Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 27 Aug 2019
Racing billionaire donation to National shows need for donation reform in New Zealand

News that previous National Trade Minister Todd McClay facilitated a large donation from racing industry billionaire Lin Lang demonstrates the need for donation reform in New Zealand.


Trade 9 Dec 2013
Govt must release evidence to back up Brownlee's $5 billion TPPA claim

The Government needs to release any official reports that back-up Gerry Brownlee’s claims in the House about the economic benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 25 Oct 2013
NZ must front up on international spying

The New Zealand Government must front up on what it knew about the United States’ monitoring of overseas leaders, the Green Party said today.


Cycling 23 Sep 2013
Police still failing to protect vulnerable road users

The Police are ignoring valuable data that could be used to help protect road users, especially the most vulnerable ones, the Green Party said today.


Politics 6 Jun 2013
Government needs to address causes of prison riots

The Spring Creek prison riot is the latest in a string of prison incidents that need urgent attention from the Corrections Minister, said the Green Party today.


Politics 29 Apr 2013
Key committed to higher power prices for New Zealanders

Prime Minister John Key's threat that a future National Government would scrap NZ Power and put up power prices is a stark admission of failure, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 15 Mar 2013
Phone book opt in change a good call

"Today's news that the White Pages telephone directory will be an opt in system for Auckland is great news for the environment and for people who don't read, need or want a phone book," said Green Party ICT spokesperson Gareth Hughes.


Politics 13 Mar 2013
Get real, not GE, about drought solutions

Taking advantage of farmers’ desperate situations to push the genetic engineering (GE) agenda is unacceptable, the Green Party said today.


Politics 14 Feb 2013
Govt must intervene to bring down exchange rate

News today that the New Zealand dollar has hit a new post-float high against the British pound should be a wake-up call for the Government to intervene to protect jobs, the Green Party said today.


Politics 11 Feb 2013
Greens back smart green economic direction

The Green Party today welcomed Greenpeace's report that sets out a smart new economic direction for New Zealand - one that creates good jobs while protecting the environment.


Politics 8 Feb 2013
Information law too precious to be sold

The Government should not cave to Warner Bros' threats to dictate official information law in New Zealand to hide their dirty secrets, say the Green Party.


Politics 8 Feb 2013
Emperor Joyce has no clothes

Stephen Joyce's assertion that foreign investment in the oil and gas and mining industry will produce large numbers of jobs for unemployed New Zealanders doesn't stand up to scrutiny says the Green Party.


Politics 7 Feb 2013
Cycling black spots need priority action from Govt

The Green Party today called on the National Government to properly fund safer cycle ways in light of a recent study that reveals several key accident black spots for cycling.


Politics 7 Feb 2013
Govt shouldn't be making it any easier to withhold info

Today's findings that the Government must release information it has unjustly withheld shows it should not be making it any easier to withhold information, the Green Party said today.


Politics 7 Feb 2013
Meagre fall in unemployment little solace for those out of work

New figures showing a modest improvement in unemployment will offer little solace for record numbers of New Zealanders out of work, the Green Party said today.


Politics 5 Feb 2013
GMOs need national regulation

The Government must step in to provide the legislative surety that Councils need in order to manage any release of GMOs, the Green Party said today.


Politics 4 Feb 2013
Green Party response to recommendations for OIA

The Green Party is disappointed with the Government's response to the recommendations from the Law Commission's review of the Official Information Act (OIA).


Politics 4 Feb 2013
Minister ducking responsibilities as new report shows looming health crisis

Rather than listen to bad news about an increasing shortage of hospital specialists and do something about it Health Minister Tony Ryall is attacking the messenger, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Feb 2013
Decision to sign off on Novopay defies belief

The decision to sign off on Novopay despite the knowledge of 147 software defects asks some serious questions about what Bill English, Hekia Parata and Craig Foss were thinking, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Feb 2013
Record emigration to Australia as Nats fail on the economy

A record 53,676 people left New Zealand to live in Australia in 2012 as the National Government failed to create jobs and opportunities for people to live here, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Deaths 1 Feb 2013
Green Party expresses sadness at death of Sir Paul Holmes

Green Party expresses sadness at death of Sir Paul Holmes The Green Party is saddened by the death of Sir Paul Holmes today and passes on its condolences to his family and friends.


Politics 1 Feb 2013
More Kiwi jobs sacrificed by Nats' inaction on dollar

Another 192 Kiwis have had their jobs sacrificed because of the National Government's devotion to a failed monetary policy and its unwillingness to change with the times, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 1 Feb 2013
Greens will push for high standards from new Speaker

The decision to support Trevor Mallard for the position of Speaker came after serious consideration of the merits of both nominees, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Feb 2013
Organic milk is solution for DCD fears

It is time for Fonterra to revisit its decision to scale down organics, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Feb 2013
Reserve Bank opts for ideology over jobs

The Reserve Bank decision to keep the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged today will hurt the productive economy and result in further job losses, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Feb 2013
Independent IT investigation needed to fix teachers' pay

Steven Joyce should acknowledge to stakeholders today that an independent IT investigation is needed to find out if Novopay can be fixed or if a new payroll system for teachers is required, the Green Party said today.


Politics 30 Jan 2013
Working prisons need safeguards to protect prisoners and businesses

John Key's decision that more prisons will require their inmates to participate in 40-hour per week programmes of work and rehabilitation must not ignore prisoners' rights or harm businesses, the Green Party said today.


Politics 30 Jan 2013
Reserve Bank Governor must cut OCR to protect jobs

Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler must move to lower the Official Cash Rate (OCR) tomorrow to take the pressure off the exchange rate and protect jobs in the export and manufacturing sectors, the Green Party said today.


Politics 30 Jan 2013
Government hands out cash to wealthy school while Christchurch suffers

The Government's decision to more than triple the amount of money it gives to newly integrated Wanganui Collegiate while closing schools in Christchurch is yet another example of it privileging the privileged while everyday New Zealanders suffer, the Green Party said today.


Politics 29 Jan 2013
So much for Kiwis at the front of the queue

A visit by Mighty River Power CEO Doug Heffernan to talk to Australian hedge fund managers undermines John Key's promise that New Zealanders would be at the front of the queue for shares in our publicly-owned assets, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 29 Jan 2013
Manufacturing exports fall further in real world

Manufactured exports continue to fall under the National Government providing further evidence of a growing crisis in manufacturing, the Green Party said today.


Politics 28 Jan 2013
Customers want 100% pure

Zero is the right level for a new chemical found in our milk, and the National Government shouldn't settle for less, the Green Party said today.


Politics 28 Jan 2013
National's economic approach incoherent

The Government's economic approach is becoming increasingly incoherent given its confusion over whether it's a 'hands-on' or 'hands-off' Government, the Green Party said today.


Politics 28 Jan 2013
Greens take steps to build movement to oppose Government

The Green Party has launched an initiative to draw together new constituencies of New Zealanders disillusioned with the direction the Government is taking.


Politics 25 Jan 2013
Government funds more pollution but dumps key reporting

The National Government is pouring millions into subsidising irrigation for intensive farming yet failing to protect our waterways from becoming even more polluted, Green Party water spokesperson Eugenie Sage said today.


Politics 25 Jan 2013
Key's speech shows no vision for New Zealand

New Zealanders will be left underwhelmed by John Key's excuse-making and visionless 'state of the nation' speech, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 25 Jan 2013
Clean green advantage in danger

The finding of chemical residues in our milk is a wakeup call to the risk of damaging our clean green brand, the Green Party said today.


Politics 24 Jan 2013
Reducing water pollution needs more than a silver bullet

Nitrification inhibitors were never the magic bullet to reduce nitrate leaching, the Green Party said today.


Politics 24 Jan 2013
Rena contamination a further wake up call for Govt

Contamination resulting from the grounding of the Rena highlights the need for Government action to improve the safety of coastal shipping," said Green Party oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes.


Politics 17 Jan 2013
Prime Minister's confidence in Hekia Parata woefully misplaced

John Key's statement that Hekia Parata will remain the Minister of Education in the upcoming Cabinet reshuffle adds insult to injury for students, teachers and parents, the Green Party said today.


Politics 16 Jan 2013
Government should reject proposal to allow profit from pokies

The Government should reject attempts by the hospitality industry to profit from pokie machines as it would create a perverse incentive for bar owners to encourage problem gambling, the Green Party said today.


Politics 16 Jan 2013
Exporting of live animals is cruel

Exporting thousands of live animals is cruel and needs to be more tightly controlled, the Green Party said today.


Politics 15 Jan 2013
Kiwirail must re-open Gisborne line

An independent report released today confirms that the decision to close the Napier-Gisborne rail line is a result of the Government's anti-rail agenda and has nothing to do with the economics of maintaining the line, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Politics 21 Dec 2012
Treasury documents show failed charter schools plan should be dumped

Treasury documents on the creation of charter schools are in agreement with criticism from the Ministry of Education, showing the planned schools forced upon New Zealand children by the National / ACT coalition agreement should be dumped, the Green Party said today.


Politics 21 Dec 2012
SkyCity putting pressure on Govt behind the scenes

Government officials should not be discussing the timing of the release of the Auditor-General's investigation with SkyCity, the Green Party said today.


Politics 21 Dec 2012
Salmon farm decision opens coastline for marine farms

The decision by the Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) Board of Inquiry to allow new salmon farms in recreational areas of the Marlborough Sounds sets a worrying precedent and is extremely disappointing, the Green Party said today.


Politics 20 Dec 2012
Options for safety of trans prisoners

The Government has several options to ensure the safety of transgendered prisoners, the Green Party said today.


Politics 20 Dec 2012
Hillside closure a tragedy for Dunedin and workers

The closure of most of the Hillside workshops is a tragedy for Dunedin and local manufacturing, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 19 Dec 2012
Minister must go for fresh start in education

The outgoing Secretary of Education must not be the scapegoat for the Education Minister who should be stood down after one of the most destructive years in New Zealand education, the Green Party said today.


Politics 19 Dec 2012
GCSB update - investigation must reach a conclusion

The Police have advised the Green Party that its investigation into whether the Government Communications Security Bureau's surveillance of Kim Dotcom was legal has been held up by the bureau becoming a party to Mr Dotcom's legal proceedings in the High Court.


Politics 19 Dec 2012
New Speaker: A chance to look to the future

With the position of Speaker of the House now vacant, it is the perfect time to reflect on the role in an MMP environment, the Green Party said today.


Politics 18 Dec 2012
New Zealand economy falling further behind

The Government's financial position is weaker than expected and, when benchmarked against other OECD economies, the New Zealand economy is being managed poorly, the Green Party said today.


Politics 18 Dec 2012
No need to tax Kiwis for billion dollar boondoggles

National's plan to increase the petrol excise duty by 18% to pay for its so-called 'Roads of National Significance' is a waste of taxpayer money that will unfairly make working families pay for motorways that few will use, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Internet 17 Dec 2012
Greens launch plan to invest in second internet cable

The Green Party has today launched a package of new initiatives to help grow the ICT sector including taking a cornerstone investment in a second internet cable system to New Zealand.


Politics 13 Dec 2012
Greens welcome Super Fund divestment decision

The Green Party has today welcomed the New Zealand Superannuation Fund's decision to divest from four Israeli companies involved in the illegal construction of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.


Politics 12 Dec 2012
Hekia Parata must be sacked

The Prime Minister should sack his Education Minister after her latest and most dangerous failure has left her position untenable, the Green Party said today.


Politics 11 Dec 2012
Court decision reveals Education Minister and Ministry incompetent

The High Court's decision that the Minister of Education acted unlawfully when she decided to close a special school for girls is another example of an incompetent minister out of her depth, the Green Party said today.


Politics 11 Dec 2012
EPA should consider public opposition to polluting salmon farm extension

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) should take into account the petition of over 11,000 New Zealanders that highlights strong public opposition to the application by New Zealand King Salmon to build nine new polluting salmon farms in the Marlborough Sounds, says the Green Party.


Politics 11 Dec 2012
Govt awards permit to Deepwater Horizon company

The Government is gambling with our environment and economy by awarding deep sea drilling permits to a company partially responsible for the Gulf of Mexico disaster of 2010, said Green Party energy spokesperson Gareth Hughes.


Politics 11 Dec 2012
Raising family income key to addressing child poverty

The Children's Commissioner's 'Solutions to Child Poverty' report, released today, reinforces the need to improve family incomes to ensure all New Zealand children get a good start in life and can fulfil their potential, the Green Party said today.


Politics 11 Dec 2012
Another glossy publication, still no plan for jobs

The latest glossy report by Steven Joyce fails to deliver a plan for sustainable jobs, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


News 10 Dec 2012
Royal Commission report closure for families

The Royal Commission's report into the Christchurch earthquakes is a thorough and insightful examination of why the CTV building failed and 115 people were killed, the Green Party said today.


Politics 10 Dec 2012
Freshwater has taken a dive under this Government

The Green Party welcomed today's recommendations of the New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society after its annual meeting and conference.


Politics 7 Dec 2012
NZ criticised at international climate change talks

The National Government should listen to criticism at climate change talks in Doha and sign up to binding commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Green Party climate change spokesperson Kennedy Graham said.


Politics 7 Dec 2012
GCSB incompetence could cost taxpayers millions

It is outrageous the taxpayer could end up footing the bill for the Government Communications Security Bureau's incompetence and the Prime Minister is responsible, Green Party co-leader Russel Norman said.


Politics 7 Dec 2012
NZ shamed in international climate change report

New Zealand is ranked 41 out of a possible 61 for its performance on climate change and under National our position will plummet, Green Party co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 7 Dec 2012
National's Kyoto decision causing backlash at Doha

The National Government's decision to reject making meaningful commitments to reduce New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions has raised the risk of New Zealand being locked out of international carbon markets.


Politics 7 Dec 2012
NZ slammed for Kyoto decision

The National Government's failure to make meaningful commitments to reduce New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions has been slammed by the most senior United Nations climate change figure.


Politics 7 Dec 2012
Govt found investing illegally in cluster bombs

The Green Party has discovered the Government continues to invest in cluster bomb manufacturers despite making a specific commitment not to.


Politics 7 Dec 2012
Cruel cages remain on the menu

The Government has let down New Zealanders who care about animal welfare by continuing to allow cruel cages for egg laying chickens, the Green Party said today.


Politics 6 Dec 2012
Greens seek more pragmatic approach to monetary policy

A cut in the Official Cash Rate (OCR) would have eased pressure on the overvalued exchange rate, helping to rebalance the economy towards exports and manufacturing, the Green Party said today.


Politics 6 Dec 2012
Government should halt Christchurch closure and merger campaign

The Government should call an immediate halt to its Christchurch school closure campaign, as the primary teachers' decision to strike over its 'renewal plan' reveal it has lost the faith of the education sector, the Green Party said today.


Politics 4 Dec 2012
Govt's deep sea drilling plans in tatters

The Green Party welcomed news that Petrobras has abandoned its plans to conduct risky deep sea oil drilling in New Zealand and says it shows the Government's plans for deep sea drilling are collapsing.


Politics 4 Dec 2012
Reserve Bank must regulate banks not be their champion

Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler misled Parliament at his first appearance at the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee when he told the members that bank profits were "about average or below" most other OECD economies, the Green Party said today.


Politics 3 Dec 2012
Fonterra sales locking out farmers

The high price of Fonterra shares is forcing farmers away from the cooperative model and is instead increasing foreign profits, the Green Party said today.


Politics 3 Dec 2012
NZ must lift restrictions on access to TPP talks

The New Zealand Government needs to lift restrictions on access to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations immediately, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 30 Nov 2012
Govt mismanages student allowance changes

Survey results released today raise serious concerns about the future for postgraduate study in New Zealand, and highlight how poorly the Government has managed its own policy changes, the Green Party said today.


Politics 29 Nov 2012
Affordable, healthy homes increasingly out of reach for Kiwi families

New statistics show that home ownership has fallen to a new low and families are increasingly being locked into unaffordable renting, Green Party housing spokesperson Holly Walker said today.


Politics 29 Nov 2012
Home insulation scheme a green success story

The Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart home insulation scheme is a success story that shows how government can work with community groups and local businesses to create green jobs, improve the lives of New Zealanders, and reduce our impact on the environment, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 27 Nov 2012
New report shows lawyers win in free trade battles

A new report on how the legal industry is exploiting investment state disputes clauses in trade agreements shows why New Zealand must refuse to sign any trade agreement that includes these provisions, Green Party Co-Leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 27 Nov 2012
National Government wins awards for climate failure

The National Government's failure to act on climate change has seen it get two fossil of the day awards on the first day of international climate talks, the Green Party said today.


Conservation 24 Nov 2012
Green Party welcomes Govt anti-whaling legal action

The Green Party today welcomed the announcement that the New Zealand Government has lodged an intervention at the International Court of Justice.


Politics 23 Nov 2012
NZ must protest latest executions in Afghanistan

The New Zealand Government should protest the recent use of the death penalty in Afghanistan, the Green Party said today.


Politics 23 Nov 2012
National's transport policy a recipe for Auckland gridlock

A new report shows that investing in the Auckland City Rail Link needs to be a priority for the government's transport budget ahead of its uneconomic so-called Roads of National Significance, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Politics 22 Nov 2012
Australian PPP failures a warning for Transmission Gully

New research shows that Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are a recipe for expensive, white elephant highways, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Politics 22 Nov 2012
Skilled New Zealanders head offshore

Businesses complaining about skills shortages can blame the National Government's failure to staunch the flood of Kiwis to Australia and create jobs in this country, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 21 Nov 2012
Govt plans borrowing and tax hikes to fund unneeded highways

The National Government's reckless plan to build unneeded highways has created a huge budget hole that taxpayers will be forced to pay for with higher taxes, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.