Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 8 Apr 2009
Green & National Parties Announce Shared Policy Initiatives

The Green Party and the National Party are working together to implement a nationwide home insulation programme and to update New Zealand’s energy efficiency strategy, while the Parties have also agreed to develop a New Zealand based regulatory system for natural health products.


Council 7 Apr 2009
Aucklanders ought to be heard on governance

AUCKLAND — The Government’s decision to plough ahead with planned changes to Auckland’s governance without further consultation is unacceptable, say the Greens.


Environment 7 Apr 2009
PCE report challenges Government on environment

A new report calls for more environmental protection of the South Island high country at the same time as the Government is weakening the laws and rules that could protect it, the Green Party said today.


Environment 7 Apr 2009
Government uncertainty over ETS must end

Business leaders and the public favour prompt Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) action to doing nothing by a margin of 2:1, according to a survey by the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development (NZBCSD).


Environment 7 Apr 2009
'Polar Bear' Ministry cuts expected tomorrow

WELLINGTON — The Green Party expects the Government’s ‘polar bear hunt’ to close in for the kill at the Ministry for the Environment tomorrow, culling initiatives that have saved the taxpayer money.


News 7 Apr 2009
Cycleway an idea too good to leave unfunded

Money that could otherwise fund the Prime Minister’s national cycleway looks set to go to roads if Bill English’s comments on TVNZ’s Q&A programme on Sunday are anything to go by.


Forestry 3 Apr 2009
Deforestation equals Downstream Degradation

Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty today urged for more planting of forests to protect communities and the environment on the East Coast of the North Island.


Banks 3 Apr 2009
Time to crack down on the Aussie banks

The Green Party has called on the Government to broker a better deal for Kiwi businesses, workers and home-owners from the big Australian-owned banks following a critical report from the Finance and Expenditure Committee yesterday.


Legal 3 Apr 2009
Poor Politics blunts Sex Offender Law

The National-led Government’s poor political process jeopardised a critical law change on sex crimes, the Green Party said today.


Environment 1 Apr 2009
Green Party pulls plug for planets sake

In a bold move to combat global warming and the Government’s indifference to New Zealand’s Kyoto commitments, the Green Party is leading from the front and will immediately stop using most electrical appliances in its Parliamentary offices as of today.


Environment 29 Mar 2009
Hugging polar bears saves tax-payer money

The Inland Revenue Department made a profit from sustainability initiatives last year, cutting energy and travel spending by over one million dollars.


Politics 28 Mar 2009
Auckland Councils Become Local Branch Offices to Lord Mayor

AUCKLAND — The Green Party today voiced support for one Auckland Council to be given powers to develop environmental and transport policy, as well as one district plan, one rates system and one rates bill.


Politics 25 Mar 2009
NZ for Sale? For Sure, says English

The current review of overseas investment rules, particularly those around sensitive land suggests that the ACT Party is unduly pushing National Government policy, said Green Party Overseas Investment spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham.


Economy 25 Mar 2009
Government Actions Drive up Deficit

The National-led Governments policies will place more upward pressure on New Zealands current account deficit the Green Party warned after the Government signalled a rise in the deficit to 9% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


Export 24 Mar 2009
Sheep shipments will slaughter NZs overseas image

The Green Party is calling on the Government not to resume the cruel and unnecessary trade in exporting live sheep overseas for slaughter.


Employment 23 Mar 2009
Holiday buy back threatens workplace & family wellbeing

National’s plan allowing employers to buy back workers’ holidays undermines workplace productivity and threatens the wellbeing of workers and their families.


News 23 Mar 2009
Govt plans to sink TVNZ in unchartered waters

Giving $15 million dollars of TVNZ’s Charter funding to NZ on Air and then doing away with TVNZ’s Charter itself makes no sense - unless the government’s real agenda is to ready TVNZ for sale, said Green Party Broadcasting Spokesperson Sue Kedgley.


News 23 Mar 2009
Govt plans to sink TVNZ in unchartered waters

Giving $15 million dollars of TVNZ’s Charter funding to NZ on Air and then doing away with TVNZ’s Charter itself makes no sense - unless the government’s real agenda is to ready TVNZ for sale, said Green Party Broadcasting Spokesperson Sue Kedgley.


Health 19 Mar 2009
Unfinished business angers Mapua residents

MAPUA — Residents living next to the Mapua site contaminated by pesticides still have numerous questions regarding their health and the health of the local environment, said the Green Party’s Toxics spokesperson Catherine Delahunty.


Politics 19 Mar 2009
Another attack on Keeping our Children Safe from Violence

Yet another smokescreen has emerged to obscure the simple message that New Zealand children deserve to live free of violence.


Transport 18 Mar 2009
Public transport funding cuts jeopardise Auckland rail gains

AUCKLAND — The Government’s cuts to public transport expenditure and the regional fuel tax scheme put gains from the electrification of Auckland’s rail at risk.


Transport 18 Mar 2009
Hobble to work, says Minister

WELLINGTON CITY — Transport Minister Stephen Joyce opened "Walk to Work" day this morning, just two days after taking $15 million from those who walk and cycle and giving it to those who drive.


Politics 17 Mar 2009
Green Party Welcomes End to Spying on MPs

Green Party MP Keith Locke has welcomed the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security’s recommendations to stop the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (SIS) spying on Members of Parliament.


Politics 17 Mar 2009
NZ for sale - going, going...

The Government seems keen to put the 'For Sale' sign up on land that is currently off-limits to foreign investment, said Green Party MP Dr Kennedy Graham.


Politics 17 Mar 2009
Government opts for oil dependence, gridlock, and growing carbon emissions

The National Government’s newly announced plan to accelerate the building of new state highways while reducing the money spent on alternatives reveals a complete denial of the actual transport challenges faced by this country.


Politics 17 Mar 2009
Govt responsible for job losses at TVNZ

The Government has no credibility with its calls for employers to tough it out and retain staff when its own policies are causing widespread job losses, said Green Party Broadcasting Spokesperson Sue Kedgley.


Transport 16 Mar 2009
Dont short-circuit rail electrification

AUCKLAND — Auckland Green Party MP Keith Locke has warned against any 'pause' in Auckland's rail electrification project.


Politics 16 Mar 2009
Green MP rejects New Zealand's 'One Tree Policy'

The Green Party is urging Government and industry to use the recession as an opportunity to plant trees to generate jobs, and plant a greater variety of trees instead of continuing to gamble on a 'One Tree Policy'.


Health 15 Mar 2009
3400% Increase in New Superbug

A virulent new superbug that is highly contagious and resistant to many antibiotics has become established in New Zealand, revealed the Green Party today.


Business 13 Mar 2009
Anti-Business cuts surely unsustainable?

Cutting funding to the Sustainable Business Network (SBN) shows the Government is taking an unsustainable and anti-business approach to sustainability, said Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman.


Transport 13 Mar 2009
Aucklands train electrification must not be derailed

AUCKLAND — The Government’s decision to dump regional fuel taxes puts Auckland’s rail electrification project at risk.


Politics 12 Mar 2009
Government cannot see the Forest for the Trees

Far from ‘streamlining and simplifying’, the Government’s Resource Management Act (RMA) reforms will mean more bureaucracy and skyrocketing costs for local councils and ratepayers.


Environment 12 Mar 2009
Voluntary Dirty Streams Accord a roaring success

The voluntary Clean Streams Accord has failed and it’s time to set enforceable water quality standards, Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 11 Mar 2009
Maori lose rights and Minister silenced on RMA reform

The Green Party is calling for Maori rights under the Resource Management Act (RMA) to be protected.


Employment 11 Mar 2009
Nine day fortnight welcomed - with reservations

The Green Party is pleased the Government is committed to funding five hours pay at the minimum wage as part of the 'nine day fortnight', but retains some concerns.


Politics 11 Mar 2009
Ports of Auckland must not be sold - Greens

AUCKLAND — At a time of economic crisis selling vital strategic infrastructure such as the Ports of Auckland to 'buyers unknown' would be a foolhardy and stupid short-term move that would undermine New Zealand's long term economic wellbeing, said the Green Party.


Environment 11 Mar 2009
Ideology Drives Cuts to Environment Ministry

Cuts at the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) are driven by ideology rather than budget necessity Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman said today.


Aid 10 Mar 2009
Charity Shouldnt Begin At Home for Overseas Aid

The Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully needs to tell the public just what will qualify as New Zealand Aid (NZAID) under his reign, said Green Party Overseas Development Assistance Spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham.


Transport 10 Mar 2009
Time to extend affordable public transport

The high uptake of free public transport by pensioners using their SuperGold cards shows that people are very willing to use public transport when it is affordable.


Politics 9 Mar 2009
Stop meddling with ACC

The Green Party today called on the Government to immediately stop its political meddling with the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).


Politics 8 Mar 2009
Keep Honours Independent

New Zealand’s Honours system should remain independent the Green Party said today.


Agriculture 6 Mar 2009
Fonterra insults environment, and farmers

A proposal to withhold a tiny portion of the milk payout payments from polluters shows that Fonterra is still not serious about promoting responsible farming and cleaning up rivers, the Green Party said today.


Politics 6 Mar 2009
Fairness and Justice make Clean Slate review essential

The case of an Auckland man sacked from his job after his employer discovered he’d been sentenced to corrective training 21 years ago shows why the Clean Slate law needs an urgent review, Green Party Law and Order Spokesperson Metiria Turei said today.


Conservation 6 Mar 2009
Te Waihora is worth looking after

Green Party Conservation and Fisheries Spokesperson Metiria Turei has welcomed Ngai Tahu exercising their responsibility for protecting Te Waihora Lake.


Politics 6 Mar 2009
Goodnight to Kiwi Broadcasting Jobs

The next time Broadcasting Minister Jonathan Coleman holds a press conference he should look the reporters and camera-people of TVNZ in the eye and apologise for putting their jobs on the line, said Green Party Broadcasting Spokesperson Sue Kedgley.


Politics 5 Mar 2009
Green Party Goes Public with Election Expenses

The Green Party published its electoral expense return today in an effort to promote healthy politics.


Politics 4 Mar 2009
Superfund continues to invest in nuclear weapons

Four months after a commitment to divest the New Zealand Superfund from companies involved in manufacturing nuclear weapons and cluster bombs, the Green Party today called on the Government to set a deadline to sell its remaining $25 million investment.


Health 4 Mar 2009
Good idea but when?

The Green Party welcomed the Government’s report today that announced spot audits for aged care facilities which will be published on the Ministry of Health website.


Politics 3 Mar 2009
New Zealand isolated on green jobs policy

John Key’s response to climate change and the economic crisis is at odds with international best practice, the latest science and with the broader consensus in New Zealand.


Education 2 Mar 2009
Corporal Punishment not a Private Matter

The Green Party is concerned by the findings of a Law Commission report which suggests private schools are unchallenged over use of corporal punishment.


Environment 2 Mar 2009
Australians know ETS action now will save money

The Prime Minister’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) discussions today with Kevin Rudd will confirm that it pays to act now and end uncertainty, thanks in part to an Australian Treasury report.


Crime 27 Feb 2009
Grassroots community groups vital for Crime Summit

Green Party Law and Order Spokesperson Metiria Turei today welcomed news of the Government’s upcoming Crime Summit and recommended victims’ rights and rehabilitation groups who should take part.


Health 27 Feb 2009
Bring Down the Power Walls

Evidence of rising cigarette sales proves the need for action on ‘power wall’ advertising the Green Party said today.


Politics 26 Feb 2009
Key puts tobacco lobby before Kiwi kids

The National Government refuses to ban cigarette displays when the health select committee recommended urgent action last year, Green Party MP Metiria Turei said.


Politics 26 Feb 2009
Jobs belong here not in China say Greens

Government procurement practices are costing Kiwi workers their jobs, Green Party MP Sue Bradford said today.


Environment 25 Feb 2009
RMA attacks encourage Environmental Vandals

The Government’s attacks on the Resource Management Act (RMA) will encourage environmental vandals, the Green Party said today.


Employment 25 Feb 2009
Where are the Women?

The Green Party is calling for more leading women’s organisations to be included in Friday’s Job Summit.


Employment 25 Feb 2009
Greens release input to Job Summit

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons today publicly released the Party’s Green New Deal paper – given to Job Summit chair Mark Weldon two weeks ago – and circulated to Summit participants.


Employment 24 Feb 2009
Conspicuous gaps in Job Summit list: Greens

The just released Jobs Summit attendance list contains glaring gaps, said the Green Party.


Health 23 Feb 2009
Medical Mishap Reporting should include aged care

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley is calling for the reporting of medical mishaps in the health system to be extended to cover aged care homes.


Food 23 Feb 2009
Tell the public if melamine is currently for sale

The New Zealand public deserves to know if any products contaminated by melamine are currently on supermarket shelves, said Green MP Sue Kedgley.


Politics 23 Feb 2009
Fitzsimons to Pass Co-leadership Torch in June

The Green Party’s co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons announced today that she will step down from her leadership position in June.


Politics 22 Feb 2009
Budget Smokescreen for Slash & Burn

As the Government signalled more environmental neglect today, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman called on National for honesty.


Employment 20 Feb 2009
No Pay and No Say for Women Workers

The Government’s axing of the pay-equity inquiries and the absence of women’s input to the Jobs Summit show serious disrespect to half of the workforce, said Green Party Women’s Affairs spokesperson Catherine Delahunty today.


Building 19 Feb 2009
Minister confirms huge risk to future of Community and Rural Housing

The Green Party has grave concerns for the future of community housing projects and the Rural Housing programme.


Environment 19 Feb 2009
Time to pull stumps on arsenic herbicide

Green MP Sue Kedgley is calling on the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA) to immediately halt the use of methylarsinic acid — an arsenic based herbicide used on New Zealand sports fields.


Health 19 Feb 2009
Massive rise in superbugs alarming  Government Missing in Action

The Green Party revealed figures today showing a massive increase in infections caused by a particularly nasty superbug – Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE), a highly infectious organism resistant to almost all antibiotics.


Politics 19 Feb 2009
National can correct Labours S92A mistake

The Government should stop the guilt upon accusation provisions in the Copyright Act from coming into force next week and allow a review of the draconian clauses in the Act, said Green MP Metiria Turei today.


Politics 19 Feb 2009
Nationals tenancy law changes unfair and poorly timed

National’s plans to reverse changes to residential tenancy laws show a lack of balance and very poor timing.


Politics 18 Feb 2009
F & P  bailout dubious, criteria must come first

It is critical that Government set clear criteria before moving to rescue Fisher & Paykel or any other company in trouble.


Politics 18 Feb 2009
Let them eat cake, drink cola and go nuts

Anne Tolley today confirmed she is the Märie Antoinette of Education Ministers with her 'let them eat cake' and anything whatsoever attitude to food sold in schools, said the Green Party’s Health spokesperson Sue Kedgley.


Government 17 Feb 2009
Job Destruction at MSD one week before Summit a shocker: Greens

Confirmation today that the Government plans to cut at least 500 jobs from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) is a shocker.


Environment 17 Feb 2009
Officials say RMA changes undermine rights

The Green Party is calling on the Government to rethink proposed changes to the Resource Management Act after leaked Cabinet advice reveals that they are an assault on fundamental rights of New Zealanders.


Electricity 16 Feb 2009
Greens call for DOC independence to be protected

OTAGO — The Government should let the Department of Conservation (DOC) stick up for our environment as it is legally required to do, Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei said today.


Corrections 16 Feb 2009
Privatised prisons are a recipe for disaster: Greens

National’s plans for privatising prisons, and a three-strikes-and-you’re-out policy will worsen, not improve, New Zealand’s criminal justice system.


Environment 13 Feb 2009
John - Green Collar Jobs Are Important

Mr Key needs to take more than just dancing tips from Obama - he needs to take note of the importance the United States is putting on moving their economy to sustainability and their workforce to green collar jobs, said Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman.


Environment 13 Feb 2009
Climate change truth is self-evident: Greens

As Auckland experiences its highest-ever temperatures, droughts worsen each year and Australian bush fires rage, the New Zealand Government is looking more and more behind the game.


Council 13 Feb 2009
No justice at all in RMA changes

Changes to the Resource Management Act (RMA) mean that the wealthy developer and the little Kiwi battler are in a David and Goliath situation – except the Kiwi battler no longer has a sling, said Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman today.


Politics 11 Feb 2009
Go forward on Electoral Reform not back

The Electoral Finance Act (EFA) helps keep big money out of politics and the National-led Government should retain more than just its rules on donation disclosures, the Green Party said today.


Science 11 Feb 2009
Stop acting like Muppets and cancel all GE trials

CANTERBURY — “The scientists off the Muppet Show, Dr Bunsen Honeydew and his assistant Beaker, would have more luck in containing a GE field trial than Crop and Food Research,” said Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Politics 11 Feb 2009
Two steps forward for National, one back

The Green Party has welcomed two planks in the Government’s infrastructure package but says National has broken a recent promise on public transport.


Politics 10 Feb 2009
Unanimous Support for Greens Pay Resolution

The Green Party resolution to hold MPs’ pay at current levels passed with support from all parties in Parliament today after negotiations with both National and Labour.


Politics 10 Feb 2009
Greens and National move to freeze MP pay

WELLINGTON CITY — The Greens and National have reached agreement on a resolution to hold MPs’ pay at current levels while the New Zealand economy struggles.


Employment 9 Feb 2009
Low waged workers still trying to keep heads above water

Today’s Minimum Pay rise to $12.50 is simply not enough for Kiwis on low incomes, says the Green Party.


Politics 9 Feb 2009
PM needs to seek more answers from the SIS

Green Party MP Keith Locke says Prime Minister John Key needs to ask some more questions of the Security Intelligence Service (SIS) - given that he is the responsible Minister.


Building 9 Feb 2009
Business as usual for Green Homes Fund: Greens

News that John Key is going to invest in upgrading and insulating state houses is puzzling, given that in the 2008 budget Parliament voted $53 million over five years to complete insulation and energy efficiency upgrades of all state houses, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons said.


Politics 8 Feb 2009
Close my file and stop snooping on MPs

Green Party MP Keith Locke wants an assurance that the Security Intelligence Service (SIS) will finally close the file on his life  after over five decades of unwarranted snooping  and pledge that it will cease monitoring the political activities of MPs.


Politics 6 Feb 2009
Greens move to freeze MP salary rises

When Parliament resumes next week, Green Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons will move a resolution to freeze MP salaries at current levels for the remaining term of this Government.


Health 5 Feb 2009
National Brings Back Junk Food, say Greens

Green MP Health spokesperson Sue Kedgley says she is astounded that the National Party has scrapped a requirement that schools sell healthy food, and is giving schools the green light to start selling junk food again.


Employment 5 Feb 2009
Smart thinking key to keep Kiwis working: Greens

News today of a big increase in numbers on the unemployment benefit is a wake up call that National must act quickly to implement real solutions to the current crisis.


Maori 5 Feb 2009
Green MPs Affirm Commitment to Treaty at Waitangi

WAITANGI — Green Party Co-Leader, Dr Russel Norman, along with Green MPs –Sue Bradford, Kevin Hague and Catherine Delahunty will attend Waitangi Day commemorations in Waitangi over the next two days.


Business 5 Feb 2009
New Zealand still waiting for a coherent Green New Deal

Green Party Small Business Spokesperson, Kevin Hague, welcomed the Government's announcement of provisional tax relief measures to help small and medium businesses, but said that what was really needed was the kind of coherent 'Green New Deal' recently expounded by Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman.


Health 5 Feb 2009
All Poisoned Timber Workers Need Help Now

“The Green Party is pleased that the health concerns of timber workers suffering from the effects of highly toxic pentachlorophenol (PCP) exposure are finally being acknowledged.


Politics 4 Feb 2009
Green Party Welcomes Government Reversal on Insulation

The Greens are welcoming the Government’s decision to bring back home insulation as part of their economic package.


Deaths 4 Feb 2009
Greens acknowledge loss of DPA President

The Green Party is saddened to hear of the sudden death of Disabled Persons Assembly President Eamon Daly.


Environment 4 Feb 2009
Balance moves against environment and community

The Government’s proposed Resource Management (Simplify and Streamline) Amendment Bill, announced this afternoon, changes the balance away from environmental protection and community involvement and towards unsustainable development, say the Greens.


Employment 3 Feb 2009
Money in low-wage workers' pockets vital to fight recession

Lifting the minimum wage will help New Zealand ride out the recession and the National-led Government must realise that and act quickly, says the Green Party.


Transport 2 Feb 2009
Time to charge full steam ahead with electrification

AUCKLAND — The Green Party says now is the time to charge full steam ahead with electrifying Auckland’s rail network.


Employment 2 Feb 2009
Greens call for immediate end to stand down periods

Ending stand down periods for Kiwi workers made redundant would mark a great start for new Minister Paula Bennett, says the Green Party.


Building 30 Jan 2009
Drop in Consents Builds Case for Housing & Green Home Fund

A dramatic drop in building consents and fears about the long-term health of the building industry is more evidence that social housing and the Green Homes Fund have a critical role in the Government’s stimulus plan, says Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.