Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Environment 20 Dec 2007
Government caves in to Monsanto

The Government has failed New Zealanders by approving a potentially hazardous GM food ingredient, setting a dangerous precedent that will let other untested animals feed products enter the country's food chain, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 19 Dec 2007
Better services the top priority

The first priority for the possible $1.5 billion tax cuts should be environmental protection, public health and public education, the Green Party says.


Politics 19 Dec 2007
Greens win Citizens’ Jury

Campaign funding and finance will be examined by a Citizens’ Jury, following an agreement between the Green Party and the Government.


Politics 18 Dec 2007
Government luxury BMWs exceed own energy targets

The Government agreement to purchase 34 luxury six cylinder BMWs over the next three years contravenes their own fuel efficiency standard for diesel vehicles as laid out in the Energy Efficiency Conservation Strategy, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 18 Dec 2007
38 ways to better protect victims of crime

The Justice and Electoral select committee has today reported back from its inquiry into the rights of victims in the criminal justice system.


Employment 18 Dec 2007
Greens welcome minimum wage increase

The Green Party is delighted that the Government will honour its commitment to increase the minimum wage to $12 an hour in line with Labour's agreements with the Green Party and NZ First after the 2005 election.


Agriculture 17 Dec 2007
Greens congratulate Bay of Plenty farmers

BAY OF PLENTY — The Green Party welcomes the announcement today by Environment Bay of Plenty that 91 percent of dairy farms checked in annual monitoring are meeting their resource consent conditions.


Police 17 Dec 2007
Government, not police, should make Taser decision

Green MP Keith Locke has written to the Prime Minister urging the Government, not the police, to make the decision over whether Tasers should be brought into the police armoury.


Police 17 Dec 2007
Greens welcome improvements to Police Conduct Authority

The Green Party is welcoming yesterday’s announcement by the Government to improve the Independent Police Conduct Authority.


Conservation 15 Dec 2007
'We will fight for them on the beaches' - Greens

New Zealanders are being urged to pick up arms – buckets and spades and head for the beaches this summer in the fight against Japanese whaling.


Health 14 Dec 2007
Medicines strategy long on rhetoric, short on solutions

The Green Party says the newly released Medicines New Zealand strategy has plenty of rhetoric but is short on innovation or practical measures to achieve its goals.


Agriculture 14 Dec 2007
Dairy payout an opportunity to future-proof farming

Fonterra’s lift in the forecast payout for the season to $6.90 is a major opportunity to future-proof New Zealand farming, says the Green Party.


Food 14 Dec 2007
Greens support stronger warnings on soy infant formula

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley said this morning that she was pleased the Health Select Committee is supporting stronger warning labels on soy infant formula and more parental education about the risks of feeding infants soy-based formulas.


Conservation 14 Dec 2007
Rangitoto to become bird-sanctuary of choice for PR stunts

AUCKLAND — The Green Party believe that there is a great economic opportunity for the Department of Conservation in making Rangitoto and Motutapu islands into sanctuaries for endangered birds species.


Food 14 Dec 2007
Yet more GE food to be approved for New Zealand

The Greens are alarmed that Food Standards Australia New Zealand has announced three new applications for genetically engineered commodities to be permitted into our food supply – two cotton varieties and one corn.


Food 13 Dec 2007
Green hope NZFSA review will mark a turning point

The Green Party is welcoming the appointment of international expert Dr Stuart Slorach to head an independent review of the New Zealand Food Safety Authority’s risk management decision-making processes.


Environment 13 Dec 2007
Call of the kiwi: get on with it and sign greenhouse plan

The Green Party is urging New Zealanders to get their fingers walking for climate change.


Politics 13 Dec 2007
Anderton refuses to control BZP, tries to blame Greens

The Green Party absolutely refutes Jim Anderton's claims that they have blocked the passage of his BZP Bill.


Conservation 12 Dec 2007
NZers will be fighting for whales on the beaches this summer

AUCKLAND — Join the launch of the Green Party's Sand Sculpture Challenge at Oriental Bay beach this Saturday where we will be building a giant whale sand sculpture to send a message to the Japanese Government – stop whaling! Japan has announced that the whaling fleet intends to kill 50 endangered fin whales, 50 threatened humpback whales and 935 minke whales this season under the guise of scientific whaling.


Building 12 Dec 2007
Auckland mayor a disgrace over affordable housing

AUCKLAND — The Green Party is shocked that the Auckland City Council plans to break an affordable housing contract at a council meeting tomorrow.


Environment 12 Dec 2007
Green climate change bill must proceed ASAP

Yesterday’s Court of Appeal ruling over Genesis Energy's proposed gas-fired power station on the Kaipara harbour highlights the need for Parliament to urgently pass Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons's Resource Management (Climate Protection) Bill.


Environment 11 Dec 2007
Greens call on Government to admit spray campaign errors

The Ombudsman’s report on Complaints Arising from Aerial Spraying is a damning indictment of the Government’s handling of the painted apple moth aerial spraying campaign, the Green Party says.


Traffic 11 Dec 2007
5-year-olds to contend with even heavier trucks

Children forced to walk State Highway 2 to get to Maramarua School deserve to see the evidence the Minister of Transport has for saying that “heavier trucks tend to be safer”.


Transport 10 Dec 2007
Greens hopeful on draft National Transport Strategy

The draft National Transport Strategy, which was released at 5pm today, shows that the Government is finally listening to Green Party advice on transport and peak oil issues, Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Environment 7 Dec 2007
Transport plans tunnel into promises of carbon neutrality

WELLINGTON CITY — The Greens are welcoming the Wellington City Council’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2012, and say this demands a rethink of yesterday’s call for two new tunnels and a new highway to be built in Wellington.


Transport 6 Dec 2007
Juggernaut rules needed for juggernaut trucks

Permits for bigger trucks need to have very tight conditions Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Business 6 Dec 2007
Buy Kiwi Made Fund Grants Announced

Shoppers will find it easier to buy Kiwi made products thanks to the Buy Kiwi Made Fund decisions announced today by Ms Sue Bradford, Government Spokesperson for Buy Kiwi Made.


Business 6 Dec 2007
Survey shows need for mandatory country of origin labelling

A Green Party survey has highlighted the urgent need for mandatory country of origin labelling – a move supported by a 39,000-signature petition presented to Parliament today.


Environment 6 Dec 2007
Wellington’s Eco-City just hot-air?

WELLINGTON — Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says Wellington will have to give up any pretence at being an eco-city if it supports Wellington Mayor Kerry Prendergast's call for drilling another tunnel through Mt Victoria and extending State Highway One to Wellington Airport.


Environment 6 Dec 2007
Time to commit to two degrees

The Green Party is urging the Government to stop obfuscating and join the rapidly growing group of countries that have committed to keeping global warming under 2 degrees.


Politics 5 Dec 2007
Sub 60 decision-making from the Nats on EFB

Green Party MP Metiria Turei today criticised the National Party's hypocrisy over the speed with which the Electoral Finance Bill is being passed through Parliament - given that their deputy leader Bill English took less than an hour last night to dismiss a Green Party proposal that would give ordinary citizens the central role in setting campaign finance law.


Environment 5 Dec 2007
IT industry needs to clean up its footprint – Greens

A British report into the environmental impacts of the IT industry claims that computer servers are at least as much of a threat to the environment as SUV’s or the aviation industry.


Politics 5 Dec 2007
Support for Amnesty’s concern over Afghan prisoners

Green Party MP Keith Locke has supported Amnesty International’s call for a moratorium on New Zealand forces handing over any prisoners to Afghan authorities.


Politics 5 Dec 2007
Marginal views misrepresented as mainstream

The Green Party is disappointed that the Sensible Sentencing Trust and Family First have sunk to the level of misrepresenting the perspective of a religious lobby group as balanced research, and refutes their conclusion that smacking is an effective form of discipline.


Health 5 Dec 2007
Reporting DHB adverse events must be mandatory: Kedgley

WELLINGTON — Green Party MP Sue Kedgley is repeating her call for standardised, mandatory reporting and publication of all adverse events in New Zealand hospitals, following the Dominion Post’s exposé of 23 cases of serious medical mishaps between 2003 and 2005, including 16 deaths, at Capital and Coast Health.


Politics 4 Dec 2007
Emissions Trading Scheme full of holes

The Government's proposed Emissions Trading Scheme is well designed but will take years to have much effect on our greenhouse emissions, and meanwhile world levels are skyrocketing to dangerous levels, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Health 4 Dec 2007
Crucial care mustn’t be sacrificed to bottom line

The Green Party says the policy of pushing mothers and babies out of hospital within hours of giving birth must stop.


Politics 4 Dec 2007
Country of Origin petition to be presented on Thursday

WELLINGTON CITY — Green Party MP Sue Kedgley will be presenting a 39,000 signature petition calling for mandatory country of origin labelling on all fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and single component foods at 1pm this Thursday in the West Foyer in Parliament.


Politics 4 Dec 2007
Greens issue sustainability challenge to Government

The Green Party is congratulating the Government on its new sustainability website, but is issuing its own sustainability challenge to the Prime Minister.


News 4 Dec 2007
Maori woman and low-income to stay poor and without quals

Green Party Education Spokesperson Metiria Turei is dismayed at Auckland University’s announcement that it will be turning away thousands of people seeking higher education by restricting entry to undergraduate programmes.


Politics 3 Dec 2007
China trumps Bali

The New Zealand - China free trade talks underway again today are standing in the way of action on climate change and tropical forest destruction says the Green Party.


Environment 29 Nov 2007
Holcim decision a millstone for NZ’s climate change efforts

OAMARU — The Green Party is very disappointed with an interim decision indicating support for cement giant Holcim’s plans to build a massive cement plant at Weston, near Oamaru.


Conservation 29 Nov 2007
Dolphins need protection over summer - Greens

The Minister of Fisheries has delivered a blow to the critically endangered Maui’s dolphins and to the thousands of people who made submissions on the Dolphin Management Plan, the Green Party say.


Health 29 Nov 2007
Mothers and babies deserve sanctuary not bribes

The Health Minister must reassess the Government’s approach to post-natal care in response to admissions today of mothers being paid $100 to leave hospital early after giving birth, the Green Party says.


Politics 28 Nov 2007
Superfund should end investment in Taser torture weapons

Green Party Police Spokesperson Keith Locke wants the New Zealand Superannuation Fund to end its investment in Taser International.


Water 27 Nov 2007
There’s more than one way to foul the water, Charlie

MANAWATU-WHANGANUI — Federated Farmers President Charlie Pedersen’s claim that water quality is improving in the Manawatu area due to farmers’ improvements is being challenged by Green Party MP Nandor Tanczos.


Health 27 Nov 2007
Obesity strategy several steps short of adequate

The Green Party says that the Government has taken an important step today by responding largely positively to the Health Select Committees’ Inquiry into obesity and type two diabetes.


Agriculture 27 Nov 2007
Protect livestock all the way - Greens

The Green Party is calling on the Government to address the inhumane conditions suffered by animals during transport to export markets.


Police 27 Nov 2007
Locke makes Taser complaint under UN Torture Convention

Green Party Police Spokesperson Keith Locke is asking the Police Complaints Authority to consider whether the introduction of the Taser stun gun would be contrary to New Zealand’s commitments under the UN Convention Against Torture.


Conservation 23 Nov 2007
No more whaling, please

The Green Party is calling on the Japanese Government to recall its whaling fleet and spare the lives of the more than 1000 whales it plans to slaughter for ‘scientific purposes’ in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.


Transport 22 Nov 2007
Climate change bill aims to future-proof transport

Parliament could soon be taking some real steps to counter both climate change and the rising cost of fuel thanks to the drawing today of one of the Green Party’s Six Pack of Climate Change Bills announced last November.


Employment 22 Nov 2007
New law allows employees to vary working hours

Workers have a new right giving them more say over the hours they work, with last night’s passage of the Employment Relations (Flexible Working Arrangements) Act, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 21 Nov 2007
Sue Kedgley’s Third Reading Speech on the Flexible Working Arrangements bill

"This is a simple, light handed piece of legislation, which establishes a new employment right for any employee with caring responsibilities, allowing them to seek changes to their hours or place of work.


Marine 21 Nov 2007
Future of NZ sea lion cast in doubt by Fisheries Minister

The Minister of Fisheries has set the permissible sea lion by-kill too high to allow the threatened population to recover to sustainable levels, Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Police 21 Nov 2007
New information should see Sounds murder case reopened - Greens

MARLBOROUGH — New information about a ketch seen at the time of Ben Smart and Olivia Hope’s disappearance casts enough doubt on the conviction of Scott Watson to warrant reopening the case, Green Party Justice Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos says.


Food 21 Nov 2007
Would you like roaches with that?

MANUKAU CITY — Sue Kedgley congratulates the Manukau City Council for their tough stand on unhygienic food outlets, saying that the public have a right to make informed choices about where they eat.


Police 21 Nov 2007
Locke deeply concerned at new Police instructions on protest

Green MP Keith Locke today expressed concern that newly released Police instructions curtail the right to legitimate protest.


Agriculture 20 Nov 2007
Fed farmers’ RMA 6-pack warm and flat say Greens

WELLINGTON — “Federated Farmers president, Charlie Pedersen, needs to accept that the days of environmental plunder are over,” Green Party Environment Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos says.


Employment 20 Nov 2007
A new era in more flexible workplaces dawns tomorrow

The Green Party is heralding a new era of more flexible workplaces with tomorrow’s passing of the landmark Flexible Working Arrangements Bill.


Politics 19 Nov 2007
Green Party claim victory on election funding

With the inclusion of changes negotiated by the Green Party, the Electoral Finance Bill tabled today should allay many of the concerns raised by New Zealanders.


Employment 19 Nov 2007
Greens call for review of child labour laws

The Green Party today welcomed the latest Caritas report on child labour ‘Delivering the Goods’ and endorsed their call for more protection for child workers.


Festival 19 Nov 2007
Festive Falun Gong belong in Auckland Santa Parade

AUCKLAND — Auckland Green MP Keith Locke is calling for the Auckland Chamber of Commerce to rethink its exclusion of Falun Gong from the Santa Parade, after the group’s successful participation in the Wellington parade yesterday.


Media 16 Nov 2007
Ellis stunt shameful and worthy of prosecution - Greens

AUCKLAND — TV Personality Marc Ellis should be prosecuted by the Department of Conservation for his foolish publicity stunt on Rangitoto Island, the Green Party says.


Health 16 Nov 2007
SunSmart shame: alarming results of sunbed survey

A Green Party survey of sunbed operations in the Wellington region has found that most are flouting industry standards and many are exposing young girls to serious health risks.


Police 16 Nov 2007
Taser killing shows dangers of weapon

Green Party MP Keith Locke says the killing with a Taser of a Polish immigrant at Vancouver airport shows the risks of equipping Police with a weapon that has such lethal capacity.



Conservation 15 Nov 2007
Time to stop the dolphin extinction – before it’s too late

With Maui’s dolphin numbers at perilous levels the Green Party is imploring the Government to heed the pleas of the 32,000 who signed a WWF petition to stop their extinction.


Agriculture 15 Nov 2007
No demonstrated need to change Fonterra

The Green Party is concerned that Fonterra has not demonstrated any need to change its ownership structure and may be being driven by the investor market who want to capitalize on the huge profits to be made in the sector.


Finance 14 Nov 2007
Cullen assumes NZ will escape fallout from rising oil prices

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons today criticised the lack of concern being shown by Finance Minister Michael Cullen about the chronic inability of Treasury, the Reserve Bank and MED to accurately forecast the price of oil, or even whether it is likely to rise or fall.


Media 14 Nov 2007
Crown Law Office should act on terrorism raid reporting

Green Party MP Keith Locke has called on the Crown Law Office to take action against the Dominion-Post over its decision to publish excerpts from police affidavits on the ‘terrorism’ raids.


Police 12 Nov 2007
Locke wants Police to find, plug ‘terrorism’ leaks

Green Party MP Keith Locke has called on Police Commissioner Howard Broad to take steps to find and plug the leaks to the media of evidence gathered to support the failed ‘terrorism’ charges, before those leaks further jeopardize the chance of fair trials on the alleged arms offences.


Health 12 Nov 2007
Spray report highlights need for biosecurity overhaul

The Green Party is calling for an urgent overhaul of biosecurity laws in the wake of a groundbreaking report of the People’s Inquiry today.


Media 11 Nov 2007
Greens slam greenwash decision by ad industry watchdog

The Green Party today expressed disbelief at a decision by the Advertising Standards Complaints Board that a coal mine can successfully claim to have a ‘low environmental impact,’ and will be appealing the decision.


Politics 9 Nov 2007
SOEs should also be environmentally responsible, Minister

The Green Party is wondering whether Trevor Mallard has already forgotten about his environment portfolio.


Politics 9 Nov 2007
Babies in Prison Bill voted back to Parliament

Green Party MP Sue Bradford’s Private Member’s bill improving the lot of babies with mothers in prison was reported back to Parliament today.


Politics 9 Nov 2007
Locke calls for current Terrorism Bill to be halted, reviewed

Green Party Human Rights Spokesperson Keith Locke is calling for the Government to withdraw the Terrorism Suppression Amendment Bill, currently before Parliament, in the light of the forthcoming Law Commission review of the 2002 Terrorism Suppression Act.


Food 9 Nov 2007
Medical Journal backs Green call for trans-fat labelling

Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is urging the Government to rethink its policies on trans-fatty acids, in the wake of the New Zealand Medical Journal today highlighting the dangers of trans-fatty acids and recommending labelling regulations.


Police 8 Nov 2007
Locke delighted by Crown’s terrorism decision

Green Party MP Keith Locke today applauded the decision by Solicitor-General David Collins not to allow the Police to press terrorism charges against the recently arrested group of Maori, peace and environmentalist activists.


Trade 8 Nov 2007
Bindeex warning highlights risks of imports

Mandatory product liability and warranty insurance should be applied to all imported goods, Green Party Regional Development Spokesperson Sue Bradford said today.


Transport 8 Nov 2007
NZ’s car fleet too dirty for Europe

The Government should be embarrassed that New Zealand has one of the dirtiest car fleets in the OECD, and that about 16 percent of the petrol fleet would not be allowed on the road in Europe or most parts of North America, the Green Party says.


Migration 8 Nov 2007
Privacy Commission finds serious flaws in Immigration Bill

Green Party MP Keith Locke has applauded the Privacy Commissioner for her forthright submission on the Immigration Bill, and for her finding that the Bill has given ‘insufficient regard…to respecting privacy within the necessary processes.” “The Privacy Commissioner has issued a damning appraisal confirming Green concerns that the Bill allows too much information in immigration cases to be kept secret,” Mr Locke says.


Health 7 Nov 2007
Kedgley calls for Capital Coast to be put on notice

Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is concerned at reports that Capital Coast District Health Board is in a state of disarray and she is calling on the Minister of Health to put the Board on notice that if the situation isn’t rectified he will step in.


Employment 7 Nov 2007
Kedgley’s Flexi-work Bill expanded, could pass by Christmas

Green MP Sue Kedgley said she is delighted that her Flexible Working Arrangements Bill will complete its committee reading stages in Parliament today, and should have its final reading and become law before the end of the year.


Marine 6 Nov 2007
Coastal shipping gets some recognition, deserves more

The Green Party is delighted to see the Government has finally taken a stand in support of coastal shipping, by establishing a Maritime Liaison Unit within the Transport Ministry, amid other measures.


News 6 Nov 2007
Tribute to Rod Donald

WELLINGTON — The Green Party is today marking the second anniversary of the death of Co-Leader Rod Donald, by gathering after caucus beside his kowhai tree in Parliament grounds.


Education 6 Nov 2007
Greens win more sustainable school curriculum

The Green Party welcomes the release of the new school curriculum today, which will ensure that all school children are able to learn more about issues of sustainability and environmental responsibility.


Energy 2 Nov 2007
Bright ideas fund for energy efficient hot water

An Innovation Fund to encourage smart innovations that will lead to the uptake of solar water heating and heat pump water heating technologies was launched today by Jeanette Fitzsimmons, Government Spokesperson on Energy Efficiency and Conservation.


Food 1 Nov 2007
Food safety concerns must be taken seriously this time

Overwhelming public support for food labelling initiatives demonstrates growing concern over the safety of the food in New Zealand and the Government needs to do more to address these concerns, Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Health 1 Nov 2007
Medical Board tests negative for relevance

The lack of student representation on the newly appointed Medical Training Board is a major impediment to meaningful training development the Green Party says.


Cannabis 1 Nov 2007
Clear heads needed for cannabis conversation

The Green Party looks forward to the end of anxiety-fuelled stonewalling, and the start of an objective and balanced discussion on the status of cannabis in New Zealand society, as called for by a respected authority on drug policy and research.


Politics 31 Oct 2007
Mallard’s new Environment role no punishment

If Trevor Mallard was to be punished, giving him the Environment portfolio is an odd way for that to be expressed, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Court 31 Oct 2007
Greens welcome landmark RMA court ruling

COROMANDEL — The Court of Appeal decision released today in favour of the Coromandel Watchdog group is a landmark victory for local communities, says Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Agriculture 30 Oct 2007
Protect animals and not just trade image, say Greens

The Green Party is calling on the Government to consider the transport of live animals and not just slaughter conditions at the end of their journey, following the Minister of Agriculture’s announcement that he is reviewing the trade in live animal exports.


Marine 26 Oct 2007
SIC fishing practices need reality-check

The Green Party rejects the frail defence by the New Zealand Seafood Industry Council of it’s fishing-at-any-cost stance.


Environment 25 Oct 2007
Taranaki oil spill shows the risks facing our southern oceans

TARANAKI — Today’s evidence of tar balls washing up on the Taranaki coast should be ringing alarm bells in Government about the potential risks and costs of the mooted oil exploration in the Great South Basin, Greens Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Corrections 25 Oct 2007
Prison Ombudsman major victory for Greens and justice

The establishment of an Ombudsman for Prisons fulfils the Government’s agreement with the Green Party to set up an independent prison inspectorate, as announced in a joint statement today.


Politics 25 Oct 2007
The real danger may be closer to home – within the Beehive

WELLINGTON CITY — Green Party MP Keith Locke suggests that the authorities should be looking much closer to home for the real dangers from political violence.


Health 25 Oct 2007
Greens welcome Minister’s assurance of sunbed review

The Green Party welcomes the Health Minister’s assurance that he will be seeking Ministry of Health advice on the issue of sunbed safety and regulation, Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Environment 24 Oct 2007
Minister’s myopic foresight short of organic 20 20 vision

The Government’s organic vision is about as good as that of a Pukekohe potato, says Green MP and Agriculture Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos.


Energy 24 Oct 2007
Asbestos find an added reason to close New Plymouth station

NEW PLYMOUTH — Contact Energy should take the opportunity provided by the discovery of asbestos at the New Plymouth power station to close the station permanently, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Environment 24 Oct 2007
NZ Institute left behind in climate debate: Greens

The NZ Institute is sounding like a carbon addict in denial, Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.