Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Government 23 Sep 2011
Green Party won't support Video Surveillance Bill

The Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill is unnecessary and offensive to both the rule of law and proper parliamentary process, Green Party human rights spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Politics 22 Sep 2011
Time for domestic price of milk to be set by independent body

Fonterra's publication of its Milk Price Manual explaining how it sets the price of milk for the domestic market is a welcome move, Green Party Food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 22 Sep 2011
Downturn in building sector an opportunity for green jobs

The Government can stop the potential loss of capacity and skills in the building sector by investing in state house construction before the rebuild of Christchurch gets fully underway, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 22 Sep 2011
Green Party won't support Video Surveillance Bill

The Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill is unnecessary and offensive to both the rule of law and proper parliamentary process, Green Party human rights spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Employment 21 Sep 2011
Greens to launch plan to create 100,000 new jobs

WELLINGTON — What: Green Jobs Initiative launch Where: Green Caucus room, level 15, Bowen House, Parliament Buildings.


Environment 19 Sep 2011
Regional councils should treat all polluters the same

Horizons Regional Council should take action against Palmerston North City Council for polluting the Manawatu River, the Green Party said today.


Politics 19 Sep 2011
Suffrage Day highlights persistent gender pay gap

There is much to celebrate on Suffrage Day, but the pay gap between men and women reminds us that there is a long way to go before New Zealand women enjoy true equality, the Green Party said today.


Politics 19 Sep 2011
Green Party launches 'For a Richer New Zealand'

The Green Party today released their 'For a Richer New Zealand' advertising campaign.


Environment 19 Sep 2011
Making a safer environment for Queer Youth

On Saturday 17 September, Green Party spokesperson on Rainbow issues Kevin Hague will launch a new report: How do we make it better? Mapping the Steps towards a More Supportive Coming Out Environment for Queer Youth in Aotearoa New Zealand.


Politics 19 Sep 2011
Green Party Launches 'For a Richer New Zealand' Campaign

The Green Party today [18 September] released their ‘For a Richer New Zealand’ advertising campaign.


Politics 19 Sep 2011
NZ wrong in joining boycott of UN anti-racism meeting

Green MP Keith Locke has condemned Foreign Minister Murray McCully’s decision to boycott a UN anti-racism meeting which opens in New York this week.


Health 16 Sep 2011
Joint Greens-Govt health legislation has first reading

Joint Green Party-Government legislation to ensure natural health products are safe and true to label is having its first reading in Parliament today.


Health 15 Sep 2011
Joint Greens-Govt health legislation has first reading

Joint Green Party-Government legislation to ensure natural health products are safe and true to label is having its first reading in Parliament today.


Politics 15 Sep 2011
Govt ETS review proposes increasing polluter subsidies

The review of the Government's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) proposes to increase subsidies to climate polluters, at the cost of the New Zealand taxpayer and the climate, said the Green Party today.


Politics 14 Sep 2011
Govt needs to stop the war on Auckland

Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today called on the Government to end the war on Auckland, and work with Aucklanders and the Auckland Council to improve transport in our largest city.


Water 13 Sep 2011
89% of Southland rivers of poor quality: urgent action needed

SOUTHLAND — A report on Southland's water quality released today confirms regional councils have been unable to protect our waterways, reinforcing the urgent need for national standards for clean water, the Green Party said today.


Food 13 Sep 2011
Cost of living too much for poorest families

New figures showing food prices are up 6.6 percent since this time last year provide even more reason to invest in policies that boost the incomes of the poorest families and help to end child poverty, the Green Party said today.


Politics 12 Sep 2011
More evidence shows need for plan to end child poverty

A major report by the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) provides further evidence to support the Green Party's plan to bring 100,000 children out of poverty by 2014, the Green Party said today.


Politics 12 Sep 2011
Akl transport fail result of anti-train bias

The transport debacle on the opening night of the Rugby World Cup was caused by systematic bias against trains and buses in Government transport planning, said the Green Party today.


Politics 8 Sep 2011
NZ must not strengthen military ties with Indonesia

New Zealand must stop moves to strengthen bi-lateral defence ties with Indonesia while human rights abuses by the Indonesian military continue in West Papua, Green MP Catherine Delahunty said today.


Health 7 Sep 2011
Joint Greens-Govt health legislation tabled in Parliament

Joint Green Party-Government legislation to set up a natural health regulator is being tabled in Parliament today [Wednesday, 7 September].


Politics 7 Sep 2011
New Zealand can be a climate leader for Pacific nations

New Zealand and Australia can, and must, lead on real action to respond to climate change to save the endangered Pacific Island nations, said the Green Party today.


Politics 7 Sep 2011
Inquiry needed into Police overreaction in 'terror' cases

There needs to be an independent inquiry into the way Police handled the cases against a number of Tuhoe and political activists, Green Party Police spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Politics 7 Sep 2011
Greens offer legislative support to stop international corporate fraud

The Green Party is offering political support to the Government to move more quickly to close down loopholes in current company law that allows companies registered in New Zealand to be used as vehicles for international fraud.


Politics 7 Sep 2011
International fraud highlights urgent need for company law reform

The ease at which companies can be registered in New Zealand for the purposes of committing fraud needs to be urgently addressed, the Green Party said today.


News 6 Sep 2011
Greens plan to insulate 200,000 more homes

The Green Party has launched the first part of their plan to create thousands of clean green jobs by extending the Heat Smart home insulation scheme to a further 200,000 homes by 2014.


Politics 5 Sep 2011
High Court case highlights child poverty solution

An historic High Court case being heard this week highlights one of the Green Party's solutions to bring children out of poverty, the Green Party said today.


Environment 5 Sep 2011
Greens Call for Climate Change Action in Pacific

AUCKLAND — The Pacific Islands Forum needs to take a strong and united stand on both mitigating and coping with climate change at its 42nd meeting in Auckland next week, the Green Parties of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea said today.


Earthquakes 4 Sep 2011
Greens call for sustainable Christchurch rebuild on quake anniversary

The first anniversary of the Canterbury earthquake should be marked by a renewed resolve for a sustainable rebuild of Christchurch funded through a fair earthquake levy, the Green party said today.


Politics 4 Sep 2011
Open-cast coal won't make us richer

The Government wants to expand open-cast coal mining on the conservation estate against the wishes of New Zealanders, said the Green Party today.


Disability 2 Sep 2011
Greens welcome appointment of first Disability Commissioner

The Green Party has today welcomed the appointment of Paul Gibson as the first Disability Commissioner at the Human Rights Commission.


Politics 2 Sep 2011
Report provides more reasons to invest in children

Another report highlighting the plight of poor children provides more reasons to invest in bringing children out of poverty, the Green Party said today.


Transport 1 Sep 2011
Greens welcome electric train decision, Govt can do more

The Green Party welcomed the announcement today that the Auckland Council and the Government will be sharing the cost of additional electric trains for the fast growing Auckland rail network.


Books 1 Sep 2011
MPs should investigate Hager's claims about

Nicky Hager's latest book, Other People's Wars, should prompt a parliamentary review of our Defence and Intelligence relations with the United States, Green Party Defence Spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Gambling 1 Sep 2011
SkyCity winds back clock on smoking

AUCKLAND CITY — The Green Party supports ASH and the Problem Gambling Foundation’s opposition to SkyCity Casino’s plan to open an enclosed smoking pokies balcony.


Politics 31 Aug 2011
Greens call for standard for stock exclusion from rivers

The Green Party is calling for mandatory stock exclusion from rivers within five years, in light of a voluntary scheme launched by Greater Wellington Regional Council yesterday.


Politics 31 Aug 2011
Foreign ownership of SOEs inevitable under National

The National Government’s tinkering with ten per cent ownership caps will not stop state-owned assets ultimately falling into foreign hands, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Energy 30 Aug 2011
Govt misses opportunity for green energy future

The Government’s energy strategy shows they have no plan to develop a clean, green economy for the 21st century, said the Green Party today.


Earthquakes 30 Aug 2011
Earthquake levy must now be considered

CANTERBURY — The Government must consider a temporary earthquake levy to help address the skyrocketing costs of the Canterbury earthquakes, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Health 29 Aug 2011
Green Party warns of dangers to health and agriculture over kiwifruit spraying

The kiwifruit industry should abandon plans to spray the antibiotic Streptomycin over kiwifruit orchards, Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Health 29 Aug 2011
Children's Social Health Monitor cause for concern

Too many New Zealand children are exposed to hardship and suffer poor health outcomes because of it, the Green Party said today.


Water 29 Aug 2011
MAF statistics show Green's irrigation charge affordable

CANTERBURY — Recent farm profitability statistics released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry show that the Green Party’s suggested charge for irrigation is 4.8 percent of total farm income for the average Canterbury dairy operation, the Green Party said today.


Agriculture 28 Aug 2011
MAF statistics show Green's irrigation charge affordable

Recent farm profitability statistics released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry show that the Green Party's suggested charge for irrigation is 4.8 percent of total farm income for the average Canterbury dairy operation, the Green Party said today.


Politics 27 Aug 2011
Denniston Mine should not go ahead

The consent granted just for the Denniston open cast coal-mine was trenchantly criticised by the Green Party today.


Politics 26 Aug 2011
Government scrimps on marine reserves

The announcement of five new marine reserves on the West Coast is a missed opportunity that leaves the Government well short of its own goal of 10 percent of our marine environment being protected, the Green Party said today.


Politics 26 Aug 2011
Ambulance at Te Waihora lakeside better than no ambulance at all

The Green Party is welcoming the Government's announcement to clean up Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere but is asking how the proposal will be effective in light of the proposed dramatic expansion of intensive irrigated dairying in the catchment of the lake.


Alcohol 26 Aug 2011
Alcohol lobbyists expose pitfalls of FTAs

Attempts by overseas corporations to scuttle New Zealand efforts to reduce the harm of alcohol should be strongly resisted, Green Party alcohol spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 26 Aug 2011
Super Fund found investing in illegal cluster bombs

The Green Party has discovered the New Zealand Superannuation Fund is investing in cluster bomb manufacturers - a practice likely to contravene the Government's commitments under the international convention on cluster munitions.


Alcohol 25 Aug 2011
Govt fails binge-drinking youths

The Government's Alcohol Reform Bill stills fails to address advertising, sponsorship and price issues, despite these being the underlying drivers of New Zealand's entrenched drinking culture, the Green Party says.


Politics 24 Aug 2011
New EEZ legislation won't plug a leak, stop climate change

New Zealand needs clean, green jobs, not risky deepwater drilling that will exacerbate climate change, said the Green Party today.


Employment 23 Aug 2011
Fishing inquiry needs to hear first-hand evidence of affected seafarers

The announcement of a panel and terms of reference for an inquiry into the conditions on foreign charter vessels operating in New Zealand waters is good news, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Business 22 Aug 2011
Fonterra to cripple organic dairying

Fonterra’s move to confine its take of organic milk to the Waikato and Bay of Plenty will cripple New Zealand’s organic dairy sector the Green Party said today.


Police 22 Aug 2011
Locke welcomes Smith-Voorkamp charges being dropped

The Police decision to drop charges against Cornelius Arie Smith-Voorkamp is a welcome move, Green Party human rights spokesperson Keith Locke, said today.


Politics 22 Aug 2011
Govt boasts of taxpayer subsidies for water polluters

John Key is boasting about the hundreds of millions of dollars that taxpayers are spending to clean up rivers and lakes while he pours cold water on any suggestion that the industry causing the pollution should contribute to the cost, the Green Party said today.


Environment 21 Aug 2011
Greens launch plan to clean up New Zealand's rivers and lakes

The Green Party has today launched a plan to clean up New Zealand's rivers and lakes.


Transport 19 Aug 2011
Green party announces cost saving transport plan

The Green Party will save billions from the Government’s books by cutting wasteful spending on new motorway developments and investing in smart public transport initiatives instead, Transport Spokesperson Gareth Hughes announced today.


Economy 19 Aug 2011
Prue Hyman contributes to Green Party compassionate economy project

The Green Party continues its online project exploring New Zealand women’s visions of a “compassionate economy” with a contribution from noted feminist economist Prue Hyman this weekend.


Environment 18 Aug 2011
Greens welcome independent national environmental reporting

The Green Party today welcomed the Government's proposal to move national environmental reporting to the independent Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, as the Greens proposed in 2008.


Employment 18 Aug 2011
Greens and CTU launch equal pay petition

The Green Party has joined with the Council of Trade Unions (CTU) to launch an equal pay petition today, taking up the Government's challenge to prove that equal pay issues are a major concern in modern workplaces.


Politics 17 Aug 2011
More mine inspectors proves Govt can improve safety now

The Government's announcement of more mine inspectors shows that action to improve worker safety can happen prior to the report of the Pike River Royal Commission, West Coast based MP Green Party MP Kevin Hague said today.


Politics 17 Aug 2011
John Key should attack poverty not report

John Key should apologise for rubbishing a report that highlights the economic cost of child poverty in New Zealand said the Green Party today.


Politics 12 Aug 2011
Brownlee wrong to attack draft Christchurch plan

Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee needs to go into bat for Christchurch rather than belittling the draft plan for Christchurch's rebuild, Green Party earthquake recovery spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham said today.


Politics 12 Aug 2011
Super Fund complacent on ethical investment

The Fund continues to invest in and profit from firms that produce nuclear weapons, sell weapons to Burma, violate human rights, and cause severe environmental damage.


Building 12 Aug 2011
Greens support rail and green spaces in Chch rebuild

CHRISTCHURCH — Light rail and more green spaces will find favour with Christchurch residents, Green Party earthquake recovery spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham said today.


Radio 12 Aug 2011
Radio NZ moving from charity case to basket case

Radio New Zealand setting up a Charitable Trust for the Concert Programme shows the dire state of public broadcasting under the National Government, Green Party broadcasting spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Building 12 Aug 2011
Greens support rail and green spaces in Christchurch rebuild

CHRISTCHURCH — Light rail and more green spaces will find favour with Christchurch residents, Green Party earthquake recovery spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham said today.


Politics 11 Aug 2011
Indonesian seafarers should stay till they are paid

Immigration Minister Jonathan Coleman should halt the deportation of 32 Indonesian seafarers, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Politics 11 Aug 2011
Super Fund caught investing in tobacco

The Green Party has caught the New Zealand Superannuation Fund investing in tobacco, failing once again to live up to their own self-imposed standards as a responsible investor.


Politics 10 Aug 2011
Parliament at risk of fines

Parliament is at risk of fines or possibly even having its internet disconnected due to the Government's new file-sharing law which comes into force tomorrow, the Green Party said today.


Waste 10 Aug 2011
Manufacturers, retailers need regulation to own e-waste

The Green Party today welcomed the Community Recycling Network's launch of e-cycle depots with money from the Green-initiated Waste Minimisation Fund.


Politics 10 Aug 2011
Gender pay gap needs legislative solution

A Goldman Sachs report on the gender pay gap is right to highlight the problem, but it won't be solved by simply encouraging women into male-dominated trades or appointing more women to boards, the Green Party said today.


Economy 9 Aug 2011
S&P finger New Zealand's on-going economic vulnerabilities

Standard & Poor's singling out of New Zealand from the Asia-Pacific region as particularly vulnerable to another world economic downturn should cause the National Government to rethink their management of the economy, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 9 Aug 2011
No cause for celebration in benefit figures

The Government should only celebrate benefit statistics if they clearly show people moving off benefits and into work or training, the Green Party said today.


Economy 9 Aug 2011
Parliament must move fast on milk price inquiry

A Commerce Select Committee inquiry into milk pricing needs to begin as soon as possible as there is very little time left in this Parliament, the Green Party said today.


Politics 8 Aug 2011
Key's debt complacency concerning

New Zealand can't afford to be complacent about our current debt situation, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 8 Aug 2011
Joyce is the only roadblock to decent public transport

Transport Minister Steven Joyce is the only roadblock to decent Auckland public transport, the Green Party said today.


Environment 5 Aug 2011
Green survey shows shark fins on the menu

New Zealand is lagging behind many other countries in dealing with the unsustainable practice of shark-finning, Green Party Oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today.


Economy 5 Aug 2011
Green Party launches online Compassionate Economy project

The Green Party has today launched an online project exploring New Zealand women’s visions of a “compassionate economy.” “The Green party has a vision of a smart, green, compassionate economy that works for everyone,” Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said.


Politics 5 Aug 2011
Greens release report on future of Christchurch

Christchurch can be rebuilt as a sustainable 21st century eco city, Christchurch based Green Party MP Kennedy Graham said today.


Politics 5 Aug 2011
Fishing inquiry must look at local jobs

The Government inquiry into the fishing industry needs to be comprehensive and look at how the significant job losses in the industry can be turned around, the Green Party said today.


Politics 4 Aug 2011
Non-profit fills education gap on Skynet law

The Green Party congratulates InternetNZ's campaign to educate New Zealanders in not falling foul of the Government's draconian anti-file sharing legislation which is being introduced over the next month.


Politics 4 Aug 2011
Save the Bees Petition Hits Parliament

New Zealanders are worried about threats to our honeybees and our honey industry, and want the Government to take action to protect our bees, Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 3 Aug 2011
Green plan to bring 100,000 children out of poverty

The Green Party has today launched a bold plan to bring 100,000 children out of poverty by 2014.


Government 3 Aug 2011
Storing up trouble in Wiri — Green Party

AUCKLAND — The Government is storing up trouble by allowing another prison to be built in the Auckland suburb of Wiri, the Green Party said today.


Politics 2 Aug 2011
Storing up trouble in Wiri

AUCKLAND — The Government is storing up trouble by allowing another prison to be built in the Auckland suburb of Wiri, the Green Party said today.


Food 2 Aug 2011
Greens press for Select Committee inquiry into milk pricing

It's disappointing that the Commerce Commission has declined to initiate a full price control inquiry into the price of milk, Green Party consumer affairs spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 1 Aug 2011
Don't shoot the messenger on water quality

Environment Minister Nick Smith needs to address the substance of a recently released Cawthron Institute report which says that the condition of our lakes, rivers, and wetlands is likely to continue to decline under current Government policy, said the Green Party today.


Cycling 29 Jul 2011
Joint Greens-Govt cycle trail initiative launches next month on Forgotten World Highway

The first three touring routes of the much anticipated Nga Haeranga New Zealand Cycle Trail will open on 20 August with cycle tours planned in Central North Island.


Employment 29 Jul 2011
Rich list highlights poor policy choice

The minimum wage would be $15.60 if it had increased at the same rate as the wealth of the richest New Zealanders the Green Party said today.


News 27 Jul 2011
Time to address causes of child poverty and neglect

Recommendations in the Government Green Paper on vulnerable children will not address the root causes of child abuse and neglect, the Green Party said today.


Transport 26 Jul 2011
Transport spend locks New Zealand's economic future to the price of oil and greater debt

The Government's short-sighted plans for transport funding will lock New Zealand's economic fortunes into dependency on the price of oil and further Government debt, the Green Party said today.


Pharmacy 22 Jul 2011
Key must rule out changes to Pharmac during US visit

John Key must rule out any trade deal with investor state disputes clauses that endanger Pharmac, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Economy 21 Jul 2011
Corporate treating of Treasury requires audit

The New Zealand Debt Management Office must be independently audited to ensure they have secured the best borrowing deals for New Zealand in light of revelations that they have been regularly treated to lunch, dinner, sports and theatre tickets, and leisurely games of golf, the Green Party said today.


Politics 20 Jul 2011
Police and SIS must publish report on spying allegations

The New Zealand Police and SIS must make public their assessment of whether Mossad agents have been operating in New Zealand, and whether security has been compromised, Green Party Police spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Government 20 Jul 2011
Wilkinson must go to progress mine safety

The Government must replace current Minister of Labour Kate Wilkinson and act immediately to improve mine safety, Green Party West Coast based MP Kevin Hague said today.


Transport 19 Jul 2011
Transport costs spike, Govt unprepared

The ever-increasing rise in travel costs, detailed in today's Consumer Price Index release, highlight the need for better public transport strategies, the Green Party says.


Education 19 Jul 2011
Practical solutions to reduce youth inequality

A new report shows that there are practical solutions to addressing the inequality gap for disadvantaged youth, the Green Party said today.


Politics 19 Jul 2011
Key softens NZ up to never-ending commitment to Afghanistan

The SAS must get out of Afghanistan as soon as possible, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Disability 18 Jul 2011
Autism support must be recognised as a frontline service

WAIKATO — The failure of the Government to adequately fund Autism New Zealand nationally will hurt those with autism and their families, Green Party disability spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.


Government 15 Jul 2011
No crisis at ACC

A new report shows that the Government's plan to privatise work coverage of ACC will undermine our world leading system and lead to more suffering for accident victims, said the Green Party today.