Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 26 Sep 2012
Select Committee inquiry needed into manufacturing jobs crisis

Parliament cannot continue to sit on its hands while the crisis in manufacturing destroys thousands of jobs and drives Kiwis overseas, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Education 25 Sep 2012
No limit on unregistered teachers in charter schools

The majority of teachers at charter schools could be unregistered because the Government has set no minimum level, the Green Party revealed today.


Politics 24 Sep 2012
Inquiry into GCSB must be transparent

The Government Communications Security Bureau’s (GCSB) unlawful actions in regard to the Kim Dotcom case should be of concern to all New Zealanders, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 24 Sep 2012
Government's backwards transport policy leads to job losses

The Key Government's under-funding of rail to pay for grandiose motorway projects is to blame for the loss of 158 jobs at Kiwirail, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Politics 23 Sep 2012
Standards publishing will set back education

The publishing today of primary school league tables based on unreliable data will be used as a defacto league table and is a big step backwards for education in New Zealand, Green Party education spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.


Politics 21 Sep 2012
Action is needed on child poverty now

A new study that shows too many children are suffering from poverty and deprivation highlights that the Government is doing nothing to address it, Green Party children's spokesperson Holly Walker said today.


Politics 21 Sep 2012
Exodus to Australia breaks another record as Nats fail to act

The growing exodus of New Zealanders for Australia is the result of National's failure to act to protect and create jobs, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 21 Sep 2012
NZ out of step on GE

The New Zealand Government needs to follow the lead of Austria and France who are taking action around their approval processes for genetic engineering (GE), the Green Party said today.


Politics 20 Sep 2012
Immediate withdrawal of unsafe GE corn vital

Research released yesterday shows the Government's lax policy on genetic engineering is putting the health of New Zealanders at risk, the Green Party said today.


Politics 19 Sep 2012
CAD figures show economic rebalancing failing

Today's worsening current account deficit figures reveal that the National Government's goal of rebalancing the New Zealand economy is failing, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 19 Sep 2012
Govt delays paying carers following court victory

The actions of the Government since its decision not to appeal the Court of Appeal ruling in the family carers' case are looking more and more like delaying tactics, Green MP Catherine Delahunty said today.


Politics 19 Sep 2012
Petroleum wrong focus for economy

The Green Party says the Government should be creating an energy strategy that reduces New Zealand's dependence on fossil fuels rather than acting as a cheerleader for the petroleum industry at their summit tomorrow.


Politics 17 Sep 2012
Key - Signing false documents okay, just don't check them

The Prime Minister's test for ethical behaviour has reached a new low, now it's okay to sign false documents so long as you don't check them first, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Sep 2012
WINZ culture no better than ACC's

An institutional culture of cost saving has led WINZ to the same strategy of disentitlement as ACC, said the Green Party today.


Politics 14 Sep 2012
Government should respond to US Fed moves

The Government should respond to moves by the US Federal Reserve to purchase mortgage securities to put downward pressure on the overvalued dollar and stimulate the economy said the Green Party today.


Politics 14 Sep 2012
School closure criteria needs to be made clear

The Education Minister must explain to the people of Christchurch the criteria on which she made the decisions about which schools will stay and which will go, the Green Party said today.


Politics 14 Sep 2012
ACC specialists fees reveal huge doubts about independence

Evidence that ACC is paying some medical specialists up to half a million dollars a year, an average of up to $1666 each client, reveals huge doubts about the independence of some of the corporation's favourite doctors, the Green Party said today.


Politics 14 Sep 2012
Government closing schools and giving up on the east

The Green Party is worried that the Government is exploiting the crisis in Christchurch to push through their unpopular education agenda.


Economy 14 Sep 2012
Reserve Bank failing exporters, economy

The Reserve Bank's reliance on one tool - the Official Cash Rate - to deliver economic rebalancing is failing, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
NZ proposes Ross Sea protection for fishing interests, not the environment

Murray McCully's proposal for an ineffective Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Ross Sea focuses on protecting the fishing industry - not the environment, the Green Party said today.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
Govt's surplus at risk from ETS subsidies

The National Government's aim of returning to surplus by 2015 will be put at risk by on-going and indefinite subsidies of major polluters if planned changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme go ahead, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Council 13 Sep 2012
Government's local body reforms create false economies

The Government's pressure on councils to cut spending is forcing them into false economies that will costs Kiwis jobs and wages, said Green Party small business spokesperson David Clendon today.


Politics 11 Sep 2012
Wiri private prison waste of money

The $300 million dollars being spent to set up a private prison is a waste of money that further pushes New Zealand down the dangerous road of privatising our justice system, said the Green Party today.


Politics 11 Sep 2012
Government ETS changes make scheme toothless

The Green Party is calling for the National Government to drop its proposed changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) which the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) today said would render the scheme toothless.


Politics 11 Sep 2012
Take The Step - The Green Party's search for Champions for Children

The Green Party wants ordinary New Zealanders to talk with their feet and take a step to help end child poverty.


Politics 10 Sep 2012
Truly independent medical assessments must be a top priority for new ACC Board

The newly constituted ACC Board needs to demonstrate its commitment to culture change in the organisation by immediately changing the way it commissions the services of specialist medical assessors, Green Party ACC spokesperson Kevin Hague said today.


Politics 7 Sep 2012
No democracy for Canterbury until 2016

The National Government is trampling on democracy by cancelling elections and denying Cantabrians the right to vote for their regional councillors for the second time in a row, the Green Party said today.


Politics 7 Sep 2012
Govt leaves poorest kids out in the cold

The Government has revealed it is completely heartless when it comes to the 20 per cent of kids trapped in poverty, rejecting any possibility of giving the poorest kiwi kids the helping hand it gives other children, the Green Party said today.


Politics 6 Sep 2012
Why is National copying Australia's failed highway PPPs?

Public-Private Partnerships to build highway projects have been expensive failures in Australia, with the public bearing the cost, and National should not be looking to copy this failed model, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Environment 6 Sep 2012
Environment Court ruling a win for clean rivers and a signal to Government

The Green Party today welcomed the Environment Court decision on the Horizons Regional Council's One Plan.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
No need to sell assets to return to surplus

The Government’s own numbers show the Budget will be back in surplus in 2014/15 with or without asset sales The Government's target of returning to surplus by 2014/15 will be easier to achieve if the asset sales don't go ahead, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
GE not in our best interest

The United States State Department and American multinational companies have been pushing for the release of genetically engineered food into the New Zealand environment at a biotechnology conference being held in Rotorua this week, the Green Party said today.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Roll-call of blunders marks asset sales agenda

National's flagship asset sale policy has been marked by mismanagement and crisis while the real economic problems facing our country have been neglected, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
National's cosy relationship with Westpac needs to end

The National Government continues to drag its heels on tendering the government master banking contract, the Green Party said today.


Politics 3 Sep 2012
Govt needs to begin PRT withdrawal now

The Government should be looking at ways to withdraw our forces in Afghanistan, as soon as possible, rather than concentrating on an arbitrary date, Green Party defence spokesperson Kennedy Graham said today.


Politics 3 Sep 2012
Delay gives Kiwis a chance to stop asset sales

The delay in the sale of shares in Mighty River Power gives New Zealanders the chance to have their say in the citizens-initiated referendum and stop asset sales, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 1 Sep 2012
Skycity deal needs full analysis on NZ Gamblefree day

The Key Government needs to initiate a study into the problem gambling harm their deal with SkyCity will cause, Green Party gambling spokesperson Denise Roche said today.


Politics 31 Aug 2012
Referendum can be held before assets sold

A public referendum on asset sales could be held early next year before any of the power companies are sold, the Green Party said today.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Kevin Hague speaks on the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill

Your vote on this bill will stand against your name forever.


Employment 30 Aug 2012
Living wage essential to assist low paid

The growing gap between rich and poor in New Zealand shows why a living wage is needed, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Denise Roche said today.


Environment 30 Aug 2012
Green Bill to protect waterways passes first reading

Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty's Members Bill to close a loophole in the Resource Management Act allowing on-going pollution, passed it's first reading today.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Govt backtrack on software patents damaging

The National Government's decision to open the way for the patenting of software will damage our high-growth software industry and stifle innovation in the sector, the Green Party said today.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Subsidising monster trucks comes at cost to safety

The National Government's $45 million plan to open up more routes to 53-tonne trucks comes at the same time it is cutting spending on road safety and rail, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Govt funds pro GE-lobbyists jamboree

The Minister of Science and Innovation, Steven Joyce, needs to tell the public how much taxpayer funding is going into a conference featuring a number of pro-GE lobbyists and companies, Green Party primary production spokesperson Steffan Browning said today.


Politics 28 Aug 2012
Mighty River squanders $3.8m preparing for sale

Mighty River’s annual report reveals that it has spent $3.8m in the year to June 2012 preparing itself for sale under the Government’s asset sales agenda, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 27 Aug 2012
Government's economic agenda on shaky ground

  The Government's big idea is jobs poor and bad for the environment, said Green Party mining spokesperson Catherine Delahunty.


Politics 27 Aug 2012
National's tax cuts haven't cut tax avoidance

National's 2010 tax cuts, that advantaged New Zealand's wealthiest citizens, have unsurprisingly failed to spur an altruistic upsurge in compliance, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
Waitangi Tribunal report adds to crisis in asset sales agenda

The National Government's asset sales agenda is in crisis and it is time to give it up, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
Privacy across all departments needs checking

A review of how government departments protect New Zealanders' privacy is needed after damning reports into ACC yesterday revealed wider concerns, the Green Party said today.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
Reports show Government role in driving ACC dysfunction

Reports into ACC provide the most compelling evidence yet that the Government's focus on saving a buck has caused ACC to lose sight of its role in helping injured and vulnerable New Zealanders, the Green Party said today.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
Government must front up on full costs of asset sales

New information shows that the energy companies that the Government is planning to sell have already spent millions preparing themselves for sale, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
New report: middle NZ worse off, inequality grows

New research from the Ministry of Social Development has delivered a damning assessment of the Government's economic management, showing that middle income families are now significantly worse off, and inequality at a record high, said the Green Party.

Russel Norman


Politics 23 Aug 2012
Government to delay addressing climate change indefinitely

The Government's stopped even pretending it wants to combat climate change with amendments it is making to the Emissions Trading Scheme, Green Party climate change spokesperson Kennedy Graham said today.


Politics 22 Aug 2012
Netherlands report on children offers lessons for NZ

A new report on child policy in the Netherlands highlights the need for a cross party action plan to tackle child poverty in New Zealand, the Green Party said today.


Politics 21 Aug 2012
Govt innovation report ignores clean green opportunities

The National Government's latest report on innovation has yet again ignored the critical role green innovation will play in transforming our economy onto a more sustainable footing, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 21 Aug 2012
Flood of Kiwis heading to Australia hits new record

A record 53,873 people left New Zealand for Australia in the past year, showing the Key Government has failed to stop the flood of New Zealanders across the Tasman, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Environment 21 Aug 2012
Coal Seam Gas extraction puts environment at risk

“A massive expansion of Coal Seam Gas (CSG) extraction putting our environment and clean green brand at risk is not the solution to the Government’s economic woes,” said Gareth Hughes Green Party energy spokesperson.


Politics 20 Aug 2012
Impact on protesters affects NZ based Satapuala villagers

People of Satapuala village in New Zealand have every right to feel aggrieved and to be supportive of their families back home, the Green Party said today.


Politics 20 Aug 2012
Smith needs to correct wrong fracking facts

"National MP Nick Smith is doing a disservice to the national debate on fracking," said Gareth Hughes Green Party energy spokesperson.


Defence 20 Aug 2012
Green Party expresses sadness for killed soldiers

The Green Party is saddened by the deaths of three New Zealand soldiers in Afghanistan yesterday, and extends its condolences to their families.


Politics 20 Aug 2012
Joint Statement on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand, Australian Greens, Green Party of Canada)

As the Green parliamentary political parties of three nations whose governments are currently in the process of negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), we are issuing this joint statement to express our serious concern at the fundamentally undemocratic and non-transparent nature of the agreement.


Politics 18 Aug 2012
New Zealand soft touch on fishing

Reports that Sanford is considering abandoning American operations following its conviction for shoddy practice confirms that we need better protection, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Aug 2012
Government's Basin flyover a waste of public money

The decision to push ahead with the ninety million dollar Basin Reserve flyover is a significant waste of public money and a poor transport solution, says the Green Party.


Politics 17 Aug 2012
Bennett selective about what advice she gets

Paula Bennett is only interested in advice which supports her punitive agenda and is happy to push through policies which have perverse effects, Green Party social services spokeswoman Jan Logie said today.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Manufacturing continues to contract under National

The manufacturing sector continues to decline under the National Government's economic watch, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Minister needs to take responsibility

A decision about whether to dig up the South West New Zealand World Heritage area must be made by the responsible minister and not an official, the Green Party said today.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
More work needed on EEZ Bill

"There are now so many amendments to the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Bill that it needs to go back to select committee for more scrutiny," Green Party oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today.


Politics 15 Aug 2012
Greens welcome light rail shortlisting for Wellington

The Green Party today welcomed Greater Wellington Regional Council's shortlist of public transport priorities for Wellington.


Politics 15 Aug 2012
Prime Minister must tell Bennett to follow privacy law

John Key should instruct Paula Bennett to act in accordance with the Privacy Act, in light of her refusal today to rule out releasing private information on benefit recipients in the future said the Green Party.


Politics 15 Aug 2012
Govt's export plan misses big issues exporters face

National's new export strategy fails to address two big issues that threaten our exporters: the high New Zealand dollar and the risk to our brand posed by National's anti-environment agenda, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Food 15 Aug 2012
Healthy food in schools would give kids a better chance

A new study and the Government's own nutritional guidelines show that healthy food in schools is crucial to our children's health and learning, the Green Party said today.


Politics 14 Aug 2012
Once in a generation opportunity to protect our children

The Government has been given a once in a generation opportunity to tackle the root causes of child vulnerability and should join with all parties to create an action plan for children, the Green Party said today.


Politics 14 Aug 2012
Government wants to borrow for reckless motorway spend-up

Having repeatedly insisted that there is no transport budget crisis, Gerry Brownlee is now seeking the power to borrow to build uneconomic motorways, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Politics 14 Aug 2012
Wellington Rape Crisis forced to cut services

Government must step in to protect Wellington Rape Crisis as it is forced to cut services to four days a week, the Green Party said today.


Politics 13 Aug 2012
Govt's priorities for KiwiRail short-sighted

The National Government's pressure on KiwiRail to become a stand-alone profit centre is short-sighted and will mean New Zealand loses the wider economic benefits of a well-maintained, publicly-owned rail network, the Green Party said today.


Politics 13 Aug 2012
Chance to become world leaders in animal welfare

The review of the Animal Welfare Act is an opportunity to improve animal welfare outcomes, that everyone should be involved in, the Green Party said today.


Politics 13 Aug 2012
Electoral Commission recommendations strengthen MMP

The Green Party is welcoming the recommendations of the Electoral Commission in the MMP Proposal Paper released today.


Politics 13 Aug 2012
Treasury admits that private power companies charge more

Treasury documents confirm research showing that privately-owned power companies charge more on average than publicly-owned ones, signalling future price rises if asset sales go ahead, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 10 Aug 2012
Govt's plans for problem gambling at odds with SkyCity deal

The Government's plans to minimise gambling harm are completely at odds with allowing SkyCity to increase the number of pokie machines it has, Green Party gambling spokesperson Denise Roche said today.


Politics 9 Aug 2012
Call for other councils to follow Auckland's lead over pokies Bill

The Green Party is calling on other councils to follow Auckland Council's lead and support a Member's Bill that would restructure the community pokie industry.


Politics 9 Aug 2012
18 year unemployment high a testament to Government's economic mismanagement

The latest dire unemployment statistics are a testament to the failed economic management of the Key Government, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 9 Aug 2012
Outstanding rivers need better protection

The Green Party welcomes the launch of the Outstanding Rivers campaign by Anton Oliver, and an alliance of recreational and environmental NGOs.


Politics 9 Aug 2012
Govt must honour Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on World Indigenous Peoples Day

On the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, the Key Government needs to honour its commitments under the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (DRIP) and agree to negotiate with the pan-Maori group on water rights, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 8 Aug 2012
Release of dodgy National Standards data will hurt kids & schools

The Government's plan to release National Standards data will inevitably result in schools being ranked and judged on inaccurate data, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 7 Aug 2012
Kiwis want nothing to do with Key's asset sell-off

Poll results confirm that the vast majority of New Zealanders aren't interested in buying shares in assets that they already own, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Agriculture 7 Aug 2012
Australian farmers warn against GE

Two Australian farmers have travelled to New Zealand to warn against releasing genetically engineered (GE) crops, the Green Party said today.


Politics 7 Aug 2012
Government must show good faith over water rights

The Green Party is calling upon the Government to negotiate with the united Maori forum on water rights in good faith and genuinely consider the Waitangi Tribunal's findings, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 7 Aug 2012
Focus on families not savings

Safe families, not cost, should drive Family Court reforms, the Green Party says.


Politics 6 Aug 2012
No incentive for New Zealand polluters to reduce emissions under Government's weak ETS

"The fall in carbon prices, both in New Zealand and overseas, shows the Government's blind faith in the market is wrong," said Green Party climate change spokesperson Kennedy Graham.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Family Court review welcome, but more protection needed

The Green Party welcomes the emphasis on children in Family Court reforms, but is concerned families could be locked out by the cost of accessing the cornerstone dispute resolution service, which could put women and children at risk.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Key/Banks Government sells kids out to corporates and ideologues

Vulnerable pupils need a strong state education system, not to be forced into schools run by corporate or religious groups that could impose their agenda while trying to make a buck from them, the Green Party said today.


Conservation 2 Aug 2012
Seismic let-down for marine mammals

The Department of Conservation's Code of Conduct for Minimising Acoustic Disturbance to Marine Mammals from Seismic Survey Operations, released today, is too weak and ought to be mandatory the Green Party said today.


Employment 2 Aug 2012
Canterbury University staff cuts short sighted

CHRISTCHURCH — The slashing of 150 jobs at the University of Canterbury is academically short sighted and bad for the local economy says the Green Party.


Politics 1 Aug 2012
Greens propose way forward on lax local government laws

A good way forward to keep local government politics clean after the recent John Banks fiasco is to lower the amount able to be donated anonymously, Green Party local government spokesperson Denise Roche said today.


Politics 31 Jul 2012
Asset sales cost passes $10 million

New figures show that the cost of asset sales has already passed $10 million, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Employment 31 Jul 2012
Govt needs to move on pay equity after UN report

The Government must reconsider the impact of its policies on women in light of the latest Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) report, Green Party women's affairs spokesperson Jan Logie said today.


Politics 31 Jul 2012
Christchurch's current assets shouldn't be sold to fund new ones

Christchurch's proposed new public facilities and spaces should not come at the cost of selling existing great public assets, the Green Party said today.