Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 30 Jul 2012
Green Party welcomes 'frame' concept for Christchurch central city

The 'frame' concept for Christchurch's central city is a strong basis for a more sustainable city, the Green Party said today.


Politics 30 Jul 2012
Waitangi Tribunal delivers another blow for asset sales

The National Government must listen to the Waitangi Tribunal's recommendation that asset sales not proceed, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 30 Jul 2012
Green Party supports marriage equality

The drawing of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill brings New Zealand one step closer to achieving marriage equality, the Green Party said today.


Transport 29 Jul 2012
Consultants that criticised motorway now planning it

WELLSFORD — The same consultants who suggested the Puhoi to Wellsford motorway made little economic sense in 2008 are now investigating building the $1.65 billion dollar white elephant, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Ann Genter said today.


Politics 27 Jul 2012
Greens collect 100,000 signatures to keep our assets

The Green Party has now collected over 100,000 signatures for the petition to force a referendum on asset sales as a member of the Keep Our Assets Coalition, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 27 Jul 2012
Key must sack Banks

John Key must sack ACT leader John Banks as Minister after the police confirmed that he did solicit donations, something Mr Banks failed to tell the Prime Minister, said Green Party Co-Leader Metiria Turei.


Employment 27 Jul 2012
The rich get richer, why not everyone else?

The minimum wage would be $16 an hour if it rose at same rate as the wealth of the 151 New Zealanders on the NBR rich list, said the Green Party.


Environment 26 Jul 2012
Report shows smart, green economics the way forward for New Zealand

The Green Party is welcoming a Massey University report which underlines the importance of protecting our environment in order for us to do well economically in the agri-food sector, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Environment 26 Jul 2012
Green Party MP celebrates Bill being drawn

Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty's Resource Management (Restricted Duration of Certain Discharge and Coastal Permits) Amendment Bill was drawn from the ballot today.


Politics 26 Jul 2012
PM needs to rethink Banks role as Minister

ACT leader and Minister of Regulatory Reform John Banks memory around donations, and ability to sign off false documents should be of great concern to the Prime Minister, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Energy 26 Jul 2012
Solar water heating good for environment and families

The Green Party is challenging the key findings of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment's report on solar water heating, saying that solar is good for the environment and families.


Politics 26 Jul 2012
Invest In Our Future – Support Paid Parental Leave

The Green Party is supporting the 26 for Babies Coalition campaign to extend paid parental leave to 26 weeks, and is calling on the Government to ditch their threat of a financial veto of Sue Moroney's bill.


Politics 26 Jul 2012
Public to have their say on lobbying

A Green Party member's bill to establish the country's first publicly accessible register of lobbyists unanimously passed its first reading tonight, on the same day the Speaker of Parliament released the names of lobbyists who have swipe card access to the parliament buildings.


Politics 25 Jul 2012
Prime Minister ignorant of costs of flagship policy

National's asset sales policy is descending into a shambles with the Prime Minister today admitting he doesn't know the Government is planning to spend $56 million on share-brokers, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 25 Jul 2012
Labelling needs to be supported by law

New Zealand's current labelling laws do not give consumers the information they want and need to make good purchasing decisions, the Green Party said today.


Politics 25 Jul 2012
Brownlee needs powers reined in

The High Court's decision to overturn parts of Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee's decision to change Canterbury's planning rules and rezone land highlights the need for the overdue review of the Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) Act to occur.


Politics 24 Jul 2012
Public don't want dangerous deep sea drilling

The government has got the economics and politics of dangerous deep sea oil drilling wrong, said Green Party energy spokesperson Gareth Hughes today.


Politics 24 Jul 2012
John Key needs to get a backbone

John Key needs to put the health of New Zealanders ahead of the interests of tobacco giants.


Politics 23 Jul 2012
How much would share give-away cost taxpayers?

It's past time for National to come clean on the cost of its planned give-away of shares in our energy companies, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 22 Jul 2012
Government trying to buy support for unpopular asset sales

The confirmation of a bonus scheme for asset sales is a cynical measure to attempt to get public support for the Government's deeply unpopular assets sales programme, said the Green Party today.


Community 22 Jul 2012
Discrimination against poorest children needs to end

The Green Party has welcomed Child Poverty Action Group's decision to appeal discrimination against New Zealand's vulnerable children in the Court of Appeal.


Health 20 Jul 2012
Philip Morris should butt out of efforts to reduce smoking

Philip Morris knows its product kills New Zealanders but is pushing addicts to pressure the Government to drop measures which would make it harder to smoke.


Politics 19 Jul 2012
Greens to keep tabs on asset sales spend up

New Zealanders deserve to know just how much is being spent on selling off their assets, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 19 Jul 2012
Government abusing their veto to rob kids of their food money

The Government is abusing its power of veto by scuppering a Green Party amendment designed to protect children on the grounds it has already budgeted for savings from slashing their parents' benefits, the Green Party said today.


Politics 18 Jul 2012
Key in la-la-land on home ownership crisis

John Key's National Government is in denial over the fact that record house prices are hurting families, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 18 Jul 2012
Greens ACC Rehab plan well received by Minister

The Green Party is heartened by ACC Minister Judith Collins' positive response to much our ACC Rehabilitation Plan, following the first of on-going discussions between the parties about a way forward for ACC.


Politics 18 Jul 2012
Children must not be endangered by punishing parents

The Social Development Minister must take immediate steps to collect national records of abuse on children in CYFS care after revelations her Ministry keeps no central record of abuse on children in care.


Government 18 Jul 2012
Greens seek protection for children in welfare changes

The Green Party is proposing amendments to the Government's welfare changes that seek to protect children whose parents face having their benefit cut.


Politics 18 Jul 2012
Govt should accept Owen Glenn inquiry offer

The Government should accept Owen Glenn's offer to fund an inquiry into domestic violence and child abuse says the Green Party.


Politics 17 Jul 2012
New ACC report proves disentitlement rife in sensitive claims unit

The independent monitoring report of ACC's progress in implementing the recommendations from 2010 on clinical pathway, released today, offers further proof of a culture of disentitlement within the corporation that needs to be urgently, reversed says the Green Party.


Politics 17 Jul 2012
Green support for local communities

The Government's changes to local government will undermine the identity and decision making of local communities, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman in a keynote speech to the Local Government conference in Queenstown today.


Politics 16 Jul 2012
How much did National waste on Otaki to Levin expressway?

The revelation that National has spent $216 million on investigation and design work for its so-called Roads of National Significance raises questions around how much was wasted on planning the now cancelled Otaki to Levin expressway, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Gambling 16 Jul 2012
Greens seek crackdown on illicit casino proceeds

The Green Party has drafted a Bill that would require casinos to pay back the some of the proceeds of crime they receive through gambling.


Politics 13 Jul 2012
Government breaks word while kiwi families struggle to break even

The Government's got cash to cover its broken election promise on the Emissions Trading Scheme while kiwis lose their jobs and face higher prices, say the Green Party.


Traffic 13 Jul 2012
Cancellation of Otaki to Levin expressway a good start

OTAKI — The New Zealand Transport Agency's decision to cancel the Otaki to Levin expressway should be a first step in reassessing all the Roads of National Significance (RoNS), Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Politics 12 Jul 2012
Crown concedes water rights debacle would hurt asset sales

The Crown has conceded that the debacle over water rights would create risk for investors in asset sales, resulting in lower sales revenue, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 12 Jul 2012
Rakiura/Stewart Island deserves protection from oil exploration

GISBORNE — Rakiura/Stewart Island is one of our special places which deserves protection from oil exploration, Green Party mining spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.


Politics 12 Jul 2012
Local government doesn't want "reforms"

Survey data released today by the Green Party shows there is considerable opposition among councillors and community board members to Government's proposed changes to local government.


Gas 11 Jul 2012
Public has right to have a say on oil and gas development

The public has the right to have a say before councils give companies the go ahead for any oil and gas exploration activities, the Green Party said today.


Politics 11 Jul 2012
Water rights debacle means Government must call off asset sales

The Green Party is calling on the Key Government not to proceed with its asset sales programme in light of the debacle over water rights, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 10 Jul 2012
Backwards Government policy to blame for KiwiRail job losses

KiwiRail's decision to fire up to 220 workers is the inevitable consequence of National's ideologically-driven transport strategy, Green party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 10 Jul 2012
Key's comments on Waitangi Tribunal wrong

John Key is willing to push asset sales through while denying Maori due process, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Conservation 9 Jul 2012
DOC allows bigger mining hole in Conservation Park

The Government should not have allowed Oceana Gold Ltd to significantly expand its open cast gold mining operation on conservation land, the Green Party said today.


Gambling 9 Jul 2012
Auckland gets Waikato and BOP Gambling Proceeds

A pokies trust which earns nearly half its proceeds from Waikato and Bay of Plenty gamblers is giving most of its grants to groups in Auckland, Green Party gambling spokesperson Denise Roche has revealed.


Politics 9 Jul 2012
Key shows disrespect for Waitangi Tribunal

John Key has trampled on the Waitangi Tribunal, dismissing its views before it has even had a chance to consider Maori water rights, Green Party spokesperson for the Treaty of Waitangi, David Clendon said today.


Politics 6 Jul 2012
Government's commitment-phobia to climate science continues

The Government is proposing crippling cuts to our world-leading NIWA climate research centre in Lauder in a move that is likely to dent our international reputation, Green Party environment spokesperson Eugenie Sage said today.


Environment 5 Jul 2012
Report major assault on the RMA

The proposed changes to the purpose and principles of the Resource Management Act (RMA) are a major assault on the Act and on sustainable management, said Green Party environment spokesperson Eugenie Sage today.


Conservation 5 Jul 2012
Green Party condemns Korea's whaling intentions

The Green Party supports the Government's condemnation of Korea's intentions to begin whaling, said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei today.


Politics 5 Jul 2012
Biosecurity leaking boat

The Government's shortfalls that led to the outbreak of the Psa kiwifruit virus are symptomatic of a host of changes that are relaxing biosecurity, the Green Party said today.


Environment 5 Jul 2012
Kiwis right to be cautious about mining

New Zealanders are right to be cautious about the Government's mining plans because they pose serious environmental and economic risks, the Green Party said today.


Politics 5 Jul 2012
How many families would be able to afford asset sales shares?

The National Government must front up over exactly how many ordinary New Zealanders it expects would buy shares under its asset sales programme, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Environment 4 Jul 2012
Learning lessons from psa

Shifting biosecurity resources around from sector to sector is not going to protect our vital primary industries, the Green Party said today.


News 4 Jul 2012
No reprieve for suffering chooks

The Minister for Primary Industries should reject any welfare code that allows hens to continue to suffer in cruel cages, Green Party animal welfare spokesperson Mojo Mathers said today.


Transport 4 Jul 2012
City Rail Link vital for Auckland transport

AUCKLAND CITY — Auckland Council's announcement of the route for the City Rail Link tunnel is another step forward for a much-needed transport project, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Agriculture 2 Jul 2012
ETS delays costly for exporters, taxpayers

Continuing to exclude agriculture from the Emissions Trading Scheme puts our clean, green brand at risk, delays the adoption of clean technology, and passes the cost of pollution on to taxpayers, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 29 Jun 2012
Asset sales open door for IP theft

The National Government's asset sales policy opens the door for Chinese Government-owned companies to steal intellectual property from our energy companies and undermine their competitive advantage in the export market, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Legal 29 Jun 2012
Dotcom case needs an independent review

The actions of the Police in connection with the Kim Dotcom case need to be scrutinised by an agency such as the Independent Police Conduct Authority, Green Party Police spokesperson David Clendon said today.


Community 29 Jun 2012
Missing child placement checks to be actioned

In response to Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei's questions in the house this week the Government has now agreed to revisit placements of children and young people and run checks where they were missed.


Politics 29 Jun 2012
Tariana Turia must come clean on what she knew about refuge

A letter released by the Green Party shows that Associate Social Development Minister Tariana Turia was briefed on the problems with Te Roopu Whakaruruhau O Nga Wahine Maori, in apparent contradiction of her public statements.


Conservation 28 Jun 2012
Minister's weak decision puts Maui's dolphins at risk of extinction

These measures will not protect Maui’s dolphins from extinction, Gareth Hughes Green Party ocean’s spokesperson said today.


Transport 27 Jun 2012
Motorway costs blow-out by $300m

WELLINGTON — The latest cost blow-out in the Wellington Northern Corridor motorway project raises further questions about why the Government is committing $12 billion of taxpayer money to projects with low or negative returns for the economy, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Banks 26 Jun 2012
New RBNZ governor an opportunity for modern monetary policy

The appointment of Graeme Wheeler as the new Governor of the Reserve Bank is an opportunity for the Government to adopt a modern monetary policy, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Agriculture 26 Jun 2012
Family farmers' voices on TAF not heard

The Green Party are concerned that the voices of family farmers have not been heard in the changes to Fonterra, Green Party agriculture spokesperson Steffan Browning said today.


Electricity 26 Jun 2012
Higher fees another hidden cost of asset sales

Kiwis are set to face higher power prices as directors' fees double under National's asset sales policy, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 25 Jun 2012
Desperate PM misleads public

A desperate John Key, having lost the argument about asset sales, has resorted to attacking parliamentary support funding for a disabled MP in an attempt to distract the public from his failed asset sales policy, says the Green Party.


Agriculture 25 Jun 2012
Black day for Fonterra

Today's vote by Fonterra members to accept the proposed Trading Amongst Farmers scheme puts family farmers at risk, the Green Party said today.


Conservation 25 Jun 2012
World heritage areas should not be open to mining

Our world heritage areas should be entirely off limits to mining and placed in Schedule 4 protection, said the Green Party today.


Court 24 Jun 2012
Gaps in CYFS policy failing our most vulnerable

The Green Party is calling for the Minister of Social Development to front up and tell the public whether CYFS is undertaking mandatory checks of all family placements.


Transport 22 Jun 2012
EPA rubber stamps dead duck motorway

Today's Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) decision to rubber stamp the Transmission Gully motorway project is a poor decision that will see over a billion dollars of tax payers' money wasted, says the Green Party.


Finance 21 Jun 2012
ACC pay shouldn't be tied to cutting claimants entitlements

ACC claimants should not lose their entitlements so that ACC team managers and their staff can get bonus payments, Green Party ACC spokesperson Kevin Hague said today.


Corrections 21 Jun 2012
$900 million for empty beds

The Government is wasting money by spending $900 million on a new prison full of beds that will remain empty the Green Party said today.


Politics 20 Jun 2012
Where is the authority for National's $400m give-away?

The National Government must show under what legal authority it would give away shares in publicly-owned energy companies, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Conservation 20 Jun 2012
Action on oceans needs to begin at home

"Action begins at home - it is great that we are signing on to an international partnership on oceans," said Green Party oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes, "but where is the Governments action on oceans?" The Government today announced it was signing up to a global partnership on oceans at the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development.


Economy 20 Jun 2012
Current account blow-out further proof of hopeless economic management

The National Government has once again failed to meet its own economic forecasts, which is further proof of its hopeless economic management, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Government 20 Jun 2012
Govt ignores ad guidelines for SOE contract

The Government has ignored its own advertising guidelines in putting out a tender for the advertising contract for the sale of our state owned assets just before Christmas, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Education 19 Jun 2012
League tables - National's divide and rule plan for schools

The Government's idea of league tables is designed to divide and rule by pitting parents against parents, and parents against teachers, the Green Party said today.


Food 19 Jun 2012
McDonalds needs standards for pork

New Zealand McDonalds needs to follow the lead of their international counterparts and set animal welfare standards for the pork products they use, the Green Party said today.


Electricity 18 Jun 2012
National's asset sales would mean higher power prices

National’s asset sales programme would remove the anchor that has held down electricity prices and given us some of the cheapest power in the developed world.


Finance 18 Jun 2012
ACC rehabilitation plan announced

The Green Party has developed a rehabilitation plan to bring ACC back on track, Green Party health spokesperson Kevin Hague said today.


Politics 18 Jun 2012
Government plans to spend up to $400m more on asset sales

The time has come for the National Government to be up front about the cost of providing a so-called 'loyalty bonus' to purchasers of shares in its asset sales programme, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Defence 18 Jun 2012
New Zealand Defence Force connection to military violence in West Papua

The Defence Force must clarify its role in training an Indonesian officer of the notorious Kopassus Special Forces especially given this week's assassination and military violence in West Papua, Green MP Catherine Delahunty said today.


Environment 15 Jun 2012
Strong national standards needed to clean up rivers and lakes

The release of Wellington's State of the Environment report today reinforces the need for strong national environmental standards, Green Party environment spokesperson Eugenie Sage said today.


Politics 15 Jun 2012
Same-sex marriage now twice as likely

Marriage equality will have double the chance of getting debated by Parliament, with separate Bills from both Labour and the Greens going into the ballot for Members’ Bills.


Politics 15 Jun 2012
Does Labour still want TPP talks to be open?

Labour needs to explain why they are apparently siding with the National Government on the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 14 Jun 2012
Referendum must precede any asset sales

The Green Party has today written to the leaders of all other parties calling on them to support an amendment to the Mixed Ownership Model Bill that would prohibit any sales, should the legislation pass, until after Kiwis have had their say in the citizens-initiated referendum, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Trade 14 Jun 2012
Key's trade deal puts NZ at risk of being sued

The Government must not sign up to the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement if it means opening New Zealand up to being sued by overseas multi-national corporations, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Gambling 13 Jun 2012
SkyCity deal should go on hold during Attorney General inquiry

The Green Party is calling for an immediate hold on all negotiations over the Skycity convention centre deal as the Auditor General investigates the process which led to the casino being chosen to build the centre.


Court 13 Jun 2012
Greens call for reversal of family court fees

The new user charges in the Family Court are bad for kids and should not be introduced, the Green Party said today.


Politics 12 Jun 2012
Opportunity for ACC to return to its principles

The Green Party welcomes the appointment of a new ACC chair and looks forward to them steering ACC back to its original role as the provider of full and fair compensation and rehabilitation to injured New Zealanders.


Disability 12 Jun 2012
Time for Govt and family carers to get together

Parents who care for their disabled family members can finally face the future with certainty after the Government decided not to appeal a landmark decision to pay them for the care they provide, Green MP Catherine Delahunty said today.


Gambling 12 Jun 2012
Sport NZ must stop lobbying against Gambling Bill

Crown owned entities such as Sport New Zealand should not be involved in lobbying on behalf of pokie trusts, Green Party gambling spokesperson Denise Roche said today.


Council 11 Jun 2012
Councils at risk of losing profitable assets

The Local Government Bill is a threat to profitable Council owned assets as it gives strong powers to the Local Government Minister to interfere with the business of Councils and encourage asset sales, the Green Party said today.


Politics 9 Jun 2012
Deep sea drilling not worth the risk

The Green Party is condemning the Government for beginning the tender process today for 23 oil and gas permits, a number of which allow for dangerous deep sea oil drilling.


Economy 8 Jun 2012
IMF report highlights need for broader economic policy

The International Monetary Fund's latest report on New Zealand highlights the need for the Government to have a wider economic plan, rather than a narrow fixation on achieving fiscal surplus in 2014/15, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Education 7 Jun 2012
John Key should apologise to parents and ask Minister to stand aside

John Key must take responsibility for the class size debacle, apologise to New Zealand parents and instruct his Education Minister to stand aside, the Green Party said today.


Agriculture 7 Jun 2012
Councils protect their growers from GE

In the vacuum of inaction left by the National Government, local councils are having to lead the way in keeping New Zealand free of genetic engineering, the Green Party said today.


Government 7 Jun 2012
Clamour for same-sex marriage loud and clear

The Government should legislate to allow same-sex couples to get married, in light of a TVNZ poll that shows New Zealanders now overwhelming support marriage equality, says the Green Party.


Politics 6 Jun 2012
Bennett should swap the cheap shots for solutions

Social Development Minister Paula Bennett's latest dog-whistle over child abuse might have populist appeal but does nothing to solve the plight of vulnerable children, the Green Party said today.


Education 6 Jun 2012
Taxpayers subsidise smaller class sizes for wealthy kids

If the Education Minister is convinced money is wasted keeping class sizes small, she should instruct private schools to increase their sizes too, the Green Party said today.