Health costs of leaky homes exposed

A research paper shows the health costs of leaky homes will exceed $474 million and cause an additional suicide each year, says National's Building spokesman Nick Smith.