Labour Party

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Politics 8 Oct 2012
Government's eyes tight shut over lower drink-drive levels

Steven Joyce deliberately misled the public and wasted time, resources and lives by failing to heed overwhelming evidence in favour of lowering the drink drive when he was Transport Minister, says Labour’s Transport Safety spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Politics 8 Oct 2012
Dunne evades tax haven questions

Peter Dunne’s relaxed attitude to wealthy foreigners using New Zealand as a tax haven is in stark contrast to his crackdown on paper boys and workers with car parks, says Labour’s Revenue spokesperson David Clark.


Politics 5 Oct 2012
Canning gold card deal a step backwards

“Cough up” is the message the Government is sending to Auckland’s senior citizens as it moves to scrap a four-year free travel deal – on International Day of Older People, Labour says.


Politics 5 Oct 2012
Day of action shows anger with reforms

A national day of action against Paula Bennett’s welfare reforms is yet further evidence of the increasing anger and frustration over this Government’s approach to social security in New Zealand,” Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 5 Oct 2012
Independent review into Civil Defence response must not be written off

Labour’s Civil Defence and Emergency Management spokesperson Lianne Dalziel says that she is disappointed that the Government has not only taken three months to release the independent review of the Civil Defence earthquake response, but also already decided what the response should be without any consultation.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
Investment benefits need to be transparent

News today that the Government is investing millions in a PGG Wrightson spearheaded research programme reinforces suspicions that its Primary Growth Partnership fund is there to support existing large agri-business rather than genuine research and home-grown innovation, says Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson, Damien O’Connor.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
Conservation cuts making DOC a charity case

The Government’s short-sighted determination to cut again and again into the Department of Conservation will leave it unable to take care of New Zealand’s most treasured natural environments, says Ruth Dyson.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
Rena review doesn't go far enough

Maritime New Zealand’s internal review into the Rena disaster will be too narrow to give New Zealanders confidence that all the lessons will be learnt from our worst ever environmental disaster, Labour’s Environment Spokesperson Grant Robertson said.


Deaths 4 Oct 2012
Condolences extended to the Very Rev Kenape Faletoese's family

Labour’s spokesperson for Pacific Island Affairs, Su’a William Sio, expresses his sympathy and condolences to the family of the late Very Rev Kenape Faletoese who passed away on Friday the 28th of September.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
Minister's flip-flop on Tyson visa yet another debacle

The Immigration Minister’s sudden flip-flop over the Mike Tyson visa is just another fiasco and an example of how this Government has taken its eye off the ball, says Labour’s Immigration Spokesperson Darien Fenton.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
Hip replacement implant inquiry a no-brainer

Labour’s Health spokesperson Maryan Street is renewing her call for an urgent inquiry into the safety of metal-on-metal hip replacement devices following fears another product used in New Zealand is faulty.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
Dotcom questions still waiting, John

John Key will be disappointed if he thinks his Hollywood jaunt spells the end of the Dotcom debacle, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 4 Oct 2012
Report shows National Standards data fatally compromised

A Ministry of Education report which lays bare the huge variability in teachers’ marking of children’s school work against the National Standards has confirmed once and for all that the nationwide data drawn from the Standards is essentially worthless, says Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 3 Oct 2012
GCSB files show Key's Dotcom tale unravelling

John Key’s story that he knew nothing about his spy agency’s involvement in the Kim Dotcom case is unravelling with the revelation it told him about it months ago, something he conveniently forgot, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 2 Oct 2012
More government cash for roads as rail line scrapped

The decision to close the Gisborne-Napier rail line is a direct result of the Government’s policy of pouring billions of dollars into motorways while setting KiwiRail up to fail, says Labour.


Politics 2 Oct 2012
Government still needs to front up on Rena

The settlement with Daina Shipping over the Rena disaster is welcome but if the Government had signed up to the international convention the haggling wouldn’t have been needed, says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 2 Oct 2012
Planet Joyce glosses over Treasury stats

Steven Joyce's growth plan has been reduced to hoping Treasury are wrong instead of mucking in and working with businesses and workers to get the economy moving, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 2 Oct 2012
Doctor numbers not all they've been cracked up to be

Tony Ryall owes an apology not only to the country’s doctors but to all New Zealanders for persisting with the fiction that the country is awash with doctors, Labour Health spokesperson Maryan Street says.


Politics 2 Oct 2012
'Brain fade' goes all the way to the 9th Floor

John Key’s desperate attempt to shut down criticism of his handling of the Kim Dotcom spying fiasco with a behind-closed-doors review won’t satisfy the New Zealand public, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 1 Oct 2012
GCSB needs more than another internal review

The Government’s decision to start a second internal investigation into the GCSB’s actions, just days after the original was condemned as a whitewash is another cynical attempt to cover over serious concerns about the agency, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 1 Oct 2012
Government must learn from Canterbury education botch-up

The National Government must learn the lessons from their complete botch-up of the Canterbury schools reorganisation when they make decisions on the region’s future of tertiary education, Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training spokesperson Grant Robertson said.


Politics 1 Oct 2012
IRD's 20-year-old system needs upgrade

IRD is celebrating a dubious anniversary this year – its computer system is now 20 years old and is a prime reason behind recent stuff-ups at the department, says Labour’s Revenue spokesperson David Clark.


Politics 1 Oct 2012
Auckland crime rise can't be ignored

The increase in reported crime in Auckland city should be a major concern to the Government, Labour's Police spokesperson Kris Faafoi said today.


Politics 1 Oct 2012
Heatley like a stuck record on social housing

In the latest Government re-announcement, this time around social housing, Minister Phil Heatley is boasting of a record spend.


Politics 1 Oct 2012
SPEECH: Scandinavian Economic Development Speech: Fast Forward – Growing Good Jobs

David Cunliffe     Speech to Laingholm District Citizens Association, Laingholm, 30 September 2012   Robert Louis Stevenson, the man who wrote ‘Treasure Island’, once said: “Everybody lives by selling something”.


Politics 28 Sep 2012
Key and Parata at odds over schools

Cantabrians can take little comfort from the Prime Minister’s half-hearted assurances that their voices will be heard over the future of local schooling given the Education Minister Hekia Parata is forging ahead with plans to close or merge schools, Labour’s Associate Education spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.


Politics 28 Sep 2012
Labour formally requests proper inquiry into intelligence failures

Labour Leader David Shearer has today written to the Prime Minister formally requesting a wide-ranging and independent inquiry into the serious failures within our intelligence services and the Government’s management of them.


Politics 28 Sep 2012
Starting from the beginning the way to go

The double standard displayed by the Government over National Standards proves - to quote John Key - that “ignorance leads us nowhere”, Labour’s Education spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta says.


Politics 28 Sep 2012
Government hits the poorest with new tax

A nasty sting in the tail of upcoming tobacco tax increases will hit veterans, superannuitants, caregivers, working parents and anyone else who receives a benefit or allowance from the Government harder than everyone else, Labour’s Associate Health Spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.


Politics 28 Sep 2012
Report into spy debacle a woeful whitewash

The report into our spy agency’s unlawful snooping on Kim Dotcom and his associates is a whitewash because it ignores the complete failure of democratic oversight by Prime Minister John Key, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 27 Sep 2012
Government should upskill Kiwi workers to rebuild Christchurch

Reports that 15,000 migrants may be needed to rebuild Christchurch while thousands of Kiwis are losing their jobs shows the Government has no desire to upskill New Zealanders who want to help Canterbury, says Labour’s Youth Affairs spokesperson and MP for Wigram Megan Woods.


Politics 27 Sep 2012
Interest rate swap sales leave bad smell

Sending National Bank’s black stallion to the knackers’ yard won’t remove the stench of horse manure that many farmers have been left with courtesy of interest rate swap agreements, says Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson, Damien O’Connor.


Politics 27 Sep 2012
Christchurch locals need permanent solution

News that the Government has sped up the development of temporary accommodation for workers helping with Christchurch’s rebuild will go down like a bucket of sick with homeless locals still waiting to hear of their fate, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King says.


Politics 27 Sep 2012
Government must protect migrant workers - and Kiwi jobs and wages

The Government must act to ensure that the 15,000 migrant workers expected to be needed for the Christchurch rebuild are treated fairly and within the law, or it will risk having New Zealand jobs and wages undermined, says Darien Fenton.


Politics 27 Sep 2012
Business leaders speak out against the other Kiwi exodus

A chorus of corporate leaders are calling for economic policies which allow and encourage Kiwi companies to keep their base in New Zealand.


Politics 27 Sep 2012
Heatley out of his depth

Four years in and Phil Heatley is drowning in his housing portfolio, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King says.


Politics 26 Sep 2012
National blocks OIA request on Hungary's response

In a move that can best be described as hypocritical National has blocked an Official Information Act request for Hungary’s formal response to the Prime Minister’s criticism of its troops in Afghanistan.


Politics 26 Sep 2012
Christchurch schools consultation a sham

Comments by the Minister of Education today in Parliament have sent a clear message to Cantabrians – the government’s current consultation process around the future of schooling in greater Christchurch is a total sham, Labour’s Associate Education spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.


Politics 26 Sep 2012
Absent growth agenda hurts communities

Since Steven Joyce announced his Business Growth Agenda six months ago with a focus on resources and mining, nothing has been done that would help the people of Greymouth, Huntly and Waihi, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 26 Sep 2012
Spy debacle the result of Key's lax oversight

John Key has sole democratic oversight of our spy agencies but his lax attitude towards that responsibility has been exposed by the debacle surrounding the unlawful snooping on Kim Dotcom, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 26 Sep 2012
Exports fall as dollar and job losses climb

Exports have fallen eight per cent compared to last year while the currency soars ever higher, heaping more pressure on exporting businesses, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 26 Sep 2012
Never mind the gap, mind the rotting sleepers

The on-going farce around KiwiRail’s 7000 rotting Peruvian rail sleepers has taken a new turn with the company publishing a hazard alert that warns staff not to walk on sleepers on its 1656 rail bridges and viaducts, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 26 Sep 2012
KiwiRail job losses another hit to Dunedin economy

The announcement that 11 Dunedin KiwiRail staff face redundancy is not only another blow to the region’s economy, but adds to concerns around the safety of the rail network, Dunedin South Labour MP Clare Curran says.


Politics 26 Sep 2012
Excess of Government zeal leaves taxpayer picking up Dotcom tab

New Zealand taxpayers were already facing significant liabilities as a result of the Dotcom litigation before John Key’s admission of likely illegal conduct amongst the security services, Labour’s Justice spokesperson and Shadow Attorney-General Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 26 Sep 2012
Speech: Inflation is not the only risk – it's time for NZ to pay more attention to our exchange rate

David Parker   Speech to 2012 Eriksen’s Conference  Hilton Hotel, Auckland 9 am, 25 September 2012   Welcome and thanks for the invitation to be here today.


Politics 25 Sep 2012
Spy debacle exposes chaos in the Beehive

The incompetence of the top echelon of this Government has been exposed by John Key’s admission that his own deputy didn’t tell him he’d signed a ministerial certificate a month ago related to spies snooping on Dotcom, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 25 Sep 2012
Government sell-off agenda behind job losses

John Key has all but confirmed Solid Energy’s ‘restructuring’ plan, which will see hundreds of Kiwis losing their jobs, is about the Government readying the company for sale, West Coast Labour MP Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 24 Sep 2012
Cynical decision will bleed community

News that over 200 Spring Creek miners will lose their jobs confirms that this outrageous decision was predetermined and made weeks ago, West Coast Labour MP Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 24 Sep 2012
Short-sighted transport policy to blame for KiwiRail lay-offs

The “stupid decision” that has resulted in 158 jobs lost at KiwiRail is a direct result of unrealistic financial targets imposed on rail by the Government, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 24 Sep 2012
Key must come clean on his knowledge of Dotcom

John Key must explain how the Government Communications Security Bureau, an agency which reports directly to him, apparently illegally spied on people involved in the Kim Dotcom case, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Business 24 Sep 2012
Kiwi high-tech companies need better launchpad

News that 32 of New Zealand’s biggest high-tech companies have been sold offshore in the past decade shows that current economic development policies are not working, says Labour’s David Cunliffe.


Education 23 Sep 2012
Poverty hurting our kids' education

"Far too many Kiwi kids are living in poverty and new research has confirmed their health and educational outcomes will suffer as a result,” says Labour’s Education spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 21 Sep 2012
National standards release another blow for schools

The Green Party is calling on the Education Minister not to release her national standards data next week.


Politics 21 Sep 2012
Government's craven stance on Maui's Dolphins a disgrace

The Government’s decision to oppose further protection measures for Maui’s and Hector’s dolphins is a disgrace, says Ruth Dyson.


Politics 21 Sep 2012
Exodus to Aussie leaves Kiwis disappointed and disillusioned

National’s failure to pick up the jobs ball and run with it is creating a new diaspora of disillusioned and disappointed Kiwis, says Labour leader David Shearer.


Politics 21 Sep 2012
Carbon forestry sector threatened

The National Government’s decision to not restrict cheap international carbon credits to secure the vote of ACT leader John Banks has enormous implications for the forestry sector, Labour’s Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey says.


Politics 21 Sep 2012
State houses empty while thousands wait

Almost 3,000 state houses are sitting empty while thousands of desperate families wait for Housing New Zealand to help, says Annette King.


Politics 20 Sep 2012
Govt can't be a pacifist in a currency war

The Government today passed over a huge opportunity to empower the Reserve Bank to take the pressure off the overvalued New Zealand dollar by signing a weak Policy Target Agreement with the new Reserve Bank Governor, said the Green Party.


Energy 20 Sep 2012
Bill will help put New Zealand back on the renewables track

A member’s bill that aims to address the current Government’s ‘hope and pray’ attitude to tackling climate change ensures all new electricity baseload generation is from renewable sources, its sponsor Labour MP Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 20 Sep 2012
Sod that – Tolley needs to come clean

Labour has criticised the Minister of Corrections, Anne Tolley, for ‘turning the sod’ at the Wiri Prison, and trumpeting its supposed benefits, before she makes the cost to the taxpayer   public.


Politics 20 Sep 2012
Hekia Parata Passes Buck On Teacher Pay

Hekia Parata is blaming schools and passing the buck over the massive problems that have plagued the $26 million implementation of the new Novopay payroll system, says Labour’s Associate Education spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 20 Sep 2012
Build today for women in the future

Suffrage Day offers a perfect opportunity for the Government to consider the long-term consequences of the growing number of homeless New Zealand women, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King says.


Politics 20 Sep 2012
Minister twiddles thumbs while teachers miss out

"The Government should apologise to teachers for the on-going problems and stress caused by the bungled introduction of the Novopay system," says Labour’s Education spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 20 Sep 2012
Costs need to be sorted minus the scaremongering

Tony Ryall is scaremongering as a ruse to avoid addressing how the Government will provide payments to family caregivers of disabled adults, Labour’s Disability Issues spokesperson Clare Curran says.


Politics 20 Sep 2012
Key sets new low for ethical standards

John Key is making a mockery of his role and responsibility as Prime Minister by continuing to keep a Minister in his Cabinet who broke the law but got away with it simply because the time for prosecution ran out, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 19 Sep 2012
Give working poor a pay rise

John Key should take time out today from desperately concentrating on not reading the police report into John Banks’ mayoral campaign donations to do something for the working poor, says David Clark.


Politics 19 Sep 2012
Cantabrians still can't vote even on Suffrage Day

Cantabrians’ celebration of Suffrage Day is clouded with resentment, anger and frustration at the continued denial of our right to vote for our Regional Council, say Labour’s Canterbury MPs Lianne Dalziel, Ruth Dyson, Clayton Cosgrove, Rino Tirikatene and Megan Woods.


Politics 19 Sep 2012
Current account deficit at $10b shows need for change

The Current Account Deficit has hit $10 billion, showing that bold new ideas are needed to ensure New Zealand pays its way in the world, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


News 19 Sep 2012
Labour MP awarded prestigious US fellowship

The Labour Leader David Shearer has congratulated Dunedin North MP David Clark, who has been awarded an Eisenhower Fellowship to study in the United States.


Politics 19 Sep 2012
Bill takes bold steps to tackle child poverty

A bill to tackle the causes of New Zealand’s child poverty shame will deliver genuine change for our most vulnerable kids, its sponsor Labour MP Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 19 Sep 2012
New law requires careful scrutiny, not political game-playing

Legislation that creates special orders to allow for the indefinite detentions of certain offenders raises questions around the Government’s good faith in advancing it, Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 19 Sep 2012
Parata defiant on education bombshell

Hekia Parata’s defence of her decision to only give school principals and board of trustee chairs a quick heads-up before the devastating announcement that their school was earmarked for closure or merger is overly defiant, says Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Earthquakes 18 Sep 2012
EQC review must hear the voice of Canterbury

The decision to review the Earthquake Commission is welcomed by the Labour Party but the voice of Cantabrians must be heard, says Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 18 Sep 2012
Key's shifting defence of Banks farcical

John Key has today shifted his defence of John Banks to claim that because the time ran out on him being charged, he is somehow innocent, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 18 Sep 2012
High dollar costs Kiwis jobs but National substitutes ideas for insults

National’s head in the sand attitude to the exchange rate is an insult to the hundreds of Kiwis who have lost their jobs because businesses are struggling under the high dollar, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 18 Sep 2012
Govt can't give money away for tech grants

The Government literally can’t give money away with its much-hyped technology voucher system as Labour figures show just half of the money has been taken up, says Labour’s Associate Science spokesperson Megan Woods.


Politics 17 Sep 2012
Welfare reforms, take three...

Coming on the back of growing criticism of the Prime Minister’s coalition partner, John Banks, today’s round of welfare reform ‘announcements’ from the Government look decidedly overstated, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 17 Sep 2012
Defence Force pay 'rise' a misnomer

Today's announcement regarding Defence Force pay rates is little more than a case of the Government giving with one hand and taking away with the other, Labour's Defence spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.


Politics 17 Sep 2012
Federal Reserve action requires exchange rate action

The Federal Reserve’s decision to continue quantitative easing will push our dollar even higher and demands action from New Zealand, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 17 Sep 2012
Key's credibility damaged by clinging on to Banks

John Key’s credibility and integrity is being severely tarnished by his continued refusal to accept evidence from witnesses showing that his own Minister has lied to him, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 17 Sep 2012
Consultancy culture costs Kiwis more

Figures released today by Labour show National’s endless state sector shuffling is costing Kiwis hundreds of millions of dollars, says Labour’s State Services spokesperson Chris Hipkins.


Politics 17 Sep 2012
Poll supports end of life choice bill as safe and sensible

Recent poll results around her End of Life Choice Bill show the majority of New Zealanders understand the need for greater compassion in the law, says the Bill’s author, Maryan Street.


TV 17 Sep 2012
The real New Zealand does have talent

While New Zealanders missed out on watching live coverage of our champion Paralympic athletes, New Zealand on Air has again chosen to use taxpayer funding to support ‘reality’ TV, says Clare Curran, Labour’s spokesperson for Broadcasting.


Politics 17 Sep 2012
Auckland's plan needs Government support

Auckland Council’s Economic Development Strategy sets out a detailed vision, but serious questions remain about the National Government’s support, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 17 Sep 2012
PM's refusal to read Banks police report plain negligence

John Key is refusing to read the police report on John Banks because he knows it will show that all the evidence points to the fact his minister has lied to him, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 14 Sep 2012
Key must ensure Banks comes clean

If John Key is serious about holding his Ministers to any real standards he needs to instruct John Banks to allow his witness statement to be publicly released, says Labour Deputy Leader Grant Robertson.


Politics 14 Sep 2012
Let Aucklanders know the truth about their Port

The ratepayers of Auckland deserve to know what’s going on with the assets they own, and it’s not good enough for Auckland Council Investments Limited (AICL) to refuse to provide information about the Ports of Auckland, says Darien Fenton.


Politics 14 Sep 2012
Justice Minister should read her papers

Judith Collins' obvious failure to read a select committee report on one of her own key victims' rights bill calls into question her stated commitment to the issue, Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 14 Sep 2012
What the Hekia? Get it right, Minister!

The Education Minister, Hekia Parata, should be calling the principals of Christchurch’s Shirley Boys’ High and Avonside Girls’ High to explain the incomprehensible information about the schools’ future, says Ruth Dyson.


Politics 14 Sep 2012
Offering half RV for land just not on

Gerry Brownlee has sneaked out an announcement that the Government will only offer half the rateable value of some red-zone land while most in Canterbury were rightly focussed on the fate of their local schools, says Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 14 Sep 2012
National's selective figures hide problems in the real economy

National are picking and choosing their figures to exaggerate new jobs say Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker and Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
Government 'heartless' over highway home

The Government has been called “heartless” by Labour after dismissing as an operational matter the Transport Agency’s refusal to negotiate the purchase of a home to be bulldozed to make way for the Holiday Highway.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
Christchurch deserves best schools possible

The Labour Party will stand up for Christchurch communities as they come to grips with the Government’s education renewal plan, says Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Health 13 Sep 2012
Economic analysis cold comfort for families

Dry, warm homes improve health.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
John Banks has to go whichever way

John Banks has failed both of the tests John Key set for him remaining as a Minister and he needs to go, says Labour’s Deputy Leader Grant Robertson.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
Support for sentencing amendment welcomed

Labour is pleased that the Government supported its amendments to the Sentencing (Aggravated Factors) Amendment Bill when the legislation was read a third and final time last night, says Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel.


Politics 13 Sep 2012
National's 'costings' not all they seem

A manufactured ‘crisis’, similar to that suffered by ACC, could be on the cards for New Zealand’s welfare system if Paula Bennett continues with her so-called 'investment' agenda, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.