Federated Farmers of New Zealand

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New Zealand's leading rural sector organisation, Federated Farmers of New Zealand represents 17,000 member farmers and rural families throughout New Zealand. A network of 24 provinces, together with associated area networks or branches, provides a locally based, democratic organisation that gives farmers a collective voice nationally and within each province. 

Joined September 2007
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Agriculture 23 May 2011
Emissions units aren't just for Christmas

The real cost of an Emission Trading Scheme on dairy farmers – The New Zealand Experience.


Internet 20 May 2011
Concerns over Zone 3 schools missing out on ultra fast broadband in initial rollout

InternetNZ, the Telecommunications Users Association of New Zealand (TUANZ) and Federated Farmers have expressed concern that a substantial number of schools and students in Zone 3 may be missing out on fibre connections in the initial rollout of the Government’s broadband programmes.


Finance 19 May 2011
Budget 2011 'boring in a positive way'

Federated Farmers has welcomed the complete lack of electoral lollies in Budget 2011 as well as the track towards a balanced budget by 2015 “It is refreshing to have a Budget promoted as being a zero-sum game that delivers on that promise,” says Philip York, Federated Farmers economics and commerce spokesperson.


Finance 19 May 2011
Since revenue is not profit, is Fairfax paying fair tax?

Lachlan McKenzie is Federated Farmers chairperson The 2008/9 season was an annus horribilis for the nation's 11,618 dairy farms.


Agriculture 19 May 2011
'Turnover does not equal profit' Federated Farmers says of Dominion Post taxation story

Federated Farmers is responding to the front page story in today's Dominion Post, also carried in The Press, which suggested the average dairy farm in 2009 had income of $500,000, but apparently paid $1506 in tax.


Agriculture 12 May 2011
Fonterra's Brazilian opportunity

Federated Farmers supports Fonterra Cooperative Group converting a cropping farm in Brazil’s Goiás State, into a pilot 850 hectare dairy farm.


Agriculture 12 May 2011
Agricultural Production Statistics show a lack of intensity

Federated Farmers believes the latest Agricultural Production Statistics for the year to June 2010, as well as agriculture’s revised emissions profile, shows that agriculture is not ‘intensive’.


Agriculture 12 May 2011
Hawke's Bay gets a new provincial president

NAPIER — Following the Federated Farmers Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 4 May Bruce Wills was elected as the new provincial president.


Finance 11 May 2011
Financial Stability Report warns farms aren't an ATM

The Reserve Bank’s latest Financial Stability Report accords with Federated Farmers view that improved commodity prices will not rapidly translate into economic activity.


Agriculture 10 May 2011
New chairpersons for Gisborne/Wairoa province

Federated Farmers’ Gisborne/Wairoa Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday 5 May and saw new Dairy and Meat & Fibre chairpersons voted in.


Guns 10 May 2011
Feds playing politics over firearm safety

Federated Farmers deputy leader Donald Aubrey is way off the mark with his hysterical claim that land occupiers are going to be charged for game bird hunting, says Fish & Game NZ chief executive Bryce Johnson.


Agriculture 10 May 2011
Otago province executive changes

OTAGO — Federated Farmers' Otago Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 3 May and saw new Dairy and Meat & Fibre chairpersons voted in.


Water 10 May 2011
Farmers express hopes for NPS on freshwater management

Federated Farmers will work with the Government given yesterday’s announcement of a National Policy Statement (NPS) for water and the Cleanup Fund.


Water 10 May 2011
Water marks New Zealand as the real 'lucky country'

Federated Farmers is hailing the significant announcement yesterday on both water storage and on policy as moves that will cement New Zealand as the real ‘lucky country’.


Agriculture 9 May 2011
Proposed landowner duck hunt tax is poorly camouflaged greed

Federated Farmers rejects a recent push by Fish and Game looking to force landowners to pay new hunting fees to shoot ducks on their own land.


Water 9 May 2011
Water Storage critical to New Zealand's big future

Conor English, Chief Executive Officer Federated Farmers New Zealand is big.

Conor English


Agriculture 6 May 2011
Nelson region gets a Federated Farmers provincial president

NELSON — Following the Federated Farmers Nelson Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 4 May, Gavin O’Donnell was elected as the new provincial president.


Technology 5 May 2011
Quarter of a million rural customers should expect cheaper mobile rates

Federated Farmers lobbying looks like it could deliver much cheaper mobile phone calls and texts for over a quarter of a million rural telecommunication customers.


Employment 5 May 2011
Farming wages well ahead of non-farm wages, Rabobank / Federated Farmers survey shows

While the recession continues to dampen wages and salaries outside the farm gate, inside it, farm workers recorded an overall average salary rise of 4.9 percent in the year to October 2010, according to the Federated Farmers/Rabobank Farm Employee Remuneration Report for 2010.


Weather 4 May 2011
Hawke's Bay farmers welcome adverse event declaration

HAWKE'S BAY — Federated Farmers has welcomed the Government’s declaration of a medium scale adverse event for farmers in the Hawke’s Bay.


Agriculture 29 Apr 2011
Hawke's Bay storm - effect on stock and farms

HAWKE'S BAY — Following Central Hawke’s Bay District Council declaring a state of emergency, Federated Farmers Hawke’s Bay province has started collating reports from affected farms.


Export 28 Apr 2011
OCR hold sends pre-Budget message

This morning’s hold of the Official Cash Rate (OCR) at 2.5 percent, following last month’s 50 basis point cut, sends a powerful pre-Budget message to the Government.


Food 28 Apr 2011
Beef+Lamb – NZTE initiative will boost exports

Federated Farmers believes two recent and significant policy initiatives are coming together that will make the Red Meat Market Development Contestable Fund fly for not just farmers, but all New Zealanders.


Agriculture 27 Apr 2011
Biosecurity fundamental but NAIT questions remain

Federated Farmers fully backs biosecurity resources at the border because biosecurity is the alpha and omega of not just farming, but the entire economy.


Agriculture 26 Apr 2011
Hon Rodney Hide to speak at Federated Farmers Otago Annual General Meeting

The Hon Rodney Hide is the keynote speaker at the 2011 Federated Farmers Otago Provincial AGM, where he will talk about what local government reform will deliver for farmers.


Agriculture 26 Apr 2011
Proposed National Policy Statement threatens farming

GISBORNE — Farmers on the east coast of the North Island, only just recovering from several seasons of drought, could be dealt a crippling blow if a planned Government policy on managing biodiversity goes ahead unchanged.


Internet 20 Apr 2011
Rural broadband takes a step forward for 1.1 million kiwis

Federated Farmers is welcoming confirmation the $252 million increase for rural broadband it successfully lobbied for, will finally generate results for rural New Zealand.


Agriculture 17 Apr 2011
Import one pork disease, get the second one free?

Proposals by the Ministry of Agricultural and Fisheries (MAF) to relax import health standards for raw pork from the United States, Canada, Mexico and the European Union (EU), is like playing Russian roulette with the entire agricultural sector.


Agriculture 15 Apr 2011
Latest OIO application for the former CraFarms

Federated Farmers believes the application by China’s Shanghai Pengxin Group Limited, though its locally owned subsidiary, Milk New Zealand Holding Limited, will be an acid test for revised Overseas Investment Office (OIO) rules.


Food 14 Apr 2011
Retail milk prices a storm in a latte cup

Federated Farmers believes any company receiving raw milk at the regulated price, concerned about retail competition, is free to install processing plant in order to supply liquid milk to consumers.


Finance 13 Apr 2011
Farmers cautious following bullish Reserve Bank outlook

While Federated Farmers welcomes the Reserve Bank’s Outlook for commodity prices and implications for New Zealand monetary policy, with Federated Farmers Dairy chairperson urging caution after returning from a fact finding visit to the United States.


Agriculture 7 Apr 2011
New game animal council will need to walk the talk

The Government’s introduction of a new ‘Game Animal Council’ will have to prove its worth and not just be another MMP-era minor party ‘bribe’ paid for with taxpayer money.


Agriculture 5 Apr 2011
New FMG product emerges from last September's storms

SOUTHLAND — Federated Farmers welcomes one of the first practical measures to emerge from last September’s devastating storms in Southland and South Otago, FMG’s introduction of a ‘Livestock Catastrophe Policy’ for sheep farmers.


Agriculture 5 Apr 2011
Chief Coroner to speak at Taranaki Meat & Fibre Conference

TARANAKI — Chief Coroner Neil McLean will be the keynote speaker at Federated Farmers Taranaki Meat & Fibre section’s Annual General Meeting and conference at the TSB Hub in Hawera on 28 April at 3pm.


Agriculture 31 Mar 2011
First ever funniest farming video competition underway

To celebrate the lighter aspects of farming life, Federated Farmers is putting up a brand new iPad 2 for the winner of its first ever funniest farming video competition.


Food 31 Mar 2011
Farmers welcome Commerce Commission preliminary analysis

Federated Farmers is welcoming the Commerce Commission’s preliminary analysis into retail milk prices as a chance to help end the speculation over milk prices.


Agriculture 24 Mar 2011
Can you export a biosecurity incursion from NZ into NZ?

The pastoral sector has told the Select Committee reviewing the Biosecurity Law Reform Bill, that exporters and taxpayers shouldn’t be expected to pay for import biosecurity.


Agriculture 24 Mar 2011
Fonterra half-year results 'just what the IMF ordered'

Fonterra shareholders will welcome the strong and positive performance turned by Fonterra Cooperative Group over the past half-year.


Food 21 Mar 2011
Milk 'has not been cheaper' in Australia

Research by Federated Farmers has found that Australian milk was more expensive than New Zealand milk until February’s ‘milk war’, which has seen prices fall to as little as AU$1 (currently NZ$1.36) per litre.  “The first casualty of war is truth,” says Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers Dairy chairperson.


Agriculture 18 Mar 2011
Farmers happy Canada Geese finally declared a pest

The Government’s announcement that the Canada Goose will no longer be protected as a game bird is welcomed by Federated Farmers, meaning they will now be allowed to be hunted freely as a pest.


Agriculture 18 Mar 2011
Farmers hitting Clean Streams Accord targets

Ninety percent of inspected dairy farms in 2009/10 were either fully compliant with regional council plan and Resource Management Act (RMA) consent requirements, or guilty of no more than not complying with technical conditions.  “The truth is like a good story, it needs to be told,” says Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers Dairy chairperson.


Agriculture 17 Mar 2011
New ECAN chief needs to bring new thinking

CANTERBURY — Federated Farmers welcomes the announcement of Bill Bayfield as the new Chief Executive Officer of Environment Canterbury (ECAN) and hopes he will bring an even handed approach to the water issues plaguing the region.


Agriculture 11 Mar 2011
Weather looks golden for Farm Day this Sunday

The weather has aligned nicely for Federated Farmers Farm Day 2011, which will be held near the major centres this Sunday, 13 March between 10am and 3pm.


Politics 10 Mar 2011
'Super' primary industries Ministry supercharges agriculture

Plans to create a ‘super’ primary industries Ministry made up of the Ministry of Fisheries and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has the full backing of Federated Farmers.


Finance 10 Mar 2011
Earthquake OCR cut welcomed by Federated Farmers

This morning’s cut of the Official Cash Rate (OCR) to 2.5 percent comes as no surprise following the devastation of the Christchurch Earthquake in addition to concerns about our already sluggish economy.


Fundraiser 10 Mar 2011
Greenlea to 'Meat the needs of Christchurch' with $150,000 kick start

WAIKATO — Waikato’s Greenlea Premier Meats is the first meat processor to make a $150,000 donation to ‘Meat the needs of Christchurch’, being run via the Adverse Events Trust, a registered charity administered by Federated Farmers (no.


Agriculture 8 Mar 2011
Federated Farmers North Canterbury Farm Day cancelled

CANTERBURY — Federated Farmers of New Zealand in conjunction with Federated Farmers North Canterbury has decided to cancel its annual North Canterbury Farm Day due to the Christchurch Earthquake.


Fundraiser 4 Mar 2011
Wool Partners International to 'Meat the needs of Christchurch'

CHRISTCHURCH — Wool Partners International has confirmed that it too will ‘Meat the needs of Christchurch’ – a charitable initiative being led by Federated Farmers.


Earthquakes 2 Mar 2011
'Farmy Army' working hard clearing schools

CHRISTCHURCH — Teams from Federated Farmers ‘Farmy Army’ are working hard on schools in the Shirley area of Christchurch.


Earthquakes 1 Mar 2011
'Farmy Army' in need of good homes and schools to help

CHRISTCHURCH — With Federated Farmers ‘Farmy Army’ swelling in numbers, it is now in a position to go looking for work that needs to be attended to around Christchurch.


Agriculture 1 Mar 2011
Fonterra looks to a great future backed by farmers

Federated Farmers appreciates the long notice that Fonterra Cooperative Group Chief Executive, Andrew Ferrier, has given to the cooperative.


Earthquakes 1 Mar 2011
'Farmy Army' ploughs into 1,100 tonnes of liquefaction

CHRISTCHURCH — The Federated Farmers led ‘Farmy Army’ has today removed in excess of 1,100 tonnes of liquefaction from homes in the New Brighton area.


Earthquakes 28 Feb 2011
200,000 litres of water carried daily into Christchurch

CHRISTCHURCH — At a daily average of some 200,000 litres of water, over 600,000 litres have now been delivered by Bleeker Contracting and Raymond Hart since Thursday evening.


Earthquakes 28 Feb 2011
'Farmy Army' removes 1,000 tonnes of earthquake debris from residential properties

CHRISTCHURCH — Federated Farmers is pleased to announce that an estimated 1,000 tonnes of earthquake debris was today removed from the Christchurch suburb of New Brighton, heavily impacted by last Tuesday’s earthquake.


Earthquakes 26 Feb 2011
'Just the start' as farmers and volunteers plough into earthquake cleanup

CHRISTCHURCH — To assist with the Christchurch cleanup, Federated Farmers has organised well over 300 farmers and urban residents to work in the St Martins and St Albans areas.


Earthquakes 25 Feb 2011
Farmers bringing in equipment to help clear Christchurch

CHRISTCHURCH — Within hours of calling on Canterbury’s farmers, Federated Farmers has assembled well over 58 pieces of equipment and skilled volunteers to start a major clean-up of Christchurch in conjunction with Fulton Hogan.


Motoring 24 Feb 2011
Petrol stations re-opening, refuelling - update

CANTERBURY — North Canterbury Federated Farmers is reminding people not to resort to panic buying which would only lead to stations running out of fuel before fresh deliveries arrive.


Internet 22 Feb 2011
Telecom and Vodafone reject rural New Zealand

Vodafone and Telecom, preferred bidders for the $300 million Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI), were late withdrawals from today’s Federated Farmers rural broadband solutions meeting.


Agriculture 22 Feb 2011
Animal well-being always a priority

Dr Richard Wild, President of the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA), spoke to the Federated Farmers annual Dairy Council Meeting in Ashburton to discuss an issue close to both groups’ hearts, our animals.


Food 21 Feb 2011
Farmers not creaming milk, lamb or beef prices

New Zealand’s farmers are not exploiting high local food prices, with farmers receiving less than 30 percent of the retail value.


Motoring 19 Feb 2011
Farmers 'can do' quad bike safety guidelines

Federated Farmers is welcoming guidelines for the safe use of quad bikes released by the Department of Labour (DoL) today.


Agriculture 19 Feb 2011
Wool cooperative down but not necessarily out

Federated Farmers believes the failure of Wool Partners Cooperative (WPC) to secure $55 million in farmer backing, while disappointing, may still see a new farmer run cooperative emerge.


Agriculture 18 Feb 2011
A world of biosecurity or insecurity?

From a speech to Federated Farmers Dairy Council, Hotel Ashburton 18 February 2011.


Employment 16 Feb 2011
Finding an employment cloud in agriculture's silver lining

Federated Farmers is disappointed at a rural newspaper's poor analysis of employment relationship problems relating to the agricultural sector.  "The analysis in Farmers Weekly was frankly disappointing for what is a very serious matter," says David Rose, Federated Farmers employment spokesperson.


Electricity 11 Feb 2011
Easement may ease transmission line work

Federated Farmers is awaiting the imminent release to landowners of Transpower’s revised standard easement, for the acquiring of rights to construct and maintain transmission lines.


Agriculture 10 Feb 2011
Prime Minister backs Federated Farmers on a Ministry for Primary Industries

Federated Farmers, having called for a Ministry for Primary Industries at its National Council last November, is delighted the Prime Minister now suggests it is a distinct possibility.


Agriculture 10 Feb 2011
MAF gets a Federated Farmers bouquet for DIRA consultation

Federated Farmers is lauding the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s (MAF) options for amendment to the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act (DIRA) that will allow Fonterra Cooperative Group to trade shares among shareholders.


Finance 10 Feb 2011
Government books need to be brought under control

Federated Farmers has made it clear in its submission to the Government’s Budget Policy Statement (BPS) that its spending needs to be affordable, efficient and effective to boost New Zealand’s economic resilience.


Agriculture 4 Feb 2011
All eyes on PGG Wrightson takeover

Federated Farmers is considering media reports that Canadian agricultural giant, Agrium, may be the latest suitor for rural services company, PGG Wrightson.


Agriculture 3 Feb 2011
Ovine varietals the future of meat

Federated Farmers welcomes Silver Fern Farms (SFF) and the New Zealand Merino Company’s (NZMC) partnership to push Merino sheep meat into untapped markets.


Food 2 Feb 2011
Food is the new black as commodities rise

While appreciating commodity prices will be positive for the New Zealand economy, it is only part of the cost equation for goods for all farmers, whether you’re producing cheese or lamb.


Agriculture 2 Feb 2011
Farmers recruit the dung beetle

Federated Farmers is celebrating the Environmental Risk Management Authority’s (ERMA) approval for the importation and release of eleven dung beetle species.


Agriculture 2 Feb 2011
New EPA could tame the RMA

Federated Farmers welcomes the new Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) but still has some reservations on how the new body will work and whether it will deliver the promised efficiencies.


Trade 1 Feb 2011
Overseas trade boost continues thanks to farmers

Despite one of the toughest seasons in memory, the agricultural sector’s contribution to the export economy has maintained its high, according to the latest Statistics New Zealand Overseas Merchandise Trade statistics.


Internet 1 Feb 2011
Rural Broadband demands a step change to deliver future proofing

Following recent media speculation on the outcome of the $300 million Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI), Federated Farmers is challenging the initiative to ensure it delivers radically improved broadband for over one million New Zealanders.


Agriculture 28 Jan 2011
Stuff Happens - Lets Get On With It

If we look back over the last half century no-one predicted the discovery of penicillin.


Flooding 27 Jan 2011
Golden Bay floods highlight river management flaws

TASMAN — In late December, while parts of New Zealand basked in sunshine, the top of the South Island and Golden Bay in particular was hit by the worst flooding in 169 years.


Finance 27 Jan 2011
Unsurprising OCR hold but political leaders need to lead

This morning’s unsurprising hold of the Official Cash Rate (OCR) at three percent reflects general economic fundamentals.


Agriculture 27 Jan 2011
Latest farm confidence survey 'a tale of two islands'

Federated Farmers latest mid-season farm confidence survey, has joined other recent business confidence indicators showing greater optimism in farming over the next 12 months.


Agriculture 25 Jan 2011
Raining a liquid tonic of confidence

Widespread rain may have inundated houses, ruined camping trips and caused some business loss, but for many North Island farmers, it’s been a liquid tonic of confidence.


Economy 20 Jan 2011
CPI spike poses challenge to economic policy

Federated Farmers believes the largest quarterly increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for 22 years challenges the economic track New Zealand is currently on.


Agriculture 14 Jan 2011
Holiday rain welcomed with open arms

Despite a dry spring leading into December, the Christmas-New Year Holiday period saw some good rainfall around the country, providing some relief to farmers.


Agriculture 13 Jan 2011
Wool research investment welcomed

Federated Farmers welcomes the added investment in wool industry research through a new wool research consortium.


Trade 10 Jan 2011
Overseas trade surges thanks to farmers

Despite extraordinarily difficult farming conditions, the agricultural sector’s contribution to the export economy has surged in the latest Statistics New Zealand Overseas Merchandise Trade statistics.


Fishing 10 Jan 2011
Fishing rights shouldn't trample property rights

Federated Farmers will defend a fundamental principle of land ownership – the right to exclude access – even if some anglers may have to choose to pay for convenient access.


Agriculture 23 Dec 2010
Natural Dairy CraFarm bid at a dead-end?

Federated Farmers wonders if Natural Dairy (NZ) Holdings bid to secure the 16 former Crafar Farms is at a dead-end, with Ministers, the Hon Maurice Williamson and Hon Kate Wilkinson, backing an Overseas Investment Office (OIO) recommendation to decline the application.


Government 21 Dec 2010
Government delivers ACC Christmas gift

Federated Farmers welcomes the Government’s announcement today that it will be looking at opening Accident Compensation Commission (ACC) to private sector competition and that levies for 2011 will not increase.


Guns 21 Dec 2010
Hunters and farmers work towards safe hunting

Federated Farmers and the New Zealand Deerstalkers’ Association are joining forces to remind hunters and farmers of hunting etiquette.


Agriculture 20 Dec 2010
Weekend rain a long way from ending drought

Federated Farmers welcomes the weekend’s rain but in the drought declared areas farms will take time to recover even if more rain follows.


Community 20 Dec 2010
Rural security key in 111 review

Federated Farmers welcomes the Government’s announcement today that it has begun a long term review of our 111 service and will be pushing to ensure rural response times are given a priority.


Real Estate 17 Dec 2010
REINZ farm sales data 'farming in the real world'

While there has been a 15 percent increase in the number of farms sold in the three months to November 2010, over October 2010, the trade exposed nature of farming is writ large in the latest Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) figures.


Agriculture 15 Dec 2010
Meetings underway to discuss Fonterra's new structure

Federated Farmers have been holding a series of meetings around the country to discuss Fonterra’s new payment system, and the change it will make to sharemilking.


Agriculture 15 Dec 2010
1984 comes to Animal Farm with ID scheme

The first reading of the National Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) Bill is a step towards establishing a costly new bureaucracy impacting lifestylers and farmers alike.


Weather 15 Dec 2010
Waikato joins Northland in double drought

WAIKATO — Federated Farmers has welcomed the Government’s declaration of a medium scale adverse event across the Waikato region and Ruapehu District.


Agriculture 14 Dec 2010
Cancun a wake up call for New Zealand's ETS

After 20 years of wrangling with the Kyoto Protocol, the outlook for a comprehensive world wide carbon emissions solution remains an enigma, as proven by the past weekend’s UN Climate Change Summit in Cancun.


Environment 14 Dec 2010
Biosecurity law change loads costs on to industry

Federated Farmers is happy to see that the Government is giving Biosecurity a much needed shake up in the Biosecurity Law Reform Bill, but there are some huge holes that still need work.


Science 10 Dec 2010
Let the dung beetles muck in

Federated Farmers is supporting the Dung Beetle Release Strategy Group’s application to ERMA, to release 11 species of dung beetle in New Zealand.


Agriculture 10 Dec 2010
Fonterra forecast helps...if you're producing

Fonterra Cooperative Group lifting its milk price forecast to $6.90 per kilogram of milksolids (kg/MS), is welcome news to dairy farmers.  That said, production from key dairy farming areas is likely to be sharply down due to the spring drought.


Banks 9 Dec 2010
Federated Farmers seeks to improve the Banking Code

With the Reserve Bank holding interest rates at three percent, Federated Farmers attention has turned to the review of the New Zealand Code of Banking Practice.  The Federation will be advancing two substantial changes to improve the New Zealand Banking Code.