Labour Party

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Politics 24 Aug 2012
Income inequality exposes Government's failure

Falling household incomes and the ever widening gap between rich and poor in New Zealand are an indictment on John Key’s Government, says David Shearer.


Politics 24 Aug 2012
Inequality a National shame

A report which shows income inequality at its highest level ever and growing numbers of New Zealand children living in hardship is a scorecard of Government neglect, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 22 Aug 2012
Charter school kids put at risk

The Education Minister has effectively admitted that none of the significant recommendations designed to stop sex offenders working in schools will apply to charter schools, says Nanaia Mahuta, Labour’s Education Spokesperson.


Politics 22 Aug 2012
Government all talk on vulnerable children

The Government’s "Vulnerable Children Result Action Plan" shows it is out of ideas and desperately trying to avoid the real issues facing parents and children.


Politics 22 Aug 2012
Safety of remaining troops paramount

The Prime Minister and Minister of Defence appear to be at odds over extending operations of the New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction into the Baghlan province of Afghanistan, Labour’s Defence spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.


Politics 22 Aug 2012
Where are the laptops Mr Heatley?

Housing Minister Phil Heatley has been caught out spinning nonsense about his corporation going high-tech when the reality is tenancy managers don’t even have laptops, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 22 Aug 2012
Government's economic management flailing

National’s barrage of broken economic promises, including a pledge to invest 40 per cent the Super Fund in New Zealand, are laid out today in David Parker’s Economic Road Test of the Government.


Politics 22 Aug 2012
Strong message in child poverty report

Research that shows parental responsibility and government support are both vital to the well-being of children should be the catalyst that changes Paula Bennett's thinking on child poverty, Labour's Social Development spokesperson and Spokesperson for Children Jacinda Ardern says.

To coincide with the report's release Miss Ardern has today released a report card on the Government's child poverty record.


Community 22 Aug 2012
Ethnic New Zealanders deserve a fair go

Ethnic New Zealanders continue to face enormous barriers in the job market and in gaining access to basic public services - a situation that must be addressed, says Labour’s Ethnic Affairs spokesperson Rajen Prasad.


Politics 21 Aug 2012
Innovation report desperately needs new ideas

National’s ‘building innovation’ report hasn’t an innovative idea in it and is desperately lacking ambition, say Labour Leader David Shearer and Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 21 Aug 2012
Speech: Changing Gear – A new economy and fairer society

David Parker  |  Tuesday, August 21, 2012 - 10:41 Good evening.


Politics 21 Aug 2012
Ad-hoc restructuring at its worst

Taxpayers have good reason to look askance at National’s latest state sector shuffle as figures reveal the organisations recently absorbed into National’s ‘mega ministry’ have spent $12 million on redundancy payments alone, says Labour’s State Services spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 21 Aug 2012
IRD call centre performance a disgrace

Massive redundancies at the IRD have taken a huge toll on frontline customer service and the economy will be suffering as a result, Labour’s State Services spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.


Politics 21 Aug 2012
Top earners still gaining as middle NZ languishes

Despite taking a hit to their bonuses, the base remuneration for CEOs and managing directors is still rising faster than Kiwis’ wages, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Defence 20 Aug 2012
Labour mourns the loss of Kiwi soldiers in Afghanistan

Labour is offering its heartfelt sympathy to the families, friends and colleagues of the three New Zealand soldiers killed in Afghanistan when their vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device.


Politics 20 Aug 2012
Youth guarantee no guarantee of success

Nearly $10-million of taxpayers’ money has been wasted on funding students who did not complete their training under the Government’s much vaunted Youth Guarantee scheme, says Grant Robertson, Labour’s Tertiary Education spokesperson.


Politics 20 Aug 2012
Joyce on exports: great goal, glossy doesn't measure up

The Government’s goal of lifting exports is laudable, but glossy pamphlets and negative interviews won’t get us there, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 18 Aug 2012
Rena clean-up will cost taxpayers $50 million

The Rena disaster clean-up will cost the taxpayer over $50 million, highlighting the Government’s folly of not passing legislation that would have seen the owners of the vessel picking up the tab, Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Politics 17 Aug 2012
Witch hunt further damages Foreign Affairs

The Government’s efforts to track down staff who opposed the botched restructuring of Foreign Affairs is causing further damage, says Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson Phil Goff.


Politics 17 Aug 2012
Please explain, Minister

The Education Minister Hekia Parata needs to explain exactly how her office came to know where teachers who wrote to her in a private capacity worked, says Chris Hipkins, Labour’s associate Education spokesperson.


Politics 17 Aug 2012
Honey traps need rigorous surveillance

Despite assurances from the Government that biosecurity border control is hitting its targets the New Zealand bee industry remains rightly concerned about the threat from honey brought in to this country from Australia, Labour’s Biosecurity spokesperson Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 17 Aug 2012
Basin Reserve flyover decision deeply flawed

The decision by the New Zealand Transport Agency to back a flyover beside the Basin Reserve is deeply flawed and continues the Government’s piecemeal approach to transport issues in Wellington city, Grant Robertson MP for Wellington Central and Annette King MP for Rongotai said today.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Ports bill opens door to public scrutiny

Labour MP Darien Fenton says her member’s bill, drawn from the ballot today, will see ratepayer-owned ports subject to the Official Information Act.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
As manufacturing declines Labour speaks out

The news today that manufacturing is down, having “slipped into contraction in July” is further proof that substantial changes are needed to create opportunities for better jobs and higher wages in manufacturing, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
More operations? You get what you pay for

An 7500 additional operations performed in the last year is testament to the efforts of doctors, nurses and support staff in our hospitals up and down the country, Labour’s Health spokesperson Maryan Street says.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Save the rail petition dumped by National

A petition signed by more than 10,000 people to save the Gisborne to Napier rail line will not proceed any further because a Parliamentary committee chaired by National MP David Bennett claims it doesn’t need investigation, says Labour MP Moana Mackey.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Women deserve better advocacy

Jo Goodhew’s reluctance to advocate for New Zealand women was made plain in Parliament today as she dodged questions on the Government’s record, says Labour’s Women’s Affairs spokesperson Sue Moroney.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Government should get real on superannuation

The Government’s refusal to face up to the consequences of an ageing population is leaving tens-of-thousands of New Zealanders uncertain and fearful about retirement, says David Parker.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Bennett dodges serious poverty issue

Child poverty will never be resolved by a Government that refuses to acknowledge the scale of the problem, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson and Spokesperson for Children Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Bullying tactics an abuse of power

John Key must move immediately to determine whether his Minister, Hekia Parata abused her position in accessing individual teachers records, says Labour's State Services spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Economic Zone Bill must go back to committee

National’s Exclusive Economic Zone legislation is deeply flawed and should be sent back to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee for further work, says Labour’s Environment Spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Bill seeks protection for Kiwi farmers

Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson, Damien O’Connor, has lodged a private members Bill aimed at protecting Kiwi farmers by limiting outside and foreign investment in Fonterra.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Speech: Manufacturing and middle NZ - Transforming NZ job by job

David Parker  |  Thursday, August 16, 2012 - 10:34 Venue - EPMU, Wellington Welcome and thanks for coming out this morning, and joining with me, David Cunliffe, and your former President Andrew Little.  Your local MP, Annette King, sends her apologies.


Politics 16 Aug 2012
Urgent investigation needed into migrant exploitation

The blatant rip-off of migrant workers exposed on TVNZ’s One News must be investigated and Labour inspectors required to urgently crack-down on this kind of exploitation, often by other migrant-owned businesses, says Darien Fenton.


Fundraiser 16 Aug 2012
Farmers urged to think pink

Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson Damien O’Connor has come out in support of a rural breast cancer fundraiser following ‘revelations’ that older farmers were loath to be associated with the colour pink.


Politics 15 Aug 2012
National's motorway obsession hurts regions

National’s plan to strip funding from local roading projects and to borrow billions to pay for marginal new motorways is hurting heartland New Zealand, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 15 Aug 2012
Shades of Think Big in RoNS borrowing

The Government’s plan to start borrowing for state highway projects is setting the country up for Think Big Mk 2, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 15 Aug 2012
National's exports plan just story telling

The only new ideas in National’s much-hyped 'comprehensive exports plan’ are story-telling, branding and photo opportunities, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Internet 15 Aug 2012
Cyber bullying must be dealt with intelligently

Cyber-bullying must be addressed so that the internet can be a more enjoyable community for everyone to be involved in, says Labour’s Communications spokesperson Clare Curran.


Employment 15 Aug 2012
'Moral distress' in nurses shows crisis in health sector

A new Massey University study which has found that as many as 48% of the 400-plus nurses surveyed experience ‘moral distress’ to the extent that they wanted to give up nursing, says Labour’s Health Spokesperson Maryan Street.


Politics 14 Aug 2012
One step forward, two backwards for Rape Crisis

News that Rape Crisis has had to downscale its services for women in the Wellington region reflects the Government’s lack of commitment to reducing violence against women says Labour’s spokesperson for Women’s Affairs Sue Moroney.


Politics 14 Aug 2012
Front-line cops carry the can for budget cuts

Front-line police officers have been forced to sign up to a pay deal which will see them effectively take a pay cut because of Government budget cuts, says Labour’s Police Spokesperson Kris Faafoi.


Politics 14 Aug 2012
Submissions show Bennett's Green Paper doesn't go far enough

Time and time again Paula Bennett has promoted her Green Paper as a solution to how we care for our most vulnerable children, yet it ignores a raft of issues flagged by the thousands of submitters, Labour’s Spokesperson for Social Development and Children Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 13 Aug 2012
Labour welcomes MMP proposals

Labour welcomes the proposals set out in the review of MMP by the Electoral Commission, says Labour’s Associate Justice spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 13 Aug 2012
Gold stars not for ACC Minister to dish out

Judith Collins’ plans for an ACC employee of the month award is probably at odds with state sector rules about the relationship between ministers and department employees, and has all the rigour of an episode of Undercover Boss, Labour’s ACC spokesman Andrew Little says.


Employment 13 Aug 2012
Cleaners' win shows what's at stake

The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold 50 cleaners’ rights to negotiate redundancy entitlements is a great victory after what has been an uphill battle says Labour’s spokesperson for Labour Issues Darien Fenton.


Politics 13 Aug 2012
National setting Kiwirail up to fail

Kiwirail is laying off 181 workers despite its freight business growing by 25 per cent in two years, showing how unrealistic the Government's Turn Around Plan for rail is, says Labour's transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 13 Aug 2012
20,000 manufacturing jobs lost under National

New Zealand has lost 20,000 manufacturing jobs under National, a serious blow for business and workers, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 10 Aug 2012
Time is right for nuclear weapons convention

Cross-party support for the nuclear-free agenda shows that the time is right for New Zealand to support a nuclear weapons convention says Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Phil Goff and Labour’s Disarmament spokesperson, Maryan Street.


Politics 10 Aug 2012
Problem gambling research cuts cause for concern

A consultation document on minimising the harm caused by gambling has recommended research contracts be slashed by almost half says Labour’s Internal Affairs spokesperson Ruth Dyson.


Politics 10 Aug 2012
18-month ministry spent thousands on branding

Over half a million dollars was spent on the shortest-lived ministry of recent times for a flash fit-out and branding that included 180 punnets of promotional putty.


Politics 9 Aug 2012
National taking heartland New Zealand for a ride

National's transport and local government policies are deeply unpopular in the rural heartland, says Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford, following a road trip to North Otago and Canterbury.


Conservation 9 Aug 2012
Efforts in wild rivers campaign applauded

Anton Oliver's endorsement of a campaign acknowledging the importance of protecting our wild and scenic rivers is another positive step towards achieving this goal, says Labour’s Conservation spokesperson Ruth Dyson.


Politics 9 Aug 2012
Ready, willing, jobless...

New job numbers out today will be cold comfort to a generation of young New Zealanders whose employment prospects grow bleaker by the day, Labour’s Youth Affairs spokesperson Megan Woods says.


Politics 9 Aug 2012
Government's hands-off approach costing jobs

National’s hands-off approach to the economy isn’t working, as shown by another 2000 people losing their jobs this quarter, says Labour’s David Parker.


Politics 9 Aug 2012
National's polytech cuts hurting the heartland

Cuts of more than $30 million of funding for regional polytechnics is further evidence that the National Government is neglecting provincial New Zealand, says Grant Robertson Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training Spokesperson.


Politics 9 Aug 2012
Diabetes decision set to be a disaster

Pharmac has embarked on a dangerous course in order to save $10 million, presumably at the instruction of the government, with its decision to contract a sole supplier to provide new meters to diabetics, Labour’s Health spokesperson Maryan Street says.


Politics 8 Aug 2012
No one will listen to Key's dollar diatribe

John Key’s only plan to reduce the exchange rate and help our exporters is to ask currency traders to play nicely, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 8 Aug 2012
Ropey figures used to 'inform' parents

Plans by the Government to publish league table based on John Key’s self-described ‘ropey’ figures will leave parents misinformed not better informed , Labour Leader David Shearer says.


Politics 8 Aug 2012
Tougher approach needed on land sales

New Zealand needs tougher standards for foreign investors to buy productive land after the final appeal to keep the Crafar Farms under New Zealand ownership failed, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 8 Aug 2012
Health budget shortfalls see staff under stress

Budget shortfalls are hitting District Health Boards across the country, with overworked staff worried it is putting people’s health at risk, Labour's Health spokesperson Maryan Street says.


Politics 8 Aug 2012
Tourism left flat lining under Key

John Key’s inattention to the tourism sector has left it flat lining says Labour’s Tourism spokesperson Rino Tirikatene.


Politics 8 Aug 2012
Speech: Creating a Healthy Heartland

David Shearer  |  Wednesday, August 8, 2012 - 10:03 Speech to Pipfruit NZ  - Nelson I’ve spent a lot of time over the last six months travelling around New Zealand’s regions and talking to people.


Politics 8 Aug 2012
Labour: Creating a healthy heartland

Labour will work in a strong and active partnership with our regional cities and towns to unleash their potential so that their success benefits all New Zealanders, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 8 Aug 2012
Speech: Auckland Grey Power

David Shearer  |  Tuesday, August 7, 2012 - 18:24 Thank you Anne-Marie Coury for your welcome.


Politics 7 Aug 2012
Cook Islands language week highlights bilingual education

Events celebrating Cook Islands Language Week highlight the importance of indigenous languages and Pacific bilingual education here in New Zealand, says Labour’s Pacific Island Affairs spokesperson Su’a William Sio.


Community 7 Aug 2012
Memorial park will be fitting tribute

Government support for undergrounding Buckle Street means a memorial park, a fitting tribute to New Zealanders who have served overseas and a wonderful public space for Wellingtonians, will finally see the light of day, Wellington Central Labour MP Grant Robertson says.


Defence 6 Aug 2012
Country can be proud of soldiers' efforts

The Labour leader David Shearer says the hearts of New Zealanders go out to the families of Lance Corporal Rory Malone and Lance Corporal Pralli Durrer.


Politics 3 Aug 2012
Price questions over Pacific Fibre failure

Amy Adams must show how the cost of ultra-fast broadband will come down now that the collapse of Pacific Fibre has ruled out international competition, says Labour’s Communications spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 3 Aug 2012
National is jeopardising our children's learning

Just two months ago National was hell-bent on expanding class sizes to find the money to spend on raising teacher quality.


Politics 3 Aug 2012
Personal spat not on, Minister

Comments from Judith Collins about the Privacy Commissioner’s inquiry into the leaking of an email are totally out of line and she should think seriously about stepping aside as Justice Minister until the investigation is complete, Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little says.


Politics 3 Aug 2012
Government blueprint billed to ratepayers

It is wrong for the Government to hand the bill for its central city blueprint to the Christchurch City Council, says Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Govt in damage control over Pacific Fibre

The Government has failed to get an estimate of the economic cost to New Zealand as the result of the collapse of the Pacific Fibre cable deal, says Labour’s Communications and IT Spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Admission from Heatley long overdue

Phil Heatley’s admission this afternoon that ‘there are state houses today in a serious state of disrepair’ confirms that his inaction is compromising the health and safety of tenants, says Labour’s spokesperson for Housing Annette King.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Nine hundred new reasons for delays in getting family justice

A new fee of $897 to access the Family Dispute Resolution Service (FDR) – the entry step to most matters to be dealt with by the Family Court under reforms announced by National today – will be a huge barrier in obtaining justice for many families caught up in unhappy domestic situations, Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Bill's diaspora data disaster

Bill English’s ignorance of heartland Kiwis heading to Australia shows National are neglecting the regions, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Foreign fishing crews forgotten by Government

Fishing crew from scandal-hit foreign chartered fishing vessels that sparked a Ministerial Inquiry have still not been paid - more than a year after they brought their concerns to the Government says Darien Fenton, Labour’s spokesperson for labour and immigration issues.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Stop assets sales rather than pressuring Tribunal

National should halt its assets sales plan until the Waitangi Tribunal has issued its definitive report instead of trying to pressure the Tribunal into fast-tracking the process and increasing the risk of costly court action, says Labour’s SOEs Spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Charter schools no substitute for trained teachers

Kiwi children deserve the best teachers and the Government’s plan to allow unregistered teachers into the classrooms of charter schools is a disgrace, says Labour’s Education spokesperson, Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
KiwiRail's least cost procurement a false economy

KiwiRail’s discovery of 7000 rotting railway sleepers sourced from Peru raises questions about the organisation’s procurement practices, says Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
UFB prospects on the skids?

The likelihood of ultrafast broadband delivering new services and opportunities to Kiwis anytime soon has become much less likely following today’s news that a second international fibre cable won’t proceed, says Labour’s Communications and IT Spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Asset sales shouldn't fund rebuild

The Christchurch Central Recovery Plan should not be funded by selling revenue generating council assets, say Labour’s Christchurch MPs.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Govt didn't undertake risk analysis on faulty locos

The Government’s insistence that its KiwiRail turnaround plan won’t be affected by its disastrous Chinese locomotive and rail wagon procurement programme is laughable given the extent of their faults, says Dunedin South MP Clare Curran.


Politics 2 Aug 2012
Prime Minister polling Christchurch residents on voting record

Labour’s Christchurch East MP Lianne Dalziel has labelled John Key’s Christchurch poll as cynical and exploitative.


Politics 1 Aug 2012
From Queenstown to Queensland – heartland heads to Australia

New Zealand’s regional heartland has turned into a training centre for the Australian economy, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 1 Aug 2012
University job losses on Government's head

The Government must take the bulk of the blame for job losses at the University of Canterbury, says Labour’s Tertiary Education spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 1 Aug 2012
UN report reads like deja vu

A United Nation report calling for an action plan for New Zealand Women reads like déjà vu, says Labour’s Women’s Affairs spokesperson, Sue Moroney The high-ranking UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) has criticised the Government for its lack of progress on initiatives that support New Zealand women.


Politics 1 Aug 2012
Kiwis' finance fears may spark debt spiral

Action is needed now after new figures show a third of Kiwi families fear they will be unable to pay their debts in the next year, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 31 Jul 2012
Pacific panel should be permanent

The Auckland Council’s Pacific and ethnic advisory panels should become a permanent fixture of the Super City says Labour’s spokesperson for Pacific Island Affairs Su’a William Sio.


Politics 31 Jul 2012
Tribunal finding reinforces need to stop asset sales

National’s asset sales agenda was never in New Zealand’s best interests and the reasons why it should be abandoned are growing by the day, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 30 Jul 2012
Leaky building protections a must

The Government must introduce meaningful protections for consumers, or risk a messy second round of leaky building claims, says Labour’s Building and Construction spokesperson Raymond Huo.


Politics 30 Jul 2012
New Zealanders have a choice on inequality

New Zealanders have a choice between a fair and decent society or a nation divided by inequality, after new figures show the income gap between races is increasing, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 30 Jul 2012
National must not remove public voice on development

News that National is looking to limit the right of the public to have their say on "regionally significant" projects is against the spirit of the RMA, Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Politics 30 Jul 2012
$15 minimum wage a winner for workers

Increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour will ensure hard-working kiwi families can put healthy food on the table says the sponsor of a members’ bill designed to achieve this, Labour's David Clark.


Politics 30 Jul 2012
Immigration scam victims need protection

Victims of a Tongan immigration scam need to be assured that they will not be shipped out on the next flight available if they come forward to assist the authorities with their investigations.


Politics 27 Jul 2012
Choice remains for churches

Labour MP Louisa Wall says churches have nothing to fear from marriage equality and won’t be forced to make any changes to the way they administer the sacrament of marriage.


Politics 27 Jul 2012
Speech: Local Government

Annette King  |  Friday, July 27, 2012 - 13:41 Speech to the Local Government New Zealand Conference Queenstown, 17 July 2012 Thank you for inviting me to speak to you all today.


Olympics 27 Jul 2012
Kiwi flagbearer a popular choice

Labour Leader David Shearer has offered his congratulations to runner Nick Willis on his selection as New Zealand’s flagbearer for the opening ceremony of the Olympics.


Politics 27 Jul 2012
Broken promise covered up by weasel words

National’s latest ‘make it up as they go’ policy for local government is nothing more than a blatant broken promise, says Labour’s spokesperson for Local Government, Annette King.


Politics 27 Jul 2012
Fairness and equality at the heart of marriage bill

Fairness and equality for all New Zealand couples is at the heart of my Member’s Bill, says Labour MP Louisa Wall.