Green Party

2,545 posts | 8 images

The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 15 Aug 2007
Air NZ ferrying of Australian troops to Iraq ‘appalling’

The revelations in the latest Investigate magazine that Air New Zealand has been flying Australian combat troops across the Pacific and up to the Iraqi border is an appalling piece of misjudgement by the airline, Green Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Keith Locke says.


Energy 15 Aug 2007
Coal diesel going down the wrong road - Greens

GORE — Plans by Solid Energy for a “multi-billion” dollar lignite-based liquid fuel plant in Southland will make a joke of New Zealand’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Green Party says.


Business 15 Aug 2007
MP takes Country of Origin Petition to Blenheim

BLENHEIM — Green Party Consumer Affairs Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is taking her Country of Origin Labelling campaign to Blenheim on Thursday.


Migration 15 Aug 2007
Handcuffing of weak hunger striker shocking

AUCKLAND CITY — Green Party Human Rights Spokesperson Keith Locke has been shocked to hear that Iranian hunger striker Ali Panah has been handcuffed to a guard while lying in Auckland hospital.


Employment 15 Aug 2007
Wage discrimination bill reaches next stage

There will be one last chance for Parliament to amend Green Party MP Sue Bradford’s private member’s bill, originally aimed at abolishing wage discrimination for 16 and 17-year-old workers, when it undergoes its committee stages debate in the House this afternoon.


Health 15 Aug 2007
Greens applaud move towards NZ rules

Green Party Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is delighted that the natural health sector has come up with the outline of a New Zealand based regulatory system for natural health products.


Migration 14 Aug 2007
Greens voice concern over health of hunger striker

AUCKLAND CITY — Green MP Keith Locke today expressed concern about the deteriorating health of Iranian hunger striker, Ali Panah, after visiting him in Auckland hospital.


Conservation 14 Aug 2007
Potential long term impacts of 1080 use ignored

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons is disappointed that ERMA has not properly studied and evaluated the long term toxicity of 1080 in their report released today.


Food 10 Aug 2007
Kedgley applauds Foodstuffs for country of origin initiative

Green Party Safe Food Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is delighted that Foodstuffs New Zealand has agreed to label its meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, in response to overwhelming consumer demand generated in part, by the Greens’ campaign for mandatory country of origin labelling.


Politics 10 Aug 2007
On balance, Harawira doing the right thing

The Green Party has come out against criticism of Maori Party MP Hone Harawira for leaving a select committee working trip to Victoria on election finance and victims rights, in order to go to Alice Springs to discuss the plight of Aboriginal communities under attack in the Northern Territory “The situation Hone went to see and discuss with the people affected is one of the most serious setbacks in Australia’s relationship with indigenous peoples in decades, and Hone can now give New Zealanders a first hand report on just what is happening up there, and on what the people concerned feel that the outside world can best do to help,” Greens’ Maori Affairs Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.


Conservation 9 Aug 2007
Gowan reprieve good news for Conservation Week

WEST COAST — The Greens are thrilled the Environment Court has upheld the Buller River Water Conservation Order which was threatened by a power project planned for the Gowan River, one of our most significant waterways and the mighty Buller River’s major tributary.


Health 9 Aug 2007
Plans ride roughshod over cellphone, Wi-Fi health concerns

The Green Party has rejected the rushed timeframe for the Environment Ministry’s controversial proposed National Standards for Telecommunications Facilities, and is calling for the public to be offered the same timeframe to make submissions on the proposals as the telecommunications industry has enjoyed.


Politics 9 Aug 2007
Country of Origin for clothing and footwear could be for the bin

The Green Party is shocked and surprised to hear the Government has plans to scrap country of origin labelling for footwear and clothes.


Environment 9 Aug 2007
Parliament not to be treated as a rubber stamp, Greens warn

Tuesday’s proposals by Climate Change Minister David Parker on how permits will be allocated under New Zealand’s proposed emissions trading scheme have been criticised by Green Party Co- Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons for effectively bypassing Parliament, and leaving the key decisions in the hands of officials or Cabinet.


Conservation 8 Aug 2007
Tragic reminder of the challenge ahead

Scientists’ conclusion that the Yangtze River dolphin or Baiji is functionally extinct is a cautionary reminder to New Zealanders that several of our rare marine mammals face the same fate.


Migration 8 Aug 2007
New Immigration Bill a bureaucrat’s Paradise

Green Party Immigration Spokesperson Keith Locke has criticised the Immigration Bill tabled today that gives immigration officials the power to subject New Zealand travellers to random biometric identity checks, and to use secret information in immigration proceedings.


Employment 8 Aug 2007
Locke lends support to Paul Buchanan

AUCKLAND CITY — Green Party Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Keith Locke is giving moral support to the sacked Auckland University lecturer Paul Buchanan.


Education 8 Aug 2007
Government inaction deepens student debt crisis

The Greens are joining the call of Victoria university students protesting the Government’s failure to deliver on their promise of increased access to student allowances.


Politics 6 Aug 2007
Parliament called on to stop airport sale

The Green Party will seek leave of the House to introduce new laws to keep Auckland International Airport in New Zealand hands following government statements in the New Zealand Herald today that it is opposed to foreign ownership of this strategic asset.


Politics 6 Aug 2007
National’s housing solutions need a reality check, Greens say

National Party leader John Key's solutions to the housing affordability crisis are outdated, unworkable and contrary to principles of environmental and social sustainability, Green Party Housing Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Building 4 Aug 2007
Think again, Greens tell Fletchers

AUCKLAND CITY — The Green Party is urging Fletcher Building and its Laminex Group subsidiary to reconsider the proposed closure of its Penrose hard and soft board plant, which will result in the loss of 65 jobs.


Business 3 Aug 2007
Country of Origin campaign strikes a chord

The Greens are welcoming the overwhelming support for their Country of Origin labelling campaign, just one day after it was launched.


Transport 3 Aug 2007
No time for complacency

The Green Party is calling for stronger policies on fuel efficiency and public transport, as well as a moratorium on new coal mines, if New Zealand is to stabilise its greenhouse gas emissions.


Transport 2 Aug 2007
Biofuels welcome, though transport fuel demand still soars

The Green Party has congratulated Gull on being first to launch an ethanol blend biofuel product on the New Zealand market, and has called on the motor industry to stop trying to impede progress on climate change.


Entertainment 2 Aug 2007
Consumer Protection Regulations Need Overhaul

Green Party Consumer Affairs Spokesperson Sue Kedgley is calling for a review of New Zealand's consumer protection regulations and practices as another toy company embarks on a huge world wide recall.


News 2 Aug 2007
Beneficiary bashing no answer to child abuse

The Green Party is concerned that even Acting Minister of Social Development Steve Maharey may be falling prey to the latest round of beneficiary-bashing.


Food 2 Aug 2007
Country of Origin campaign launched

The Green Party is today kicking off a nationwide campaign calling for mandatory Country of Origin labelling on a range of foods.

Where did it come from?


Food 1 Aug 2007
Time to end war of words, say Greens

Green MP Sue Kedgley is calling for genuine cross party talks on how best to regulate dietary supplements in New Zealand, in the wake of the war of words issuing from National and Labour today.


Politics 1 Aug 2007
Peters fails the democracy test on Burma

Green Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Keith Locke is disappointed that Foreign Minister Winston Peters did not call for the release of democracy leader Aung San Sun Kyi in the press statement he issued following his dialogue in Manila yesterday with Burmese foreign minister U Nyan Win.


Politics 1 Aug 2007
Greens hope to tighten Overseas Investment Rules

Green Party Aviation spokesperson Sue Kedgley has drafted an Overseas Investment (Restriction on Foreign Ownership) private members bill that seeks to limit foreign ownership of key strategic assets such as Auckland International Airport.


Politics 31 Jul 2007
National returns to the future with failed work for dole plans

“The only good thing about National’s support for work for the dole, is that it has finally made clear one element of their welfare strategy should they become Government,” Green Party Social and Economic Justice Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.


Crime 31 Jul 2007
Stopping the cycle of violence against children

Each of us need to take responsibility and action to stop violence against children wherever and whenever we see it happening, including within our own families, Green Party MP Sue Bradford says.


Environment 30 Jul 2007
GE onus belongs with polluters, central Government

The recent disclosure by the Environment Minister to a group of Northland and Auckland councils that central Government takes no responsibility for GE crops that go wrong confirms the Green Party position that no release of GE organisms should be allowed, the Greens’ Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Employment 30 Jul 2007
Flexible working hours Bill makes major progress

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley has welcomed the progress made on her Flexible Working Arrangements Bill, which has won support from the Transport and Industrial Relations committee, and will soon be debated in Parliament.


Crime 27 Jul 2007
Greens call for inquiry into casino-related criminality

The Green Party has welcomed the belated recognition in two Department of Internal Affairs reports released yesterday that organized crime, money laundering and problem gambling have all now got a firm foothold inside New Zealand casinos.


Energy 27 Jul 2007
Solid Energy digging a hole for itself

The State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) Solid Energy is under serious risk of losing more public support around the country by continuing to attack people who protest against it, says Greens Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei.


Politics 27 Jul 2007
Greens widen parliament’s scrutiny of election financing

The Green Party is pleased their calls to expand the political parties able to participate in the parliamentary examination of the Electoral Finance Bill have been heeded by the Government, and that submissions on the legislation will now be heard by an expanded Select Committee, Greens’ Co–Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.


Politics 27 Jul 2007
No political witch hunts, Greens say

No political witch hunts, Greens say The Green Party is rejecting proposals for a register of the political interests of civil servants and their partners.


Politics 26 Jul 2007
New bill to address beneficiaries’ rights

In the wake of an unfortunate decision on a welfare case in the Supreme Court last week, Green MP Sue Bradford has drafted a new member’s bill.


Waste 25 Jul 2007
Nappy war gets dirty

Green MP Nandor Tanczos is reminding parents and local governments that the advantages of cloth nappies still far outweigh the disadvantages.


Conservation 25 Jul 2007
Doubtful Sound dolphins in dire straits

SOUTHLAND — The Greens are calling for urgent action over the plight of the Doubtful Sound bottlenose dolphin.


Employment 25 Jul 2007
Greens back youth rates bill despite tinkering

The Minimum Wage (Abolition of Age Discrimination) Amendment Bill is back in the House today and the Green Party is urging all parties to support its process through Parliament although the bill has been altered.


Politics 25 Jul 2007
Election campaigns remain corporates versus cake stalls

Despite promises to make election campaigns more democratic, the “corporates versus cake stalls” system remains, says Greens Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.


Horse Racing 27 Feb 2007
Online gambling site a threat to racing industry

WELLINGTON — The Green Party today expressed surprise that iconic racing figures such as Sir Patrick Hogan and Dave O'Sullivan would lend their names to the online gambling site 'Race-O New Zealand' set up on Saturday. "The Gambling Act passed only three years ago by this Parliament made online gaming illegal within New Zealand.


Sport 27 Feb 2007
Sustainable world cup a goal for Mallard

AUCKLAND CITY — Trevor Mallard's Eden Park stadium plan has received a tentative Mexican wave from the Green Party. "This is an infinitely better idea than his previous hair-brained scheme to dump a giant round tub on the waterfront," says Keith Locke, the party's sports spokesperson.