Employers and Manufacturers Association

213 posts | 2 images

The Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern (EMA) has a key role in supporting its member organisations in growing and developing their business. This is achieved through services such as: Employment relations advice Occupational and workplace safety Employment consultancy Skills training and education courses Events and networking opportunities Publications 

Joined September 2007
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Export 16 Nov 2007
Export platform launch leap positive

Rather than delivering a great leap forward for export growth, Export Year 2007 has provided the opportunity to build a platform for future export success, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Employment 12 Nov 2007
Pay rates for skills rising twice as fast as unskilled

The employers’ National Wage & Salary Survey out today confirms pay rates are pushing up faster than last year, and for skilled people, pay is rising over twice as fast than for semi-skilled or unskilled people.


Politics 30 Oct 2007
Royal Commission’s terms reference to the point

AUCKLAND — The terms of reference for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Auckland cover precisely the factors that need examining, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Politics 30 Oct 2007
Royal Commissioners top choice

AUCKLAND — The Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) is extremely pleased with the appointees to Auckland’s Royal Commission of Inquiry who are to review Auckland’s local government.


Energy 17 Oct 2007
Energy strategy triggers more alarm

AUCKLAND — Government’s advice to its SOE power generators not to develop any new base load thermal generation is a return to the bad old days when SOE’s were government departments and used to steer the economy, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) points out.


Energy 12 Oct 2007
Energy strategy conundrum locked into food, carbon, competitiveness

The Energy Strategy, rather than increasing the certainty of electricity supply, will raise uncertainty and see its price rise substantially, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Economy 11 Oct 2007
Tax cuts needed to restore government’s fiscal discipline

Tax cuts are essential if for no other reason than to get financial discipline back into the government sector, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Export 11 Oct 2007
Offshore action not high priority for Kiwi firms

Exporting is not high on the agenda of most established kiwi businesses, according to the 2007 PricewaterhouseCoopers Clever Companies/EMA Survey (the Clever Companies Survey).


Water 27 Sep 2007
Onerous wastes law wasting time and money

The Supplementary Order Paper from the Government on the Waste Minimisation (Solids) Bill is still riddled with unforced errors and unanswered questions, says the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Council 25 Sep 2007
Squabbling among civic ‘leaders’ small minded

Bring on the Royal Commission of Inquiry into how Auckland’s councils are elected and structured says Bruce Goldsworthy, the Employers & Manufacturers Association’s acting chief executive after hearing the latest squabbling between our civic leaders on radio this morning.


Environment 21 Sep 2007
Climate change solutions a strategy for NZ Inc.

The measures announced this week to ‘solve’ climate change amount to a long awaited strategy for New Zealand’s economic development, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Employment 21 Sep 2007
Dumping of minimum pay for business contractors a relief

The dumping of Darien Fenton’s Minimum Wage and Remuneration Amendment Bill will be met by widespread relief by business, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for EMA (Northern).


Politics 17 Sep 2007
Proposed election year clamp down anti democratic

The Electoral Finance law could stop people reading messages opposing it or any other law in an election year, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) told Parliament’s Justice and Electoral Select Committee today.