Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 21 Nov 2012
Transmission Gully PPP another expensive burden for taxpayers

A Public-Private Partnership for Transmission Gully is an expensive form of borrowing for an uneconomic highway, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Politics 21 Nov 2012
National breaks climate change promises

The National Government has broken two election promises it made to act on climate change, the Green Party revealed today.


Politics 21 Nov 2012
NZ at risk of overseas investors driving up house prices

New Zealand needs to follow the lead of Hong Kong and place restrictions on overseas buyers' ability to purchase real estate here, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 20 Nov 2012
Environment Court decision fails Waihi residents

It's disappointing that the Environment Court has sided with foreign-owned mining giant Newmont, over concerned Waihi residents," said Green Party terrestrial mining spokesperson Catherine Delahunty.


Politics 20 Nov 2012
Kiwi kids' lesson for the PM

The Prime Minister should look to children for advice on running the country, with an international survey showing the first thing kiwi kids would do if they had his job would be to provide the food, housing and necessities everyone needs, the Green Party said today.


Politics 19 Nov 2012
Key needs to raise plight of Gaza on world stage

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key should use any opportunity he gets to talk to President Barack Obama to raise the plight of civilians in Gaza, the Green Party said today.


Politics 16 Nov 2012
Half a million dollar homes affordable only on Planet Key

Building a small number of expensive houses and labelling them 'affordable' will do nothing to alleviate the chronic shortage of houses that ordinary families can afford to buy, Green Party housing spokesperson Holly Walker said today.


Politics 16 Nov 2012
Govt needs to revisit its soft stance on gambling

The Government needs to review its decision to allow frequent fliers, including high rolling gamblers, with South China Airlines to dodge visa checks, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


News 16 Nov 2012
'Everyone needs the right help' campaign launch

A new Green Party campaign has been launched to highlight the need for better access to specialist services for survivors of rape and sexual abuse.


Politics 15 Nov 2012
Greens welcome Pure Advantage commitment to a smart green economy

The Green Party today welcomed Pure Advantage's commitment to an ambitious economic strategy that strengthens the economy and the environment.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Misery and Crime driving Government's jobs plan

The Government today reaffirmed its love affair with casinos claiming the pokies-for-convention centre deal with SkyCity is a jobs winner despite evidence jobs will be sucked out of retail and tourism if the casino's pokies business expands, the Green Party said today.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Children at the heart of welfare

The needs of children must be put at the heart of our social welfare system, the Green Party said today.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Greens welcome Lobbying Disclosure Bill extension

The Green Party is pleased that the Government Administration Committee will take extra time to carefully consider the Lobbying Disclosure Bill.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Greens welcome KiwiSaver cost review

The Green Party today welcomed the Government's timely review of KiwiSaver costs.


Politics 12 Nov 2012
Government giving women the short straw

The National Government needs to take responsibility for increasing gender pay inequity, the Green Party said today.


Environment 9 Nov 2012
ETS destroyed, now Government gets to work on Kyoto

The National Government announced today it is withdrawing from global efforts under the Kyoto Protocol to fight climate change and instead aligning with countries who will just talk about it, Green Party climate change spokesperson Kennedy Graham said.


Politics 7 Nov 2012
Government changes to RMA will undermine environmental protection

The National Government is actively undermining environmental protection and looks likely to obstruct local councils seeking to safeguard water quality, the Green Party said today.


Politics 7 Nov 2012
One vote needed to help lift 100,000 Kiwi kids out of poverty

One more vote in Parliament this evening could help to lift 100,000 children out of poverty via the Income Tax (Universalisation of In-work Tax Credit) Amendment Bill, which would transform the In-work Tax Credit into a child payment for all children who need it, the Green Party said today.


Politics 6 Nov 2012
Green Party proposal to save ETS to be debated

The Green Party is putting up a positive alternative to the National Government's Bill to gut the ETS, which is likely to be debated in Parliament today.


Politics 6 Nov 2012
Time for National to wake up to the crisis in manufacturing

The latest dire jobs numbers mean the National Government can no longer ignore the crisis in manufacturing arising from its failed economic management, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 5 Nov 2012
Time to put worker safety first

The Government must move rapidly to implement all the recommendations of the Royal Commission report into Pike River, West Coast based Green Party MP Kevin Hague said today.


Politics 5 Nov 2012
MMP changes should be adopted

The Green Party has welcomed the recommendations of the Electoral Commission on the Review of MMP released today.


Politics 4 Nov 2012
Government must respond on health and safety after Royal Commission report tabled

The Green Party hopes that the Royal Commission report into Pike River provides positive solutions for improving law and regulations around health and safety, and their enforcement, that will prevent any further tragedies occurring.


Politics 2 Nov 2012
Minister Bennett passes the buck on client privacy

The Minister of Social Development is passing the buck on client privacy, following the release of the damning Deloitte report on privacy breaches at the Ministry of Social Development, the Green Party said today.


Politics 31 Oct 2012
BNZ's profits at high cost to NZ businesses, households

Near record profits announced by BNZ today comes at high cost to New Zealand businesses and households and reinforces the need for Government to focus on how it can reduce the costs to New Zealand of the foreign controlled banking sector, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Vulnerable workers' rights go under National

Workers will be the big losers with National's decision to amend employment laws that protect many low paid and vulnerable New Zealanders, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Denise Roche said today.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Ross Sea protected area: for science or commercial fishing?

The Green Party is encouraged by reports New Zealand and the United States have finally agreed to a joint proposal for a marine protected area in Antarctica's Ross Sea, but want to know the details.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
National scraps crucial environmental report

The National Government has decided to stop producing the essential five-yearly State of the Environment Report, the Green Party revealed today.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
More manufacturers close shop under National

Nearly 8,000 manufacturing firms have closed their doors in the past four years, in another sign of the crisis in manufacturing under National, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Greens question elimination of competition in telco market

The Green Party is questioning the Commerce Commission's decision to allow two of the biggest players in the telecommunications market to merge.


Politics 29 Oct 2012
More sprawl a costly choice for New Zealand

Building more suburbs in rural areas far from city centres will not make housing more affordable or New Zealand's cities more liveable, Green Party housing spokesperson Holly Walker said today.


Politics 29 Oct 2012
Ministry must foster local innovation in education, rather than importing failure

The Government should be supporting innovation from within the public education system to improve overall student outcomes, rather than importing failed ideas from overseas, the Green Party said today.


Politics 29 Oct 2012
Government anti-local government and anti-democracy

The real agenda behind the increased powers of Ministerial intervention in National's Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill is now clear, the Green Party said today.


Politics 27 Oct 2012
Sprawl not solution for Auckland housing affordability crisis

It would be a mistake for the Government to allow more development on Auckland's urban fringe in its attempt to address the growing housing affordability crisis, said Green Party housing spokesperson Holly Walker.


Politics 26 Oct 2012
Companies must pay what they owe to workers

The Labour Minister should publicly commit to keeping the protections for vulnerable workers in the Employment Relations Act, the Green Party said today.


Politics 25 Oct 2012
Asset sales agenda costs West Coast jobs

The loss of jobs with the closure of the Spring Creek Mine is yet another cost of the Government's asset sales agenda, West Coast-based Green Party MP Kevin Hague said today.


Politics 25 Oct 2012
Record ANZ profits stripping economy of capital

Record profits posted by ANZ bank today highlight the on-going weakness of having 94 percent of our banking industry owned offshore, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today.


Politics 25 Oct 2012
Reserve Bank confirms over-valued dollar to blame for manufacturing crisis

The Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler’s unwillingness to lower the Official Cash Rate (OCR) despite acknowledging the devastating effect that the over-valued dollar is having on Kiwi jobs is further confirmation that the Reserve Bank needs modern tools to better do its job, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 24 Oct 2012
Government must step up support for aged care

The Government must step up its support for the aged care sector after the Health Select Committee was told of a number of issues facing residents and workers in the sector, the Green Party said today.


Politics 24 Oct 2012
Government must work in partnership with disabled

The monitoring report on the human rights of disabled people shows that there is still a long way to go for disabled people in New Zealand, Green Party disability spokesperson Mojo Mathers said today.


Politics 24 Oct 2012
Lack of Government vision leaving farmers exposed

The focus on racing to higher and higher dairy production leaves farmers exposed, the Green Party said today.


Politics 24 Oct 2012
A cut to the OCR will help exporters, dairy farmers

The Reserve Bank should move to lower the Official Cash Rate (OCR) tomorrow to lower the exchange rate and help rebalance the economy towards exports and manufacturing, the Green Party said today.


Police 23 Oct 2012
Police need new approach to youth

Young people need realistic bail options, not to be locked up and denied their rights, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei says.


Politics 23 Oct 2012
John Key must raise human rights abuses with President of Philippines

Prime Minister John Key must ensure that human rights are firmly part of the agenda for discussion with the President of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino, the Green Party said today.


Politics 22 Oct 2012
Greyhounds dying for a buck

Greyhound dogs are literally dying for our entertainment and stronger measures need to be put in place to protect them, the Green Party said today.


Politics 18 Oct 2012
Education Amendment Bill an attack on public education

The Government's Education Amendment Bill is an attack on public education and will hurt vulnerable children, the Green Party said today.


Politics 18 Oct 2012
Greens lodge HRC complaint over discriminatory employment legislation

The Green Party today lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission over the Minimum Wage (Starting-out Wage) Amendment Bill.


Gambling 18 Oct 2012
Casinos face challenge to pay back stolen money

A Green Party bill to force casinos to pay back some of the proceeds of crime they receive through gambling was drawn from the ballot today.


Politics 18 Oct 2012
Greens congratulate primary sector on energy efficiency gains

More efficient use of energy by primary sector businesses is great news for the economy and the environment, Green Party energy spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today.


Culture 18 Oct 2012
New member's bill will help bring immigrants into Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership

A new member's bill launched today would help to bring new citizens into the partnership embodied in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Green Party said today.


News 18 Oct 2012
Threats to Southland medical professionals' unacceptable

Threats made to Southland medical professionals and those involved in abortion law reform are unacceptable and should be treated very seriously, the Green Party said today.


Politics 18 Oct 2012
New member's bill will help bring immigrants into Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership

A new member’s bill launched today would help to bring new citizens into the partnership embodied in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Green Party said today.


Agriculture 18 Oct 2012
GE feed shows lack of vision by Fonterra

Fonterra needs to come clean about how much genetically engineered (GE) feed it is importing into New Zealand for the dairy industry, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
ACC mega-wages unethical

It is unethical that over 300 ACC staff are paid in excess $100,000 a year at the same time the corporation has been culling its long term claimants, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Oct 2012
The Green Party backs kids to have a good life and great future; does Key?

The Green Party is challenging the National Government to actually do something to stop child poverty, and back its Bill to give a child payment to all children who need it.


Politics 16 Oct 2012
Low inflation gives scope to cut OCR, help exporters

Today's record low inflation figure of 0.8 percent, below the Reserve Bank's target band, gives the Bank scope to cut the Official Cash Rate later this month, the Green Party said.


Politics 16 Oct 2012
Education Bill a dog's breakfast of bad ideas

The Government is sneaking in some frightening changes that put into legislation the worst aspects of Nationals education agenda, the Green Party said today.


Politics 15 Oct 2012
Sham consultation leaves taxpayer exposed

National has gone through the pretence of consultation over asset sales and water rights but has done nothing to fix what will be an enormously costly issue if asset sales proceed, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 15 Oct 2012
Government's lack of action on violence

The National Government are not putting their money where their mouth is to support victims of sexual assault and rape, the Green Party said today.


Politics 15 Oct 2012
Farmers blame high dollar for falling confidence

The high dollar is causing farmers to lose confidence as the National Government refuses to respond to other countries' polices that are driving our exchange rate up, Greens Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 15 Oct 2012
Ministry of Social Development repeats ACC privacy breach debacle

The privacy breach at the Ministry of Social Development is yet another blow to the public's trust in the ability of Government agencies to safeguard the confidential data they hold, the Green Party said today.


Politics 15 Oct 2012
Taranaki fracking chemicals—a secret?

It is deeply worrying that no council or Government agency can tell us the names and volumes of the chemicals used in fracking wells in Taranaki during the period from 1989 to mid-2011, Green Party energy spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today.


Politics 15 Oct 2012
Comprehensive modernisation of adoption law to enter ballot

Green MP Kevin Hague today unveiled a Bill to comprehensively overhaul adoption law and address related surrogacy issues, which will be entered in the next Members' bill ballot.


Politics 13 Oct 2012
Parliamentary inquiry launched into crisis in manufacturing

The Labour Party, the Green Party and New Zealand First have today announced a parliamentary inquiry into the crisis in manufacturing.


Politics 13 Oct 2012
Government ignores advice on universal child assessment

A 'tool' that has identified children of beneficiaries at risk of being abused should be applied to all children if it's a solution to keeping kids safe from maltreatment, the Green Party said today.


Politics 11 Oct 2012
Public sector CEO pay needs review

There needs to be a review of the salaries paid to public sector chief executives, Green Party MP Dr Kennedy Graham said today.


Politics 11 Oct 2012
To John and Willie - stand up for Wahine

Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei is calling on Maori men leaders to stand up for their wahine and keep boxer Mike Tyson out of New Zealand.


Politics 11 Oct 2012
Evidence mounts of crisis in manufacturing

The National Government can continue to stick its head in the sand but the evidence of a crisis in manufacturing keeps on growing, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 10 Oct 2012
11 "near misses" since Rena

In the year since the Rena grounding, New Zealand's worst environmental maritime disaster, there have been 11 "near miss" incidents in our waters, the Green Party said today.


Politics 9 Oct 2012
National offers young workers a hefty pay cut

The National Government thinks the way forward for New Zealand is to give young workers a pay cut, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
Govt's job creation plan now located in Australia

The National Government's credibility on job creation is at an all-time low, due to huge job losses in the manufacturing sector and record numbers of New Zealanders moving to Australia, the Green Party said today.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
Government back down on fruit in schools

The National Government are not serious about addressing child poverty and nutrition, the Green Party said today.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
Greens snake oil solution of no help to NZ economy

The Greens grab-bag of theories to lower the New Zealand dollar shows exactly how little they understand the economy and growth, Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce says.


Politics 7 Oct 2012
Foreign trusts must be broken open

Revenue Minister Peter Dunne tonight endorsed tax avoidance as a legitimate practice when challenged about the use of secret New Zealand foreign trusts as a tax haven.


Politics 7 Oct 2012
Greens offer suite of measures to address high

The Green Party today proposed a suite of measures that would help rebalance the economy onto a more productive footing by taking upward pressure off the high New Zealand dollar.


Politics 5 Oct 2012
High dollar killing Kiwi jobs

The loss of 40 more highly skilled, high paid manufacturing jobs due to the high dollar, this time at the Christchurch Engine Centre, highlights the urgent need for action on monetary policy, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 5 Oct 2012
Government not listening on conservation

A new survey shows New Zealanders care about the environment even if the Government doesn't, Green Party conservation spokesperson Eugenie Sage said today.


Politics 5 Oct 2012
Government abandoning Christchurch

The Minister for Earthquake Recovery has the power to take action to preserve Christchurch's heritage - including the Cranmer Courts - and should use it, not let such an important building be demolished, the Green Party said today.


Banks 5 Oct 2012
Complacency over bank profitability causing long-term damage to the economy

Excess profits in the banking industry and the high level of foreign ownership of the banking sector is causing long term damage to the economy, the Green Party said today.


Marine 5 Oct 2012
Rena review not broad enough to best learn lessons

The Green Party welcomes the independent review of Maritime New Zealand's response to the grounding of the Rena, announced by Government today, but says it is not the broad-based independent inquiry the country needs to best learn the lessons of the Rena.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
ECan Act made Rakaia decision predictable

Amending the Rakaia Water Conservation Order (WCO) to facilitate irrigation is a tragedy on par with allowing an open cast mine in a National Park, Green Party environment spokesperson Eugenie Sage said today.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
DoC workers an endangered species under National

Another round of job cuts at the Department of Conservation (DoC) will see less done to protect New Zealand's precious plants, wildlife and landscapes, the Green Party said today.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
Experts reveal Government's education agenda on wrong track

National's policies of charter schools and teacher performance pay don't work to lift achievement, according to education experts who spoke at a forum at Parliament today.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
Meagre rises in income not keeping up with rising costs

New figures showing the smallest rise in hourly earnings in over a decade highlight the urgent need to raise the minimum wage and make sure that vulnerable families can make ends meet, the Green Party said today.


Technology 3 Oct 2012
Recapture needed for methyl bromide until alternatives available

Government must begin methyl bromide recapture now, while the research it is funding into alternatives is being carried out, the Green Party said today.


Politics 3 Oct 2012
Court closures about saving money – Green Party

Shutting courts in small towns is about saving money and will reduce access to justice, Green Party courts spokesperson David Clendon said today.


Politics 3 Oct 2012
Key either incompetent or misled the public – Green Party

John Key said he wasn't told the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) spied on Kim Dotcom but that isn't true so he has either misled the public or isn't doing his job as the minister in charge, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 3 Oct 2012
Govt fails Green Party's Rena report card on oil spill protection

The Government has not acted to protect New Zealand from future devastating oil spills like the Rena, the Green Party said today.


Politics 3 Oct 2012
National Standards site should be pulled

The Government's National Standards website should be pulled down following revelations nearly half of all assessments were marked incorrectly, the Green Party said today.


Politics 2 Oct 2012
Rena costs highlight Govt's negligence for not raising Oil Pollution Levy

A year since the Rena disaster, the Government has failed to raise the Oil Pollution Levy on industry to pay for similar accidents, the Green Party said today.


Politics 2 Oct 2012
Govt's backwards transport policy behind rail line closure

KiwiRail's decision to close the Gisborne-Napier rail line is a huge disappointment for the Gisborne community and a result of the National Government's wrong-headed transport policy, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Politics 2 Oct 2012
Just another GE mirage

The announcement about scientists producing GE milk will damage New Zealand's brand on which our more than $10 billion a year dairy exports rely, the Green Party said today.


Conservation 28 Sep 2012
Whitetip shark measures a good start, now stop shark finning

The Green Party supports the Government's measures, announced today, to protect the whitetip shark, but is calling on the Government to put an end to shark finning in New Zealand waters.


Politics 28 Sep 2012
Time for full independent inquiry into GCSB

The report by the Inspector-General released today is five and a half pages of excuses aimed at justifying clearly illegal behaviour by the Government Communications Security Bureau, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Crime 28 Sep 2012
Greens call in the cops over illegal GCSB spying

The Green Party has lodged a complaint with the Police over the Government Communications Security Bureau’s illegal interception of Kim Dotcom’s communications, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 26 Sep 2012
Greens welcome Super Fund ethical divestment decision

The Green Party welcomes the New Zealand Superannuation Fund's decision to divest, on ethical grounds, from Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said.