Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Corrections 23 Oct 2007
Sub-human standards no solution for Dunedin

DUNEDIN — Dunedin’s prison problems should not lead to the resurrection of sub-human facilities for its inmates and staff, says Green Party MP Metiria Turei.


Real Estate 23 Oct 2007
People living in sheds only the tip of housing crisis iceberg

Green Party Housing Spokesperson Sue Bradford is saddened but not surprised by reports in this morning's Dominion-Post newspaper, of people living in sheds because they can't afford to live anywhere else.


Employment 19 Oct 2007
Time to reclaim 40 hour working week

A task force should be established to investigate the economic and social effects of a 35 hour working week, the Green Party says.


Energy 18 Oct 2007
Official oil forecasts wildly incorrect

All three official Government oil price forecasts continue their tradition of being wildly wrong and miles away from last night's oil price rise to US$89 a barrel.


Police 18 Oct 2007
Greens appeal to police to show more respect

The Green Party is shocked by stories of police heavy handedness when executing search warrants under the Terrorism Suppression Act.


Travel 18 Oct 2007
Greens warn that innocent people will be barred from NZ

The use of a United States database for New Zealand’s Advance Passenger Processing system raises serious concerns, the Green Party says.


News 17 Oct 2007
Formaldehyde issues laid to rest

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says she is delighted that consumers will be provided with greater certainty regarding acceptable levels of formaldehyde in clothing, following an announcement today that the Government will issue a product safety policy statement that sets acceptable levels of formaldehyde in clothing.


Employment 17 Oct 2007
Minimum wage must rise to combat child poverty

An urgent increase in the minimum wage is needed if New Zealand is seriously going to address issues of poverty within this country, Green Party Social Development Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Tramping 17 Oct 2007
Green Party claims victory for walking rights

The Green Party’s call to have a fairer balance of interests on the Walking Access Advisory Panel has been heeded by the Rural Affairs Minister Damian O’Conner.


Alcohol 17 Oct 2007
Green's alcohol bill a better plan for booze laws

The Green Party welcomes the recommended changes to the law around the sale and supply of liquor to minors, but would like to see alcohol advertising off the air.


News 16 Oct 2007
Greens urge caution on use of Terrorism Act

The Green Party is totally opposed to the use of violence and weapons, but is worried that reference to the Terrorism Suppression Act in the current situation is having a chilling effect on those involved in protest action.


Conservation 15 Oct 2007
Maui's dolphin a taonga: Greens

The Green Party has rebuked two northern iwi for buying hook, line and sinker into false information from the fishing industry, thereby threatening the extinction of Maui's dolphin.


Politics 15 Oct 2007
Don't forget democracy for Tonga at Pacific Island forum

Green Party MP Keith Locke believes democracy should feature on the Pacific Island Forum agenda, and should include the situation in the host country, Tonga.


Health 15 Oct 2007
Lack of solarium regulations raise cancer risks

Green MP and Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is calling for a legally enforceable standard to govern the use of solariums, including a prohibition on their use by people under 18, amid growing international concerns that they significantly increase the risk of melanoma.


Health 12 Oct 2007
Cigarettes - out of sight out of mind

The Green Party has renewed its call for a ban on point of sale displays of cigarettes and tobacco products following the results of a Cancer Society survey.


Corrections 11 Oct 2007
Sensible Sentencing seeks to distract from real issue

The Sensible Sentencing Trust has failed to answer a straightforward question put to it by the Green Party Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos and reverted to its usual position of attacking those with a contrary view.


News 11 Oct 2007
Green Party claims victory on gambling issues

Green Party MP and Gambling Spokesperson Sue Bradford welcomed Government recognition today of gambling issues that the Green Party has been concerned about for years.


Food 11 Oct 2007
NZFSA should have no part in the A1/2 milk review, say Greens

Green MP Sue Kedgley said the New Zealand Food Safety Authority should have no part in directing the review into the science related to the A1/2 milk debate, following remarks by the Acting Chief Executive today.


Environment 11 Oct 2007
Don't steamroll bats for bitumen say Greens

HAMILTON — The Green Party has spoken out in support of a community campaign to stop the construction of an asphalt plant in Riverlea, Hamilton.


Food 11 Oct 2007
Independence needed on milk review

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley has welcomed the announcement today by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority that it will appoint an internationally respected independent expert to review the science related to the A1/2 milk, The move is in response to allegations relating to the safety of the New Zealand milk supply.


Government 10 Oct 2007
Locke hails retention of open of access to BDM records

Green Party MP Keith Locke has praised the Government for dropping the much criticised restrictions on public access in the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Amendment Bill.


Court 10 Oct 2007
Sensible Sentencing must come clean on agenda

The Sensible Sentencing Trust needs to front up and state whether it is a genuine victims’ rights organisation, as it claims, or an organisation with an extremist hidden agenda, says Green Party Justice Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos.


Employment 10 Oct 2007
Solution sought for Norsewear workers

MANAWATU-WHANGANUI — Green Regional Economic Development spokesperson Sue Bradford has expressed her sympathy for the employees of the Norsewear clothing label and expressed her disappointed in hearing that the iconic kiwi brand may be moving manufacturing offshore.


Diplomacy 9 Oct 2007
More support needed for Zimbabwean people

Green MP Keith Locke supported calls from visiting a Zimbabwean opposition politician, Sekai Holland, for greater humanitarian assistance.


Politics 9 Oct 2007
Green biofuel change ensures food not taken from the hungry

The Green Party has negotiated a very important amendment to the Biofuel Bill tabled in Parliament today to ensure production of the fuel does not impact food supply and the environment.


News 8 Oct 2007
Bradford calls Casino report ‘Not Good Enough’

CHRISTCHURCH — Green Party MP Sue Bradford is challenging Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker to define the difference between loan sharking and money lending.


Diplomacy 8 Oct 2007
Zimbabwean democracy leader seeks support from NZ

The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand is hosting a press conference with Sekai Holland, leading politician in the Zimbabwean democracy movement, on Tuesday, 9 October.


Politics 5 Oct 2007
Green MPs to speak at Burmese Day of Action events

Green MPs Keith Locke and Sue Kedgley will be speaking at Global Day of Action for Burma events tomorrow (Saturday, 6th October) in Christchurch and Wellington.


Politics 4 Oct 2007
CoOL Petition comes to Rodney

AUCKLAND — Green Party MP Sue Kedgley will be in Orewa tomorrow (Friday 5th October) to meet with people, gather signatures for her Country of Origin Labelling petition and pick up petitions already signed by people demanding the right to know where their food comes from.


Agriculture 4 Oct 2007
Greens welcome dairying fine, challenge Feds to do the same

WHANGAREI — The Green Party is welcoming a decision by Judge Thompson in the Whangarei District Court to fine a Mamaranui dairy farmer for persistent pollution of the Taita stream.


Alcohol 3 Oct 2007
Driving under the influence should be illegal

The Green Party is pleased that people driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs will face prosecution under proposed new laws, but opposes the apparent exemption for those impaired by their prescribed drugs.


Politics 3 Oct 2007
Greens’ MP Metiria Turei to attend Bluegreens conference

TE ANAU — Green Party MP Metiria Turei has accepted an invitation from the Bluegreens, the National Party’s advisory group on environmental issues, and will attend some sessions at the Bluegreens annual conference at Te Anau Hotel this weekend.


Agriculture 3 Oct 2007
Time for tough action on dirty dairying, say Greens

The cringe factor that stops councils from prosecuting farmers for environmental pollution must stop, says Green Party Agriculture Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos.


Politics 3 Oct 2007
Key declares ‘Mission Accomplished’ in Iraq

Green Party MP Keith Locke hopes that National Party leader John Key will be phoning President George Bush ASAP with Mr Key’s good news that the war in Iraq is over, and that coalition forces can continue to withdraw their troops.


Politics 2 Oct 2007
National’s foreign policy blind to major global concerns

Green Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Keith Locke says National’s ‘new’ foreign policy fails to address the key global issues of the 21st century.


Education 2 Oct 2007
Surprise, surprise – fees could soar under Nats

John Key’s plan to scrap the fee maxima policy comes as no surprise to the Green Party.


Energy 2 Oct 2007
Secret power contract not a good deal for Kiwis

BLUFF — The numbers on Meridian Energy’s secret deal to supply cut rate power to the giant Bluff aluminium smelter don’t add up to a good deal for New Zealanders, the Green Party says.


Politics 1 Oct 2007
Locke condemns Government inaction over Burma sanctions

Green Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Keith Locke has expressed disappointment at the Government’s rejection of any economic sanctions on Burma.


Energy 1 Oct 2007
Peak oil educator to visit New Zealand

Richard Heinberg, one of the world's foremost Peak Oil educators and Research Fellow of Post Carbon Institute, is coming to New Zealand in October hosted by the Green Party and the Eco Show to give talks in Auckland, Wellington and Taupo.


Health 1 Oct 2007
Controversial sweetener being used in children’s medicines

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says she is very concerned to discover that 81 medicines which may be used by children and young people contain the controversial additive aspartame, which has been linked to a range of adverse reactions.


Waste 28 Sep 2007
Nandor rolls up his sleeves for E-Day

WAIKATO — Green MP Nandor Tanczos is getting his hands dirty tomorrow by volunteering for E-Day 2007 collecting used computers and mobile phones for reuse or recycling.


Politics 27 Sep 2007
Goff offers feeble excuses about nuclear free Middle East vote

Green Party MP Keith Locke has criticised Disarmament Minister Phil Goff for New Zealand's abstention on a resolution at the International Atomic Energy Agency last week that called for a nuclear-free Middle East.


Politics 27 Sep 2007
Locke opposes anti-terrorism amendment Bill

Green Party MP Keith Locke has issued a minority report opposing the foreign affairs, defence and trade select committee report on the Terrorism Suppression Amendment Bill, tabled today.


Fishing 25 Sep 2007
Sinking lid limits will sink fish stocks

The Government’s newly announced fisheries catch limits appear to be based on a sinking lid theory promoted by the fishing industry that will eventually see our waters devoid of life, the Green Party says.


Health 24 Sep 2007
Toxic fumes tests needed for Auckland schools at risk

AUCKLAND — Auckland Green Party MP Keith Locke has called for urgent air quality testing of schools in Auckland areas already known to be at risk from high levels of toxic fumes.


Politics 20 Sep 2007
The Government’s Emissions Trading Scheme Framework - where will it take us? - A Green Party analysis

This analysis is based on the draft ETS we were given a few days ago.


Trade 19 Sep 2007
Government puts export fears ahead of consumer rights

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley has strongly criticised Trade Minister Phil Goff for confirming in Parliament today that the Government is putting the export drive of the meat and dairy industry ahead of the rights of New Zealand and American consumers to know where their food comes from.


Politics 19 Sep 2007
MMP for export – to Canada

The Green Party is welcoming the anniversary of the referendum on New Zealand’s voting system, which heralded the move away from the old two-party system and towards electoral reform.


Employment 18 Sep 2007
Flexible Work Bill apt homage to Suffrage Day

“It is fitting that my Flexible Working Hours Private Members Bill will go through its committee stages in Parliament on Suffrage Day tomorrow,” Green Party Spokesperson on Women’s Affairs Sue Kedgley says.


Waste 18 Sep 2007
Greens and Government Co-operate on Waste Bill

The Green Party and the Government today announced joint amendments to the Waste Minimisation (Solids) Bill currently before the Local Government and Environment Select Committee.


Waste 17 Sep 2007
Tanczos and Minister to present amended Waste Bill

WELLINGTON CITY — Green Party MP Nandor Tanczos will be joined by Acting Minister for the Environment David Parker to outline proposed changes to the Waste Minimisation (Solids) Bill at the Green Party Parliamentary caucus room at one o’clock tomorrow [Tuesday, 18th September].


Politics 17 Sep 2007
Green MP media diary


Business 17 Sep 2007
Commission upholds Greens bacon complaint

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says she is pleased the Commerce Commission has upheld her complaint that Kiwi and Premier Bacon products were misleading consumers by implying that their bacon was from New Zealand, when it was not.


Politics 14 Sep 2007
Greens support rights of indigenous people

Green Party Maori Affairs Spokesperson Metiria Turei has strongly criticized the Government for being among the tiny group of nations to cast their vote against the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.


Council 14 Sep 2007
A toxin-free bouquet for Tauranga

TAURANGA — Tauranga City Council is being congratulated by the Green Party for dumping the use of spray insecticide Thiodan.


Politics 13 Sep 2007
Zaoui victory welcomed, SIS must be opened up to scrutiny

Green Party MP Keith Locke is delighted by the decision to withdraw the risk security certificate against the Algerian refugee Ahmed Zaoui, and has called for both genuine parliamentary oversight of the SIS and less use of secret evidence in future.


Building 13 Sep 2007
Banks still insensitive to city’s need for affordable housing

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Green Party MP Sue Bradford has expressed outrage at the election promise by Auckland mayoral candidate John Banks to scrap a council scheme to help low income Aucklanders into housing.


Environment 13 Sep 2007
Kiwis say, do more, faster on climate change, Helen

A new poll showing that more than half of New Zealanders do not think the Government is doing enough about climate change should be a wake up call for the decision-makers, the Green Party says.


News 12 Sep 2007
Greens say poisons should not be put on playing fields

TAURANGA — Green MP Sue Kedgley is calling on the Tauranga City Council to stop spraying Thiodan - whose active ingredient is the highly toxic chemical endosulfan - over sport fields used by children.


Council 12 Sep 2007
North Shore gambling vote needs to be re-held

NORTH SHORE CITY — Green Party Gambling Spokesperson Sue Bradford has joined other social agencies in criticizing North Shore City Council for allowing two city councillors who have links to businesses with pokie machines on their premises to participate in a council debate ( and vote ) against reducing the number of gambling venues on the Shore.


Employment 12 Sep 2007
Greens welcome move to upsize young people's pay

Green Party MP Sue Bradford is welcoming moves by another major employer to scrap youth rates, ahead of the introduction of her Minimum Wage Amendment Bill.


Agriculture 11 Sep 2007
Government exposed over timber issue

Months of Government self-promotion over environmental friendliness and dedication to sustainability have been shown to be nothing more than posturing, the Green Party says.


Politics 11 Sep 2007
Misuse of Drugs (Classification of BZP) Amendment Bill - First Reading Speech.

This bill, as the Libertarianz have said, is about putting the P into BZP.


Crime 11 Sep 2007
Crime agency needs resources to pursue fraud kingpins

Green Party Justice Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos has stressed that the new Organised Crime Agency unveiled today needs both a clear mandate and sufficient resources to properly investigate white collar crime in New Zealand.


News 11 Sep 2007
20 percent increase in animal experimentation alarming

New Zealanders remain in the dark as to why experiments were conducted on 318,489 animals last year, a sharp rise on previous years, the Green Party says.


Politics 10 Sep 2007
Greens support ban on liquor outlet sale of party pills

Moves by Manakau City Council to ban party pills from being sold at liquor outlets have been backed by Green Party Drug Law Reform Spokesperson Metiria Turei.


Environment 10 Sep 2007
Emissions scheme must be effective and fair, say Greens

The Green Party has set out this morning the questions that must be asked of the Government's new carbon emissions trading scheme, expected shortly.


Trade 7 Sep 2007
Locke at APEC

Green MP Keith Locke will be in Sydney on Saturday during APEC to underline New Zealand’s need to fight for substantive action on climate change, and to take part in the "Stop Bush" antiwar and climate change rally in Sydney that begins at 10am tomorrow morning.


Food 7 Sep 2007
Additives add up to dangerous diets for kids

The Green Party says a new study showing that additives widely used in children’s food is linked to hyperactivity provides compelling evidence that stricter controls and warnings are needed.


Environment 6 Sep 2007
Greenpeace view lost in Maharey’s translation

The Green Party is calling on Education Minister Steve Maharey to step up and correct statements he made to the House yesterday about environmental group Greenpeace.


Aviation 6 Sep 2007
Goodbye Dubai, Auckland airport must be under NZ control

The welcome demise of the Dubai Aerospace bid for a controlling share in Auckland's airport, and the looming bid from the Canada Pension Fund both highlight the urgent need for legislation to limit foreign ownership of key strategic assets to only a 25 percent level, Green Party Aviation Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Politics 6 Sep 2007
Greens call for harsh regulations on BZP

The Green Party is renewing its call for strict regulations around the sale of 'party pills' to allow for proper monitoring, control, education and safety messages.

A few brands containing BZP widely availablev in New Zealand


Employment 5 Sep 2007
Minimum Wage (New Entrants) Amendment Bill

I move that the Minimum Wage (New Entrants) Amendment Bill be now read a third time.


Politics 5 Sep 2007
Sleeping watchdog no problem to spies

Green Party MP Keith Locke has given the Intelligence and Security Committee the ‘asleep at the wheel’ award for being the most slothful committee in the New Zealand Parliament.


Politics 5 Sep 2007
Denigration of Ali Panah hides real issue of justice

Green Party Immigration Spokesperson Keith Locke says he is quite happy to take up Immigration Minister David Cunliffe's challenge for Ali Panah's supporters to tell the true story about his case.


Conservation 4 Sep 2007
Dolphins in danger need human help

The Green Party is urging the community to make submissions on the Doubtful Sound Dolphin Threat Management Plan before the submission process on the threat management plan closes tomorrow, September 5.


Deaths 4 Sep 2007
Death of Syd Jackson a major loss

Syd Jackson excelled as a broadcaster, activist and trade unionist, but was - most of all - a major leader, who through his role in Nga Tamatoa brought Treaty issues to the forefront of the political agenda, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Court 3 Sep 2007
Locke jubilant at release

AUCKLAND CITY — Green MP Keith Locke is thrilled at the news of Ali Panah's release on bail in Auckland today.


Aviation 31 Aug 2007
Auckland airport well rid of Dubai Aerospace, Greens say

AUCKLAND — The moves by Dubai Aerospace to oppose Air New Zealand’s right to seek a judicial review of Auckland airport’s charges shows the huge risk of having a key strategic asset such as Auckland International Airport in foreign ownership, Green Party Aviation Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says.


Environment 31 Aug 2007
New Zealand blocks meaningful climate change action

New Zealand’s blocking of moves to make big cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020 shows just how little will this Government has to walk the walk on climate change.


Migration 30 Aug 2007
Greens concerned about Al Panah’s return to hospital

AUCKLAND CITY — Green Party Human Rights Spokesperson MP Keith Locke is worried about the fate of Ali Panah, the Iranian Christian who was returned to Auckland hospital today from Auckland Remand Prison.


Environment 30 Aug 2007
Think bigger, protect the Hurunui from dam-nation

WEST COAST — The Green Party is welcoming a proposal that hopes to protect the rugged Hurunui River from development.


Health 29 Aug 2007
Too little, too late on toxic toothpaste

Green MP Sue Kedgley is welcoming news that authorities have undertaken testing of toothpaste suspected of containing the toxic substance diethylene glycol, but remains concerned about the long delay and lack of comprehensive testing regime.


Conservation 29 Aug 2007
Set-net ban the only option to save dolphins from extinction

The Green Party hopes the conservation measures proposed in the Hector's Dolphin Threat Reduction strategy released today are not a case of too little far too late.


Marine 28 Aug 2007
The gigs up, there’s no more need for whaling

The Green Party is welcoming the news that the whale meat industry is collapsing leading to Iceland cancelling future whale hunts.


Employment 28 Aug 2007
Government should adopt extended parental leave

The Green Party enthusiastically supports the recommendations of the Children’s Commissioner to extend paid parental leave to 13 months.


Council 28 Aug 2007
Rates inquiry answers many questions

The Green Party is welcoming the report of the Independent Inquiry into Local Government Rates and supports the implementation of many of its recommendations.


Media 28 Aug 2007
More funds needed for quality local broadcasting content

The Green Party has welcomed the evidence of strong public support for state broadcasting contained in a recent Ministry of Culture and Heritage survey - and has urged the Government to forego its dividend from TVNZ this year, and thus make it affordable for the state broadcaster to screen more quality local content in prime time.


Environment 28 Aug 2007
Light bulb recycling scheme a bright idea - Greens

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons today launched the first nationwide recycling scheme for compact fluorescent light bulbs.


Food 23 Aug 2007
NZFSA booklet nothing more than propaganda

Questions need to be asked about why a Government agency, tasked with ensuring New Zealanders have safe food, is being allowed to publish a biased consumer booklet on chemical residues, the Green Party says.


Environment 23 Aug 2007
Clark must defend Kyoto at APEC

The Green Party is challenging Prime Minister Helen Clark to defend the core Kyoto principles against the attempts by George Bush and John Howard to destroy them at APEC.


Council 22 Aug 2007
Stay strong on One Plan – Greens tell Horizons

MANAWATU-WHANGANUI — The Green Party is encouraging Manawatu-Wanganui’s Horizons Regional Council to show courage over its One Plan to address resource use in the region.


Water 22 Aug 2007
Dairy farming putting water quality at risk

The Government today acknowledged that continued intensification of dairy farming like that in Canterbury is posing a threat to public health through its effect on drinking water.


Health 22 Aug 2007
Greens call for wide-ranging investigation of contamination

The Government must launch a thorough investigation into clothing sold in New Zealand to determine the extent of formaldehyde contamination, the Green Party says.


Environment 21 Aug 2007
Greens say the climate change ball is in Government’s court

WELLINGTON CITY — Hundreds of people around New Zealand have committed to taking steps to reduce the impact of climate change and are now waiting on the Government to make its move.


Employment 21 Aug 2007
Benefit denial may be more widespread

ROTORUA — Green Party Social Development Spokesperson Sue Bradford said she was shocked to hear today of two Rotorua teenagers who were told by Work and Income that they were not eligible for the unemployment benefit.


Environment 21 Aug 2007
Greens pass the ball to the Government on Climate Change

Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons will hand over hundreds of Climate Change Contracts, signed by New Zealanders, to Climate Change Minister David Parker at Parliament this afternoon.


Politics 16 Aug 2007
Government and Air NZ making Murdoch the fall-guy

Air New Zealand and Government ministers should step up and take responsibility for the debacle over our national carrier ferrying Australian troops to the Iraq war.


Agriculture 16 Aug 2007
‘Go sustainable, Go Organic’ - Greens tell Landcorp

The Green Party has today called for Government-owned farmer Landcorp to get serious about sustainability by committing to going organic on half of its farms by 2020.


Food 15 Aug 2007
No more ‘coming the raw prawn’ thanks

Assurances from the New Zealand Food Safety Authority about the safety of imported Chinese seafood following a one-off test on a sample of just 31 items should be met with caution, the Green Party says.