Judith Collins

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Judith Collins was born in Hamilton and was educated at Matamata College before studying at the University of Auckland where she gained a Bachelor of Laws degree, a Master of Laws degree (honours) Caucus Responsibilities Spokeswoman for Welfare Spokeswoman for Veterans Affairs Spokeswoman for Family Affairs Spokeswoman for Pacific Island Affairs Select Committees Social Services (Deputy Chair)

Joined January 2008
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Police 30 Sep 2009
Minister honours police killed in line of duty

All New Zealanders owe a debt of gratitude to police officers who lost their lives making New Zealand a better and safer place, Police Minister Judith Collins said yesterday.


Corrections 22 Sep 2009
NZ prisoner numbers highest ever

The number of prisoners behind bars in New Zealand is at its highest level ever, and underlines the urgent need to create extra prison capacity, Corrections Minister Judith Collins said today.


Motoring 16 Sep 2009
Labour undermines voters desire to crack down on boy racers

Police Minister Judith Collins is calling on Labour to declare its hand regarding its support of the Vehicle Confiscation and Seizure Bill, which was tabled in the House today.


Corrections 27 Aug 2009
Corrections to build container cell block

WELLINGTON — Corrections Minister Judith Collins today announced that a container cell block capable of housing up to 60 prisoners is to be built at Rimutaka Prison.


Crime 25 Aug 2009
NZ serious about fighting cyber crime

New Zealand is sending a strong signal that it is serious about combating cyber crime, Police Minister Judith Collins said at the 25th anniversary celebration of the Police Electronic Crime Lab (ECL) today.


Police 20 Aug 2009
Never lose sight of service, new police urged

Police Minister Judith Collins today urged new police graduates to go the extra mile in serving the public, particularly victims of crime.


Corrections 13 Aug 2009
Minister congratulates CPPS on improved compliance

Corrections Minister Judith Collins today congratulated Community Probation and Psychological Services (CPPS) for a significant improvement in complying with procedures for managing parolees.


Corrections 5 Aug 2009
Low number of escapes a tribute to staff

The low number of escapes from New Zealand prisons is a tribute to improved security measures and the vigilance of Corrections Officers and staff, Corrections Minister Judith Collins said.


Police 29 Jul 2009
Extra police a boost for crime prevention

The 600 extra officers pledged by the Government will enable police to work on new crime prevention strategies without compromising frontline services, Police Minister Judith Collins says.


Police 21 Jul 2009
Report lays groundwork for 300 extra police

Police Minister Judith Collins today welcomed the release of a report which lays the groundwork for how 300 extra police will be best deployed in Counties-Manukau.


Police 1 Jul 2009
Minister welcomes OAG report on police

Police Minister Judith Collins today welcomed the findings of the first report of the Auditor-General into the response of police to the recommendations of the 2007 Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct.


Corrections 24 Jun 2009
Minister welcomes new staff safety measures

Corrections Minister Judith Collins today welcomed the announcement that frontline correction officers will receive increased tactical communications training and more personal protective equipment.


Police 19 Jun 2009
Minister congratulates police for IPANZ win

Police Minister Judith Collins today congratulated the New Zealand Police for winning the top prize at the Institute of Public Administration New Zealand (IPANZ) Gen-i Public Sector Excellence Awards.


Corrections 13 Jun 2009
Specialist prisoner release teams will improve safety

The establishment of specialist prison release teams will help prisoners reintegrate into society and improve the safety of the parole process, Corrections Minister Judith Collins says.


Corrections 19 May 2009
Minister to visit private prisons in Australia

Corrections Minister Hon Judith Collins will this week visit privately managed prisons in Australia to find out more about how contract management of prisons could work in New Zealand.


Corrections 12 May 2009
Budget 2009: Judith Collins - Prison design funding fast tracked in Budget

Minister of Corrections Hon Judith Collins announced today that the Government is funding the Department of Corrections to do initial design and planning work for the construction of additional prison beds.


Corrections 5 May 2009
New prison razor blade policy will save lives

Corrections Minister Judith Collins has welcomed a clampdown on razor blades in high security prison units, a move she says will improve safety and save lives.


News 17 Apr 2009
Minister to launch 2009 Poppy Day Appeal

Veterans’ Affairs Minister Hon Judith Collins will launch the 2009 Poppy Day Appeal next week and announce a new ANZAC initiative by the Royal New Zealand Returned and Service’s Association.


Politics 3 Apr 2009
New law boosts crackdown on contraband

New legislation coming into force today makes it more difficult to smuggle contraband into prisons and will further prevent prisoners from conducting illegal activities, says Corrections Minister Hon Judith Collins.


Police 20 Mar 2009
Minister opens new Franz Josef police station

Tourists, adventurers and the residents of South Westland will all benefit from the new $270,000 Franz Josef police station, which was opened by Police Minister Judith Collins today.


Deaths 28 Jan 2009
Minister offers condolences to whanau of Maori Battalion President

WHANGANUI — Veterans Affairs Minister Judith Collins today extended her condolences on behalf of the New Zealand veteran community to the whanau of Maori Battalion Association President Jim Takarangi who died yesterday in Wanganui aged 83.


Police 25 Jan 2009
Police Minister offers condolences to victim's family

MANUKAU CITY — Police Minister Judith Collins today expressed her deepest sympathies to the family of 17-year-old Halatau Naitoko who died in a shooting on Auckland's North-western Motorway yesterday.


Corrections 24 Jan 2009
Labour inaction sees another prisoner on the run

The escape of a prisoner serving an 11-year term for rape and attempted murder highlights the urgent need to reform laws governing security classifications of prisoners, Corrections Minister Judith Collins says.


Corrections 24 Jan 2009
Safety should be main consideration of prisoner classifications

The safety of the public and Corrections staff must be the main consideration when deciding prisoner security classifications, Corrections Minister Judith Collins says.


Police 19 Jan 2009
Minister opens new station, salutes country police

WAIKATO — Police are the cornerstone of rural communities, says Police Minister Judith Collins who today opened a new police station in the South Waikato town of Piopio.


Corrections 7 Jan 2009
Minister - Govt must restore faith in sentencing

New Zealanders have lost faith in sentencing and parole laws, and major changes are on the way, Police and Corrections Minister Judith Collins says.


Politics 4 May 2008
Benefit scheme under-delivers - as expected

National Party Welfare spokeswoman Judith Collins says the latest sickness and invalid benefit numbers suggest Treasury's concerns about Labour's Working New Zealand reforms were well-founded.


Employment 30 Apr 2008
Labour gives up on long-term jobless

Labour is no longer collecting information on people who have been on a benefit continually for more than 12 years, according to answers provided by the Minister to National's Welfare spokeswoman Judith Collins.


Politics 15 Apr 2008
Is it an open invitation to medal ceremony?

National Party Veterans Affairs spokeswoman, Judith Collins, is asking Labour whether there is an open invitation to a medal presentation ceremony being held in the Labour Party caucus room this afternoon.


Politics 8 Apr 2008
Labour admits to record of failure on child support

It has taken Labour nine long years to acknowledge the child support system is not working, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 1 Apr 2008
A million dollars to find out nothing new

"ACC has thrown $1 million away on a report which tells us nothing we don't already know," says National's ACC spokeswoman, Pansy Wong.


Employment 1 Apr 2008
Labour up to old tricks on teenage unemployment

Labour appears to be up to its old tricks in manipulating benefit figures in a desperate bid to spin a good news story, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 24 Mar 2008
Beneficiary debt reaches all time high

Beneficiary debt has reached an all-time high and all Ruth Dyson can do is offer excuses for her Government's woeful record on this issue, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 17 Mar 2008
Child support debt mountain reaches record heights

Total child support debt has topped $1.2 billion, an all-time high, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 13 Mar 2008
Commission told 'focus on families – not on selves'

National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins, says Labour should spend more time supporting New Zealand families and less time defending the Families Commission.


Politics 12 Mar 2008
What more can a good mum do?

It is astonishing that Inland Revenue is reluctant to use its powers to apply for arrest warrants to nab fleeing child support defaulters, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 4 Mar 2008
Grant for bankrupt and 'lost' paper trail a sorry tale

Ruth Dyson needs to explain why her ministry gave close to $50,000 to an undischarged bankrupt who was later jailed for fraud relating to false grant applications, and why MSD has lost significant files relating to the case, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 25 Feb 2008
Labour failing young mums

New figures that show thousands of teenage mothers are remaining on a benefit years after first getting them are further proof that Labour is failing to help teenage mothers, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Community 21 Feb 2008
Charities Commission confirms muzzling role

The Charities Commission has all but confirmed it will be doing Labour’s dirty work and effectively muzzling advocacy groups under provisions of the new Charities Act, says National’s Family spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 20 Feb 2008
Dyson & WINZ continue to bat for drunk drivers

Social Development Minister Ruth Dyson has confirmed in Parliament that she endorses a practice by Work and Income to help drunk drivers get back behind the wheel, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 19 Feb 2008
WINZ pays for drunk-drivers to get cars back

Social Development Minister Ruth Dyson needs to explain why she is allowing Work and Income to pay for beneficiaries who have been caught drunk-driving and who have committed other driving offences to have their vehicles handed back to them, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 12 Feb 2008
Labour kisses goodbye to single core benefit

The Prime Minister has finally kissed goodbye to Labour's much-trumpeted single core benefit, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 16 Jan 2008
Who's doing the misleading, Minister?

National Party Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins, says Ruth Dyson couldn't possibly believe anyone would accept her justification for MSD spending a fortune on salaries.


Politics 15 Jan 2008
MSD top-band salaries increase more than 546%

The number of Ministry of Social Development staff earning more than $100,000 has ballooned from 54 in 2002 to an incredible 349 in 2007, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.


Politics 11 Jan 2008
Multi million-dollar benefit debts 'written off'

Multi million-dollar benefit debts will never be re-paid because the Labour Government is making life too easy for benefit fraudsters, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.