Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Economy 14 Jul 2011
Capital gains tax will benefit economy

The Green Party today welcomed Labour's formal adoption of a capital gains tax policy which will deliver a fairer tax system and create a more efficient and productive economy, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said.


Employment 14 Jul 2011
Govt must not short change care workers

John Key's Government should ensure that workers in the care sector are paid what they are legally entitled to, Green Party disability spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.


News 14 Jul 2011
Key's refugee scaremongering bad for New Zealand's race relations

John Key's scaremongering about boat people flooding into the country damages New Zealand's race relations, Green Party immigration spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Food 13 Jul 2011
More bad news for families as food prices rise again

Food prices have risen again, and it's not getting any easier for thousands of individuals and families to make ends meet, the Green Party said today.


Cannabis 13 Jul 2011
Amputee's arrest poor use of police time

The Green Party is advocating for the Government to adopt the Law Commission's recommendation that police shouldn't prosecute people for using cannabis medicinally, after a North Island amputee was arrested on the weekend.


Cannabis 13 Jul 2011
Amputee's arrest poor use of police time

The Green Party is advocating for the Government to adopt the Law Commission’s recommendation that police shouldn’t prosecute people for using cannabis medicinally, after a North Island amputee was arrested on the weekend.


Internet 12 Jul 2011
Skynet law changes still violate human rights

The Government today released details on how its controversial “Skynet” file sharing law will be implemented but failed to make changes necessary to protect human rights, the Green Party says.


Government 12 Jul 2011
NZ Should Welcome Refugees From Sri Lanka

Prime Minister John Key’s reaction to the boatload of asylum seekers from Sri Lanka lacks compassion, Green Party immigration spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Community 11 Jul 2011
Auckland 'sweeps' homeless from streets for RWC

AUCKLAND — The Green Party has discovered the Auckland Council has budgeted $15,000 for a security company to accompany police and twice daily 'sweep' homeless from Queen St in the lead up to the Rugby World Cup.


Transport 11 Jul 2011
Greens call for investigating free WiFi on trains

The Green Party has called on Auckland Transport and Greater Wellington Regional Council to investigate providing free WiFi internet on trains and at stations in Auckland and Wellington.


Economy 10 Jul 2011
Aussie carbon price poses risk to NZ economy

The New Zealand Greens today congratulated the Australian Greens for implementing a carbon price with the Gillard Government, but warned New Zealand is at risk of being left behind.


Economy 8 Jul 2011
Treasury: Millionaires biggest beneficiaries from lack of a tax on capital gains

Millionaires are the biggest beneficiaries from of the lack of tax on capital gains while the vast majority of New Zealanders would be completely untouched by such a tax, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Transport 8 Jul 2011
Govt puts new motorways ahead of road safety

New Zealanders will be shocked and horrified that the Minister of Transport sees increasing the speed and flow of cars as a higher priority than improving safety for people riding bikes, said the Green Party today.


Environment 8 Jul 2011
New Zealand's pure advantage

The Green Party is welcoming the launch this evening of a new business leaders' initiative to promote green economic opportunities for New Zealand.


Business 7 Jul 2011
New Zealand's pure advantage

AUCKLAND CITY — The Green Party is welcoming the launch this evening of a new business leaders’ initiative to promote green economic opportunities for New Zealand.


Economy 7 Jul 2011
Govt's tax tinkering a job creation scheme for tax accountants and lawyers

The National Government's tinkering with the rules around investment properties is a job creation scheme for tax accountants and lawyers but it doesn't address the underlying problem of the tax system's preference for investment property, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Environment 7 Jul 2011
Fined for wanting a clean river

The Environment Court's recent decision to impose court costs on Te Rangatiratanga o Ngati Rangitihi Inc for their appeal against Kawerau pulp mills consent for discharges of waste into the Tarawera River adds insult to injury, the Green Party said today.


Employment 6 Jul 2011
Alasdair goes, but gender pay gap still needs action

The Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) could support law changes to improve pay equity following the dismissal of northern chief Alasdair Thompson, said the Green Party today.


Economy 6 Jul 2011
Taxing capital gains will help make homes affordable

A tax on capital gains (excluding the family home) will enable more people to own their own homes, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Transport 6 Jul 2011
Inner city motorway worse than Wellywood sign

The New Zealand Transport Agency's proposals to put a motorway flyover in front of the Basin Reserve and widen Ruahine St up to 7 lanes in Hataitai would be even worse than a Wellywood sign, said the Green Party today.


Transport 5 Jul 2011
Waterview should be second to CBD rail link

AUCKLAND CITY — The Waterview connection should not be Auckland's transport priority given its high cost and the fact that traffic volumes are falling because of high oil prices, said the Green Party today.


Politics 5 Jul 2011
New Zealand must support Australian moves on palm oil

The Green Party is calling on the New Zealand Government to support Australia over the mandatory labelling of palm oil, Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Economy 4 Jul 2011
Govt infrastructure plan full of contradictions

The Government's National Infrastructure Plan is full of contradictions, said the Green Party today.


Employment 4 Jul 2011
Time for Govt to show leadership on equal pay

The Government should take the lead and immediately modernise the Equal Pay Act in the wake of the Alasdair Thompson saga the Green Party says.


Water 30 Jun 2011
72,000 NZers drinking faecally contaminated water

The Annual Report on Drinking-Water in New Zealand 2009/10 shows that 72,000 New Zealanders are drinking faecally contaminated water, said the Green Party today.


Finance 30 Jun 2011
Equitable and fair quake levy vs National debt

CHRISTCHURCH — Christchurch City Council's proposed earthquake levy is a good way to avoid future debt and the concept should be adopted by the Government to pay its share of the city's rebuild, the Green Party says.


Transport 30 Jun 2011
Transport law changes bad for communities, economy

The Government's proposed changes to the Land Transport Management Act will take decision making away from communities and give it to faceless motorway building officials, said the Green Party today.


Environment 29 Jun 2011
Government intervention needed to save Waituna Lagoon

"The fate of the internationally recognised Waituna Lagoon in Southland lies in Nick Smith's hands," said Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman today, in response to the Environment Minister's visit to the lagoon today.


Transport 29 Jun 2011
Auckland Council makes CBD rail loop high priority

AUCKLAND — The Green Party today welcomed Auckland Council's decision to proceed with designations and further investigation for the CBD rail loop.


Politics 28 Jun 2011
Phillip Morris could sue NZ Govt under current trade rules

Phillip Morris’ legal action against the Australian Government’s attempts to introduce plain packaging for tobacco is a timely reminder of the perverse rights granted to foreign companies in our free trade and investment agreements said the Green Party today.


Health 27 Jun 2011
Govt cuts fuel coming health epidemic

Latest figures on New Zealanders’ rising diabetes levels expose the folly of the Government’s refusal to promote healthy eating policies, the Green Party says.


Business 24 Jun 2011
Will EMA support law change to fight pay inequity?

If the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) really did support pay equity, it would support Catherine Delahunty’s members bill, said the Green Party today.


Politics 24 Jun 2011
Mostly male EMA demonstrates need for law change

The credibility of the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) will be in tatters if the mostly male board of the EMA continues to back Alasdair Thompson and his offensive comments that women are less productive than men because they have periods, the Green Party said today.


Building 23 Jun 2011
Quake package leaves issues unresolved

CHRISTCHURCH —   The Canterbury earthquake package released by the Government today leaves a number of issues unresolved, says Green Party earthquake recovery spokesperson, Dr Kennedy Graham.


Science 23 Jun 2011
Green Party critical of Ag Research censorship

Attempts by Crown Research Institute Ag Research to stifle a scientific report critical of its practices are disturbing and verge on censorship, the Green Party says.


Food 23 Jun 2011
MAF puts farming lobby ahead of human health

The just released Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) report that says New Zealand has a conservative policy on administering antibiotics to food producing farm animals is misleading, Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Employment 23 Jun 2011
Equal pay issues go under the spotlight in new Bill

Ongoing equal pay issues for women have prompted a push to modernise employment law from the Green Party.


Government 23 Jun 2011
Govt must make safety changes to mining now

New Zealand should move to improve mine safety by reinstating check inspectors and a fully funded mine inspectorate, West Coast based Green Party MP Kevin Hague said today.


Marine 23 Jun 2011
Government inaction threatens oceans

A further delay of the Marine Reserves Bill, which has been in select committee for nine years, shows the Government doesn’t care about ocean protection, the Green Party says.


Business 22 Jun 2011
Govt must make safety changes to mining industry now

New Zealand should move to improve mine safety by reinstating check inspectors and a fully funded mine inspectorate, West Coast based Green Party MP Kevin Hague said today.


Environment 21 Jun 2011
Greens concerned by dredging decision

OTAGO — Dredging Otago Harbour and disposing of the soil at sea is not the way for Port Otago to move into the 21st Century, said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei today.


Finance 21 Jun 2011
Superfund profits from nuclear proliferation

The Green Party is calling on the New Zealand Superannuation Fund to divest from its $2.1 million stake in Larsen & Toubro, a Mumbai-based multinational involved in designing and building a fleet of nuclear-armed submarines for India.


Water 20 Jun 2011
Funding cuts leave faeces in drinking water

A Government funding freeze and cuts have left rural communities drinking dirty water, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Jun 2011
Loss of Kiwi share another broken promise on privatisation

Moves by the Government that allow a full foreign take-over of Telecom set an ominous precedent for their plans to privatise our state-owned energy companies, the Green Party said today.


Health 16 Jun 2011
Greens and National to set up NZ Natural Health Regulator

The Green Party and the Government have agreed to set up a new stand-alone New Zealand natural health regulator and plan to introduce legislation before the election.


Politics 15 Jun 2011
The Green plan for our SOEs

Green Co-leader, Dr Russel Norman, last week laid out his plan for a sustainable and prosperous economy at the Party's AGM.


Food 14 Jun 2011
Rising food prices pinch hard

Rising food prices are continuing to hurt individuals and families, and Government policies are making the problem worse, the Green Party said today.


Politics 13 Jun 2011
Public has right to know who is lobbying MPs

The Green Party has launched a campaign and Member’s Bill to establish a publicly accessible register of lobbyists.


Cycling 13 Jun 2011
Police failing duty of care to cyclists

The Police don’t seem to care enough about the safety of cyclists to keep adequate records, the Green Party said today.


Gambling 13 Jun 2011
Public Policy on Gambling Should not be For Sale

AUCKLAND CITY — John Key is setting up people with gambling addictions, and their families and communities, to foot the bill for the new Auckland Convention Centre, said the Green Party today.


Employment 10 Jun 2011
Govt stalling tactics cost taxpayers thousands and delay justice to families

After spending many months and $70,000 of taxpayer money, the Ministry of Health has finally filed for a hearing date to appeal a High Court decision which upheld the rights of disabled people to pay family carers, the Green Party said today.


Manufacturing 9 Jun 2011
Joyce creates jobs overseas by selling out NZ workers

DUNEDIN — Steven Joyce must take the blame for another 41 Kiwis being put out of work by this Government’s policies, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Finance 9 Jun 2011
Greens celebrate tender of New Zealand's biggest banking contract

The Green Party is celebrating the Government’s decision to tender New Zealand’s biggest banking contract and is calling for a public interest test to be included in the tender process.


Environment 9 Jun 2011
Greens work on alternatives to 1080

The Green Party welcomes the new report on 1080 released today but remains committed to finding alternatives to the poison.


Finance 8 Jun 2011
Schmoozed Ministers will have final sign off on banking contract

The Government needs to front with some clear answers about whether or not Ministers who have been schmoozed by Westpac will be signing off the Government’s master banking contract, Green Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Environment 2 Jun 2011
Environmental Protection Authority won't live up to its name

The Government’s Environmental Protection Authority won’t live up to its name, the Green Party said today.


Trade 2 Jun 2011
New Zealand, get ready for Australian Carbon Tax

New Zealand needs to get ready for a carbon price in Australia, the leaders of the Green Parties in both countries said today.


Education 1 Jun 2011
ECE Taskforce toes Govt line on registered staff

It is disappointing that the Early Childhood Education Taskforce has toed the Government line and only recommended that 80 percent of staff in early childhood centres should be registered teachers, the Green Party said today.


Technology 1 Jun 2011
Cell phone health gamble

The Green Party has called for cell phone health warnings after a World Health Organization (WHO) study found they could cause an increase in the risk of a malignant type of brain cancer.


Politics 1 Jun 2011
Greens in category of their own

As the Green Party prepare for their annual conference this weekend, the Electoral Commission has for the first time formally recognised their status as NZ's official third largest party, in a 'medium size' class of their own, granting them more significance than the smaller parties.


Transport 31 May 2011
CBD rail loop needs big donor lobby group

The independent review of the CBD rail loop released by Auckland Council is well-informed by a number of internationally credible transport experts, but clearly the Government is only interested in transport projects supported by big donors like the Road Transport Forum, said the Green Party today.


Food 30 May 2011
Dodgy labelling case could be just the tip of the iceberg

A company fined today for importing Chinese powdered royal jell and labelling it as ‘Made in New Zealand’ could be just the tip of the iceberg of more widespread false labelling, Green Party Commerce spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 29 May 2011
Green Party Confirms List Rankings

New female candidates feature in the Green Party’s list for the 2011 election announced today.


Energy 26 May 2011
Green Tetris game aims to keep coal in the hole

The Green Party is launching today a Member’s Bill and a tetris-like computer game to further the message that dirty lignite coal should stay in the ground.


Food 25 May 2011
Beehive must wake up to honey bee crisis – Sue Kedgley op-ed

Unless we take decisive action to protect our bees, we could be faced with massive bee deaths, a horticultural industry in crisis, food shortages and escalating food prices.


Agriculture 24 May 2011
Bringing agriculture into the ETS fair in light of record Fonterra payout

Bringing agriculture into the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) sooner is fair, especially given the strong position of the dairy industry, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Environment 24 May 2011
Greens and Govt tackle toxic clean up and management

The Green Party and the Government today announced a plan to better manage toxic sites in New Zealand, including an additional $9.9 million to clean up the Tui Mine site near Te Aroha.


Environment 22 May 2011
Green MP joins protest against mining in Coromandel

WHANGAMATA — A peaceful protest to shut down a mining rig in the Coromandel conservation estate will be supported by the Green Party today.


Energy 20 May 2011
More money for mining, drilling

The Government’s large increase in funding to promote mining and drilling is a 19th century economic strategy that will take New Zealand backwards, said the Green Party today.


Finance 19 May 2011
Budget 2011: The courage to look at revenue

Dr Russel Norman, Green Party Co-leader Opening – A three sided debate The Green Party is the only party that has the courage to say we need to increase Government revenue in order to reduce borrowing and avoid damaging spending cuts.


Finance 19 May 2011
Budget 2011 lacks courage on revenue

The National Government’s refusal to raise revenue has left it with no other options but to cut, borrow, and sell in this year’s Budget, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Internet 18 May 2011
Greens welcome broadband back down

National’s back down over the Ultrafast Broadband Bill is a win for New Zealanders but new public-private partnership provisions could cost taxpayers, says Green Party MP Gareth Hughes.


Finance 18 May 2011
Taxing capital gains essential to protect taxpayers and family farms

The absence of a comprehensive tax on capital gains allows some farmers to make huge untaxed profits while leaving other taxpayers to pay for government services like schools and hospitals, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 18 May 2011
Legislation allows for more snooping

The Security Intelligence Service (SIS) Amendment Bill contains insufficient mechanisms to control the misuse of the extensive surveillance powers it bestows on the SIS, Green Party security services spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Internet 16 May 2011
Ultra-Fast broadband compromised by legislated monopoly

The legislation set up to roll out ultra-fast broadband throughout New Zealand is likely to deliver broadband that is unaffordable for most people, the Green Party said today The Telecommunications (TSO, Broadband, and Other Matters) Amendment Bill has been reported back from Select Committee today with few significant changes.


Employment 15 May 2011
Raise the minimum wage to help the Govt books

The Government can make smart choices in next week’s Budget that raise hundreds of millions of dollars and deliver significant social benefits, the Green Party said today.


Energy 13 May 2011
Public denied say on dirty coal plans

GORE — Just as foremost climate scientist James Hansen arrived in New Zealand with a dire message about lignite coal, the Gore District Council decided not to notify Solid Energy’s resource consent for a pilot lignite briquetting plant, said the Green Party today.


News 12 May 2011
Greens welcome appointment of Roger Sutton to CERA

QUEENSTOWN — The Green Party today welcomed the appointment of Roger Sutton as the Chief Executive of the Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Authority.


Finance 12 May 2011
Workers face wage cuts to pay for Kiwisaver changes

Workers look set to carry the full cost of changes to Kiwisaver after the Government removed rules requiring employers to share the costs fairly, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today.


Politics 11 May 2011
Budget 2011: Vulnerable will shoulder costs of Government's poor economic management

John Key has today signalled that middle and lower-income New Zealanders will be shouldering a disproportionate cost of the Government’s poor economic management, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today.


Environment 11 May 2011
Killer chemical needs urgent reassessment

The lethal insecticide implicated in the recent Thailand tourist deaths was scheduled for “priority reassessment” in New Zealand before 2008, but is still in widespread use, said the Green Party today.


Health 10 May 2011
Possible Thailand lethal insecticide used in NZ

The lethal insecticide implicated in recent Thailand tourist deaths is used in New Zealand and should be phased out, said the Green Party today.


Water 10 May 2011
Minister pulls teeth from clean water rules

Environment Minister Nick Smith has taken the teeth out of the National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management (NPS), said the Green Party today.


Agriculture 9 May 2011
Govt must act on pesticides bee-fore it's too late

News that bee keepers are experiencing significant losses in bee populations should spur the Government into action on restricting bee killing pesticides, Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 9 May 2011
Legitimate ACC claims delayed in the courts

John Key’s Government is forcing accident victims to go to the courts to get ACC support where justice is delayed – often for years, said the Green Party yesterday.


Politics 9 May 2011
Green Co-leader addresses Grey Power AGM

The aged care sector is fast reaching crisis point, and comprehensive changes are needed, the Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman told the Grey Power AGM yesterday afternoon.


Employment 6 May 2011
Boot camp band aid can't fix youth unemployment

High rates of youth unemployment are unacceptable and won’t be fixed by sending more young people to army-style boot camps, the Green Party said today.


Finance 6 May 2011
Aussie banks continue to post record profits (and send them offshore)

Record bank profitability and subsequent dividend payments offshore highlights an on-going structural weakness in our economy, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today.


Politics 5 May 2011
Another day, another expensive PM helicopter ride

The Prime Minister needs to fill in some of the blanks around his helicopter use, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Environment 4 May 2011
Govt confirms NZers will pay for oil spill

The Government confirmed today that New Zealanders will carry full financial liability and responsibility for containment and clean up if there is a catastrophic oil spill in deep water off the Canterbury Coast, said the Green Party.


Conservation 4 May 2011
Protect Abel Tasman & Golden Bay from drilling, mining

TASMAN — New Zealanders and tourists love the wild coast of Abel Tasman and Golden Bay, so the Government should protect it from fossil fuel drilling and mining, said the Green Party today.


Politics 3 May 2011
Greens welcome new drug report

The Law Commission’s report on Controlling and Regulating Drugs will lead to better health and social outcomes, if adopted, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 3 May 2011
US influence over copyright legislation undermines our democracy

The Green Party is seeking clarification over possible US intervention in the run-up to the passing of the controversial Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Act under urgency recently.


Defence 1 May 2011
Locke to push for Select Committee Inquiry on SAS

Green MP Keith Locke is pressing the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee, of which he is a member, to hold an inquiry to assess new evidence regarding prisoners our SAS have handed over to United States and Afghan authorities.


Politics 28 Apr 2011
Brash back to peddle his divisive policies

The next leader of the ACT Party Don Brash’s extremist views on race relations should be of concern to the current Government, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Transport 28 Apr 2011
Motorway madness is low quality spend

The leaked Government Policy Statement (GPS) on transport funding has an out-dated focus on motorways and won’t deliver economic prosperity, said the Green Party today.


Deaths 27 Apr 2011
Green Party honours life of dedicated activist

The Green Party today expressed its profound sorrow at the death of Father Terry Dibble who passed away on Easter Sunday and whose funeral is today at St Patricks Cathedral in Auckland.


Economy 27 Apr 2011
OECD report supports shift to green economy

The OECD has highlighted once again the need for green tax reform to address significant vulnerabilities in our economy and protect New Zealand’s clean green brand, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.