Federated Farmers of New Zealand

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New Zealand's leading rural sector organisation, Federated Farmers of New Zealand represents 17,000 member farmers and rural families throughout New Zealand. A network of 24 provinces, together with associated area networks or branches, provides a locally based, democratic organisation that gives farmers a collective voice nationally and within each province. 

Joined September 2007
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Agriculture 26 Oct 2011
Revised payout no reason to panic

Federated Farmers says Fonterra’s decision to revise down it’s payout by 45 cents to $6.30 per kg of milk solids is unfortunate, but thanks the cooperative for being upfront about the situation and giving its farmers plenty of warning.


Agriculture 24 Oct 2011
Labour shows poor grasp of agricultural issues

Labour’s water policy completes a hat trick of ill conceived policy releases over the past week, highlighting a poor grasp of agricultural issues and a worrying anti-farming streak.


Agriculture 21 Oct 2011
Labour returns to 'Nanny State' politics

Federated Farmers is concerned at the interventionist tone of much of the Labour Party’s agriculture policy released yesterday.


Agriculture 20 Oct 2011
The Trade Environment: Future of WTO, beyond Doha TPP-regional FTA's

Speech by President of Federated Farmers Bruce Wills to the NZIIA Major Issues Conference, Wellington 20 October 2011 I would like to thank Bryan and the members of the Institute of International Affairs for inviting Federated Farmers to speak today.


Politics 19 Oct 2011
Labour's High Country policy has multiple flaws

The Labour Party’s policy to hike High Country property rents and drop the tenure review process in favour of direct acquisition is tantamount to confiscation Federated Farmers Board High Country liaison William Rolleston said today.


News 18 Oct 2011
Labour's High Country policy has multiple flaws

The Labour Party’s policy to hike High Country property rents and drop the tenure review process in favour of direct acquisition is tantamount to confiscation Federated Farmers Board High Country liaison William Rolleston said today.


Agriculture 18 Oct 2011
Farmers back MAF 2.0

While it’s never pleasant to see jobs disappear, Federated Farmers is buoyed by a new positive direction coming out of the merged Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry/Ministry of Fisheries.


Agriculture 18 Oct 2011
Sharemilking agreement gets a major makeover

With about 40 percent of New Zealand dairy farms operating sharemilking contracts, Federated Farmers has released its Variable Order Sharemilking Agreement 2012.


Environment 18 Oct 2011
90.3 percent of Canterbury dairy farms not harming the environment

CANTERBURY — Federated Farmers is celebrating a much improved working relationship with Environment Canterbury, which sees 90.3 percent of the region’s dairy farms not harming the environment.


Environment 17 Oct 2011
90.3 percent of Canterbury dairy farms not harming the environment

CANTERBURY — Federated Farmers is celebrating a much improved working relationship with Environment Canterbury, which sees 90.3 percent of the region’s dairy farms not harming the environment.


Agriculture 14 Oct 2011
Second consecutive food price fall shows the market works

WELLINGTON — The second consecutive fall in the Food Price Index, this time by one percent, shows that the market is working to deliver fair pricing.


Agriculture 11 Oct 2011
LIC-DairyNZ impasse unacceptable

To deliver an integrated dairy industry data network, Federated Farmers is encouraging DairyNZ to secure a solution that will benefit the entire dairy industry.


Agriculture 10 Oct 2011
Unlocking our primary potential - speech by Dr William Rolleston, Federated Farmers Vice-President, to the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science

WELLINGTON — Speech by Dr William Rolleston, Federated Farmers Vice-President, to the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science in Wellington on 4 October 2011.


Agriculture 9 Oct 2011
Basking in the rising sun: unlocking our primary potential

Speech by Dr William Rolleston, Federated Farmers Vice-President, to the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science in Wellington on 4 October 2011.


Agriculture 4 Oct 2011
Mackenzie sheep 'stolen for a particular market'

The manager of Ribbonwood Station at Omarama has requested all media inquiries relating to the theft of 200 pregnant ewes, be directed to Federated Farmers.


Agriculture 30 Sep 2011
Tatua delivers a dairy cooperative trifecta

Tatua dairy co-operative has pleased its 109 shareholders with an outstanding year coming from its highest ever financial surplus and milk payout.


Finance 28 Sep 2011
Westland Milk Products delivers more economic cheer

The dairy cooperative, Westland Milk Products, has delivered welcome cheer to the West Coast and the wider economy, with its second highest payout off revenues of over half a billion dollars.


Water 27 Sep 2011
Farmers unhappy at OAG water report

Federated Farmers is questioning what value the Office of the Auditor General report, ‘Managing freshwater quality: challenges for regional councils’, will add to informed debate.


Agriculture 27 Sep 2011
Dairy industry looks forward to working with Fonterra's new CEO

Federated Farmers wishes new Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings the best of luck and looks forward to looks forward to building on the already strong working relationship between the cooperative and the Federation.


Economy 26 Sep 2011
Meat and fibre exports show industry strength

A boost in agricultural exports at a traditionally quiet time of year has proved the economic worth of the country’s meat and fibre industries.


Economy 22 Sep 2011
Fonterra full-year result benefits all

Fonterra Cooperative Group’s full-year revenue results of just under $20 billion will financially benefit all New Zealanders.


Food 22 Sep 2011
Fonterra publishes Farmgate Milk Price Manual

Information published today by Fonterra shows that changes in the price Fonterra pays farmers for their milk each season are driven by the impact of global commodity prices.


Economy 21 Sep 2011
A green economy is paying our way in the world

Agriculture lies at the heart of the real green New Zealand economy that is not just helping to pay New Zealand’s way in the world today, but with research and innovation, is ideally suited to grow the economy into the future as today’s balance of payments show.


Agriculture 21 Sep 2011
Agricultural vehicle transport regulations review 'spot on'

As agricultural vehicles spend most of their time off-road but only briefly on-road, Federated Farmers is pleased the Government is to comprehensively review transport regulations relating to agricultural vehicles.


Agriculture 21 Sep 2011
Sir Michael Fay led bid for the former CraFarm's

NORTHLAND — Federated Farmers has welcomed a Sir Michael Fay led group upping its bid for the 16 former CraFarms, as being the best opportunity to keep these farms in New Zealand hands.


Agriculture 20 Sep 2011
Sir Michael Fay led bid for the former CraFarm's

Federated Farmers has welcomed a Sir Michael Fay led group upping its bid for the 16 former CraFarms, as being the best opportunity to keep these farms in New Zealand hands.


Agriculture 20 Sep 2011
Agricultural vehicle transport regulations review 'spot on'

As agricultural vehicles spend most of their time off-road but only briefly on-road, Federated Farmers is pleased the Government is to comprehensively review transport regulations relating to agricultural vehicles.


Agriculture 15 Sep 2011
ETS panel and Government listen to Federated Farmers

Federated Farmers sees many of the key points it has advocated for reflected in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) review panel’s report.


Food 15 Sep 2011
Select Committee Milk Inquiry 'a parliament too early'

Federated Farmers has told the Commerce Select Committee Inquiry into milk prices, that an inquiry is premature given the work being undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Ministry of Economic Development and The Treasury.


Water 14 Sep 2011
Irrigation joins a fresh start for water

The Irrigation Acceleration Fund will help transform and future proof New Zealand agriculture on the same day another fund, the ‘Fresh Start for Fresh Water Clean Up Fund’, will help communities remedy the legacy of the past.


Technology 13 Sep 2011
New Zealand hosting the RWC of biotechnology excites farmers

Federated Farmers believes NZBio winning the right to host the 2012 Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference to be the biotechnology equivalent of the Rugby World Cup (RWC).


Agriculture 12 Sep 2011
Bright future for 'NZ Inc' if Fonterra remains a cooperative

In an opinion editorial published on Idealog, Federated Farmers Dairy chairperson, Willy Leferink, has asked how long Fonterra would remain a New Zealand company if it was listed.


Agriculture 9 Sep 2011
Doha trade round a greater priority than climate change

Federated Farmers has backed the strongly worded communiqué issued from the Cairns Group Farm Leaders meeting in Saskatoon, Canada.


Opinion 7 Sep 2011
Are we going to be like the phone booth?

A while ago when I was in a Koru Club lounge I was stopped in my tracks by a sight that really struck me.


Agriculture 6 Sep 2011
Being the 'First XV' of Biosecurity

With an estimated 80,000 visitors entering New Zealand for Rugby World Cup 2011, New Zealanders are being asked to become a ‘First XV’ of biosecurity.


Agriculture 6 Sep 2011
Being the 'First XV' of Biosecurity

With an estimated 80,000 visitors entering New Zealand for Rugby World Cup 2011, New Zealanders are being asked to become a ‘First XV’ of biosecurity.


Agriculture 6 Sep 2011
Compulsory animal ID, farmers need the where, what, whens and how's

WELLINGTON — While Federated Farmers position on the mandatory National Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) scheme is well known, the Federation must support members by ensuring they get the briefings, instruction and detail on how to be NAIT compliant by 1 July, 2012.


Agriculture 5 Sep 2011
Compulsory animal ID, farmers need the where, what, whens and how's

While Federated Farmers position on the mandatory National Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) scheme is well known, the Federation must support members by ensuring they get the briefings, instruction and detail on how to be NAIT compliant by 1 July, 2012.


Economy 2 Sep 2011
Farmers welcome Fonterra's certainty

Fonterra Cooperative Group’s confirmation its current season forecast will be held, is of relief to Fonterra’s dairy farmers.


Energy 1 Sep 2011
Farmers applaud 'realistic' energy strategy

Federated Farmers is endorsing the New Zealand energy strategy for its realism.


Agriculture 30 Aug 2011
Greater Wellington's dairy farmers as compliance heroes

WELLINGTON — In the space of three seasons, dairy farmers in the Greater Wellington region have massively lifted their performance in terms of dairy compliance.


Agriculture 29 Aug 2011
Greater Wellington's dairy farmers as compliance heroes

In the space of three seasons, dairy farmers in the Greater Wellington region have massively lifted their performance in terms of dairy compliance.


Agriculture 26 Aug 2011
Dairy farmers hail Te Waihora rehabilitation as a template

The $11.6 million rehabilitation of Te Waihora (Lake Ellesmere) provides a positive template for the cooperative involvement of Government, Iwi, industry, councils and farmers.


Agriculture 22 Aug 2011
Federated Farmers Dairy to work with its organic members

With Fonterra downsizing its organic operation, Federated Farmers is to ask the cooperative for greater transparency while working for affected members and farmers.


Agriculture 13 Aug 2011
Agriculture key to prosperity, says Finance Minister

Federated Farmers is applauding the Minister of Finance, the Hon Bill English, for highlighting primary exports as one key to future prosperity.


Technology 11 Aug 2011
Farmers welcome further Rural Broadband infrastructure

Federated Farmers welcomes Communications Minister Steven Joyce’s release of two tender documents for the final Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI) contracts.


Food 9 Aug 2011
Possible milk price inquiry premature and confusing

Federated Farmers will represent dairy farmers at any milk pricing inquiry, but with a separate interdepartmental review of Raw Milk regulations underway by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Treasury and the Ministry of Economic Development (MED), the Federation feels a new inquiry is premature and confusing.


Agriculture 8 Aug 2011
Got Milk? - Milk opinion editorial by Bruce Wills

Bruce Wills is Federated Farmers President Why is milk more expensive than a bottle of cola? Chris Farrelly of Northland's Manaia Health asked what many people have been thinking.


Health 5 Aug 2011
Cancer study just one piece of the puzzle

Federated Farmers is interested to find out more about Massey University research around growing up on livestock farms and a possible association with increased blood cancer risks.


Agriculture 4 Aug 2011
Allied Farmers retail store sale to RD1 'great news'

TARANAKI — Federated Farmers is applauding cooperatively owned RD1 acquiring the assets of Allied Farmers Rural Merchandise, guaranteeing no loss of rural servicing in Taranaki.


Business 3 Aug 2011
Allied Farmers retail store sale to RD1 'great news'

TARANAKI — Federated Farmers is applauding cooperatively owned RD1 acquiring the assets of Allied Farmers Rural Merchandise, guaranteeing no loss of rural servicing in Taranaki.


Food 2 Aug 2011
Commerce Commission milk decision correct

This morning’s release of a four-month analysis by the Commerce Commission into milk pricing should dispel any notion the New Zealand consumer is being exploited.


Export 29 Jul 2011
European grain-fed beef deal, 'great for farmers'

CANTERBURY — Negotiations by the Hon Tim Groser, has delivered a great opportunity for the beef industry to export grain-fed beef into the European Union (EU).


Agriculture 28 Jul 2011
European grain-fed beef deal, 'great for farmers'

Negotiations by the Hon Tim Groser, has delivered a great opportunity for the beef industry to export grain-fed beef into the European Union (EU).


Agriculture 27 Jul 2011
Working together for better results

Speech by Federated Farmers board member and Grain & Seed chairperson Ian MacKenzie at the Rural Contractors New Zealand's Conference, delivered on Tuesday 26 July in Ashburton.


Trade 26 Jul 2011
Kiwi dollar hits trade surplus, worrying farmers

While the agricultural sector and related manufacturing has led New Zealand’s export efforts in the year to June, the strength of the New Zealand dollar is starting to concern farmers.


Agriculture 25 Jul 2011
Farmers and stock take winter blast in their stride

Following contact with provinces south of Taupo in both islands, Federated Farmers has found that both stock and farmers have come through this wintry blast well.


Agriculture 25 Jul 2011
Farm confidence survey shows 'grass is becoming greener'

Farmers are more confident now than they were in January, according to the latest Federated Farmers Farm Confidence Survey, taken at the beginning of the 2011/12 season.


Water 22 Jul 2011
Speech - Water, water everywhere, but only a few drops stored (first speech by Bruce Wills, Federated Farmers President)

WELLINGTON — Speech by Bruce Wills, Federated Farmers President, to the 2nd Annual Agricultural and Horticultural Outlook Summit, Amora Hotel Wellington, 21 July 2011 I would like to thank the organisers for allowing me to speak on water allocation, irrigation and storage to you today.


Agriculture 18 Jul 2011
Inflation of concern to farmers

Federated Farmers is concerned the highest inflation levels for 21 years will add upside pressure on the New Zealand dollar.


Agriculture 15 Jul 2011
'More taxes do not make the cake bigger' - Federated Farmers of NZ

At a time when New Zealand really needs to grow its economy and exports to collectively pay back debt and improve our living standards, the prospect of more asset taxes on top of taxing biological emissions from agriculture, is a step in the wrong direction.


Economy 14 Jul 2011
More taxes do not make the cake bigger

At a time when New Zealand really needs to grow its economy and exports to collectively pay back debt and improve our living standards, the prospect of more asset taxes on top of taxing biological emissions from agriculture, is a step in the wrong direction.


Agriculture 14 Jul 2011
New Fonterra CEO inspiring

Federated Farmers is applauding Fonterra Cooperative Group appointing 46 year-old Theo Spierings, as Chief Executive Officer designate.


Agriculture 12 Jul 2011
Huge improvement on Waikato dairy compliance statistics

WAIKATO — The release of the 2010-11 Waikato Regional Council statistics showing a huge improvement in effluent compliance reflects the investment dairy farmers are making to meet their environmental responsibilities.


Business 5 Jul 2011
Op-ed For Publication: Conor English CEO Federated Farmers

Attitude matters Recently Social Development Minister Paula Bennett issued a challenge to New Zealanders on how we could get our terrible child abuse statistics down.


Agriculture 5 Jul 2011
Speech: Goodbye and good luck - Final speech by Don Nicolson as Federated Farmers President

Final speech by Don Nicolson, as Federated Farmers President, on 1 July 2011 at Federated Farmers 2011 Annual General Meeting in Rotorua.


Agriculture 4 Jul 2011
New agricultural era dawns with cooperative partnerships

Greater unity in the entire agricultural sector is in the offing, with Fonterra Cooperative Group and Silver Fern Farms partnership to aggregate sea and land freight services under the Kotahi umbrella.


Agriculture 1 Jul 2011
Federated Farmers elects new national board

President Bruce Wills was elected as the 28th President of Federated Farmers this morning.


Agriculture 1 Jul 2011
2011 Federated Farmers Agri Award Winners

Andrew Ferrier, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Fonterra Cooperative Group has become Federated Farmers Agribusiness Person of the Year for 2011.


Agriculture 1 Jul 2011
Speech: Federated Farmers President, Farming is the sunrise

Penultimate speech by Don Nicolson as Federated Farmers President on day two of Federated Farmers 2011 Annual General Meeting at the Distinction Rotorua.


Agriculture 30 Jun 2011
Farming is the sunrise

ROTORUA — Penultimate speech by Don Nicolson as Federated Farmers President on day two of Federated Farmers 2011 Annual General Meeting at the Distinction Rotorua.


Agriculture 29 Jun 2011
Into a brighter future for meat and fibre

Final speech by Bruce Wills as Federated Farmers Meat & Fibre Chairperson at Federated Farmers Meat & Fibre Annual General Meeting at the Distinction Rotorua.


Agriculture 29 Jun 2011
Championing truth to distinguish fact from opinion

Final speech by Lachlan McKenzie as Federated Farmers Dairy Chairperson at Federated Farmers Dairy’s Annual General Meeting at the Distinction Rotorua.


Health 29 Jun 2011
Company pressure selling health and safety policies to Taranaki farmers

TARANAKI — Federated Farmers is concerned by reports from the Taranaki region that farmers are being pressured into buying health and safety policies.


Community 28 Jun 2011
Farmy Army/SVA achieves great things....again

CHRISTCHURCH — In seven days 2340 farmers, students and Christchurch residents, with the help of the New Zealand Army, collectively cleared an estimated 100,000 cubic metres of silt from Christchurch's battered suburbs.


Agriculture 28 Jun 2011
Congratulations to the inaugural Gordon Stephenson trophy winners

HASTINGS — Federated Farmers congratulates Southland farmers Grant and Bernadette Weller, the first ever winners of the National Ballance Farm Environment Awards.


Agriculture 28 Jun 2011
Exports worth more than a Rugby World Cup a week

How agriculture is exporting New Zealand to the future, is evident in Statistics New Zealand’s latest Overseas Merchandise Trade figures for the year to May 2011.


Agriculture 24 Jun 2011
Federated Farmers backs New Zealand Merino purchase

Federated Farmers is backing Merino Grower Investments Limited, committing $7.625 million to purchase PGG Wrightson's half-share in New Zealand Merino.


Community 23 Jun 2011
Farmy Army/SVA aim for big push Thursday and Friday

CHRISTCHURCH — With over 300 farmers, university students, school students and the army working in Christchurch today, both the Farmy Army and Student Volunteer Army (SVA) are aiming for a big push on Thursday and Friday.


Agriculture 22 Jun 2011
Shortlist for the Agribusiness Person of the Year Award at Federated Farmers 2011 National Conference

Federated Farmers has settled on an impressive shortlist for the 2011 Agribusiness Person of the Year Award.


Agriculture 21 Jun 2011
Farmers leap up 'most trusted professions' list

Farmers have jumped two places to be New Zealand’s fourteenth most trusted profession in Readers Digest New Zealand's Most Trusted Professions 2011.


Community 19 Jun 2011
Good weather in Christchurch is a good day to volunteer for the Farmy Army/SVA

CHRISTCHURCH — The mammoth task of removing Christchurch’s liquefaction continues today and will continue each day up to and including Friday.


Earthquakes 17 Jun 2011
How Christchurch residents can request silt removal

CHRISTCHURCH — With the Farmy Army, Student Volunteer Army and Christchurch City Council combining from tomorrow to remove silt following the latest earthquake, residents are being advised how to make contact to request assistance.


Agriculture 16 Jun 2011
Agricultural Health and Safety could save millions

An Occupational Health and Safety Manual has been launched by Federated Farmers to improve agricultural health and safety and could help save agriculture and the wider agricultural community, millions of dollars each year in direct and indirect costs.


Community 15 Jun 2011
Federated Farmers' Adverse Events Trust delivers good news to Christchurch

CHRISTCHURCH — Federated Farmers’ Adverse Events Trust (AET) is to donate $285,000 to nine charities and groups in Christchurch.


Agriculture 14 Jun 2011
Agriculture outlook hails an agricultural sunrise

Federated Farmers is welcoming two developments marking agriculture’s economic sunrise.


Finance 10 Jun 2011
OCR hold but farmers warned to expect increases in the cost of borrowing

Federated Farmers is welcoming the continued hold of the OCR at 2.5 percent, though a more upbeat outlook means that farmers should plan for tightening as early as the fourth quarter with new bank lending requirements likely to increase the cost of borrowing before then.


Agriculture 9 Jun 2011
Today Canada Geese lose all protection

Farmers and hunters should celebrate 9 June as Canada Geese freedom day, with the bird now a pest.


Agriculture 8 Jun 2011
Proposed biosecurity 'partnerships' a can of worms

Federated Farmers is counselling the Government against forcing Government Industry Agreements (GIA) on the export agricultural sector.


Environment 8 Jun 2011
Forest & Bird and Federated Farmers praise report on 1080

Conservation organisation Forest & Bird and Federated Farmers today praised the report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) on the use of 1080.


Agriculture 7 Jun 2011
Why the Bee team is the A team

Since 2000, Varroa has seen the loss of at least 200,000 bee colonies.


Conservation 7 Jun 2011
Farmers protecting biodiversity 'equivalent to two national parks'

Following World Environment Day, Federated Farmers is to ask the Government to put protected areas on private land, such as QEII National Trust type covenants and Significant Natural Areas, on the same footing as the Department of Conservation (DoC) for council rating purposes.


Agriculture 5 Jun 2011
Bees are just 500 grams from a disaster

Honey bees, so vital to every New Zealander, are just 500 grams away from a disaster warns Federated Farmers.


Agriculture 3 Jun 2011
Fat bee or skinny bee, you can be the difference

With no alternative to nature’s 100% Pure pollinator, Federated Farmers is highlighting that everyone can make a difference as to whether bees are ‘fat or skinny’, by planting trees for healthy bees.


Agriculture 1 Jun 2011
No bees, no food, no people

As part of Bee Week 2011, Federated Farmers is highlighting the pollination activities of honey bees.


Agriculture 27 May 2011
Animal ID scheme delay 'prevents an agricultural INCIS'

Having called for implementation of the National Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) scheme to be delayed or abandoned, Federated Farmers is welcoming the decision by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) to delay the scheme from its planned 1 November start.


Fundraiser 26 May 2011
Federated Farmers' Adverse Events Trust makes first Christchurch donation

CHRISTCHURCH — Federated Farmers’ Adverse Events Trust, a registered charity (no.


Agriculture 25 May 2011
New line up for Federated Farmers Southland with Don Nicolson awarded a life membership

SOUTHLAND — Following Federated Farmers Southland Annual General Meeting yesterday, 23 May, the Province elected a new provincial president to replace Rod Pemberton, who is now farming in Central Otago.


Agriculture 25 May 2011
Forecast milk price of 66 cents per litre holds steady

Federated Farmers has welcomed Fonterra Cooperative Group locking in $7.50 per kilogram of milk solids (kg/MS) as its forecast milk price for the 2010/11 season.