Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Economy 12 May 2008
MSD report confirms need for urgent action on benefits

The MSD report highlighted in media yesterday is damning confirmation that Labour’s welfare policies condemn many beneficiaries and their families to a life of debt, deprivation and despair.


Health 9 May 2008
Urgent action needed on hair dye chemicals

The Green Party is calling for ERMA to move quickly to remove over 100 ingredients that may be used in hair dyes that are banned in Europe, and to require warnings if a product contains p-phenylenediamine (PPD).


Politics 9 May 2008
ETS crumbles as 'grand coalition' forms

The grand coalition of Labour and National is already forming over the Emissions Trading Scheme, as predicted by the Green Party earlier this week.


Transport 7 May 2008
Green Party Co-Leader calls for Harbour Bridge pathway

AUCKLAND — Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons urges Transit New Zealand to take heed of a delegation from the Walk Auckland pedestrian advocacy group, which met with the Transit board today.


Food 7 May 2008
Schools will fail the grade on healthy food guidelines: Greens

Many schools will get a fail grade under the new Food and Nutrition for Healthy Confident Kids guidelines that come into effect on 1 June, according to the Green Party’s latest school food survey.


Politics 6 May 2008
Labour buckles under pressure from big polluters

The Prime Minister’s announcement on the Emissions Trading Scheme this afternoon is a hastily-constructed panic reaction to pressure in election year, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 6 May 2008
Greens will not support a gutless ETS

The Government will have to look to the National party to support its Emissions Trading legislation if it is watered down to the point where it provides no significant environmental benefit.


Environment 5 May 2008
Stay staunch, or give it back, Helen

If the Labour government backtracks on its climate change policies yet again, Helen Clark will have no option but to hand back to the UN her prestigious ‘Champion of the Earth’ award, Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Transport 5 May 2008
Budget 2008 must invest in rail system: Green Party

The Green Party congratulates the Government for finally recognising the important role rail will play in a future with less oil.


Crime 2 May 2008
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders smack of arbitary punishment

ROTORUA — The Green Party has expressed concern about proposals by the Rotorua District Council to introduce British-style behaviour orders to curb anti-social crimes.


Health 2 May 2008
Parents need to know about vaccines potential risks, too

Parents must be properly informed of both the potential risks and the benefits of vaccinating their daughters against cervical cancer so they can make a properly informed decision, Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 1 May 2008
Don't delay the ETS - get it right

The Green Party says delaying the Emissions Trading Scheme will just cause more problems and higher costs.


Transport 1 May 2008
Auckland rail: "Where's the money coming from John?"

AUCKLAND — The Green Party wants to know how National intends funding electrification of Aucklands rail network.


Transport 30 Apr 2008
Aucklanders deserve a decent public transport system

AUCKLAND — Auckland Green MP Sue Bradford says the Green Party is concerned about news that National Party Transport Spokesman Maurice Williamson says they oppose the regional fuel tax.


Health 30 Apr 2008
Health Assistance to Paritutu victims too little, too late

TARANAKI — The Green Party says the free annual health check-ups offered to Paritutu residents exposed to dioxin from the Ivon Watkins Dow chemical plant is a bit better than nothing, but seriously questions why it has taken so long and comes without the hint of an apology.


Electricity 29 Apr 2008
Power network should remain under Kiwi control

WELLINGTON — Dr Cullen’s comments on the sale of Wellington’s line network, reveals an urgent need to amend the Overseas Investment Act and develop a list of key strategic assets that should remain in New Zealand control, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.


Environment 29 Apr 2008
Green Party wants commonsense emissions trading policies

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons welcomes the release of the Cawthron Institute’s environmental assessement of the emissions trading policy.


Food 29 Apr 2008
NZFSA review reveals gaping holes

Stuart Slorach’s review of the New Zealand Food Safety Authority published today shows systemic failure in the organisation, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 29 Apr 2008
Green Party response to petition shortfall - time to move on

Green Party MP Sue Bradford says she is not surprised the petition aiming to force a referendum on physical punishment of children has failed to collect enough signatures.


Economy 28 Apr 2008
Children - our most vulnerable citizens

Kiwi kids are the biggest victims of the current food price crisis, Green Party Childrens Issues spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Electricity 28 Apr 2008
Wellingtonians will lose as strategic asset sold to Hong Kong

WELLINGTON — It is tragic that yet another strategic asset, Wellington’s lines company, has fallen into foreign control, meaning Wellingtonian’s can only loose out, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says.


Employment 24 Apr 2008
It's time EcoLab let its striking workers join the collective

News from Hamilton that striking EcoLab staff are being denied the opportunity for the same employment agreement as other workers who do the same job as them is concerning, says Green Party Employment Relations Spokesperson Sue Bradford.


News 24 Apr 2008
Green Achievements Video 2008

An updated version of the achievements of the New Zealand Green Party MPs since they were first elected in 1999 until 2008.


Politics 24 Apr 2008
Green MP to support Canberra protests at Aussie Consulate

The Green Party will be holding a small symbolic protest outside the Australian consulate in Auckland at 11am to 11.30am today, in solidarity with the protest for a free Tibet taking place in Canberra today.


Marine 23 Apr 2008
Protection from bottom trawling needed closer to home

Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei is calling on the Fisheries Minister to give New Zealand’s marine environment the same protection from bottom trawling he has just given international waters.


Politics 23 Apr 2008
Some Things Are Bigger Than Politics

A Green Party of Aotearoa Video promoting their new campaign for the 2008 Election campaign.


Health 23 Apr 2008
FTA loopholes may allow dodgy drugs into NZ

The Government’s trade agreement with China could increase the numbers of contaminated and counterfeit medicines coming into New Zealand, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley warned today.


Environment 23 Apr 2008
Keep the Coal in the Hole

Today is Earth Day.


Employment 22 Apr 2008
Greens call for public release of DoC staff cuts report

The Green Party is calling on the Department of Conservation to release the draft report which reportedly claims that 56 staff, including their marine conservation unit, are at risk of losing their jobs to meet a budget shortfall.


Health 21 Apr 2008
Better to be safe than sorry over baby bottles - Greens

The Green Party is calling for New Zealand health authorities to follow the lead of their Canadian counterparts and move to protect infants from exposure to a potentially harmful plastic used in baby bottles.


Food 18 Apr 2008
Let's go shopping

The Green Party explore our supermarkets and where the food we eat comes from along with what is in them.


Environment 18 Apr 2008
When will we turn the corner?

The Green Party says today’s news that New Zealand's greenhouse emissions have continued to rise, though not as fast as previously, is still not good enough.


Employment 17 Apr 2008
A rough day for Kiwi workers

DUNEDIN — Plans to export about 500 ANZ National Bank jobs to India and lay off 50 staff from a Dunedin knitwear firm are a further blow to New Zealand workers, already stung by news of 430 layoffs from the Fisher and Paykel plant in Dunedin today.


Trade 17 Apr 2008
Free Trade Agreements rob Kiwi workers jobs

Just 10 days after the signing of the Preferential Trade Agreement with China, New Zealand workers are already facing layoffs, with Fisher and Paykel announcing the closure of its Dunedin factory - at a cost of 430 jobs.


Politics 16 Apr 2008
Mokihinui River Hydro Plan

Metiria Turei MP question in Parliament about Mokihinui River Hydro proposal .


Conservation 16 Apr 2008
Minister ignores overwhelming plea to save dolphins

The Fisheries Minister should go to the beach and wave goodbye to the Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins, Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Environment 16 Apr 2008
Report exposes Government inaction over GE

A new report shows the Government has implemented only 20 of a package of 49 recommendations of the 2001 Royal Commission on Genetic Modification and only one of the “watershed” recommendations, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Diplomacy 15 Apr 2008
Greens won't be silenced by Chinese officials

The Green Party is sending a clear message to China that its MPs wont be intimidated from speaking out for Tibetan rights and democracy in China.


Food 15 Apr 2008
High food prices have health consequences

Skyrocketing prices are putting some healthy foods out of the reach of people on low incomes and will inevitably impact on the health of New Zealanders, the Green Party says.


Electricity 15 Apr 2008
Greens uncover Meridian's secret report on Mokihinui

WEST COAST — A secret report which concludes that Meridian's proposed Mokihinui hydro-dam will be disastrous for biodiversity was tabled in Parliament today by Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei.


Transport 15 Apr 2008
Council shelving of Raumati station makes no sense- Greens

WELLINGTON — The sidelining of plans for a railway station at Raumati South abandons commuters to their cars, the Green Party says.


Business 14 Apr 2008
Sue Bradford celebrates Buy Kiwi Made at Taupo

TAUPO — Government Spokesperson for Buy Kiwi Made, Sue Bradford, will be at the Taupo Home and Garden Show on Friday April 18 at the Buy New Zealand Made tent.


Politics 14 Apr 2008
Be wary of privatisation by stealth Greens say

The Green Party is challenging John Key to say whether his commitment to not privatise state assets includes not opening up ACC to private competition, or even dismantling it entirely.


Food 13 Apr 2008
Harmful colours must be stripped from food - Greens

The food industry must stop using six artificial food colours, linked to health and behaviour problems in children, following a decision by the UK Food Safety Authority to get them out of their food supply, the Green Party says.


Environment 11 Apr 2008
Moves to kill NZ GE-free status by stealth

A proposal to set up a new field trial in Canterbury of genetically engineered onions, spring onions, garlic and leeks adds to evidence that government agencies are trying to ruin New Zealand’s GE-free status, Green Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says. 

“Field trials, especially one like this allowing plants to flower and seed, risk contaminating New Zealand’s safe and GE-free food supply brand,” she says.


Politics 11 Apr 2008
Greens applaud victory of commonsense

The Green Party is absolutely delighted that the Government has chosen to put broader national interests ahead of short-term profits, and retain Auckland airport in New Zealand ownership, Green Party Associate Transport Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Olympics 11 Apr 2008
Locke calls on NZ to join Olympic opening ceremony boycott

Green Party MP Keith Locke has written to Prime Minister Helen Clark, urging the New Zealand Government to join the political boycott of the Olympic opening ceremony.


Education 10 Apr 2008
Student debt milestone highlights economic millstone

Student debt levels are predicted to reach $10 billion tomorrow, creating unacceptable barriers to tertiary education, says Green Party Education Spokesperson Metiria Turei.


News 9 Apr 2008
Leadership could save mill and industry

THAMES — The anticipated closure of the Carter Holt Harvey timber mill in Kopu near Thames is a tragedy that might have been avoided with industry leadership and planning, Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 9 Apr 2008
Sue Kedgley Question Natural Health

Sue Kedgley asks the Health Minister how many adverse reactions have their been to natural health products compared to conventional drugs, in response to the attack on the natural health industry by MedSafe.


Trade 9 Apr 2008
Opposition to FTA welcomed

The Green Party is disappointed that human rights issues seem to have played no part in New Zealand First’s opposition to the China preferential trade agreement.


Environment 9 Apr 2008
Aquatic ecosystem threat highlighted at Mokihinui River

WEST COAST — Green Party MP Metiria Turei rafted the West Coast’s Mokihinui River on Tuesday to get a first hand look at could be lost if Meridian's proposed 85m-high dam gets the go-ahead.


Food 9 Apr 2008
Out of control prices demand a food strategy for NZ

New Zealand must start developing strategies to ensure a sufficient supply of food to withstand global shortages and out of control food prices, Green Party Safe Food Spokesperson Sue Kedgley warned today.


Waste 7 Apr 2008
Waste Bill wins major backing

The Waste Minimisation Bill, a member’s bill in the name of Green MP Nandor Tanczos, has been reported back from select committee with unanimous support.


Politics 7 Apr 2008
Green MPs say "don't forget Tibet" on day of FTA signing

WELLINGTON — Green Party MPs Keith Locke and Sue Kedgley will protesting against the signing of the New Zealand/China free trade agreement by raising a Tibetan flag on the steps of Parliament today at 12 noon.


Politics 6 Apr 2008
Locke suggests human rights issues for Clark to raise

Green MP Keith Locke has suggested some specific human rights issues for Helen Clark to bring up during talks in Beijing, which begin tomorrow with the signing of a free trade agreement.


Environment 4 Apr 2008
Greens launch methyl bromide petition and protest

The Green Party is stepping up its campaign against the toxic and ozone depleting methyl bromide with the launch of a petition and a protest today.


Environment 3 Apr 2008
Greens insist on biofuel sustainability standard

The Green Party agrees with the Parliamentary Commissioner’s advice that biofuels should not proceed in New Zealand unless they are sustainable, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 3 Apr 2008
NZ First stirring up racism

Green Party MP Keith Locke has accused New Zealand First’s deputy leader Peter Brown of stirring up racism and undermining this country’s progress to a multi-cultural society.


Gambling 2 Apr 2008
Labour creating yet more problem-gambling communities

An admission in Parliament today by Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker that the Government could extend online gambling to highly addictive instant computer games is a further sign Labour has sacrificed family values for money, Green Party Spokesperson on Gambling Sue Bradford says.


Triathlon 2 Apr 2008
Green MP ends sporting schedule with double-whammy

Green Party MP Metiria Turei is nearing the end of her summer programme of triathlons, with her last two events taking place this weekend, on the 5th and 6th of April.


Health 2 Apr 2008
Are public hospitals about people or profit?

The Government needs to decide if public hospitals are money making ventures for private industries or places people go to get well, Green Party Industrial Relations Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Environment 1 Apr 2008
NZ's primary products at risk as back door opens to GE

The Green Party says that the Biosecurity and Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Legislation Amendment Bill before Parliament today will become a backdoor to allowing unapproved genetically engineered organisms into New Zealand.


Employment 1 Apr 2008
End to youth rates welcomed, but income rises too low

Thanks to a Green Party Member’s Bill, young New Zealanders can be assured that, from today, they will be paid the same as their adult colleagues for doing the same job.


Politics 31 Mar 2008
Green initiated victims inquiry makes good sense to Key

John Key’s announcement of a victims’ rights package which capitalises on the recommendations of a Green Party initiated inquiry is being welcomed by Nandor Tanczos, Green Party Justice Spokesperson.


Business 31 Mar 2008
Kiwis go Buy Kiwi Mad

Centenary celebrations for the Buy Kiwi Made campaign kick-off at Parliament on Wednesday with the official start of April’s ‘Buy Kiwi Mad’ month.


Politics 31 Mar 2008
Child and youth mental health services must be better funded

Green Party Mental Health Spokesperson Sue Bradford says that she is deeply saddened by the death of North Shore teenager Toran Henry, and is dismayed by the surrounding circumstances.


Gambling 28 Mar 2008
Online gambling initiative will increase gambling harm

“It is reprehensible that the Government is launching a whole new online gaming initiative through the internet sale of lotto tickets,” Green Party Spokesperson on Gambling Sue Bradford said this afternoon.


Environment 28 Mar 2008
Greens challenge MPs to walk the talk and pay carbon costs

The Green Party calls on all parties in Parliament to opt into the voluntary emissions offsetting scheme announced by Air New Zealand today, and to pay for the off-setting out of their own pockets.


Electricity 28 Mar 2008
Petroleum industry vested interests should not dictate policy

Claims that electricity prices will rise as a result of the Government’s 90 percent renewable electricity target are self-serving and based on inaccurate analysis the Green Party says.


Environment 26 Mar 2008
Rotorua lakes just the tip of the iceberg say Greens

ROTORUA — The $72 million committed to help clean up Rotorua’s lakes is just a fraction of the money needed to reverse the effects of agriculture and urban pollution on lakes and rivers around the country, Green Party Environment Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos says.


Transport 26 Mar 2008
New transit visa requirements bureaucracy gone mad

Green Party MP Keith Locke has criticised the new requirements for people passing through New Zealand airports to get a transit visa.


Politics 25 Mar 2008
NZ Govt caught over Bainimarama’s support for China

Green Party MP Keith Locke wants the Government to criticise the Fiji Government’s support for the Chinese actions in Tibet.


Politics 20 Mar 2008
Greens urge Govt to act on cell phones following survey

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says she is heartened by the results of a Research New Zealand survey showing that 85 percent of New Zealanders support making it an offence to use a mobile phone while driving.


Business 20 Mar 2008
Minister washes his hands of Easter trading responsibilities

The Labour Minister needs to protect the right of workers to spend Easter Sunday with their families, Sue Bradford, Green Party Spokesperson on Employment Relations says.


Conservation 20 Mar 2008
Park expansions exclude vital threatened habitats

Today’s Government announcement of additions to three National Parks is most notable for the areas that are omitted, Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Conservation 19 Mar 2008
Minister has got it wrong on Dolphin deaths: Green Party

The scientist who provoked the Conservation Minister into releasing photos of 22 bloody and battered dolphin carcasses on the deck of a fishing boat through an official information request says that the Common Dolphin species urgently needs to be reclassified as ‘data deficient’.


Forestry 19 Mar 2008
Greens support for forestry offset conditional

The Flexible Land Use Alliance, which has announced it has a parliamentary majority for its forestry offset scheme, needs to realise that the Green Party's support is conditional.


Diplomacy 18 Mar 2008
Locke calls for stronger support for Tibetans in hour of need

The Green Party will be supporting this motion, although we would have liked it to be much stronger and clearly taken the side of the Tibetan people against their Chinese oppressors.


Politics 18 Mar 2008
Green Party response to John Key's speech

WELLINGTON — Russel Norman outlines the Green Party response to John Key's 2008'State of the nation' speech.


Politics 18 Mar 2008
Kedgley to stand in Wellington Central

WELLINGTON CITY — Green Party MP Sue Kedgley has been selected as Green Party candidate for Wellington Central.


Health 17 Mar 2008
Is Hawke’s Bay DHB problem just the tip of an iceberg?

HAWKE'S BAY — The Green Party is calling for mandatory reporting and tightening of the rules surrounding potential conflict of interest in the light of the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board report released today.


Politics 17 Mar 2008
Government FTA stance falls short on Tibetan rights

Green Party MP Keith Locke said the Prime Ministers’ post-Cabinet statement is letting down the Tibetan people and selling short the people of New Zealand.


Environment 16 Mar 2008
New Zealand Native Fish

Green Party Co-leader, Dr Russel Norman, and Fresh Water Ecologist, Dr Mike Joy, talk about New Zealand native fish.


News 14 Mar 2008
Industry has more courage then Govt on cell phone use

The Green Party is calling on the Government to stop procrastinating and make it an offence to text message or converse on a hand held mobile phone while driving.


Conservation 14 Mar 2008
Meridian threatens eels with dam-nation

Meridian’s proposed hydro-dam on a wild and pristine West Coast river will hasten the extinction of our long-fin eel population Green Party Conservation Metiria Turei says.


Environment 13 Mar 2008
Proposed release of GE vaccine will be protested - Greens

News that there may soon be an application for the first live GE vaccine to be released in New Zealand will test the stringency of the law and its processes, the Green Party says “It is worrying that the first off the blocks for release of GE may be a vaccine.


Media 13 Mar 2008
Ad industry behaving like King Canute

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley is calling on the advertising industry to stop its exaggerated attacks on the Public Health Bill, and to engage instead in serious debate over a public health issue with huge implications for New Zealand and the sustainability of our health system.


Energy 12 Mar 2008
South Waikato DC encourages solar water heating

Government Spokesperson on Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Jeanette Fitzsimons, today congratulated South Waikato District Council for its initiative to encourage solar water heating by waiving building consent fees.


Traffic 12 Mar 2008
Growing crash risks show need for safer cell phone use - Greens

As the link between cell phone use by motorists and crash risks continues to grow, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley is calling for the use of only hands-free-type technology while driving.


Science 11 Mar 2008
Independent scientists essential for innovation fund integrity

The Green Party says that there must be independent scientists involved in the allocation of the $700 million pastoral and food innovation fund announced today by the Government.


Business 11 Mar 2008
Easter Sunday is for families not finance

The Green Party is congratulating Bunnings for closing its shops on Easter Sunday and allowing its workers to share a holiday with their communities, families and friends, Sue Bradford, Spokesperson on Employment Relations says.


Health 10 Mar 2008
Cosmetic ingredients labelling welcomed by Greens

The Green Party strongly supports a proposal by the Environmental Risk Management Authority for mandatory ingredient labelling of all cosmetics, Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Environment 10 Mar 2008
Greens call for a moratorium on water takes

Fresh water scientist, Dr Mike Joy, states that the fresh water chapter of the 2007 'State of the Environment' report fails to correctly assess water quality issues.


Trade 6 Mar 2008
Government commits to putting FTA to parliamentary vote

Green Party MP Keith Locke has welcomed the Government’s commitment in the House today to put the free trade agreement with China, to be signed in April, to a Parliamentary vote.


Business 6 Mar 2008
Public rights undermined by new telco regulations

Intrusive telecommunications equipment will be able to be installed as of right, without consultation, on most power poles in New Zealand, thanks to sweeping National Environmental Standards announced today.


Transport 6 Mar 2008
Get the trains back Ontrack

The time has come to reintegrate the rail system, says Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Health 6 Mar 2008
Stop the Natural Remedy Witch-Hunt Greens Say

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley is calling on the Government to stop Medsafe’s witch-hunt of the dietary supplements industry, and to work instead with the local industry on a New Zealand based regulatory scheme for dietary supplements.


Tourism 5 Mar 2008
NZ shamed in international tourism report

A ‘dead last’ ranking in the World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Report released today highlights the Government’s shameful lack of attention to our threatened species’ recovery.