Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 13 Jul 2009
Minister must put NZ interests first

Food Safety Minister Kate Wilkinson must put New Zealand’s interests first in any decision she makes regarding the fortification of bread with folic acid, said the Green Party’s Food Safety spokesperson Sue Kedgley.


Health 13 Jul 2009
Report highlights Government stupidity on obesity

News that New Zealand has the third highest rate of obesity in the OECD shows that the Government needs to make fighting obesity its top health priority, said the Green Party today.


Politics 10 Jul 2009
Greens call for more public information on new services

Green Party MP Kevin Hague today called on Te Ara Mahi and Richmond Fellowship to give the public more information about the services they will be providing on the Coast for people who have experienced mental illness.


Food 9 Jul 2009
NZ should push pause on folic fortification

Fears voiced by Food Safety Minister Kate Wilkinson that New Zealand could jeopardise trans-tasman relations if it paused on the mandatory fortification of bread with folic acid is at odds with our willingness to go our own way on country of origin labelling, said Green Party MP Sue Kedgley.


Diplomacy 7 Jul 2009
Security threats from climate change top Pacific agenda

Security threats from climate change must top the agenda of John Key’s tour of Pacific island nations after a recent United Nations Security Council Resolution, the Green Party said today.


Environment 6 Jul 2009
Keys Pacific tour should prompt rethink of climate change targets

Prime Minister John Key should use his Pacific tour to educate himself on the need for stronger climate change targets to stop rising sea levels from swamping some islands.


Diplomacy 5 Jul 2009
Keys Pacific tour should prompt rethink of climate change targets

Prime Minister John Key should use his Pacific tour to educate himself on the need for stronger climate change targets to stop rising sea levels from swamping some islands.


Conservation 2 Jul 2009
New Bill good for dolphins and fishing industry

New Zealand’s iconic dolphins, sea lions and albatrosses have renewed hope for their protection with the drawing of a Green Party Bill from the Members’ ballot today.


Diplomacy 1 Jul 2009
Greens condemn Israel's boarding of aid ship to Gaza

The Green Party have called for the Israeli government to immediately release humanitarians from several countries detained, reportedly in international waters, while bringing an aid shipment to the Gaza strip.


Energy 1 Jul 2009
Greens win support for sustainable biofuels on Green Day

The Green Party is optimistic about the future of biofuels now that the Government has signalled support for the Green’s Sustainable Biofuel Bill being introduced tonight.


Police 1 Jul 2009
Repeal Foreshore and Seabed Act, say Greens

The Green Party is calling on the Government to repeal the Foreshore and Seabed Act as recommended by the review panel today.


Politics 30 Jun 2009
Greens split-target the way forward

A split-target for emissions reductions is the practical way forward for New Zealand, the Green Party said today.


Waste 30 Jun 2009
Smart economic tool reduces waste from tomorrow

New Zealand takes a major step towards waste reduction tomorrow with the introduction of a smart economic incentive, said the Green Party.


Politics 29 Jun 2009
Welfare should strengthen  not threaten - families

New Zealand families are under daily attack from a welfare system that financially rewards couples who split up, while making things hard for those who struggle to stay together.


Environment 28 Jun 2009
Marfell Park remains open despite dangers

NEW PLYMOUTH — New Plymouth’s Marfell Park remains open to the public and without warning signs despite test results made public this week indicating the likelihood of widespread toxic contamination.


Council 27 Jun 2009
Marfell Park remains open despite dangers

NEW PLYMOUTH — New Plymouth’s Marfell Park remains open to the public and without warning signs despite test results made public this week indicating the likelihood of widespread toxic contamination.


Electricity 25 Jun 2009
Consumers left behind in the smart meter rush

The Green Party’s fear that consumers are missing out on the benefits of smart meters was confirmed today by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment.


Water 25 Jun 2009
Watered Down Water Scheme A Betrayal

The right to safe drinking water should be top priority for the Government the Green Party said today and slammed the decision by the Government to delay the introduction of safe drinking water standards by three years.


Electricity 25 Jun 2009
Will smart meters fail consumers?

 There is great risk to consumers if the Government fails to take the lead in setting minimum performance standards for smart meters.


Diplomacy 24 Jun 2009
Green Party Motion supporting Iranian demonstrators passes

The New Zealand Parliament today joined other nations, including the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union in supporting Iranian citizens calling for an impartial examination of their recent election.


Council 24 Jun 2009
Forced Amalgamation not what Wellington Needs

WELLINGTON — The Auckland SuperCity fiasco shows exactly why Wellington should not go down the road of forced amalgamation, Wellington Green MP Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 24 Jun 2009
Time to build - not flog off - more state houses

Building more state houses and increasing housing affordability are both vital.


Food 23 Jun 2009
Voluntary food labelling open to voluntary opt-out

New Zealanders will continue to be denied the right to know where their food comes from if the Government relies on voluntary country of origin labelling, said Green Party MP Sue Kedgley.


Politics 21 Jun 2009
Second birthday of s59 amendment to help protect kids from violence worth celebrating

Today New Zealand celebrates two years of positive change for children since the law changed to give children the same legal protection from assault as adults.


Police 19 Jun 2009
Turn green light for taser roll-out to red

New Zealand should follow the lead of the Queensland Government and suspend its roll-out of tasers pending an inquiry into their use, said Green Party MP Keith Locke.


Environment 19 Jun 2009
Greens say its only fair that polluters pay costs

  The Green Party welcomed today’s acknowledgement of responsibility for historic contamination by a chemical company, but called for clear financial liability and a fairer contribution to the clean-up and health costs.


Politics 18 Jun 2009
Sustainable Biofuels & Forestry Bills go to the House

Green Party Member’s Bills to give New Zealand better biofuels and encourage sustainable forestry will go before the House, after the pair were drawn from the Member’s ballot today.


Health 18 Jun 2009
Political Prostate Inquiry is Daft and Dangerous

The Health Select Committee’s prostate cancer inquiry, announced today, is potentially dangerous political interference and a waste of the Committee’s time said Green Party MP Kevin Hague, who is a member of the Committee.


Business 18 Jun 2009
Economic models support action on climate change

New economic modelling shows that New Zealand can continue with an Emissions Trading Scheme at little economic cost and Green Party MP Jeanette Fitzsimons says it is a clear message to Government to stop dithering and get on with it.


Banks 15 Jun 2009
Banks deserve less credit

Scrutiny of the banking sector should include high credit card interest rates, Green Co-Leader Russel Norman said today.


Health 15 Jun 2009
Cutting Fruit In Schools would be a rotten move

Cutting free fruit to some of New Zealand’s neediest kids would be an attack on commonsense and child health, Green Health spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Education 14 Jun 2009
Government suffocating polytechnics

The Government is squandering another opportunity to boost economic productivity and get young adults off the street by refusing to fully fund tertiary education institutions.


Politics 11 Jun 2009
Kiwi Greens relieved Bob Brown will stand tall

The Green Party in New Zealand has welcomed news that overwhelming public support has ensured that the Australian Green Party leader, Senator Bob Brown, will retain his seat in the Australian Federal Senate.


Environment 10 Jun 2009
Playground contamination shows register needed

TARANAKI — The Green Party is calling for a national register of contaminated sites in the wake of the alarming discovery of extremely high levels of dioxin under a children’s playground in Taranaki.


Education 10 Jun 2009
Education frontline needs support  now!

The Green Party is keen to support the backbone of the education sector – the school support staff whose work will be celebrated around New Zealand today – achieve a living wage.


Politics 10 Jun 2009
Government Mistakenly Gives Biofuel Subsidy to Foreign Farmers

National’s new biofuels legislation risks doing more harm than good to the environment and to New Zealand business, Green MP Jeanette Fitzsimons said today as she released a Member's Bill to fix the mistake.


Politics 8 Jun 2009
Key must rein in Hides radical right agenda

The release of an obscure cabinet paper revealing a plan to gut local government and open the door to privatisation of assets has Green Co-Leader Russel Norman calling on the Prime Minister to rein in Rodney Hide.


Conservation 8 Jun 2009
Our Ocean  the Heart of the Earth

Today is World Oceans Day.


Health 4 Jun 2009
Greens want national clinical standards for ambulances

The Green Party today welcomed the Government’s confirmation that there will be new funding for the ambulance sector.


Politics 4 Jun 2009
MPs Make Spending Public

The Green Party today made public the travel and accommodation spending of its Members of Parliament.


Environment 4 Jun 2009
Green MPs Freeze for World Environment Day

Green Party Co-Leader Metiria Turei and Green MP Sue Kedgley will Freeze tomorrow to mark World Environment Day.


Politics 1 Jun 2009
Green MPs to Make All Expenses Public

Following the example of Russel Norman as our candidate in Mt Albert, this week we will release the costs of all MPs air travel, taxi use, rental car hire, Wellington accommodation and out of Wellington hotel costs for the period 1 January to 30 April.


Politics 31 May 2009
Dr Russel Norman: Speech to the 2009 Green Party Annual Conference - Grand Theft Auckland

DUNEDIN —   Summary * Analysis of how SuperCity and RMA legislation amounts to 'Grand Theft Auckland'.


Politics 31 May 2009
Green Party Elects Metiria Turei Co-Leader

DUNEDIN — The Green Party elected Metiria Turei its new female Co-Leader today.


Politics 30 May 2009
A New Energy, a New Face, the same Commitment to the Same Values

Speech by Jeanette Fitzsimons to Green Party conference, 29 May 2009-05-29 Fourteen years ago at Tauhara Centre in Taupo you elected Rod Donald and me as your first co-leaders.


Politics 29 May 2009
Budget 2009: Borrow Green Policies Not Money for Motorways

The current Government needs to borrow more Green Party ideas in addition to the housing insulation plan announced in yesterday’s budget said Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman.


Building 28 May 2009
Greens negotiate landmark insulation programme

The Green Party has negotiated an enhanced home insulation programme with the National-led Government.


Politics 27 May 2009
Green Screen the Budget

New Zealanders can now compare the National Government’s economic stimulus plans to a Green New Deal-style package thanks to a nationwide tour by Green Party MPs, a newsletter to more than 300,000 homes and a dedicated website.


Agriculture 26 May 2009
PM Needs to be Prime Mover on Stuck Pigs

The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister John Key to intervene on the issue of sow crates.


Politics 26 May 2009
New State Housing Policy a Recipe for Crime

The Government's move to stop people from living in state houses while on bail is a recipe for increased crime and poverty, said Green Housing spokesperson Sue Bradford today.


Council 24 May 2009
Greens to march in Hikoi on Maori representation in Auckland

AUCKLAND — The Green Party is calling on the Government to ensure that Maori are represented in the new Auckland Super-City.


Council 22 May 2009
Hide readies bulldozers for Auckland democracy

AUCKLAND — The Government has named the membership of the Auckland Transition Agency, who will bulldoze through its changes despite widespread opposition in Auckland, the Green Party said today.


Food 21 May 2009
Pork Labelling Urgently Needed, say Greens

The Prime Minister needs to step in and require the clear labelling of pork products so consumers can act in good conscience and buy humanely reared pork, Green Animal Welfare Spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Police 20 May 2009
Taser Use Is Torture Says UN Report on NZ

The Government should take note of concerns the United Nations Committee Against Torture has regarding the use of the electric stun gun known as the Taser in New Zealand, said Green Party Human Rights Spokesperson Keith Locke.



Transport 19 May 2009
Government forces Kiwis into cars

The Government’s plan for transport spending shows no vision and leaves New Zealanders with no other choice but to drive, the Green Party said today.


Council 19 May 2009
Hide undermines Local Government Commission

AUCKLAND — Super-City lobbyist Grant Kirby’s appointment to the Local Government Commission undermines its independence and exposes Rodney Hide’s cronyism, Green Local Government Spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Agriculture 19 May 2009
Greens plans MP visit to pig horror farms

Green MP and Animal Welfare spokesperson Sue Kedgley says the Sunday programme’s footage of a North Island pig farm has lifted the petticoats on the New Zealand pork industry and exposed the truth about the misery of sows kept in cages for months at a time.


Tourism 19 May 2009
Greens Join Cycleway Project

The Green Party has extended its agreement with National to include the New Zealand Cycleway Project.


Marine 18 May 2009
Greens to submit Foreshore and Seabed solution

The Green Party is continuing to advocate for the repeal of the Foreshore and Seabed Act and the amendment of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act so that Maori rights are recognised and protected.


Agriculture 18 May 2009
Greens Call on Agricultural Minister to visit intensive pig farm

Green Animal Welfare Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is calling on the Minister of Agriculture to visit a typical intensive pig farm to see for himself the cruelty sows endure when they are locked into crates for months on end.


Economy 15 May 2009
Green Party Launches Economic Initiative

The Green Party begins a nationwide conversation on the economy today, presenting a billion-dollar stimulus package in 15 towns and cities and delivering its economic message to more than 300,000 New Zealand homes.


Employment 14 May 2009
Government doesnt care about women

The axing of the Department of Labour’s Pay and Employment Equity Unit yesterday is just another example of National’s lack of commitment to human rights and equity issues, said Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty today.


Politics 13 May 2009
Government stages coup d'état in Auckland

AUCKLAND CITY — A few handpicked mates will have stripped Aucklands local authorities of all meaningful power by the end of this week, the Green Party said today.


Politics 12 May 2009
Rankin appointment could sabotage Families Commission

Green Party MP Sue Bradford expressed surprised today at Christine Rankin's appointment as a Families Commissioner.


Flowers 8 May 2009
Buy Kiwi flowers for environment, economy, and Mum!

The Green Party recommended today that New Zealanders buy locally-grown flowers this Mothers’ Day to benefit our economy and environment.


Health 8 May 2009
Government going backwards on obesity

The Government’s decision to remove improving nutrition and reducing obesity as health priorities is stupid and short-sighted, when poor nutrition is a leading cause of death and disease in New Zealand, said Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley today.


Council 7 May 2009
Government leaves room to privatise Auckland water

AUCKLAND — The Government set the stage for a sell-off of Auckland’s water services today.


Health 6 May 2009
Name flesh disease rest homes

AUCKLAND — The Green Party is calling for the three rest homes at the centre of the flesh disease controversy reported in the Dominion Post today to be identified.


Politics 5 May 2009
Name the Secret Lobbyists

Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman called today in Parliament for the identity of secret lobbyists to be revealed.


Environment 5 May 2009
Green credentials give rural supplier competitive edge

MATAMATA — A Matamata rural supplier says its new green credentials are giving it a competitive edge in business.


Environment 4 May 2009
Stop poisoning Bees

Pesticides could decimate New Zealand’s bee population unless the Government takes action, Green MP Sue Kedgley said today.


Pharmacy 1 May 2009
Greens say Illness should be test for Tamiflu, not Wealth

Green Party Health and Wellbeing Spokesperson, Kevin Hague, said today that it was unfair and dangerous for people buying Tamiflu directly from pharmacists to be faced with a bill of over $70, which is simply unaffordable for some families.


Council 1 May 2009
Auckland wants a voice and a choice

AUCKLAND — A survey released by Reid Research today confirmed Auckland’s serious discontent with the Government’s handling of the Super City amalgamation, the Green Party said today.


Politics 30 Apr 2009
Ministry of Fisheries becomes by-catch to Govt agenda

The Green Party is alarmed at today’s proposed restructuring of the Ministry of Fisheries, which ignores sustainability and environmental issues that threaten the fishing industry’s future and our clean green image.


Politics 30 Apr 2009
Environment Minister filing fee flip-flop

 Environment Minister filing fee flip-flop Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman’s questioning of the Minister for the Environment in Parliament today has revealed that the Minister has flip-flopped on statements he made when in opposition about the impacts of proposed increases in Environment Court fees.


Politics 30 Apr 2009
Russel Norman for Mt Albert - a message from Russel

Kia ora koutou, I’ve just been selected as the Green Party’s candidate for the Mt Albert by-election.


Health 30 Apr 2009
Kiwi kids health ignored by Education Minister

Education Minister Anne Tolley confirmed in Parliament today that she totally ignored risks to young New Zealander’s health when she removed the School Food Guidelines, said Green Party MP Sue Kedgley.


Deaths 30 Apr 2009
Greens mark Environment Judge Bollards passing

The Green Party acknowledges the sad passing of John Bollard, Principal Judge of the Environment Court since 2003.


Environment 28 Apr 2009
Clean up your act - Tasman Mills

TASMAN — The Green Party today called on Tasman Mills to do the right thing and invest in clean technology to stop their on-going discharge of toxic chemicals into the Tarawera River.


Science 24 Apr 2009
Storms ahead for NIWA after noble prize-winner sacked

The Green Party is appalled that one of New Zealand’s foremost scientists has been sacked from the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) - apparently for trying to help TVNZ’s weather man – Jim Hickey.


Council 24 Apr 2009
Greens call for formal consultation on Auckland super-city, as required by Local Government Act

AUCKLAND — The Green Party is calling on the Government to undertake a formal consultation process, as required under the Local Government Act (Schedule 3), before it finalises its proposals for an Auckland Super city.


Politics 24 Apr 2009
Green Party Confirms Co-Leader as Mt Albert Nominee

AUCKLAND CITY —  Green Party Confirms Co-Leader as Mt Albert Nominee Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman has been nominated as a Green candidate for the Mt Albert by-election.


Politics 23 Apr 2009
Ryall Risks cutting off nose to spite face say Greens

Health Minister Tony Ryall needs to think again before dropping health targets set for district health boards, said Green Party Health and Wellbeing spokesperson Kevin Hague.


Politics 23 Apr 2009
Greens Welcome Labour U-turn on Foreshore

The Green Party today welcomed Labour’s announcement yesterday of a U-turn on their Foreshore and Seabed Act.


Environment 23 Apr 2009
Government Earth Day coal-mine criminal

WEST COAST — The Green Party is outraged that Solid Energy has announced the start of coal-mining preparations in Happy Valley, describing it as a “kick in the guts” for the planet on Earth Day.


Government 21 Apr 2009
Ending Treaty Settlements by 2014 is Madness

The Green Party is calling on the Government to scrap its 2014 deadline for settling all Treaty of Waitangi claims.


Environment 17 Apr 2009
"Good stuff Foodstuffs!", Greens say

The Green Party today described the decision of Foodstuffs supermarkets to introduce a 5c per plastic bag charge as a welcome step forward.


Conservation 16 Apr 2009
Better protection proposed for at-risk New Zealand birds

News today that some New Zealand bird species continue to struggle for survival present an economic and environmental challenge, the Green Party said.


Maori 16 Apr 2009
National and Labour lag behind world on Indigenous Rights

National and Labour’s reluctance to sign the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People shows a lack of genuine commitment to indigenous rights, Green Party Treaty of Waitangi Spokesperson, Catherine Delahunty said today.


Environment 16 Apr 2009
Greens propose fairer filing fee for the community

The Green Party today lodged a complaint with Parliament’s Regulations Review Committee about the nine-fold increase in the filing fee for Environment Court appeal applications.


Food 16 Apr 2009
Survey shows junk-food school staple

The Green Party revealed today its latest survey of school food.


Conservation 15 Apr 2009
DOC and Greens protest poor Mokihinui process

The Green Party today lodged a formal complaint to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment about the hearings process for the proposed Mokihinui hydro dam.


Employment 15 Apr 2009
National's welfare U-turn an obstacle to social mobility

Pulling yourself out of poverty by your own efforts just got harder for New Zealanders on benefits.


Weather 15 Apr 2009
No more excuses to avoid a 2020 target

WELLINGTON — New Zealand’s net emissions position - released today - eliminates the last excuse the Government had for avoiding a target and confirms that now is the time to make a firm commitment to an emissions target for 2020, the Green Party said today.


Diplomacy 15 Apr 2009
UN Peacekeeping Funding Frank

The Green Party wants New Zealand to lean on the United Nations to stop using peacekeepers from Fiji.


News 15 Apr 2009
UN Peacekeeping Funding Franks Follies

The Green Party wants New Zealand to lean on the United Nations to stop using peacekeepers from Fiji.


Finance 14 Apr 2009
Tax cuts neither a priority nor effective

Today’s ShapeNZ survey of New Zealander’s attitudes towards tax cuts confirms the obvious: There’s no wisdom in borrowing to fund tax cuts.


Politics 11 Apr 2009
Tax cuts neither a priority nor effective

Today’s ShapeNZ survey of New Zealander’s attitudes towards tax cuts confirms the obvious: There’s no wisdom in borrowing to fund tax cuts.


Employment 9 Apr 2009
Work & Income treatment of refugees appalling Greens

  In the House today, Green Party Employment spokesperson Sue Bradford has questioned the Minster for Social Development Paula Bennet over Work and Incomes appalling treatment of a group of Burmese refugees.


News 9 Apr 2009
NZ must be 'anti-nuke' all the time

New Zealand needs to be true to its nuclear-free policy, not timidly choosing when to speak out and cherry-picking which resolutions to support at the United Nations, said Green Party MP, Dr Kennedy Graham.