Simon Power

233 posts | 1 images

Simon Power has been the Member of Parliament for Rangitikei since 1999. Since entering Parliament, Simon's primary focus has been on representing his constituents in the Rangitikei electorate. Caucus Responsibilities Spokesman for Justice Spokesman for Corrections Spokesman for Commerce Select Committees Law and Order Commerce Privileges (Chair) 

Joined January 2008
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Crime 14 Dec 2008
Government bill tackles violence against children

The Government today introduced to Parliament a bill that will help tackle violence and neglect against children.


Corrections 21 May 2008
Prisons scandal that just won't die

The release of yet another report highlighting the shortcomings of the Labour Government's prison construction project is further proof that it was poorly managed, says National's Justice and Corrections and spokesman Simon Power.


Crime 13 May 2008
Labour should put 'P' law back on agenda

The Government should put its legislation for controlling the precursor chemicals for 'P' back on the agenda as a matter of urgency, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Corrections 9 May 2008
Fewer experienced guards in prisons

The staffing crisis in the Corrections Department is going from bad to worse, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Corrections 7 May 2008
Don't use shonky system to rebuild Mt Eden

AUCKLAND CITY — The Government should assure the public that the $216 million refurbishment of Mt Eden Prison will use a standard get-a-price-and-stick-to-it contract, and not use the disastrous CWA system, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Corrections 2 May 2008
Labour's record: more serious offenders on the street

More than half the people on home detention have been convicted of either violent, sexual, or drug offences, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Crime 1 May 2008
Labour dodges harder line on gangs

The Labour Government's admission that it is losing the war against methamphetamine can in a large part be sheeted home to the fact that Labour has failed to do anything substantial to tackle gangs, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Corrections 14 Apr 2008
Prisoners still getting more compo than victims

Prisoners are still getting more compensation than their victims, despite Labour's claim that this would not be the case, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Corrections 13 Apr 2008
Now it's petanque and golf in our prisons

Now it's petanque and golf in our prisons

The Corrections Department remains sadly out of touch with what the public expects to be happening in our prisons, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Crime 8 Apr 2008
Labour's record: violent crime up in provinces and cities

Violent crime is not just a big-city problem, with latest figures showing that many provincial areas had increases in violence well above the nationwide increase, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Court 7 Apr 2008
Labour's record: longer and longer court delays

The Government should explain what it's doing about dealing to the rapidly worsening court waiting times for criminal trials, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Crime 2 Apr 2008
Just make some arrests

In a year when violent crime has increased by 12%, New Zealanders will be dismayed to see that the Government today launched 'specialist task forces' developing 'a whole-of-government approach' followed by 'a cycle of ongoing three-year strategies' overseen by 'an inter-agency Chief Executive group', says National's Justice spokesman, Simon Power.


Politics 2 Apr 2008
Children and youth violence rockets under Labour

Labour continues to fail dismally in the fight again violent youth crime, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Crime 1 Apr 2008
Violent crime up 43% since Labour became Govt

The latest crime statistics show that violent crime has continued to worsen markedly under the Labour Government, says National's Justice spokesman, Simon Power.


Crime 20 Mar 2008
NZ near top of crime survey

An international survey of crime confirms that New Zealand still has a huge amount of work to do in law and order, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Corrections 19 Mar 2008
Corrections could stop stalker writing to victims

Corrections could stop a serial stalker harassing his victims from behind bars by either using the existing law to check all mail from his unit – or by just taking the pen and paper off him, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Police 11 Mar 2008
More questions over 111 system

National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power, says Police still cannot tell the public how quickly they can physically respond to emergency calls, three years after the Government's review into the system had supposedly fixed the problems.


Corrections 10 Mar 2008
Prisoner BBQ shows Corrections out of touch

The Corrections Department continues to show it is out of touch with what the vast majority of New Zealanders think should be happening in our prisons, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Crime 6 Mar 2008
Labour continues to fail youth offenders

The Labour Government has failed in its promise to provide more support for programmes to cut youth offending, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Crime 5 Mar 2008
Labour in a muddle over organised crime

Labour's so-called strategy on organised crime is in a total muddle and New Zealanders are no safer today than they were four years ago when Labour first started talking about it, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Police 4 Mar 2008
Questions for Police over Burton fiasco

National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power, says there remain many unanswered questions regarding Police failings surrounding the apprehension of Graeme Burton.


Police 25 Feb 2008
Lack of communication contributed to Burton tragedy

It's clear that Police did a good job in eventually stopping Graeme Burton, but the Independent Police Conduct Authority makes it clear that serious communication problems between Police and Corrections contributed greatly to the tragedy, say National Party Justice & Corrections spokesman Simon Power and Police spokesman Chester Borrows "The IPCA uses strong language in its report when describing the breakdown between these two departments," says Mr Power.


Politics 21 Feb 2008
Labour blocks move to fix bail law blunders

The National Party today attempted to introduce a bill to Parliament that makes it harder for people suspected of serious crime to get bail – including preventing a repeat of the bail-for-medals deal – but Labour blocked the move.


Corrections 18 Feb 2008
Labour's lack of planning exposed in Home-D debacle

National Party Corrections spokesman Simon Power says public safety is again being compromised as criminals on home detention are going for hours at a time without being monitored.


Politics 15 Feb 2008
Graffiti moves election-year hypocrisy

Helen Clark's announcement of tougher action on graffiti smacks of hypocrisy and election-year opportunism, says National's Justice spokesman, Simon Power.


Corrections 14 Feb 2008
Much still rotten at Rimutaka Prison

National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power, says it's clear all is not well at Rimutaka Prison, despite an independent inquiry finding no evidence of systemic corruption by staff.


Crime 13 Feb 2008
Labour's justice response is to form a committee

National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power, wants to know why the Government's only response to the Ombudsman's report into the criminal justice sector, released in December, is to form another committee.


Crime 12 Feb 2008
Labour's 14-year-old idea insults victims of crime

Helen Clark today insults all victims of crime by waiting till the election year of her bid for a fourth term in office to re-cook policies she first announced 14 years ago, says National Justice spokesman, Simon Power.


Politics 31 Jan 2008
Sun and moon not to blame for youth violence

National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power, says he is almost lost for words at Labour's claim that the sun and the moon are to blame for the horrific incidents of youth violence this summer.


Politics 26 Jan 2008
Victims come second again under Labour

Helen Clark's Labour Government should be ashamed that the family of murder victim Karl Kuchenbecker has been told to repay $19,000 in legal aid granted for an inquest, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Corrections 24 Jan 2008
Fears of inmate mutiny reflect Labour inaction

National's Corrections spokesman, Simon Power, says fears of an inmate mutiny at Christchurch Men's Prison reflect a culture of inaction and neglect under Labour.


Corrections 11 Jan 2008
Labour spends $2.5m on prisoner compo claims

The Labour Government has spent more than $2.5 million since 2003/04 to defend compensation claims by prisoners, according to figures released today by National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.


Corrections 10 Jan 2008
Labour's prison plan failing

Labour needs to admit that its policies on reducing the prison population are failing, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.