Federated Farmers of New Zealand

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New Zealand's leading rural sector organisation, Federated Farmers of New Zealand represents 17,000 member farmers and rural families throughout New Zealand. A network of 24 provinces, together with associated area networks or branches, provides a locally based, democratic organisation that gives farmers a collective voice nationally and within each province. 

Joined September 2007
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Agriculture 4 May 2009
Back bloody brilliant bees

Federated Farmers is pushing government to recognise the role of bees by boosting biosecurity response and research.


Sport 4 May 2009
Otago stadium shows how councils farm farmers

DUNEDIN — The Otago Regional Stadium, for which contracts were signed last week, is being held up by Federated Farmers as a prime example of how farmers are being farmed by councils for their rates.


Politics 4 May 2009
ETS not needed to meet Kyoto obligations

The Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) should either be scrapped or substantially amended, the Select Committee reviewing the ETS has been told today by Federated Farmers.


Agriculture 28 Apr 2009
Fonterra is the toast of dairy farmers

Federated Farmers is toasting Fonterra’s decision to revise upwards, its forecast payout for the 2008/09 season from $5.10 per kilogram of milksolids (kgMS) announced in late January, to $5.20 per kgMS announced today.


Internet 28 Apr 2009
Farmers welcome Telecoms plan for broadband

Federated Farmers has welcomed Telecom’s fibre to the premise proposal designed to meet the Government’s $1.5 billion broadband investment initiative.


Agriculture 27 Apr 2009
Federated Farmers steps up drought support for Hawkes Bay

HAWKE'S BAY — “Federated Farmers is committed to helping all drought-stricken Hawke’s Bay farmers through it’s 0800 drought line (0800 376 844),” said Kevin Mitchell, Federated Farmers’ Hawke’s Bay president.


Agriculture 23 Apr 2009
Vast majority of Otagos dairy farmers responsible

OTAGO — Federated Farmers is defending the environmental record of Otago’s dairy farmers.


Agriculture 23 Apr 2009
0800 DROUGHT back for Gisborne/Wairoa farmers

GISBORNE — Federated Farmers successful 0800 DROUGHT (0800 376 844) line is back matching farmers with feed to sell, with those needing it.


Water 22 Apr 2009
Canada Geese putting the 'foul' into waterfowl

The population explosion of introduced Canada Geese is seriously impacting New Zealands farmers, waterways and waterfowl due to the irresponsible actions of Fish & Game New Zealand, which has failed its statutory obligation to manage this pest by spreading it to new parts of the country.


Environment 21 Apr 2009
Green Party co-leader and Federated Farmers give a dam

FAIRLIE — Green Party co-leader Dr Russel Norman is to see first hand from Federated Farmers the economic and environmental benefits that water storage projects can offer New Zealand.


Agriculture 21 Apr 2009
Federated Farmers drought line to be reactivated

GISBORNE — Federated Farmers has welcomed the Government’s rapid response today, to declare the Gisborne/Wairoa region to be in a small scale adverse event.


Agriculture 17 Apr 2009
Federated Farmers Vice President, Frank Brenmuhl, addresses the 2009 Ag and Hort Teachers Conference.

With the world population predicted to rise on the back of increasing living standards in Asia, China and India, and no decrease in the birth rate in the developing world, increasing food production to meet human demand is essential.


News 16 Apr 2009
'Reality check' time on emissions trading

Todays net position report on Kyoto Liabilities, which shows a possible surplus, represents an important reality check for New Zealand.


Health 9 Apr 2009
Health standards for pork a swine of a decision

The release of provisional health standards for imported pork has got Federated Farmers deeply concerned about the biosecurity precedent this recommendation sets.


News 7 Apr 2009
Federated Farmers backs Parliamentary Commissioner on the High Country

WELLINGTON — Federated Farmers has welcomed the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s report, Change in the high country: Environmental stewardship and tenure review.


Agriculture 7 Apr 2009
New management broom for St James Station

WELLINGTON — The destocking of St James Station, the lease of which was purchased by the Crown last year for $40 million, continues apace today at the Canterbury Park sales, where 1,000 ewes and their lambs are being sold.


Finance 1 Apr 2009
Bollard's 'jaw-jaw' puts acid on the banks

“Federated Farmers endorses the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s (RBNZ) view that the recent strength of long-term wholesale interest rates is unwarranted and pressure on our productive sector is unwelcome,” says Philip York, Federated Farmers economic spokesperson.


News 1 Apr 2009
0 Cities: 1 on ultra fast broadband

Federated Farmers is challenging the Government to prove it is committed to rural economic development, after yesterday’s announcement that ultra-fast broadband will be rolled out to 75 percent of New Zealand within the next ten years.


News 1 Apr 2009
Farmers reminded about securing stock

"The accident involving 30 cows from a farm in the Waikato this morning has served as a timely warning for farmers to ensure their stock are secured at all times," says Federated Farmers Dairy vice-chairman John Bluett.


News 30 Mar 2009
Auckland 'Super City' must super size the farmers

WELLINGTON — The recommendation by the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance to create Australasia's largest local authority is a bold step into the future, but urban domination must not impact the viability of farm businesses.


Business 30 Mar 2009
Income Redistribution Not a Local Government Role

A new report argues that income redistribution policies should continue to be the responsibility of central government, not councils.


Government 27 Mar 2009
Business says no to bigger social role for super city

AUCKLAND — Central government should reject any bigger social role for Auckland local government, said Charles Finny, Chair of the Local Government Forum.


Agriculture 27 Mar 2009
Rabbit resurgence big headache for farmers

"The recent resurgence of rabbits threatens New Zealand’s productivity and environment and must be halted as a matter of urgency,” says Donald Aubrey, Federated Farmers pest animal management spokesperson.


News 26 Mar 2009
Meat & Wool New Zealand must show value for money

“Meat & Wool New Zealand (MWNZ) needs to convince farmers that increasing its levy is both justified and warranted,” says Bruce Wills, Federated Farmers meat and fibre spokesperson.


Agriculture 25 Mar 2009
Great Danes show the way on emissions trading

“Denmark is showing the way for New Zealand to follow on emissions trading by ditching its proposed tax on farm animal emissions,” says Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers.


Export 24 Mar 2009
Fonterra half-year results 'none too shabby'

WELLINGTON — The half-year result for Fonterra Co-operative Group has been welcomed by Federated Farmers as excellent, given the unprecedented negative international trading environment.


Politics 24 Mar 2009
Trusting MAF on live sheep exports

If live sheep shipments resume, Federated Farmers believes the welfare of animals during shipment and afterwards must be the prime consideration.


Agriculture 19 Mar 2009
BEE happy with 150th anniversary of bees introduction to New Zealand

“Today’s 150th anniversary of the introduction of bees to New Zealand represents a milestone for the industry in this country,” said John Hartnell, Federated Farmers bee industry group spokesperson.


Electricity 18 Mar 2009
Fast-tracking electricity projects will railroad farmers

“The Government’s draft policy statement on electricity governance opens the door for landowners to be railroaded in the haste to fast-track major electricity projects,” says Federated Farmers President Don Nicolson.


Politics 13 Mar 2009
Regional fuel tax decision avoids colour coded diesel

“The spectre of UK-style colour coded diesel has been avoided by National dumping the previous Government’s proposed Regional Fuel Tax (RFT),” says Don Aubrey, Federated Farmers transport spokesperson.


Economy 12 Mar 2009
Last of the big Official Cash Rate cuts?

“Federated Farmers congratulates the Reserve Bank for its 50 basis points cut to the OCR this morning,” says Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers.


Agriculture 10 Mar 2009
AgResearch and Lincoln University merger applauded

CHRISTCHURCH — “Federated Farmers applauds both Lincoln University and AgResearch.


Water 9 Mar 2009
Water storage grant expansion thirst-quencher for New Zealand farmers

“The expansion of the Community Irrigation Fund (CIF) enabling local authorities to apply for rural water storage grants represents a significant boost for New Zealand’s farmers,” says Hugh Ritchie, Federated Farmers water spokesperson.


Finance 9 Mar 2009
Banks overdraft rates remain stubbornly high

Farm overdraft interest rates remain stubbornly high, despite major cuts to the New Zealand Official Cash Rate (OCR) and steep falls in 90 day interest rates.


Trade 8 Mar 2009
Back To The Future For The United States?

“The reported announcement by United States President Barrack Obama that talks on the Trans Pacific Partnership were to be postponed were a significant concern,” Federated Farmers President Don Nicolson said tonight.


Agriculture 7 Mar 2009
Flaws in Fonterras Effluent Improvement System

“Fonterra’s proposed new Effluent Improvement System (EIS) has good intentions, but the detail is flawed,” says Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers Dairy chairperson.


Rural 6 Mar 2009
National Infrastructure Unit major step forward for New Zealand farmers

“The establishment of a National Infrastructure Unit (NIU) is good news for farmers if it can facilitate key infrastructure projects in rural New Zealand,” says Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers.


Agriculture 5 Mar 2009
End of decline for milk powder prices?

“Today’s increase in the price of whole milk powder reinforces Federated Farmers prediction that commodity prices may be levelling out,” says Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers dairy chairman.


Agriculture 4 Mar 2009
Latest FTA talks good news for New Zealand farmers

“The announcement that formal talks between New Zealand and the Republic of Korea over a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) are to begin shortly represents a shot in the arm for New Zealand’s farmers,” says Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers.


Rural 1 Mar 2009
Success for Federated Farmers Farm Day

“With the conclusion of today’s inaugural Federated Farmers Farm Day, a big thank you goes out to everyone involved in making the event a success,” says Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.


Rural 1 Mar 2009
Action is go at Federated Farmers Farm Days across New Zealand

“Hundreds of families have donned their gumboots today to visit a Federated Farmers Farm Day being held at 25 farms across New Zealand,” says Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.


Rural 1 Mar 2009
Rain, hail, sleet or snow, today is Federated Farmers Farm Day

Despite the recent heavy weather, all Federated Farmers open farms will be open today with just one postponement in the Bay of Plenty, says Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers.


Employment 27 Feb 2009
Farmers prescription for the jobs summit

“The key focus about this jobs summit is to ensure we don’t fall into a trap of creating non-jobs.


Agriculture 26 Feb 2009
Federated Farmers Dairy Council says go dairy

“Given the world needs to eat, the fundamentals are all there for a highly profitable dairy industry.


Transport 26 Feb 2009
VTNZ closures put a brake on motorists, the army and farmers

“The proposed halving of Vehicle Testing New Zealand’s (VTNZ) Certificate of Fitness (CoF) offsite testing stations throughout New Zealand, will increase traffic congestion and negatively impact the rural economy,” says Donald Aubrey, Federated Farmers transport spokesperson.


Agriculture 25 Feb 2009
Federated Farmers and Fonterra in industry talks

“Given the current outlook for dairy commodities, the first meeting this year between Federated Farmers and members of Fonterra’s Board and senior management has taken on even greater importance," says Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers Dairy chairman.


Agriculture 25 Feb 2009
Federated Farmers Dairy chairman, Lachlan McKenzie, gives opening address to FFNZ Dairy Council meeting

Since being elected as chairman in June 2008, it has been a very busy and turbulent time.


Finance 25 Feb 2009
Banks Should be Clear on Government Guarantees costs say Federated Farmers

Banks need to be clear about which guarantee they are talking about and what it costs when they say it is a reason for higher interest rates than otherwise, Conor English, CEO of Federated Farmers said tonight.


Politics 23 Feb 2009
Farewell to Jeanette

“With the news that Jeanette Fitzsimons is to resign as the Green Party’s Co-Leader, the Green Party now stands at a crossroads,” says Frank Brenmuhl, Federated Farmers climate change spokesperson.


Agriculture 23 Feb 2009
Everyone doesnt know a farmer, statistics show

“The cherished notion that every New Zealander knows a farmer is now an urban myth and the genesis behind Federated Farmers Farm Day being held this Sunday, 1 March,” says Frank Brenmuhl, Federated Farmers education spokesperson.


Community 22 Feb 2009
Childrens Day goes country with Federated Farmers Farm Day

“Federated Farmers invites families to celebrate New Zealand’s International Children’s Day by visiting the country for Federated Farmers Farm Day on 1 March,” says Frank Brenmuhl, Federated Farmers vice president.


Trade 21 Feb 2009
Possible India Free Trade Agreement massive for farmers

“Federated Farmers applauds the news that New Zealand is to commence negotiations with India for a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA).


Electricity 17 Feb 2009
'Windgate' reflected in Meridians energy prices

“Talk about bad timing for Meridian.


Council 13 Feb 2009
Will local government end the rates spiral?

“It’s time to find out if local government is prepared to step up to the plate and show leadership by controlling its own costs,” says Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.


Politics 11 Feb 2009
Rolling maul of infrastructure rolls forward

“Today’s fast tracked list of public projects reflects the Government grabbing some low hanging fruit,” says Philip York, Federated Farmers economics and commerce spokesperson.


Agriculture 11 Feb 2009
Work time and logbook sanity applauded

A year of lobbying by the Agricultural Transport Forum (ATF) and Federated Farmers has led to the exemption of tractors and agricultural vehicles from the 2007 Land Transport Rule: Work Time and Logbooks.


Agriculture 5 Feb 2009
Molesworth Station to host a Federated Farmers Farm Day

Urban dwellers have the chance to visit one of New Zealands largest working farms after the announcement that Landcorps Molesworth Station will host a Federated Farmers Farm Day, says Donald Aubrey, Federated Farmers high country spokesperson.


Agriculture 3 Feb 2009
Proposed RMA changes an okay first stab says farmers

“Broadly speaking Federated Farmers welcomes the Government’s announcement and supports many of the changes to speed up the RMA process, but feels the discussion document to the much heralded Resource Management Act (Simplify & Streamline) Amendment Bill, is just an okay first stab,” says Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.


Agriculture 30 Jan 2009
Federated Farmers Farm Day goes

“For urban dwellers looking to discover the country, a big step forward has come with the Federated Farmers Farm Day website going live at midday today,” says Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers.


Finance 30 Jan 2009
Federated Farmers claims first bank interest rates result

“The jet of hot steam unleashed last week by Federated Farmers in its bank overdraft survey has won its first result,” says Philip York, Federated Farmers economics and commerce spokesperson.


Finance 29 Jan 2009
Dr Bollard backs Federated Farmers on interest rates call

The 150 basis point cut will be welcomed by farmers, but only if the banks play ball and pass this large cut onto their business customers, says Philip York, Federated Farmers economics spokesperson.


Agriculture 28 Jan 2009
Fonterra revised payout, 'tough but manageable for farm businesses'

The detail behind the latest revised forecast payout figure of $5.10 per kilogram of milksolids (kgMS), for the 2008/09 season, means it will be tough but manageable for well run farm businesses, says Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers Dairy chairman.


Finance 26 Jan 2009
Banks must follow suit by cutting business overdraft interest rates

“Cutting the Official Cash Rate (OCR) by a further 100 basis points will bolster farm businesses – but only if the banks play ball,” says Philip York, Federated Farmers economics spokesperson.


Finance 22 Jan 2009
Survey shows banks snubbing Dr Bollard on farm business overdraft interest rates

New Zealand’s farm businesses have received only around half of the 150 basis points cut from the Official Cash Rate (OCR) since 4 December.


Trade 19 Jan 2009
Return of EU subsidies neo-protectionism

“The reintroduction of export subsidies for dairy products by the European Union (EU) is deeply unsettling,” says Philip York, economics and commerce spokesperson for Federated Farmers.


Politics 15 Jan 2009
Fund Transmission Gully by scrapping the Waterview Tunnel

With 88.6 percent of respondents backing the inland option for Transmission Gully, Federated Farmers has found a way that would all but fund the $1 billion project.


Conservation 14 Jan 2009
Farmers urged to avoid grazing in conservation areas

WAIKATO — Waikato farmers are being reminded they are not allowed to graze stock in designated conservation areas on privately owned land.


Agriculture 13 Jan 2009
Back growth by backing agriculture, Government told

“With the Government’s economic ministers meeting in Wellington this Thursday, Federated Farmers has offered five words of advice, ‘back growth by backing agriculture’,” says Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.


Agriculture 12 Jan 2009
Grain price prediction turns positive

“Falling New Zealand grain prices may finally be reaching the bottom of the cycle given prices this month,” says Ian Morten, Federated Farmers Grain and Seed chairperson.


Agriculture 12 Jan 2009
Female shearers work hard to break world record

“Federated Farmers wish Ingrid Baynes and her mother, Marg, the best of luck for their world record sheep shearing attempt tomorrow,” says Bruce Wills, Federated Farmers Meat and Fibre spokesperson.


Water 9 Jan 2009
Spilled hydro water highlights untapped economic resource

“What could farmers on the North Island’s east coast do with a smidgen of the water Meridian Energy is currently spilling from its southern lakes?” asks Hugh Ritchie, Federated Farmers water spokesperson.


Agriculture 8 Jan 2009
New report reveals farm input costs decline

“Agribusiness lender Rabobank revealed yesterday that skyrocketing fertiliser prices are finally on the decline,” says Philip York, Federated Farmers economics and commerce spokesperson.


Agriculture 7 Jan 2009
Latest Fonterra auction reveals need for independent review

"The latest 9.3 percent fall in the price of Whole Milk Powder (WMP) on Fonterra’s new internet-based auction highlights the need for an independent review of the auction system,” says Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers Dairy spokesperson.


Agriculture 7 Jan 2009
Value of compulsory national ID scheme questioned

“If the proposed compulsory national ID system for livestock isn’t about food assurance and boosting farmer returns, then why on earth is the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry pouring millions of dollars into it?," asked Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers board spokesperson.


Agriculture 6 Jan 2009
Rainfall reduces immediate drought risk but the North Islands East Coast remains a concern

GISBORNE — “Rains in late December have helped relieve the immediate risk of drought in parts of East Coast of the North Island.


Weather 6 Jan 2009
Hail storm hits North Canterbury farmers

CANTERBURY — “The man who survived for more than 30 hours adrift on a jet ski during Saturday’s hail storm was incredibly lucky, but that storm hit many North Canterbury cropping farmers hard,” says Paul Stackhouse, North Canterbury Federated Farmers Grain and Seed chairman.


Agriculture 30 Dec 2008
New Zealand meat exports at risk due to ill-informed comments

“New Zealand's superb on farm verification standards means we are streets ahead of Australia in terms of sheep meat and other exports into the European Union," said Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers board spokesperson.


Agriculture 30 Dec 2008
Fonterra warning on payout not unexpected

"Fonterra’s warning of a likely revision downwards in the current milksolids forecast payout is not unexpected," says Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers Dairy chairman.


Agriculture 25 Dec 2008
Farmers hard at work on Christmas day

“Christmas is a great time for relaxation with family and friends but it’s also a very busy period for farmers the length and breadth of New Zealand,” said Federated president, Don Nicolson.


Agriculture 24 Dec 2008
Farmers hard at work on Christmas day

“Christmas is a great time for relaxation with family and friends but it’s also a very busy for farmers the length and breadth of New Zealand,” said Federated president, Don Nicolson.


Agriculture 23 Dec 2008
North Island drought preparations stepped up

WAIKATO — “The recent rain in the Canterbury region has probably brought a month’s relief from drought here, but the picture is very different in the North Island,” said Frank Brenmuhl, Federated Farmers adverse events spokesperson.


Agriculture 23 Dec 2008
Re-examination of Fonterra online auction system needed

“Auctions on a falling market could hasten a fall in dairy commodities, but whether it is the catalyst is open for debate.


Economy 19 Dec 2008
Dismal economic outlook must see New Zealand get farming

“State-led economic tinkering has almost led New Zealand into an economic abyss.


Agriculture 17 Dec 2008
Open Farm Day 2009

Federated Farmers will hold the inaugural New Zealand open FARM DAY on more than 25 farms throughout the country at the same time, on the same day, March 1, 2009.


Trade 17 Dec 2008
WTO knockback not good for the New Zealand economy

“Getting the WTO Ministerial Meeting back on track is the single biggest diplomatic priority for New Zealand right now.


Water 15 Dec 2008
Water storage is one of the magic bullets the NZ economy needs

“If there is one magic bullet guaranteed to transform the New Zealand economy it is water storage,” says Federated Farmers water spokesperson, Hugh Ritchie.


Court 11 Dec 2008
Farmers vindicated with costs in Banks Peninsula case

BANKS PENINSULA — The award of $35,000 costs to Federated Farmers from Environment Canterbury (Canterbury Regional Council), signals the end of an 11 year fight for the right to farm in Banks Peninsula.


Employment 11 Dec 2008
Farmers back probation period for new employees

Federated Farmers is backing the proposed 90-day probation period for new employees announced in yesterday’s speech from the Throne.


Economy 10 Dec 2008
Farmers pleased Government is on the same page

Federated Farmers is encouraged by a new government that values the real builders of the economy and seeks to serve those builders, vice-president, Frank Brenmuhl said today after the new government gave its Speech from the Throne.


Agriculture 9 Dec 2008
Kyoto and ETS: New Zealand acts globally by farming locally

“New Zealand must ensure its world leadership in low emission farming is reflected in the next phase of Kyoto and the policies that follow,” said Don Nicolson, Federated Farmer’s president and trade spokesperson.


Agriculture 5 Dec 2008
One Plan  Land Chapter disappointment

Federated Farmers told the One Plan hearing panel in Palmerston North today that farmers had been hopeful, but were disappointed with Horizons’ unwillingness to comprise on the Land Chapter of the plan.


Economy 4 Dec 2008
Thank you for listening Dr Bollard. Will the banks now act?

Federated Farmers has thanked Dr Bollard for listening to New Zealand’s farmers in cutting the Official Cash Rate (OCR) by 150 basis points to five percent this morning.


Court 3 Dec 2008
Taupo decision not to be appealed

TAUPO — Federated Farmers has confirmed it will not be lodging an appeal in the High Court challenging the recent Environment Court decision on Environment Waikato’s “Lake Taupo Variation”, Variation 5 to the Waikato Regional Plan.


Agriculture 3 Dec 2008
One Plan  Farmer concerns over living heritage rules

PALMERSTON NORTH — Federated Farmers told the One Plan hearing panel in Palmerston North on Monday December 1 that contents of the proposed plan and a number of rules will restrict normal farming activities.


Economy 3 Dec 2008
Farmers say 1.5 percent rate cut is needed tomorrow

Federated Farmers is calling on the Reserve Bank to cut the Official Cash Rate (OCR) this Thursday by 150 basis points or 1.5 percent.


Council 28 Nov 2008
Charles Finny elected chair of local government forum

WELLINGTON — Charles Finny has been elected Chairman of the Local Government Forum, a grouping of business organisations with a key interest promoting efficiency in local government.


Agriculture 27 Nov 2008
Dairy farming turning a corner in Environment Canterbury report

CANTERBURY — Federated Farmers has welcomed release of The compliance status of dairy shed effluent discharges to land in the Canterbury region for the 2007/08 season, by Environment Canterbury (ECan).


Agriculture 25 Nov 2008
Seed growers encouraged to communicate

Oil seed rape or canola growers are being encouraged by Federated Farmers Grains chairman Ian Morten to adhere to the principles of a ‘Seed Crop Isolation Distance Mapping Scheme’.


Agriculture 25 Nov 2008
350 billion reasons to get Doha sorted for 'NZ Inc.'

“New Zealand will be bound for the top half of the OECD if the Doha trade round can be completed successfully,” said the president of Federated Farmers, Don Nicolson, in response to the positive noises emanating from the APEC summit in Peru.


Agriculture 24 Nov 2008
Nine lambs a minute vanishing from New Zealand farms

Federated Farmers Meat & Fibre Chair, Bruce Wills, has expressed deep concern at the collapse in lamb numbers to 27.3 million; 4.7 million or 15% less than last spring.