Labour Party

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Joined December 2008
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Deaths 13 Sep 2012
Labour Leader expresses regret at the death of Chris Stevens

Labour Leader David Shearer is expressing his sincere sympathy and regret to the family, friends and colleagues of the US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, who was killed in an attack in Benghazi.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
Key's so-called standards smashed by Banks

John Key has no option but to sack John Banks after witnesses confirmed in sworn statements that he knew exactly who made donations to his Mayoralty campaign but said he wanted them to be ‘anonymous’, says Labour’s Deputy Leader Grant Robertson.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
Undisclosed ACC sum sunk into prison privatisation gamble

ACC’s involvement as one of the five members of the consortium that has won the contract to build a private prison in Wiri is completely inappropriate, Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
National MPs shut down health debate

National Party members on the Health Select Committee have now twice refused to allow experts to brief the committee about possible effects of the Trans Pacific Partnership on New Zealand's ability to determine its own health policies, Labour's Health spokesperson Maryan Street says.


Deaths 13 Sep 2012
Sadness at loss of inspirational leader

Labour’s Maori caucus has expressed its sympathy and thoughts to the whānau of Jacqui Te Kani, saying she was an inspirational and aspirational leader.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
Brownlee losing touch with the people

Gerry Brownlee’s astonishing attack on some Christchurch residents as “moaners and carpers” shows he doesn’t understand the massive impact that the uncertainty is causing, says Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
Accounting exercise largely tells us what we already know

When the Government is prepared to pay an Australian company almost $1 million to tell it what it should already know – that we need jobs and we need to ensure people have the skills and health they need to move into them – you have to question its agenda and its priorities, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
John Key hypocritical on donation reform

John Key refused to stand John Banks down despite his rorting of donation rules and breaching of his so-called higher ethical standards yet he’s now changing the law to stop it happening again, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
Government slammed for 'hollowing out' ETS

The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment has slammed the Government’s Emissions Trading Scheme Amendment Bill, describing it as ‘toothless’ and warning that it turns New Zealand’s climate change commitments into a farce, Grant Robertson Labour Environment Spokesperson says.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
Joyce must keep to his 'absolute priority'

West Coast Tasman MP Damien O’Connor today sought assurances from Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce that preserving jobs is the objective of negotiations between miners and Solid Energy.


Politics 11 Sep 2012
Carter reveals Govt's agenda for regional councils

The Local Government Minister has admitted that the cancelling of elections for Environment Canterbury is part of a longer term government plan to get rid of Regional Councils, says Labour’s Environment Spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 11 Sep 2012
National prioritises private school sports over food for kids

National would rather spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on sports funding for private schools than support community agencies providing free food in low decile public schools, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Olympics 11 Sep 2012
Paralympians prove their prowess

New Zealand’s triumphant 17 medal haul at the Paralympic Games reflects the great effort being made to dismantle stereotypes about disabled people and elite sport, Labour’s Disability Issues spokesperson Clare Curran says.


Politics 11 Sep 2012
Labour amendment looks to fix patent loophole

Labour has moved to combat an ambiguously worded Government amendment to the Patents Bill which would effectively stifle New Zealand’s important software sector.


Politics 11 Sep 2012
Government must listen to RMA coalition

The Government must listen to the concerns of the coalition of environmental and recreation groups who have raised the alarm about proposed changes to the Resource Management Act, says Labour Deputy Leader and Environment Spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 11 Sep 2012
Groups press US President for progress on Arms Trade Treaty

Labour’s Associate Spokesperson for Disarmament, Ross Robertson, is among the signatories of a letter to President Barack Obama expressing disappointment with the decision of the US delegation not to support the adoption of a draft Arms Trade Treaty.


Trade 11 Sep 2012
Consumers need more clout in telco sector

Today’s decision to fine Vodafone New Zealand almost a million dollars for breaching the Fair Trading Act should be a lesson to telcos to stop duping consumers, says Labour’s Communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 10 Sep 2012
National's hands-off-and-hope killing manufacturing

The litany of bad news coming from the manufacturing sector shows National’s hands-off-and-hope approach is failing, says David Cunliffe.


Alcohol 10 Sep 2012
Amendment to restrict RTD alcohol content released

Limiting the alcohol content of ready-to-drinks (RTDs) will go some way to addressing New Zealand’s binge drinking culture, Mt Roskill Labour MP  Phil Goff, says.


Education 10 Sep 2012
Parents picking up the tab for struggling schools

Parents are being forced to pay more and more in school donations because Government funding is not keeping pace with ever-rising costs, says the Labour Leader David Shearer.

(Source – answer to Written Parliamentary Question  5173)


Health 10 Sep 2012
Pharmac must have watertight processes

Pharmac will have to have a watertight process around product quality assurance and product recall processes if it is to have a monopoly on purchasing medical devices, says Labour’s Health spokesperson, Maryan Street.


Education 10 Sep 2012
A lifetime of opportunities for our children

Labour Leader David Shearer has today set out his vision for a world-class education for all our children, giving them equal access to a lifetime of opportunities and success.  “The world’s best education will be available at your local school, that’s what Labour is committed to,” David Shearer told parents in a speech delivered this afternoon.


Education 10 Sep 2012
SPEECH: Education - A Lifetime Of Opportunities

David Shearer  |  Sunday, September 9, 2012 - 14:00 New Zealand has a Great Education System A few years ago, I was leading a team of people in West Africa supporting a new government after its election.


Education 10 Sep 2012
Reading Recovery for all schools

The Labour Party is committing to roll out Reading Recovery to all schools.


Politics 7 Sep 2012
Back to the future as job crisis deepens

As hundreds more New Zealanders were thrown on the unemployment scrapheap this week the National Government has dug itself deeper into the failed policies of the past, Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe says.


Politics 7 Sep 2012
Broken promise another two-fingered salute

News that the Government has broken its promise to hold regional council elections in Canterbury next year is yet another demonstration of the disdain it has for true democracy, Labour’s Local Government spokesperson Annette King says.


Politics 7 Sep 2012
Government support of Solid Energy a must

The Government has to step in and support Solid Energy if a viable mine plan can be developed for Spring Creek, West Coast-Tasman MP Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 6 Sep 2012
Key gives up on jobs for Kiwi workers

Tens of thousands of Kiwis are losing their jobs because of National’s abysmal economic record and it’s only going to get worse given today’s dire warning that export conditions are as bad as they’ve been in living memory, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 6 Sep 2012
Health experts call for real solutions

When health professionals compare life for some New Zealanders as being like that of ‘the canary in a mine’ and relate tales of families buying food only when they can afford to, the Government must surely realise it has got its priorities terribly wrong, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson and Spokesperson for Children Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
One-eyed economic agenda failing the people

News that the country’s biggest electricity user is fast-tracking its plans to downsize and slash jobs yet again highlights just how narrowly-focused the Government’s ‘growth’ plan is, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Houses sit wrecked and ruined in Wiri

Wiri residents are dismayed at the number of state houses sitting empty in their community while families wait for assistance, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Maraenui homes vacant as need grows

Renovated and newly carpeted and heated homes are among dozens of Housing NZ properties due to be sold or demolished in Napier’s Maraenui, despite a growing need for state rentals, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King says.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Minister's 'shock' shows she's out of touch

Tariana Turia might be ‘shocked’ that homeless families have been denied Housing New Zealand assistance while state houses sit empty – but tenants on waiting lists would hardly see this as news, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King says.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Paralympians and public not served well by commercial broadcasters

The role public broadcasting should be playing, but isn’t, means Kiwis are missing out on some of the year’s best sporting action,  Labour’s Broadcasting and Disability Issues spokesperson Clare Curran says.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Coast's future hangs on Spring Creek

The Government is playing with the lives of miners, their families and the community all so it can getter a better deal when it sells down Solid Energy, West Coast-Tasman MP Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Government all at sea on alcohol limits

Tough new ‘drunk in charge’ rules for  ships’ masters and officers, due to take effect  in January, highlight the Government’s hypocrisy around drink driving,  says Labour's Transport Safety and Associate Health spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
New board hardly the culture change ACC needs

If new appointments to the ACC board are meant to herald a culture change for the Corporation then you have to wonder exactly what sort of culture the Government is now promoting within the organisation, Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little says.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Asset sales failure leaves big hole in Budget

John Key’s economic credibility is riding on selling assets and more mining but his ideas have gone well and truly off the rails, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Education 5 Sep 2012
Labour committed to adult education

Adult Learners Week is an opportunity for political parties to show their commitment to life-long learning and to supporting the sector that provides second chances to so many New Zealanders, says Grant Robertson, Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training Spokesperson.


Defence 5 Sep 2012
Key's change of heart on Afghanistan welcome

Labour is pleased with John Key’s change of heart and decision to bring forward the withdrawal of our troops in Afghanistan, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Government MPs mislead TVNZ7's supporters

National MPs on the Commerce Select Committee have misled New Zealanders on the options for saving public broadcaster TVNZ7 in a report released today, Labour’s broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran says.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Clueless Minister stifles software sector

Our growing innovative software industry has been dealt a cruel blow which will compromise and stifle its potential, says Clare Curran, Labour’s communications and IT spokesperson.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
What is happening with our rail line?

Confusion reigns over the future of the Gisborne to Napier rail line, with a statement on KiwiRail's website seeming to indicate that the decision to close the line has already been made says Gisborne based Labour MP Moana Mackey.


Politics 5 Sep 2012
Keep KiwiBank Kiwi, Mr Key

The Labour Party is calling on the Prime Minister to throw his support behind a bill designed to ensure KiwiBank stays owned by the people of New Zealand.


Politics 3 Sep 2012
Let all Kiwis have their say on asset sales

John Key’s back-down on the timing of the sale of Mighty River Power shows that his asset sales plan is completely off the rails and should be scrapped, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 3 Sep 2012
Address to the New Zealand Model Security Council Closing Ceremony

By Phil Goff Thank you for the invitation to be with you today as you conclude four days of debate on contemporary international security issues.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Warfare within National's support parties over spending cap

Peter Dunne and John Banks are at loggerheads over ACT’s cherished spending cap and National’s policy is in disarray, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Health 30 Aug 2012
Folate decision a severe blow

Today’s decision by the Minister of Food Safety not to introduce mandatory fortification of bread with folate is a severe blow, says Labour’s Food Safety spokesperson, Damien O’Connor.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Botched biofuels strategy cost jobs

West Coast miners should not lose their jobs because Solid Energy has wasted capital on a failing biofuels business says West Coast-Tasman MP Damien O’Connor.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Bill shelves library charges

Keeping books, DVDs, music and internet use free of charge at public libraries is the aim of Labour MP Darien Fenton’s Member’s Bill drawn from the ballot today.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Holiday highway latest RONS back down

The Government has done another u-turn on its Roads of National Significance programme by downgrading a section of the controversial Puhoi-Wellsford holiday highway, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
It is government's duty to govern

I was on my way to another meeting.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Care of Children Bill updates half century old laws

Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern is pleased that Parliament will have the chance to update and modernise New Zealand’s antiquated and discriminatory adoption laws after her Care of Children Law Reform Bill was drawn from the ballot today.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Re-Joyce! It's another re-announcement!

Today’s latest Steven Joyce re-announcement is another cynical distraction from major issues, Labour’s economic development spokesperson David Cunliffe says.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Making a difference to health-related alcohol statistics

While the Government has an opportunity to make a real difference to future health-related alcohol statistics if it wants to, Judith Collins’ amendment on RTDs could hardly be less of a cure-all, Labour’s Health spokesperson Maryan Street says.


Employment 30 Aug 2012
Bill pays dole to employers who take on young apprentices

A Bill that aims to help some of the 84,000 young New Zealanders not in education, training or work, into a job has been lodged into the Parliamentary ballot by Labour MP for Wigram,  Megan Woods, today.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Breach of Cabinet Collective Responsibility

The Government’s witch-hunt into leaks from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has backfired badly, says Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson Phil Goff.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Road safety should be a priority

National is determined to put more lives at risk as it again proves that it doesn’t take road safety seriously, says Labour’s Transport Safety spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Absentee housing strategy hurting our kids

National’s absentee housing strategy is hurting our kids, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Labour Leader backs the living wage

Labour Leader David Shearer will today attend the Wellington launch of Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand to support the movement to give Kiwi workers a decent income.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Marriage equality takes a step forward

Tonight is an historic moment for New Zealanders and a step toward the legal recognition that loving couples, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, should be able to marry, says Labour MP Louisa Wall.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Solid Energy Cuts a blow to Huntly

Solid Energy’s decision to cut 75 jobs from the Huntly coal mine is a huge blow to families in the local community, says Labour’s MP for Hauraki Waikato, Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 30 Aug 2012
Just one vote stops bill to protect state assets

National’s rejection of a Labour bill to raise the barriers to selling state assets shows the Government still has the likes of KiwiBank, KiwiRail and TVNZ lined up on the block for sale, says the bill’s author, Labour’s SOEs spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Solid Energy cuts hurt working families

Solid Energy’s decision to slash hundreds of jobs will see more families heading for the dole queue or across the Tasman looking for work and better opportunities, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Pasifika poverty a National shame

Poverty rates among Pasifika children are a modern day scourge, says Labour’s Pacific Island Affairs spokesperson Su’a William Sio.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Spring Creek decision devastating for Coast

News that Solid Energy is suspending operations at Spring Creek is a devastating blow for West Coast says West Coast-Tasman MP Damien O’Connor.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Child poverty affects kids' learning

“The Government needs to wake up and face the reality that 270,000 children are living in poverty and that will hurt their ability to learn and get ahead in life,” says Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Transport portfolio a shambles

Two big transport announcements today reveal a transport system showing the effects of wasteful mismanagement, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Health link to poverty needs addressing

The Expert Advisory Group’s report on poverty reinforces what we all know - that children living in poverty have worse health outcomes and we can’t continue to ignore it, Labour’s Health Spokesperson Maryan Street says.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Right to marry for all New Zealanders

Legislation that would give all New Zealanders the right to marry regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity will come before Parliament tonight, with the first reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
John Key in denial over Kiwis in hardship

The number of Kiwi children living in poverty has grown significantly under John Key’s watch but rather than acknowledging the problem, the Prime Minister would rather play the fool in Parliament, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Child poverty affects kids' learning

“The Government needs to wake up and face the reality that 270,000 children are living in poverty and that will hurt their ability to learn and get ahead in life,” says Nanaia Mahuta.

Graphics to highlight the impact of inequality on children's education.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Storm brewing for dairy sector?

A lower than forecast payout to dairy farmers foreshadows the considerable challenges faced by the sector, Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Parliament's chance to help working poor

MPs will get the chance to take a much needed step towards addressing child poverty tomorrow, says Labour MP David Clark.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
No justification for mass detention Bill

Legislation allowing for mass detention of asylum seekers is unnecessary and a sad reflection on the National Government’s priorities, says Darien Fenton, Labour’s Immigration spokesperson.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Time for action on child poverty is now

A report released today confirms the number of New Zealand children growing up in poverty is at crisis level, Labour’s Social Development and Children’s spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Mighty River's profits plunge another reason to stop sales

Mighty River’s $60 million profits plunge is yet another reason for the Government to stop its uneconomic asset sales programme, says Labour’s SOEs spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Politics 29 Aug 2012
Special School cuts short-change students

National’s decision to close down half of the country’s Residential Special Schools is all about saving money at the cost of students who need these schools the most, Labour’s Special Education spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.


Politics 27 Aug 2012
Future of Hillside must be secured

The Hillside engineering workshops are a national asset and their future must be secured to protect skilled jobs and flow-on economic benefits to dozens of other businesses, Labour Leader David Shearer says.


News 27 Aug 2012
Best of luck to Paralympic athletes

The 14th Paralympic Summer Games begin in London this week and Labour is right behind New Zealand’s 26 athletes, says Labour’s Sport and Recreation spokesperson Louisa Wall.


Politics 27 Aug 2012
Editing' of drug driving papers needs explaining

The deliberate removal of significant data from a Cabinet paper on drug driving is just the latest example of National not taking issues around road safety seriously, Labour’s Transport Safety spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.


Politics 27 Aug 2012
Refusal to release information arouses suspicion

The Department of Internal Affairs’ refusal to release information about the Otago Rugby Football Union's (ORFU) involvement in pokies arouses suspicion, says Labour’s Internal Affairs spokesperson Ruth Dyson.


Politics 27 Aug 2012
Taxpayers owed $800,000 in job subsidies

The Government is owed more than $800,000 dollars in subsidies paid out to employers under the Job Ops scheme who did not keep their end of the bargain, Su’a William Sio has revealed.


Politics 27 Aug 2012
Time for action, not huff and puff

Labour's transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says it is time that Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee sorted out the Auckland integrated ticketing fiasco, after Infratil-owned Snapper announced it is suing the Auckland ratepayer for at least $10 million.


Politics 27 Aug 2012
Snapper exits, let's hope no cost to ratepayer

Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says he hopes for the sake of the ratepayer and the taxpayer that Snapper won’t now sue Auckland Transport over the breakdown of the integrated ticketing arrangement.


Politics 25 Aug 2012
Government should halt asset sales plan

National’s plan to rush through asset sales is an utter shambles and it should put an immediate stop to the process, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 25 Aug 2012
Local voices need to be heard on roading priorities

The Government must listen to local voices on the importance of regional roading to economic development, Labour List MP Andrew Little says.


Politics 25 Aug 2012
Claimants shouldn't be forgotten in ACC fallout

ACC must take the concerns of sensitive claims unit claimants seriously, and set up a high level unit to deal with the outstanding complaints around breaches of privacy and misuse of information, Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little says.


Politics 25 Aug 2012
The truth about KiwiRail's failures finally comes out

National is running KiwiRail into the ground with the company admitting it is planning to delay track maintenance, slash spending and ignore potential safety risks in a bid to save money, said Labour Leader David Shearer and Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 25 Aug 2012
Limit alcohol in RTDs, limit harm

The Government’s back down over restricting the alcohol content in RTDs (Ready to Drink) is gutless, and will mean more harm is caused to young drinkers, says Phil Goff.


Politics 25 Aug 2012
National finally adopts Labour's Finland recommendation

Labour’s economic development spokesperson David Cunliffe is pleased but surprised to see that National has invited Finland to discuss its economic model, when Gerry Brownlee dubbed the country uneducated, unemployed and homicidal.


Politics 25 Aug 2012
KiwiRail blocks new work for Hillside and Hutt workshops

KiwiRail’s deliberate blocking of new contracts at its Hillside and Hutt workshops is preventing the creation of new skilled Kiwi jobs and is putting the Hillside workshop’s future in serious jeopardy, Labour MPs Trevor Mallard and Clare Curran said today.


Deaths 24 Aug 2012
Constable was a true role model

Labour’s Pacific Island Affairs spokesperson Su’a William Sio has extended sympathy to the family of Constable Kali Fungavaka, saying his death is deeply distressing.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
Bullying – it's not okay

The Prime Minister should tell Gerry Brownlee and KiwiRail to pull their heads in, and stop bullying the media, says David Shearer.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
Gratuitous insults undermine Security Council bid

New Zealand has a good chance of winning election to the Security Council at the end of 2014, but unnecessary and gratuitous insults from ministers, including John Key, are undermining our efforts, says Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson Phil Goff.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
All Aus Zealand now worried about Kiwi migration

Australian MP Kelvin Thompson’s concern about the number of Kiwis heading across the ditch shows that the only people in Australasia not bothered about the issue are the National Government, says Labour’s Economic Development Spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
ACC fiasco starts and stops with the Minister

The Privacy Commissioner’s report into the ACC leaks is a litany of leadership gone wrong, Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little says.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
Government's climate change stance not a good look

A Bill having its first reading in the House today confirms the Government has zero commitment to curbing New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions, Labour's Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey says.