Green Party

2,545 posts | 8 images

The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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News Images
Energy 30 Jan 2009
Greens support new hydro scheme in Buller

WEST COAST — The Green Party’s West Coast-based MP Kevin Hague today lodged a submission in support of a proposed hydro scheme on the Stockton Plateau.


Politics 30 Jan 2009
NZ should act on Sri Lankan humanitarian disaster: Greens

New Zealand should urge the Sri Lankan Government to allow aid agencies access to help civilians trapped by fighting in the country’s civil war, says the Green Party.


Finance 29 Jan 2009
Banks should 'share the love': Greens

The Green Party is applauding Kiwibank’s decision to pass interest rate cuts from today’s easing of the Official Cash Rate on to small business owners, farmers and home owners.


Agriculture 28 Jan 2009
Fonterra needs to release minutes, say Greens

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley today called on Fonterra to help set the record straight on the Chinese milk contamination scandal.


Employment 28 Jan 2009
Pay freeze will only intensify recession: Greens

A freeze on the minimum wage is the last thing our economy needs.


Building 27 Jan 2009
Faster solutions needed for housing crisis: Greens

New evidence of the housing affordability crisis means National must look harder and faster for solutions, including measures proposed by the Green Party.


Health 26 Jan 2009
New sunbed safety guidelines need legal force: Greens

Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is calling on the Government and Health Minister Tony Ryall to follow Australia and make newly-released sunbed guidelines mandatory.


Politics 25 Jan 2009
Green Party Presents Policy Challenge

The Green Party today presented the Government with a series of ready-to-go policies that can help New Zealand’s economy, people and the environment at the same time.


Politics 24 Jan 2009
NZ Govt and Fonterra should speak out against death sentences in China

The Government and Fonterra should speak out strongly against the death sentences imposed on two Chinese men for their role in contaminating milk, says Green MP Keith Locke.


Politics 23 Jan 2009
NZ Govt and Fonterra should speak out against death sentences in China

WELLINGTON CITY — The Government and Fonterra should speak out strongly against the death sentences imposed on two Chinese men for their role in contaminating milk, says Green MP Keith Locke.


Politics 21 Jan 2009
Obamas Green Leadership Challenges National

As the new US President promised again to champion the environment, Green Party Co-Leader Dr.


Politics 20 Jan 2009
Warm dry homes, not motorway binge

The Greens are calling on the Government to bring back the billion dollar Green Homes Fund as part of their economic package, being discussed at today’s Cabinet meeting.


Diplomacy 19 Jan 2009
NZ should join world leaders to get Israel out of Gaza

WELLINGTON CITY — In the wake of the Israel/Hamas ceasefire, Green MP Keith Locke wants New Zealand to follow the lead of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and speak out more strongly on the Gaza issue.


Waste 15 Jan 2009
Nats to trash public recycling bins

The Green Party is dismayed to learn from sources that the National-Act-Maori Government is planning to eliminate funding to the ‘Love NZ’ public recycling bins in the 2009/10 Budget.


Aid 9 Jan 2009
NZ should give emergency aid to Gaza

Green MP Keith Locke is calling on the Government to give emergency aid to the people of Gaza.


Education 5 Jan 2009
Quality and Quantity Key Issues in Education

Green Party Education Spokesperson Catherine Delahunty says that Professor John Hattie’s indepth study of student achievement raises many important issues but fails to make the link between student/ teacher relationships and class size.


Diplomacy 5 Jan 2009
Green MP to attend Wellington protest against Gaza war

WELLINGTON CITY —  Green MP Keith Locke will speak at a protest in Wellington tomorrow against Israel's military assault on Gaza.


Diplomacy 3 Jan 2009
NZ Govt fiddles while Gaza burns

Green MP Keith Locke has criticised the New Zealand Government for its silence on the bombardment of Gaza.


Diplomacy 2 Jan 2009
NZ Govt fiddles while Gaza burns

Green MP Keith Locke has criticised the New Zealand Government for its silence on the bombardment of Gaza.


Diplomacy 30 Dec 2008
Assault on Gaza should stop now

Green MP Keith Locke says New Zealand should call for an immediate end to the Israeli assault on Gaza.


Environment 22 Dec 2008
Elitist Govt leaves Kiwis in the poo

Ordinary Kiwis who like to swim in a river, surf at a beach, catch a fish or collect shellfish have been left drowning in cow effluent while the Government has exclusive meetings with industrial agriculture companies over the future of water in our country, says the Green Party.


Police 21 Dec 2008
Undercover agent court fiasco strengthens call for inquiry - Greens

Green MP Keith Locke says a police infiltrators disruption of an anti-GE protesters court case against the Police reinforces the case for an independent Commission of Inquiry into the activities of the Police Special Investigation Group.


Politics 18 Dec 2008
Debt must fund sustainable future and jobs

The Greens are calling on the Government to make sure that their spending program over the next few years is one that actually improves the sustainability of the New Zealand economy and creates jobs in New Zealand.


Politics 18 Dec 2008
Green Party Adjournment Debate Speech

WELLINGTON — On behalf of the Green Party may I congratulate you on your new role, Mr Speaker, and thank the Clerks office for its excellent management of the House this year.


Politics 16 Dec 2008
Many left out in the cold under Nats programme

While John Key's ReStart assistance package for newly redundant workers will help those who qualify, there will still be an awful lot of people for whom this will make no difference, Green Party Social Development spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Police 15 Dec 2008
Police Commissioners excuses ring hollow: Greens

Green MP Keith Locke says Police Commissioner Howard Broad’s reasons for planting agents in protest groups only makes matters worse.


Environment 15 Dec 2008
Greens Welcome ERMA Decision on Endosulfan

Green Party MPs Sue Kedgley and Catherine Delahunty expressed delight at today’s decision by ERMA to ban the highly toxic insecticide endosulfan, effective from January 16th.


Politics 15 Dec 2008
NZ dragging the chain on climate change

New Zealand could be a world leader on finding ways to feed the world without changing the climate, instead of dragging the chain as we have done at the Poznan climate negotiations, the Green Party says.


Police 14 Dec 2008
Police Stasi tactics towards protestors undermine democracy: Greens

WEST COAST — Green MP Keith Locke is calling for an inquiry into the Police Special Investigation Group following evidence it is planting paid informants in legitimate protest groups.


Politics 11 Dec 2008
Strengthening child protection is a good move: Greens

The Green Party has welcomed the Government’s bill to add to the Sentencing Act guidance on legal consequences for offending against children.


Environment 11 Dec 2008
Mapua report exposes emerging eco crisis: Greens

TASMAN — The independent report into the Ministry for the Environment’s handling of the Mapua contaminated site clean up confirms bad decisions were made and the community has been exposed to the risk of further contamination, says Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty.


Politics 10 Dec 2008
Anti-democratic Government keeps Kiwis in the dark

The Green Party is gravely concerned the new Government is keeping Kiwis in the dark on laws it plans to pass under urgency this week, leaving no opportunity for the people of New Zealand to debate these proposals before they become law.


Marine 10 Dec 2008
Save Pacific Oceans shrinking tuna fish stocks: Greens

The Green Party is calling on the Fisheries Minister to support the Parties to Nauru Agreement and protect the dwindling tuna fisheries in the high seas of the Pacific.


Politics 10 Dec 2008
More to do on 60th anniversary of human rights declaration

Green Party MP Keith Locke says New Zealand still has several human rights challenges 60 years after it signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Diplomacy 10 Dec 2008
Dont back off Stockholm Embassy, say Greens

Green MP Keith Locke is asking Foreign Minister Murray McCully to proceed with plans for a new embassy in Stockholm.


Employment 9 Dec 2008
Jobs and democracy at stake with fire-at-will bill: Greens

National’s bid to push its 90-day bill through under urgency this week is a disgraceful attack on both workers’ rights and on democracy.


Waste 8 Dec 2008
Were swimming in it

The Green Party is calling on the Government, as part of its infrastructure stimulus package, to offer financial support to local councils to upgrade their sewage treatment plants.


Politics 8 Dec 2008
Buy Kiwi Made decision shows Govts lack of economic skill

The new Minister of Economic Development shows a remarkable lack of economic understanding in his decision to suspend the Buy Kiwi Made campaign, the Green Party says.


Politics 5 Dec 2008
Flaws in consumer safety revealed in briefing notes

The Briefing to the incoming Minister of Consumer Affairs reveals that New Zealand needs a far more robust regime to ensure the safety of imported products and to protect New Zealanders from products that pose a serious risk to consumer safety, the Green Party says.


Politics 4 Dec 2008
Maori Party must use influence on climate: Greens

Welcoming the Maori Party’s call today for ‘urgent and meaningful’ action on climate change, the Green Party urges Maori Party Ministers to help rescue New Zealand’s climate credibility.


Politics 4 Dec 2008
Council homeless law not the answer: Greens

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland City Council's plan to create a new bylaw to force homeless people out of the city is pointless and cruel, the Green Party says.


Swimming 3 Dec 2008
School swimming lessons save lives - Greens

School swimming lessons play a vital role in preventing drowning – and it is not good enough that learning to swim is increasingly becoming a privilege for those whose parents can afford private lessons,” the Green Party says.


Aviation 3 Dec 2008
Mayor wrong on airports importance - Greens

WELLINGTON — Green Party MP Sue Kedgley says she is startled to learn that Wellington Mayor Kerry Prendergast does not believe the city’s international airport is a strategic asset, and considers that there is little to lose if Wellington City Council sells all of its 34 percent shareholding.


Police 3 Dec 2008
Greens welcome more cops on bikes

UPPER HUTT — The Green Party today welcomes the Upper Hutt Police joining Nelson Police in allocating mountain bikes to some officers for their patrol work.


Corrections 3 Dec 2008
Jailhouse mental health crisis needs urgent attention: Greens

National’s plans to increase the prison muster will compound existing mental health issues in prisons – highlighted in Chief Ombudsman Beverley Wakem’s annual report – and create a hazardous environment for prisoners, corrections staff and the wider community, says the Green Party.


Politics 2 Dec 2008
Open government needs open information

The Green Party is calling for the Official Information Act (OIA) to be strengthened, in light of the Ombudsmen’s annual report to Parliament today suggesting its purpose is being subverted by delaying tactics used by some Government agencies and ministerial offices.


Building 2 Dec 2008
More state housing needed, not less: Greens

The building industry downturn means National should invest in more state houses – not put a cap on them – says the Green Party.


Defence 2 Dec 2008
Greens welcome Keys clear rejection of air strike force

Green Party Defence Spokesperson Keith Locke welcomes Prime Minister John Key’s unequivocal rejection of an air strike force.


Environment 1 Dec 2008
Governments stance is economic and climate suicide

The Government is threatening New Zealand’s economic future by backing away from targets to reduce greenhouse emissions in the Poznan climate talks, the Green Party says.


Building 1 Dec 2008
Dont kill Green Homes Fund, urges Green Party

The release of the Business Council for Sustainable Development’s report on substandard New Zealand homes highlights both the value of the billion dollar Green Homes Fund and the Government’s flawed thinking in plans to ditch it, says the Green Party.


Politics 27 Nov 2008
Removing cap on fees will further knee-cap students

The Green Party is pleased the Government will not burden students with more debt by abolishing the cap on student fees.


Politics 17 Nov 2008
Time to repeal seabed and foreshore laws is now: Greens

The Green Party is calling on the new National-led Government to immediately repeal the controversial foreshore and seabed legislation.


Politics 14 Nov 2008
New s59 research puts paid to myths: Greens

New research released this morning puts paid to some of the myths about lack of public support for the section 59 law change, says the Green Party.


Corrections 13 Nov 2008
Dumb, Dumb and Dumber: Three strikes policy = ignorance

Green Party Justice Spokesperson Metiria Turei supports the concerns of the Rethinking Crime and Punishment organisation about the cost of ACT’s three strikes imprisonment policy.


Maori 12 Nov 2008
Jobs and housing top priority for Maori

Green Party Maori Issues Spokesperson Metiria Turei has reminded Maori leaders that job and housing security for Maori are on a razor-edge and can be either undermined or further advanced, depending on National-Act economic policy.


Politics 7 Nov 2008
Fitzsimons visits the future on the last day of campaign

Today Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons visited a junior school under construction which incorporates a number of heating and energy initiatives, making it one of the most efficient schools in the country.


Politics 6 Nov 2008
Greens disappointed at mischief-making

The Green Party says National Party blogger David Farrar is mischief-making over his attempts to link the Greens to the cocktail party recordings.


Politics 5 Nov 2008
Obama's win is a rejection of rightwing politics

The victory of Barack Obama in the United States presidential election is a rejection of old rightwing politics, the Green Party says.


Food 5 Nov 2008
Green Party's Australian/NZ food labelling push

The Australian and New Zealand Green parties announced today they will work together to revamp food labelling laws in New Zealand and Australia over the next three years, by seeking to introduce parallel legislation in both countries, and other initiatives.


Media 5 Nov 2008
APN sale raises risk to diversity of opinions - Greens

Rumours that Fairfax may be interested in snapping up rival media company APN have raised concerns about the independence of New Zealand’s news industry should such a deal go ahead, the Green Party says.


Food 5 Nov 2008
Shopping with Sue and Aust Senator Bob Brown in Auckland

AUCKLAND — Green Party MP Sue Kedgley will take visting Australian Green Party leader Senator Bob Brown on a supermarket tour of the College Hill New World supermarket in Auckland at 2.20pm today.


Politics 4 Nov 2008
Young Leaders Debate

WELLINGTON CITY — Last week the Young Leaders Debate was filmed for Youtube in Wellington with young candidates and youth-wing representatives from 8 parties discussing "what we agree on" with Mikey Havoc moderating.


Environment 4 Nov 2008
No cell towers near schools/preschools: Greens

The Green Party released its health policy on electro-magnetic radiation today, calling for a requirement that cell towers not be located near schools or childcare centres and for an independent review of the New Zealand standard on Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs).


Politics 4 Nov 2008
Another town, another highway

The Green Party today warned communities along the path of John Key’s election schedule to cancel all appointments with the would-be Prime Minister or risk having a multi-lane highway fast-tracked through their town.


Politics 4 Nov 2008
Will Nats support Feds' rural feudalism

The Green Party is calling on National to make clear whether they support or oppose proposals from Federated Farmers to set up a rural gerrymander at local government level as proposed today in the Feds Manifesto.


Environment 4 Nov 2008
Farmer bulldozes through RMA and native forest

TARANAKI — In response to Federated Farmers demand to weaken the Resource Management Act, the Green Party has released leaked information showing the RMA is already so weak a council was able to rubber stamp the secret clearance of 100 year old native bush for dairying in south Taranaki.


Politics 3 Nov 2008
Green forum on the Global financial crisis

WELLINGTON CITY — Green solutions to the current global financial crisis will be discussed by Green Party leaders from Australia and New Zealand, and an economic panel, in central Auckland this Wednesday.


Politics 3 Nov 2008
Greens clean up in environment poll

The Green Partys huge lead in a major environmental poll gives a clear indication of where we stand on environmental issue - out in front by a long way, the Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Politics 3 Nov 2008
Shining a spotlight on government

The Green Party has today launched an ambitious and comprehensive Open Government policy to expose Government decision-making to closer public scrutiny.


Politics 2 Nov 2008
Acts zero tolerance for original ideas

While the Green Party are pleased we are so high in the polls that Act is spending its small broadcasting allocation to attack us, we’d much rather they observed their own policy of ‘zero tolerance for crime’, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Environment 2 Nov 2008
Get the **** out of our swimming and fishing spots

The Green Party today released its plan to clean up New Zealands rivers, lakes and aquifers.


Transport 1 Nov 2008
Labours transport policy: more cars

"Despite Labour’s rhetoric of sustainability and some baby steps towards this, their newly released transport policy is business as usual: more funding for roads,” Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 1 Nov 2008
Key package helps - but Greens say Kiwis deserve better

Details of John Key’s transitional relief package show that National, like Labour, still falls short in terms of providing equitable assistance for all newly laid-off workers, says the Green Party.


Politics 1 Nov 2008
Iconic 'Vote For Me' Billboard goes viral

The iconic Green Party 'Vote for me' election campaign has gone viral and opened to the public to create their own billboards online.


Politics 1 Nov 2008
Research shows s59 law having positive impact - Greens

New research out today shows that few parents believe physical discipline is the most effective way of bringing up children.


Tourism 1 Nov 2008
Environment pivotal in Green Party tourism policy

The Green Party’s new tourism policy – launched today – will ensure New Zealand lives up to its clean green image and provides sustainable tourism for both domestic and international visitors.


Finance 1 Nov 2008
Nats finally wake up to banks' responsibilities

The Green Party is welcoming National’s belated recognition that the banks have responsibilities in return for taxpayers underwriting the deposit guarantee scheme and in return for the Reserve Bank extending them lines of credit.


Employment 31 Oct 2008
Compassion key to Greens' unemployment support package

Everyone who loses their job deserves support, Green Party Social Development Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Politics 30 Oct 2008
Key cornered on different ETS stories

John Key’s attempts to evade discussing his party’s position on the Emissions Trading Scheme came to an abrupt end today when he was cornered by Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons in a Paraparaumu mall.


Politics 30 Oct 2008
Human rights left out of Nats foreign policy

National’s foreign policy, announced yesterday, fails to properly address the needs of the most oppressed people in the world, the Green Party says.


Health 30 Oct 2008
Fundamental shift in health focus: Greens

The Green Partys Preventative Health Strategy was launched at Wellington Hospital today with Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley calling for a dramatic change in how New Zealand approaches health.


Transport 30 Oct 2008
Infratil seeks to hide huge ratepayer-funded profits

WELLINGTON — The Green Party is accusing Wellington bus service operator Infratil of lobbying politicians to overturn the Public Transport Management Act in order to obscure how they’re spending public money.


Tourism 29 Oct 2008
Greens to Nats - Tourism depends on the environment

The Green Party is reminding the National Party that our tourist industry is 100% reliant on our natural environment.


Environment 29 Oct 2008
Dirty dairy conversions an environmental problem for NZ

Greenpeace’s direct actions to highlight environmental problems caused by industrial farming in the central north island draws attention to results of the Government’s failure to include agriculture into the Emissions Trading Scheme along with other sectors of the economy, says the Green Party.


Politics 29 Oct 2008
Debate: what the young candidates agree on.

This Thursday young leaders from political parties will debate the topic "What do we agree on?" in Wellington, moderated by TV and radio celebrity Mikey Havoc, streamed live to the Net and uploaded to Youtube.


Corrections 28 Oct 2008
Worst for last in Nats' Prisons policy

The National Party has saved the worst for last in their Prisons policy - that they will allow competitive tendering for the management of prisons on a case-by-case basis, the Green Party says.


Politics 28 Oct 2008
Putting NZ back on air: Greens' broadcasting policy

The Green Party says New Zealand has the most deregulated broadcasting environment in the western world and a Broadcasting Commission is needed to set some ground rules for broadcasters in New Zealand.


Art 28 Oct 2008
Green Party - Advocate for the Arts

The Green Party’s artistic vision of the future – where artists and the arts are recognised and supported for the contribution they make to New Zealand – will be unveiled in the Party’s arts, cultural and heritage policy launch at Auckland’s Imperial Hotel tonight.


Politics 28 Oct 2008
Key wants FPP back - and the Greens gone

John Key’s call for the party with the most votes to form the Government is a disguised call for returning to First Past the Post - where a Government could represent a minority of voters, the Green Party says.


Politics 27 Oct 2008
Key's Welfare Proposal Unworkable and Unfair: Greens

The Green Party says that John Key’s $100m unemployment plan is seriously flawed.


Politics 27 Oct 2008
Green ads acclaim goes global

Acclaim for the Green Party election campaign has gone global with the iconic ‘Aila’ billboard rating number one on the international billboard of the week spot on the highly regarded website, an online showcase for top advertising work from around the world.


Finance 26 Oct 2008
Aussie banks should suspend export of dividends

The Aussie banks should cease exporting dividends back to their Australian parent banks while they are getting financial support from the Reserve Bank, says the Green Party.


Politics 24 Oct 2008
Two-headed monster threatens clean and green exports

The Green Party is calling on New Zealanders to be wary of the National/Act two-headed monster that is threatening New Zealand’s clean and green reputation, a reputation that underpins our export economy.


Agriculture 24 Oct 2008
Greens launch Clean Green Agriculture at Hastings

HASTINGS — Cementing and building on New Zealand’s international clean green image is central to the Green Party’s new Agricultural Policy.


Politics 24 Oct 2008
Organics can feed the world, but National silent

The Green Party is calling for the New Zealand farming sector to take note of a new United Nations report (1) which shows that organic production in Africa can increase yields while protecting soils and the environment.


Crime 23 Oct 2008
Drug flood fears founded, vigilance urged: Greens

News today of a 100kg Chinese drug seizure in Auckland underscores the fears voiced by Green Party MP Metiria Turei earlier this month.


Politics 23 Oct 2008
Bank guarantee should halt dividend flows offshore

ANZ’s $3.3 billion annual profit reinforces the Green Party’s call for a limit on dividends flowing out of New Zealand into overseas investors’ pockets, now the New Zealand taxpayer is shouldering the risks of the banking sector’s behaviour.


Politics 23 Oct 2008
Nat MP's slip reveals secret road-building agenda

Nationals secret road building agenda has been revealed by loose-lipped MP Maurice Williamson.


Economy 23 Oct 2008
Bollard confirms inflation now beyond control

Today's Reserve Bank decision to cut interest rates by 1 percent when inflation is running the highest in 18 years confirms that the thinking behind monetary policy is obsolete, says the Green Party.


Transport 22 Oct 2008
Greens Launch Wellington Transport Strategy

WELLINGTON — The Green Party announced their Transport Strategy for Wellington today, which is designed to eliminate congestion in Wellington, make public transport affordable, and reduce our carbon emissions and our reliance on fossil fuels.