Green Party

2,545 posts | 8 images

The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Health 5 Mar 2008
Doctors switching to locums threatens workforce viability

SOUTHLAND — Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says she was concerned to learn in the Health Select Committee today that 20 percent of the doctor workforce at the Southland District Health Board were locums. 


Business 5 Mar 2008
Buy Kiwi Made 2nd century begins with retail madness

Kiwi shoppers are making history as the country enters into the second century of Buy New Zealand Made campaigns.


Environment 5 Mar 2008
Skilling back on track

The Green Party has endorsed the main conclusions of the discussion paper Actions speak louder than words released today by the New Zealand Institute.


Politics 5 Mar 2008
Greens call for assets to be protected through legislation

The Green Party is calling for the regulatory amendment to the Overseas Investment Act to be validated in legislation, to prevent a possible National Party government from repealing the regulation.


Environment 4 Mar 2008
Distressed Waihi residents recognised at last

WAIHI — After two years of negotiations Waihi residents affected by blasting vibration, noise and dust from the open cast gold mine are being offered a compensation package by Newmont.


Aviation 4 Mar 2008
Greens welcome Cullen borrowing ideas on airport

AUCKLAND — The Green Party is welcoming the Government’s decision to tighten the Overseas Investment Act, which will have the effect of blocking the sale of Auckland International Airport, and hopes that the new criteria will block the sale of other key strategic assets as well.


Conservation 3 Mar 2008
Sails for whales petition presented to Green MP tomorrow

Green Party MP Metiria Turei will be presented a petition with a difference tomorrow, 4th of March, on the steps of Parliament at 1pm.


Business 3 Mar 2008
Holcim should accept consent measures and drop appeal

OAMARU — Green Party MP Metiria Turei is disappointed that Holcim is appealing the consent conditions for a cement factory near Oamaru, given the massive public opposition to the factory in the first place.


Politics 2 Mar 2008
Greens support call for cross party caucus for children

Green Party Children’s Issues Spokesperson Sue Bradford today called on all political parties to endorse the plea from the Every Child Counts coalition for the establishment of a cross party parliamentary caucus for children.


Agriculture 1 Mar 2008
It ain't pretty, it's shitty!

Dirty farming in the Wairarapa.


Energy 29 Feb 2008
Carterton council encourages solar water heating

WAIKATO — Government Spokesperson on Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Jeanette Fitzsimons, has congratulated Carterton District Council for its initiative to encourage solar water heating by waiving building consent fees, during a visit to the Wairarapa today.


Water 29 Feb 2008
KCDC shows the way for drought prone areas

WELLINGTON — The Green Party is congratulating the Kapiti Coast District Council for leading the way on water conservation.


Health 29 Feb 2008
Warning on plastic bottles must be heeded - Greens

The Ministry of Health has a responsibility to warn New Zealand parents that heating plastic baby bottles releases hormonal substances that can interfere with the body's endocrine systems, Green MP Sue Kedgley said today.


Conservation 29 Feb 2008
Time to stop our frogs from croaking

WELLINGTON — The Green Party is hopping about on Leap Day with some serious fun with a serious message all about frogs.


Employment 29 Feb 2008
Thumbs up to McD’s upsized serving of pay for youth

The Green Party is welcoming McDonalds move to upsize its wages for youth to adult rates from tomorrow.


Health 27 Feb 2008
Elected Board members have the right to speak their minds

HAWKE'S BAY — Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says she has grave concerns about today’s abrupt dismissal of the Hawkes Bay District Health Board and the Health Minister’s appointment of a Commissioner.


Energy 27 Feb 2008
Pie in the sky is never a good investment

Solid Energy has to be told to stop wasting taxpayers’ money on pie in the sky lignite to liquid fuel schemes that will only skyrocket New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Aviation 27 Feb 2008
Not for sale signs must go up on Auckland Airport - Greens

AUCKLAND — The Government should come right out and say that Auckland Airport is not for sale because it is essential infrastructure and a key strategic asset, the Green Party says.


Health 27 Feb 2008
Depressed kids need more than pill popping

The practice of prescribing anti-depressants to children needs to be urgently reviewed and more funding directed to counselling services in light of new research demonstrating that these medications don’t work for most patients, the Green Party says.


Politics 25 Feb 2008
Nandor offers support for his Auckland Central successor

AUCKLAND CITY — Green Party MP Nandor Tanczos, who has announced he is stepping down from Parliament at the next election, has offered his support for his successor in the strong Green Party electorate of Auckland Central.


Environment 25 Feb 2008
Wellington Port Company challenged over fumigation

WELLINGTON — With 19 knot winds buffeting Wellington today, the Wellington Port Company should not have allowed fumigation with the highly toxic and ozone depleting gas methyl bromide to take place on the city’s waterfront, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 25 Feb 2008
Greens challenge Nats on welfare policy

Green Party Social Development Spokesperson Sue Bradford today challenged National to come clean on its welfare policy following a media release from Judith Collins accusing the Government of 'failing young mums' on the DPB.


Defence 22 Feb 2008
Greens welcome ban on cluster bombs

The Green Party has welcomed the clear statement outlawing cluster bombs, issued today at the conclusion of the Wellington Conference on Cluster Munitions.


Triathlon 22 Feb 2008
Green MP takes on third of seven triathlons, Dunedin

DUNEDIN — Green Party MP Metiria Turei is this weekend to tackle the third leg of her gruelling schedule of completing seven triathlons and one half marathon this summer.


Health 22 Feb 2008
Coroner’s findings must be heeded by Ambulance review

The Green Party welcomes the coroner’s report and recommendation on the death of Melfyn Wynne-Williams, and agrees that there need to be national clinical standards for New Zealand’s ambulance service.


Employment 21 Feb 2008
Bradford to host Bunnings' workers meeting

WELLINGTON — Green Party Spokesperson on Industrial Relations, Sue Bradford, is hosting a meeting of Bunnings workers at Parliament today.


Health 20 Feb 2008
How do we know if our hospitals are safe?

Despite the release of adverse event statistics today by the Ministry of Health, it is still virtually impossible to get an accurate picture of the number of such incidents occurring in our hospitals, the Green Party says “Unbelievably the entire adverse events reporting system is still voluntary, meaning that DHBs still do not have to disclose their adverse events or use a standard reporting system,” Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 20 Feb 2008
Govt no-show at drugs policy roundtable a disgrace

“It is a disgrace that not a single Government MP has seen fit to attend a national roundtable on New Zealand drugs policy today,” Green Party Associate Health Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Politics 20 Feb 2008
Is pro-beating lobby writing National’s policy?

The National Party needs to explain to New Zealanders exactly where it stands on child discipline and who is writing its policy, the Green Party says.


Olympics 19 Feb 2008
Greens win gold on Olympics human rights issue

The Green Party welcomes the U-turn today from the Government and the New Zealand Olympic Association to give New Zealand Olympic athletes the right to speak freely about what they see in China. 


Health 18 Feb 2008
Time to put children's health ahead of industry profits

The time has come to restrict advertising of unhealthy food and drink to children, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.


Health 18 Feb 2008
Horowhenua ambulance billboards reflect rising concern

The erection of 20 signs warning those driving through Horowhenua that they are passing through an under-crewed ambulance zone is a sign of the rising level of concern over this unsafe practice, the Green Party says.


Crime 15 Feb 2008
Tagging hysteria attacked by Greens

The political race to demonise New Zealand youth this election year has reached a new low, says Green Party Justice Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos.


Water 15 Feb 2008
Toxic algae sign of national water crisis

New Zealand is suffering from a national water-quality crisis resulting in toxic algal blooms across the country, Green Party Environment Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos says.


Triathlon 15 Feb 2008
Green MP to tackle Christchurch triathlon

CHRISTCHURCH — Green Party MP Metiria Turei, is this weekend to tackle the second leg of her gruelling schedule of completing seven triathlons and one half marathon this summer.


Marine 14 Feb 2008
New King Salmon farm will be watched closely

Green Party MP Metiria Turei has expressed strong concerns over the opening of a new King Salmon Company Salmon Farm which was attended by the Prime Minister today.


Olympics 14 Feb 2008
Sports Minister criticised for supporting free speech ban

The Green Party’s Sports Spokesperson Keith Locke has criticised Sports Minister Clayton Cosgrove for backing the New Zealand Olympic Committee’s ban on athletes making political statements in Beijing. 


Politics 14 Feb 2008
Minister must release crucial data now

The Green Party is supporting the Health and Disability Commissioner's calling for comparative data on hospital adverse events to be published, and says it should be made public before the next election, so that New Zealanders can finally get an understanding of how safe their local hospital is.


Environment 13 Feb 2008
Chapter 13 – Public still in the dark

Trevor Mallard’s strident – yet nonsensical – statements in the House this afternoon have left the Green Party with more questions than answers.


Politics 13 Feb 2008
Jeanette question about Chapter 13

Oral question in Parliament by Green MP Jeanette Fitzsimons about missing 13th chapter of the environment report.


Olympics 13 Feb 2008
NZ Olympic officials must lift free-speech muzzle on athletes

Green Party Sports Spokesperson Keith Locke has written to the New Zealand Olympic Committee asking it amend its contract with Olympic team members and guarantee their right to free speech while in China. 


Gambling 13 Feb 2008
Time to examine political addiction to gambling profits

Green Party MP Sue Bradford is hosting the launch of a hard-hitting critique of gambling and its impact on politics at the Beehive Theatrette at 3.30pm tomorrow, Thursday 14 February. 


Politics 12 Feb 2008
Address in reply speech - 2008

The oldest trick in politics is to spend election year appealing to greed and fear.


Politics 12 Feb 2008
'M.I.A' MP claims credit for key initiatives in PM’s speech

Green MP Nandor Tanczos is welcoming the specific endorsement of two of his initiatives in the Prime Minister’s speech today.


Business 12 Feb 2008
1000 NZ businesses proudly wearing the Kiwi

Government Spokesperson for Buy Kiwi Made, Sue Bradford, has congratulated the privately-owned Buy New Zealand Made Campaign on recruiting its 1000th member this week.


Politics 12 Feb 2008
Locke reselected as Epsom candidate

AUCKLAND — Green MP Keith Locke has again been selected as the Green candidate for Epsom at a meeting held last night in Greenlane.


News 11 Feb 2008
Buy Kiwi Made Campaign Takes Off

Kiwis have got behind the Buy Kiwi Made media campaign and the Government has agreed to give it a new lease of life says Sue Bradford, the Buy Kiwi Made Government Spokesperson.


Politics 11 Feb 2008
Turei to stand in Dunedin North

DUNEDIN — Green Party MP Metiria Turei will not be standing in a Maori seat in this year’s election and will instead be focussing on party votes in the Dunedin North electorate.


Environment 11 Feb 2008
Greens present missing Chapter 13

The Green Party present the final unpublished chapter of the 'State of the Environment' report.


Triathlon 9 Feb 2008
Green MP to tackle gruelling fitness schedule

WELLINGTON CITY — Green Party MP Metiria Turei, who describes herself as “more of a hedgehog than a speed-hog”, has set herself a strenuous schedule of completing seven triathlons and one half marathon this summer.


Politics 9 Feb 2008
Falun Gong decision eroding democratic values

WELLINGTON CITY — The decision to ban the Falun Gong from the Chinese New Year parade is deplorable, the Green Party Human Rights Spokesperson Keith Lock says.


Conservation 7 Feb 2008
Waitakere gives speedboats the nod over rare dolphin

PIHA — Green Party conservation spokesperson Metiria Turei is shocked the Waitakere City Council has approved the Thundercat speedboat race at Piha this weekend.


Transport 7 Feb 2008
$2 billion motorway more muddled thinking on transport

AUCKLAND — The Green Party has criticised the Government’s move to construct a new Auckland motorway to Waterview via a private-public partnership (PPP).


Health 7 Feb 2008
Time to ban the powerwall

Yet more research released today showing the dangerous effects of cigarette displays should prompt the Government to take action.


Council 7 Feb 2008
Council must front up with explanation for fumigation

WELLINGTON — Greater Wellington regional council owes Wellingtonians an explanation over why it is turning a blind eye to the use of a hazardous fumigant at the port, the Green Party says.


Health 6 Feb 2008
Hazardous fumigation must be halted - Greens

WELLINGTON CITY — The Green Party is calling for an immediate halt to Methyl Bromide fumigation at Wellington’s port, following revelations today that this potentially hazardous activity is taking place right next to Westpac stadium, Victoria University’s campus at the railway station, and visiting cruise ships.


Police 6 Feb 2008
Time for review of pepper spray use

Green Party MP Keith Locke is calling for a review of pepper spray use after the death of a Mangere man yesterday.


Environment 5 Feb 2008
Fitzsimons supports Kyoto debate at Waitangi

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says the inclusion of climate change and Kyoto debate at Waitangi demonstrates the importance to iwi around New Zealand of engaging with these issues.


Politics 5 Feb 2008
Foreshore agreement a disgrace - Greens

The Green Party has received today’s announcement of the Government’s foreshore and seabed deal with Ngati Porou with great sadness.


Politics 4 Feb 2008
Government dragging chain on Burma issues

Green Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Keith Locke has criticised the Government for giving the green light to a publicly owned company, Kordia, to build cell-phone towers in Burma.


Conservation 2 Feb 2008
New wetland area given international recognition

SOUTHLAND — The Green Party are pleased to see their advocacy for New Zealand’s endangered wetlands having such tangible results as a massive new extension to the Waituna wetland area is announced on World Wetlands Day, Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Conservation 1 Feb 2008
When will the Government protect our whales?

The New Zealand Government must act to prevent more whales dying following reports that the Japanese fleet has resumed its slaughter, says Green Party Conservation Spokesperson, Metiria Turei.


Water 1 Feb 2008
Greens welcome Kapiti’s water wisdom

WELLINGTON — The Green Party is welcoming Katipi District Council’s new bylaws that come into force today requiring new buildings to have a rainwater tank and an effective grey water treatment system.


Transport 1 Feb 2008
Greens welcome opening of North Shore Busway

NORTH SHORE CITY — Auckland Green Party MP Keith Locke is welcoming the opening of the North Shore Busway tomorrow.


Conservation 1 Feb 2008
Government must act to protect Happy Valley wetlands

WEST COAST — The Green Party is urging the Government to put a stop to Solid Energy’s folly in attempting to destroy one of New Zealand’s last remaining alpine wetlands.


Health 1 Feb 2008
Greens call for formal inquiry into 12-hour ambulance wait

WAIRARAPA — The Green Party is calling for a formal inquiry into why no ambulance was available to take Wairarapa accident victim Reece Lloyd-Grimwood for urgent surgery.


Environment 31 Jan 2008
'Environment New Zealand 2007'

Green Party response to the release of 'Environment New Zealand 2007' presented by Co-leader, Dr.


Politics 31 Jan 2008
Fear mongering no cure for youth offending

In their major speeches this week, both John Key and Helen Clark have kicked off this year’s election cycle by whipping up fear and resentment against young people, Green Party Youth Affairs Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Politics 30 Jan 2008
Green Party to seek change to Terrorism Act

The Green Party will contribute to the Law Commission’s legislative review following the Solicitor General’s decision not to apply the Terrorism Suppression Act to New Zealanders arrested on arms charges.


Diplomacy 30 Jan 2008
Locke questions NZ attendance at funeral of military dictator

Green Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Keith Locke has questioned why, when the Prime Minister decided not to sign a condolence book, New Zealand was officially represented at former Indonesian President Suharto’s funeral.


Politics 30 Jan 2008
Green Party response to John Key's speech

Green Party Co-leader, Dr.


Politics 29 Jan 2008
Flag decision fuelling cultural division – Greens

AUCKLAND — Transit's continued refusal to fly the Tino Rangatiratanga flag on the Auckland Harbour Bridge on Waitangi Day is fuelling cultural division, says Green Party MP, Metiria Turei.


Conservation 25 Jan 2008
Green call to defend our whales may be heeded at last

Reports that the Japanese whaling fleet are to continue their illegal hunt in the Ross Sea are the Government’s chance to step up to the plate and do the job Greenpeace has been doing for them, Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Education 25 Jan 2008
Loans simply to live: Greens join student protest

WELLINGTON — Green Party Education Spokesperson Metiria Turei is to join tertiary students at Parliament to protest student allowance polices which have forced the average student debt up to nearly $30,000.


News 25 Jan 2008
Green MP to speak at spy base protest this Saturday

MARLBOROUGH — Green Party MP Keith Locke will be speaking at this weekend's protest outside the Waihopai spy base, near Blenheim.


Electricity 24 Jan 2008
Greens seek to stop telco rollout on power poles

The Green Party is campaigning to stop the Government introducing regulations which will allow intrusive telecommunications equipment to be installed as of right, without consultation, on most power poles in New Zealand, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.


Conservation 23 Jan 2008
Whaling situation getting worse

Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei MP is saddened and angered by news that the Japanese are planning to commission a replacement mother ship for their whaling fleet.


Food 23 Jan 2008
Poultry code too weak to tackle campy epidemic

The New Zealand Food Safety Authority has missed a vital chance to stem this country’s campylobacter-related epidemic, the Green Party says.


News 20 Jan 2008
Greens call for action, not rhetoric

AUCKLAND — The Green Party has kicked off election year with a hard hitting speech by Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons in the annual State of the Planet address.


News 18 Jan 2008
Human rights for all humans, not just angry extremists

The Green Party entirely supports the Human Rights Commission’s call for better recognition of the rights of transgender people, Green Party MP Metiria Turei says.


Health 18 Jan 2008
New study shows sunbeds double cancer risk

The Government must act to regulate the sunbed industry following a new report which found the cancer risks associated with sunbed use are much higher than previously thought, Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 17 Jan 2008
Nandor not standing in 2008 election

Green MP Nandor Tanczos announced today that he will not be putting his name forward as a candidate for this year’s election.


Deaths 17 Jan 2008
Tribute to a literary icon

DUNEDIN — The Green Party has paid tribute to inspirational poet, writer and playwright Hone Tuwhare, New Zealand's second Te Mata Poet Laureate who died yesterday afternoon in Dunedin.


News 16 Jan 2008
Big brother creeps closer

Green MP Keith Locke is warning of the dangers of the New Zealand police buying into the FBI-led ‘Server in the Sky’ network to share biometric and other information.


Conservation 16 Jan 2008
Antarctic situation demands end to hands-off approach

The New Zealand Government should immediately send a frigate to the Southern Whale Sanctuary following the detainment of two anti-whaling activists on a Japanese whaling ship, Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Energy 15 Jan 2008
New figures show NZers’ love of solar growing

The Solar industry is experiencing a resurgence following the launch of the Government’s solar water-heating programme, says Government Spokesperson on Energy Efficiency and Conservation Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Conservation 15 Jan 2008
Beached whales pile-up in Green campaign

Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei is delighted New Zealanders right around the country are getting involved in the Green Party Sand Whale Sculpture Challenge.


Politics 14 Jan 2008
Community acts to protect children

Green MP Sue Bradford is pleased to see a heightened awareness of violence against children in the community.


Conservation 14 Jan 2008
Greens welcome hard-won respite for whales

The Green Party is thrilled by reports from Antarctica that Greenpeace has managed to locate the Japanese whaling fleet, and is preventing them from adding to their grisly haul.


Deaths 14 Jan 2008
Annual Sir Edmund Hillary Day a fitting tribute

The Green Party believes that an annual public holiday on the day of Sir Edmund Hillary’s birth would be a fitting tribute that all New Zealanders could share.


Politics 13 Jan 2008
Green top choice for coalition partner – with deal possible on bold tax reform

The Green Party is the most preferred coalition partner for National or Labour if one gets the first chance to form a government after this year's general election.


Deaths 11 Jan 2008
Tribute to a man who embodied the spirit of New Zealand

Sir Edmund Hillary was a man who embodied the spirit of New Zealand, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Conservation 8 Jan 2008
Minister concerned? Send a frigate - Greens

The Government must back up the Conservation Minister’s concerns for safety in the Antarctic region, expressed this morning, by sending New Zealand Navy frigates to the region, Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says. 


Community 7 Jan 2008
Greens welcome report, condemn political interference

Green Party Social Development spokesperson Sue Bradford is welcoming the delayed publication of an important report that fell victim to political interference from the Government.


Politics 3 Jan 2008
Don't panic, plan

The Green Party is warning that today's record breaking crude oil price of US$100 per barrel is just the first flirtation in what is going to be a long term relationship with triple digits in an ongoing trend of rising oil prices.


Conservation 21 Dec 2007
Send a frigate to protest whale slaughter - Greens

The Green Party is urging the Government to send a frigate to observe and protest the annual Japanese whale slaughter in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.


Politics 21 Dec 2007
Party vote a priority

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says she plans to focus all her efforts on building the party vote at this election.


Police 21 Dec 2007
Scaremongering proven wrong by police review

Green MP Sue Bradford is welcoming the results of the police review showing that hysteria whipped up by critics of her Bill to amend section 59 is thoroughly unfounded.


Politics 20 Dec 2007
Fiji boy-scouts shouldn’t be blamed for parents' crimes

Green Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Keith Locke has expressed surprise at reports that our High Commission in Suva had tried to stop 10 Fijian boy-scouts from entering the country to attend a Scout Jamboree in Christchurch.


Conservation 20 Dec 2007
NZ must deliver blunt message on whaling

The Greens are urging the Government to make New Zealand’s anger and revulsion clear in the strongest possible terms when it takes part in an international diplomatic protest against Japan’s whaling programme.