Employers and Manufacturers Association

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The Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern (EMA) has a key role in supporting its member organisations in growing and developing their business. This is achieved through services such as: Employment relations advice Occupational and workplace safety Employment consultancy Skills training and education courses Events and networking opportunities Publications 

Joined September 2007
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Employment 28 Jul 2009
Employers need to speak up on important changes to Holidays Act

The Holidays Act is one of the biggest employment compliance headaches, and it is important employers get involved in changes to it, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Environment 27 Jul 2009
Emissions reduction targets all unaffordable

The emissions reductions targets being debated are extremely important and we cannot afford to have them set by a campaign led by celebrities, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Religion 21 Jul 2009
Swapping out religious holidays worth weighing up

Though New Zealand’s main statutory holidays are closely tied in with our traditional religious days off, there is every reason to allow our workplaces the option of swapping them for holidays important to people of people of other religions.


Business 15 Jul 2009
Redundancy enquiries from employers in decline

A further sign we may be through the worst of the recession, barring another shock from offshore, is employers have been making far fewer calls seeking advice and assistance on redundancies over the past month or so, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Finance 15 Jul 2009
Funding of super entitlements unsustainable

The Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) has welcomed the acknowledgement by Labour Finance spokesman David Cunliffe at this morning’s Mood of the Boardroom briefing that New Zealand’s superannuation scheme is not sustainable at present levels.


Business 1 Jul 2009
New B2B trading portal launched: E-MArket 40 businesses on line to start

A new business to business trading portal is being launched today – E-MArket ( – an online service being presented by the Employers & Manufacturers Association (EMA) to assist New Zealand businesses heighten their productivity and competiveness.


Economy 30 Jun 2009
Leveraging Maori business to feature at Tu Tangata Poutama breakfast

  Leveraging more rewards for and from Maori business will be the focus for a breakfast forming part of the Atamira: Maori in the City event in Auckland later this week.


Employment 18 Jun 2009
Law unclear on leave for swine flu quarantine

The Employers and Manufacturers Association is suggesting that employers pay their healthy employees who are quarantined away from the workplace to do so if the employee has sick leave available, though the legal obligation to do this is far from certain.


Employment 10 Jun 2009
Employers not a welfare service for swine flu

Employers don’t have the resources to cover all the costs of misfortunes their employees may face such as swine flu, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Employment 9 Jun 2009
Personal grievance awards break records

Personal grievance awards broke records in 2008 in all directions, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Business 5 Jun 2009
Warning on business awards scam pays off

A business awards scheme labeled a scam has closed its awards programme this year, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) advises.


Health 4 Jun 2009
Employers raise concerns on swine flu readiness

More employers are inquiring about swine flu preparedness following the news it might eventually affect half the population, said Paul Jarvie, Manager of health & Safety at the Employers & Manufacturers Association Northern   “We are keeping a watch twice daily on the World Health Organisation and Ministry of Health websites to monitor developments,” he said.


Employment 3 Jun 2009
Employers welcome Holidays Act reviewEmployers welcome Holidays Act review

The Holidays Act has been one the single biggest problems for employers and a thorough review is warmly welcomed, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Politics 29 May 2009
Budget responsible, back to basics

The financial aspects of today's Budget are straightforward and responsible, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Transport 13 May 2009
Waterview surface option balanced, reasonable - $800 million matters

AUCKLAND CITY — The surface route selected for linking through to the north western motorway at Waterview mitigates most concerns and is a very good option, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Finance 30 Apr 2009
Business looking for more flow through from OCR cut

Business will be watching closely to see how the cut to the OCR today flows through to their borrowing costs, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Business 23 Apr 2009
Openness to new ideas encouraging for business confidence

The early extension of the 9 day fortnight and other ideas like it are encouraging creative employment options in the workplace, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Council 8 Apr 2009
Fast response to create One Auckland absolutely first class

AUCKLAND — The quick response by the government to the Royal Commission’s recommendation to implement one big council for Auckland is absolutely positive, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Employment 23 Mar 2009
Employees want to cash up more than one weeks holiday

Businesses are pleased they will be able to agree to at least some employees’ requests to cash-up holidays, now that the Government plans to allow this, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern (EMA).


Politics 6 Mar 2009
Keep ACC, or were back to a litigation free for all

Either we keep our no fault ACC scheme with entitlements about the present level, or we’ll go back to a litigation free for all where the only winners are lawyers and doctors, says Paul Jarvie, Manager of Occupational Health and Safety for the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Employment 2 Mar 2009
Union conditions could sink 9 day work proposal

The only people to feel the financial pain from a nine day work fortnight would be employers and the taxpayer if union conditions were to apply, says Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Employment 26 Feb 2009
Jobs Summit must focus on retaining and growing businesses

The Jobs Summit must keep focused on giving businesses every opportunity to survive and grow, the Employers & Manufacturers (Northern) says.


Politics 11 Feb 2009
Another $500 million of assets

The $500 million in spending announced today was for work already planned and will deliver $500 million plus in assets for New Zealanders benefit, says the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Business 4 Feb 2009
Package a boost to business confidence

Today’s five part package will help shore up business confidence the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Finance 29 Jan 2009
Big cut to OCR welcome

The bigger than forecast cut to the OCR is appropriate, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Council 15 Jan 2009
Single big city concept welcomed

AUCKLAND — The Employers and Manufacturers Association welcomes the concept of the Auckland region being governed as a single city region, and with a mayor with enhanced authority as reported in today’s Herald.


Employment 14 Jan 2009
Stream of inquiries underline severity of recession

From the second half of 2008 inquiries to the help desks of employer organizations have largely been about restructuring resulting in job losses, reports the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Politics 13 Jan 2009
Nows a great time for roads, rubbish and resource consents

It’s reassuring to hear the Prime Minister acknowledge more must be done to halt the slide in the economy, says the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Business 17 Dec 2008
Way to cut ACC costs is reduce accidents

The only real way to cut ACC costs is to cut accident rates, says Paul Jarvie, Manager of Occupational Health and Safety for the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Business 16 Dec 2008
Business optimism still evident; warnings for 2009

The majority of businesses are still optimistic about their employment intentions despite the gloomy economic forecasts for next year, a survey* of the Employers & Manufacturers Association finds.


Finance 13 Dec 2008
Fairness and equity restored to KiwiSaver

Fairness and equity between employees who join KiwiSaver and those who don’t has been restored in Parliament, says David Lowe, Manager of Employment Services for the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Employment 10 Dec 2008
Grievance payouts depend on where people live

Employees win different amounts of compensation for personal grievance claims depending on where they live, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Employment 10 Dec 2008
Probation law will assist re-employment

Employers forced to lay staff off will re-hire them sooner under a new probation law to be passed before Christmas, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Economy 4 Dec 2008
Interest rate cut great news for exporters; banks margins widening?

Given the softening in demand in world markets, exporters need today’s big cut to the official cash rate to keep downward pressure on the New Zealand dollar, says Bruce Goldsworthy, acting chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Employment 25 Nov 2008
Pre-Christmas encouragement for employers to re-hire

The Government’s pre-Christmas economic package should include a 90-day grievance free period giving employers confidence to re-hire as soon as possible, says David Lowe, employment services manager for the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Finance 19 Nov 2008
Interest rate levels questioned. Banks should explain

The widening margin between the Official Cash Rate and mortgage rates has led the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) to issue a ‘please explain’ challenge to the trading banks.


Politics 17 Nov 2008
Cabinet line up will help build confidence

We are delighted to see the top business issues will be handled by the most senior Cabinet postings, says Bruce Goldsworthy, Acting Chief Executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Politics 17 Nov 2008
Review of climate change law applauded

Business welcomes the National government’s rapid move to reviewing the emissions trading scheme as they promised, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Business 13 Nov 2008
Manufactured exports flex competitive strengths

The high state of competitiveness of our manufacturing exporters should be rewarded with far stronger government focus to kick the economy back into gear, says Bruce Goldsworthy, Manager of Manufacturing for the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Employment 10 Nov 2008
Workers wage increases outstripping the bosses

Workers wages went up faster than their bosses last year according to the National Employers Wage and Salary survey just released, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Politics 4 Nov 2008
Crown accounts in good shape, could be better

Treasury forecasts have again underestimated the strength of the Crown Accounts, this time by $1.7billion for the three months to 30 September, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) points out.


Employment 24 Oct 2008
Election eve law change wrong on many counts

Trevor Mallard’s latest plan is to say everyone off work for seven days or more has suffered a serious harm injury, says Paul Jarvie, Health and Safety Manager for the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Politics 11 Oct 2008
Business, other kiwis need to hear more from Reserve Bank, Government

The New Zealand economy needs more done to build confidence amongst business and others as the impact of the credit crisis spreads, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Politics 8 Oct 2008
Expansionary tax package applauded for recession

In a recession above all our people need confidence, and more money in their pockets, and National’s tax package would deliver on these imperatives, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Employment 8 Oct 2008
Employers and employees won't wear blame for IRD's KiwiSaver bungles

The tax department’s attempts to blame employers and employees for its bungling of KiwiSaver scrapes the bottom of the blame barrel, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for the Northern Employers and Manufacturers Association.


Politics 6 Oct 2008
Boost investment spend, cut taxes, admin costs: EMA recipe

The trouble with Treasury predictions about where the economy is headed is they are seldom if ever right, says Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Economy 27 Sep 2008
Yesterdays GDP figures historical already

A lot has happened in global and domestic markets since the decline in GDP recorded to June 2008 released today, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Trade 22 Sep 2008
FTA prospect with USA great news

The Employers & Manufacturers Association is hugely supportive of New Zealand negotiating a free trade agreement with the United States under the P4 agreement.


Politics 3 Sep 2008
KiwiSaver law change an abuse of power

The major KiwiSaver change passed into law today represents an abuse of Parliamentary power, says the Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern (EMA).


Trade 29 Aug 2008
ASEAN/CER trade deal applauded

The conclusion of the free trade agreement between the 10 ASEAN countries and CER partners Australia and New Zealand is most welcome, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Politics 27 Aug 2008
Electoral Commission decision bans public discussion

The Employers and Manufacturers Association rejects the finding of the Electoral Commission that its newspaper advertisement was in breach of the Electoral Finance Act.


Politics 22 Aug 2008
Greens right to ask for public guidance on emissions trading law

The Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says the other political parties should join the Greens and ask the public which way they should vote on the Emissions Trading Bill.


News 11 Aug 2008
Health IT takes Kiwi firm the distance

Air NZ Cargo Auckland Export Awards winners announced.


Politics 7 Aug 2008
Local councils and ratepayers fall off government radar

The Government’s response to the Shand report shows it doesn’t care about local councils or ratepayers, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Politics 7 Aug 2008
Mallard asked to apologise for allegations of criminal actions

The Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) has written to Labour Minister Trevor Mallard requesting an apology for statements that employers are committing criminal acts.


Employment 26 Jul 2008
Mallard spins himself out over KiwiSaver

Labour Minister Trevor Mallard’s claim that employers are pocketing the tax credits of their employees is a total fabrication because they can’t, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Finance 23 Jul 2008
Union reaction to battle for fairness shocks EMA

EMA says it is shocked at the reaction by the CTU and EPMU to its campaign in defence of the majority of workers who can’t afford to join KiwiSaver.


News 23 Jul 2008
Mallard's attack on workers and business outrageous

Labour Minister Trevor Mallard’s attack this morning on both workers and employers is outrageous and baseless, says the Employer and Manufacturers Association (EMA).


Employment 23 Jul 2008
Campaign launched against Mallard's attack on workers rights

Employers say changes proposed to the KiwiSaver scheme by Trevor Mallard will erode workers rights and create inequality in the workplace.


Finance 18 Jul 2008
Great news on mutual recognition of tax credits

Its great news Australia has agreed to progress work with New Zealand on the mutual recognition of imputation and franking credits, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Politics 14 Jul 2008
Minister confused over KiwiSaver

Trevor Mallard’s plan to change KiwiSaver so employers will be prevented from treating all employees equitably demonstrates a complete lack of understanding over how workplaces operate,” says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for EMA (Northern).


Employment 10 Jul 2008
Employment on hold: EMA survey confirms trend

Business is in plainly in decline but employers are soldiering on, and even planning modest pay increases this year.


Business 2 Jul 2008
Business stars in the hot seat

AUCKLAND CITY — Thrive New Zealand 2008, the premier business gathering for opinion leaders and decision-makers, announces today the lavish array of speakers and performers for the event, which is taking place at the Aotea Centre, Auckland, Thursday 14th August.


Politics 1 Jul 2008
Auckland reform not about saving on rates

AUCKLAND — The changes proposed to Auckland’s councils by the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) won’t mean huge reductions in ratepayers bills, the association told the Royal Commission on Auckland at its hearings this afternoon.


Economy 27 Jun 2008
New Zealand in recession

The March quarter GDP figures released today are disappointing given we have been enjoying some of the best terms of trade in decades, says the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


News 19 Jun 2008
Trauma bill discriminates against non workers

Proposals to change ACC legislation so workers are covered for developing mental injury after being exposed to a sudden traumatic event during the course of their work are unfair and unworkable.


Employment 9 Jun 2008
Good law making process falls victim to politics

Parliament’s decision last week to override its own Select Committee is so extremely rare we can’t recall it has happened before, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for EMA (Northern).


Economy 5 Jun 2008
Inflation fight futile without rising productivity

The huge rise in government spending in recent years, and the added regulations imposed on business has positioned New Zealand poorly to cope with the rapid rise of food and fuel prices, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Electricity 29 May 2008
Urgent power savings required to avert power cuts

Blackouts in the North Island are very possible, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says, and probable in the South Island if huge power savings are not made immediately.


Politics 22 May 2008
Was that it? More of the same&

The government’s tax cuts total $1.5 billion though it has been running surpluses four times that for years; this is patronizing and a complete let down, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Politics 19 May 2008
Pause in ETS law applauded

The Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern supports the need for New Zealand to have a robust policy to combat man-made contributions to greenhouse gases.


Employment 8 May 2008
Sudden drop in employment big surprise

Employers are surprised at the size and suddenness of the drop in the employment figures released today.


Transport 6 May 2008
Government ownership of rail no recipe for increased use

Finance Minister Dr Cullen has said there will be no profit in a properly integrated rail system without subsidization, says the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) chief executive, Alasdair Thompson.


Business 6 May 2008
Emissions targets kicked for touch

The about face on the proposed Emissions Trading Scheme is welcome but its really a kick for touch beyond the election, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Electricity 2 May 2008
Plant shut downs point up ramshackle power supply

The lack of a reliable electricity supply is causing New Zealand long term economic damage, the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Economy 24 Apr 2008
Carbon trade proposals could destroy economy before climate change

For common sense to prevail the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) is urging our law makers to think long and hard about the effects of the Climate Change (Emissions Trading and Renewable Preference) Bill.


Internet 23 Apr 2008
Broadband plan must address skills shortage - EPMU

The Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union says John Key’s policy of rolling out fibre optic cable to 75% of New Zealand homes is a step in the right direction, but is concerned the task may be impossible given the current skills shortage.


Internet 22 Apr 2008
Bold broadband plan huge stimulus for business

The National Partys economic plan that includes investing up to $1.5 billion in ultra fast broadband is applauded by the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) or EMA.


Council 22 Apr 2008
Local governance submission focuses on the 'local'

AUCKLAND — No publicised submission to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Auckland governance has focused on the need for local councils like the submission from the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern), or EMA.


Media 15 Apr 2008
Employers damned if they do and damned if they dont

TV3’s failure to provide balance in its reporting of KiwiSaver employer contributions has prompted the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern), or EMA, to complain to the Broadcasting Standards Authority.


Politics 15 Apr 2008
Airport share sale veto a strategy to trick voters

AUCKLAND — The Governments decision that Auckland International Airport is a strategic asset and therefore shareholders cannot sell their shares to foreign investors is designed to fool some people into thinking Government does not support globalization.


Employment 14 Apr 2008
Employers acting lawfully and properly on KiwiSaver

Reported criticism of the way employers are implementing employer contributions to KiwiSaver is causing unnecessary confusion and uncertainty, says David Lowe, employment services manager for the Employer and Manufacturers Association (Northern) or EMA.


Politics 12 Apr 2008
Airport shares intervention hits at heart of free society

The Government veto of the sale of shares in Auckland’s airport removes the rights of shareholders to sell private property, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Trade 10 Apr 2008
China FTA's protections world class; others can play catch up

The Free Trade Agreement with China has world class provisions to protect our businesses against unfair trade practices, says the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Export 7 Apr 2008
Warning to exporters on China FTA: move fast

Exporters are being warned to act quickly to lock in gains from the signing of the New Zealand China Free Trade Agreement today.


Politics 2 Apr 2008
Peter Browns comments disgraceful


Comments by New Zealand First MP Peter Brown are racial stereotyping of the worst sort, says Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Finance 28 Mar 2008
Tax credit remedy on Kiwi Saver timely, welcomed

We congratulate Ministers Cullen and Dunne for moving fast to address the employer KiwiSaver tax credit problem facing thousands of employers, said Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Employment 20 Mar 2008
Employers in legal quandary over KiwiSaver bungle

Employers are asking Inland Revenue to urgently clarify how they can claim KiwiSaver tax credits lawfully due to them, says David Lowe, Employment Services Manager for EMA (Northern).


Finance 11 Mar 2008
Endless changes to KiwiSaver causing red tape headaches

Bungles in the law governing KiwiSaver are making anomalies in the scheme worse causing red tape headaches for employers.


Aviation 27 Feb 2008
Government out of touch with business: airport bid

AUCKLAND — Retrospective changes to the tax rules by which companies organise their funding shows the government is out of touch with business, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Politics 8 Feb 2008
Dr Cullen is right; tax cuts alone not enough

Dr Cullen is right to point out that for our incomes to rise we need to increase our productivity and only business can do that, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Transport 7 Feb 2008
Ring road plan earns tick

AUCKLAND — It’s good to see the Government prepared to investigate the completion of Auckland’s western ring route by means of a public private partnership (PPP), says Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern).


Politics 30 Jan 2008
Focus on youth applauded by employers and manufacturers group

Labour and National leaders’ focus on youth development in their first major speeches of the year are welcome, says the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) or EMA.


Employment 17 Jan 2008
Personal grievance claims up eight per cent last year

Nearly 40 per cent of workplaces reported personal grievance claims in 2007 according to an end of year employment survey, up from 30.5 per cent in 2006.


Finance 12 Jan 2008
KiwiSaver success nowhere near yet

KiwiSaver is nowhere near the success Finance Minister Michael Cullen is claiming, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Trade 13 Dec 2007
Export mission to China to leverage off FTA profile

Exporters have a gilt-edged opportunity to exhibit their products in China at a time when New Zealand’s profile there will be at an all-time high.


News 13 Dec 2007
ACC’s social contract blown wide open

The basis of ACC’s ‘no fault, no liability’ compensation for injury has been blown wide open by a Court of Appeal ruling in favour of an injured person’s claim for income while off work as a result of an accident.


Gas 5 Dec 2007
Ban on new gas fired power penalises Auckland

AUCKLAND — Banning the building of new gas fired electricity generation plants for 10 years would likely lead to power shortages in the Auckland region, rolling brown outs, and restrict the city’s prospects for growth, the Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) says.


Technology 27 Nov 2007
Robot competition launched to inspire technology careers

The Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern (EMA) supports the launch today of the New Zealand FIRST Robotics Sports Competition.