Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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News Images
Police 6 Dec 2010
Greens urge Police to reconsider chase policy

After the 16th Police chase related death this year the Police must re-evaluate their criteria for pursuing offenders, Green Party Police spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Politics 5 Dec 2010
On the first day of Christmas, let's guarantee our kids the essentials

The Green Party will tomorrow launch a ’Twelve Days of Christmas’ campaign urging New Zealanders to guarantee the essentials for every kiwi kid this Christmas.


Politics 5 Dec 2010
Big Tobacco wants TPP trade deal to block NZ's smoking laws

The Green Party is calling on the Government to reject attempts to introduce investor-state disputes mechanisms into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations in light of evidence that the Philip Morris tobacco company is planning to use the TPP to block anti-smoking laws.


Food 1 Dec 2010
Public Opinion Forced Government's Hand on Sow Crates

The decision to ban sow crates is a great leap forward for animal welfare—even though the ban won’t be in place until 2016, the Green Party said today.


Environment 1 Dec 2010
More droughts, erosion if no progress at Cancun

We can expect more erosion and dry spells like the one affecting growers around the country if no progress is made at Cancun, said the Green Party today.


Politics 30 Nov 2010
Key must condemn United States directives to spy on Clark

The Prime Minister must condemn the United States for its spying on United Nation’s leaders, Green Party Foreign Affairs spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Trade 29 Nov 2010
Good trade news masks increasing oil vulnerability

Positive news released today on New Zealand’s balance of trade figures mask an increasing vulnerability of our economy to oil prices, the Green Party says.


Transport 29 Nov 2010
Greens question NZTA independence

The release of the Sandhills Expressway route on a Saturday just one week after the Mana by-election is yet more evidence the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) is at the political beck and call of the Minister of Transport, said the Green Party today.


Politics 29 Nov 2010
Greens call for independent worker representative on Pike River Royal Commission

The Green Party today welcomed the announcement of a Royal Commission into the Pike River mine disaster, but called on the Government to include an independent representative of workers as one of the Commissioners.


Government 26 Nov 2010
Greens congratulate Tongan Democratic Party on winning election

Green MP Keith Locke today congratulated the Tongan Democratic Party for its election victory yesterday.


Deaths 25 Nov 2010
Green Party mourns mine workers

The Green Party mourns the 29 miners likely killed at Pike River Mine after a second explosion in the mine yesterday afternoon.


Community 24 Nov 2010
Welfare Working Group fails the reality test

The Welfare Working Group’s (WWG) relentless focus on paid work ignores the fundamental reality of the current economic situation, the Green Party said today.


Transport 24 Nov 2010
CBD Rail loop or 23 motorway lanes?

The Business Case for the Auckland CBD Rail Link shows that the project should be the transport priority to relieve congestion in Auckland and stimulate economic development, said the Green Party today.


Community 23 Nov 2010
True test of Welfare Working Group will come tomorrow

The real test of the Welfare Working Group (WWG) will be what it is prepared to consider when it releases its options paper tomorrow, the Green Party said today.


Government 22 Nov 2010
Spending caps a victory for democracy

The addition of spending caps to the electoral finance and the MMP referendum bills is a victory for common sense and democracy, the Green Party said today.


Cycling 19 Nov 2010
St James cycle trail lives up to promise of great ride

CANTERBURY — The opening of the first completed Great Ride of Nga Haerenga, the New Zealand Cycle Trail, near the tourist town of Hanmer Springs, was welcomed by the Green Party today.


Conservation 18 Nov 2010
NZ Govt needs to act on whaling after Maritime NZ report

Maritime New Zealand’s report on the collision between the Ady Gil and the Japanese whale ship Shonan Maru No.


Cycling 18 Nov 2010
As spring brings more cyclists, urgent need for care

The five tragic deaths and additional serious injuries to people on bicycles this week highlight the urgent need for extra care and attention when using a motor vehicle, said the Green Party today.


Government 18 Nov 2010
PSC refuses full overhaul of MPs expenses and keeps ex MP flying perk

The Parliamentary Services Commission last night blocked a move by the Green Party to set up an independent overhaul of MPs expenses and entitlements.


Government 17 Nov 2010
EPA really Govt bulldozer for prisons, motorways

The new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) appears to be a bulldozer to push through controversial Government projects with limited input from the affected communities, said the Green Party today.


Water 17 Nov 2010
Greens warn public about Local Govt Bill

The Government is using urgency to ram through a controversial bill that will allow for the privatisation of New Zealand’s water supplies, the Green Party warned today.


Banks 17 Nov 2010
Government's banking contract with Westpac a closed shop for 21 years

The Green Party revealed today that the Government has failed to run an open tender process for the Government’s banking contract with Westpac for over 21 years.


Politics 16 Nov 2010
National blocks review of MPs expenses

The National Party today blocked a motion in Parliament to set up an independent review of MPs expenses and entitlements.


Health 15 Nov 2010
Reduce overcrowding for better health

OTAGO — High rates of rheumatic fever due to overcrowding can be brought down by providing the essentials for every New Zealander, the Green Party said today.


Government 15 Nov 2010
Parties must turn talk into action on MPs expenses

Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei will raise an independent overhaul of MPs’ expenses and entitlements at the Parliamentary Services Committee on Wednesday night.


Conservation 15 Nov 2010
Greens call for Navy to monitor whale slaughter

New Zealand can put pressure on Japan’s whale hunt this year by sending an offshore patrol vessel to monitor the hunt and ensure the safety of protest vessels, the Green Party said today.


Politics 15 Nov 2010
Welfare Working Group Cries Crocodile Tears for the Poor

Comments by Chairperson of the Welfare Working Group Paula Rebstock on ‘Q and A’ this week expressed crocodile tears for beneficiaries trapped in poverty, said Green Party Work and Income spokesperson Catherine Delahunty today.


Politics 12 Nov 2010
Latest MPs perk fiasco shows its time for change

The resignation of Pansy Wong is more proof that an independent overhaul of MPs’ expenses and entitlements is needed to help keep New Zealand politics honest, said the Green Party today.


Trade 11 Nov 2010
APEC opportunity for NZ to stand up for jailed Sanlu campaigner

The Prime Minister should intercede on behalf of the man jailed for campaigning for the victims of the Sanlu poisoning, said Green Party Human Rights spokesperson Keith Locke.


Court 11 Nov 2010
Judges pecuniary interests bill pulled from ballot

A Green Party member’s bill pulled today from the Parliamentary ballot aims to provide greater transparency within the judicial system, Green Party justice spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham said.


Water 10 Nov 2010
Delayed report shows need for clean water rules

A new report showing the poor health of New Zealand’s lakes demonstrates why we urgently need clean water rules to protect our waterways, the Green Party said today.


Energy 10 Nov 2010
Latest World Energy Outlook shows Govt needs to act now

The latest World Energy Outlook (WEO) report released today says governments need to act now to reduce demand for fossil fuels, said the Green Party.


News 10 Nov 2010
Kedgley criticises Speaker over Animal Welfare Bill stance

WELLINGTON CITY — Green MP Sue Kedgley says it is unfair and unjust that the Speaker will not allow a conscience vote on her Animal Welfare (Treatment of Animals) amendment bill scheduled to debated in the House tonight.


Accommodation 8 Nov 2010
Wait and see if home energy rating delivers

The industry-led HomeStar voluntary rating scheme is a good start, but will miss out the coldest and dampest homes because it is not mandatory, said the Green Party today.


Employment 8 Nov 2010
NZ needs jobs not scare tactics

New Zealand needs jobs rather than scare tactics to manage benefit costs, the Green Party said today.


Government 4 Nov 2010
Search and Surveillance Bill still threatens civil liberties

Despite improvements, the Search and Surveillance Bill reported back to Parliament today is still a serious threat to our civil liberties, Green Party human rights spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Government 3 Nov 2010
Greens welcome U-turn by Speaker on expenses

The Speaker’s decision to return to the former, more transparent disclosure system is a step in the right direction, said the Green Party today.  “It is great to see the Speaker has seen sense and has returned to a more transparent system for MPs’ expenses, said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.


Politics 3 Nov 2010
John Key needs to review housing rules

John Key's claim that the new housing accommodation regulations for MPs’ is a tightening of the rules is wrong and shows again how messy the allowances system has become, said the Green Party today.


Health 3 Nov 2010
Get smokes out of our homes and out of our shops

John Key’s Government needs to take serious action to control the tobacco companies who peddle lethal drugs, the Green Party said today.


Technology 3 Nov 2010
Punishment should fit the crime

Termination for people caught file-sharing is disproportionate to the problem it causes and will not stop the pirating of copyrighted material, the Green Party said today.


Water 3 Nov 2010
Water privatisation one step closer, with new bill

Proposed legislation will open the door for the privatisation of New Zealand’s water supplies, the Green Party said today.


Government 2 Nov 2010
Green Party releases MP expenses

In a move to help keep New Zealand politics honest, the Green Party has today released its MPs’ expenses under the old, more transparent, disclosure system.


Economy 2 Nov 2010
Stalling wage growth highlights inequality

Stalling wage growth will hurt Kiwi families who are already struggling financially, the Green Party said today.


Environment 2 Nov 2010
ERMA allows use of Methyl Bromide to continue

The Environmental Risk Management Authority’s (ERMA) decision to allow the continued use of Methyl Bromide, a highly toxic and ozone destroying gas, for another ten years, without any requirements to use recapture technology, is deeply disappointing the Green Party said today.


Transport 2 Nov 2010
Auckland speaks trains, Government replies roads

AUCKLAND — Len Brown has again made it clear the priority for Auckland transport must be investment in trains yet John Key’s Government is still refusing to listen, the Green Party said today.


Defence 2 Nov 2010
Defence review harks back to ANZUS

The Defence Review released today is a missed opportunity to formulate an independent defence policy, Green Party defence spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Defence 1 Nov 2010
Key must bring the troops back as soon as possible

The Prime Minister should not alter the original timetable for withdrawing New Zealand’s special forces from Afghanistan, Green Party defence spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Environment 1 Nov 2010
Council needs to work with Wilderland community

COROMANDEL — Thames-Coromandel Council needs to work with the Wilderland community to find a fair process for bringing their buildings up to standard, said Green Party MP and Coromandel resident Catherine Delahunty today.


Politics 31 Oct 2010
Speaker should call for an independent review to promote transparency

Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei is calling on the Speaker of the House Dr Lockwood Smith, to promote genuine transparency over MPs expenses in the wake of his announcement to change the current expenses disclosure regime.


Water 29 Oct 2010
Leadership needed from industry on water quality

New Zealand needs large industry players like Fonterra to show leadership on the issue of water quality, the Green Party said today.


Film 28 Oct 2010
National's legislation makes NZ look Braindead

National’s legislation to appease Warner Brothers is braindead and will send all workers in the film industry back to the days of the Employment Contracts Act, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Accommodation 27 Oct 2010
Invest in homes not landlord subsidies

The Government needs to invest in building new houses to address the current shortage of 70,000 homes, otherwise there will be a massive blowout in housing subsidies to landlords.  “We urgently need more houses in New Zealand to ensure that everyone has somewhere decent to sleep.


Film 27 Oct 2010
Don't turn Hobbiton into Mordor, Mr Key

Overseas investors should have no say in changing New Zealand laws, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Government 27 Oct 2010
Canterbury earthquake law: Home by Christmas?

The controversial Canterbury Earthquake Response and Recovery Act can be repealed early, said the Green Party today.


Food 26 Oct 2010
NZFSA must investigate pesticide residues found in food

It is unacceptable that more than 90% of fruit and vegetables tested in the latest Food Residue Surveillance programme contained pesticide residues, Green Party food safety spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Environment 26 Oct 2010
Gollum at risk of extinction in the Nevis River

OTAGO — While everyone is worrying about The Hobbit, a unique, rare, and threatened native fish species called Gollum is at risk of extinction in the Nevis River in Central Otago, the Green Party said today.


Government 25 Oct 2010
Govt's housing plan inadequate

The solution to New Zealand’s housing crisis is to increase the housing stock, not simply shuffle the existing inadequate resources around, the Green Party said today.


Environment 22 Oct 2010
Green MPs join Mokihinui River action on Sunday

WEST COAST — What: Day of action on the Mokihinui River.


Environment 22 Oct 2010
Southland coal would be climate disaster

SOUTHLAND — Digging up the reserves of lignite in Southland can only increase global greenhouse gas emissions, said the Green Party today.


Energy 21 Oct 2010
Govt has no plan for high oil prices

Minister of Finance Bill English demonstrated that the Government has no plan for coping with high oil prices, said the Green Party today.


Disability 20 Oct 2010
Special education target welcome, but will need firm commitment from Govt

The Green Party today welcomed the Government’s long-awaited response to the review of special education, but sounded a note of caution about how its changes would be implemented without new funding.


Agriculture 20 Oct 2010
Why force Fonterra to subsidise overseas-owned competitors?

News that a Chinese company is looking to purchase another New Zealand dairy company underlines the short-sightedness of requiring Fonterra to continue to subsidise milk supply to its competitors the Green Party said today.


Disability 20 Oct 2010
Govt adopts Green proposal for Disability Commissioner

News that the Government has adopted a Green Party proposal to appoint a full-time Disability Commissioner was welcomed by Green MP Catherine Delahunty today.


Employment 20 Oct 2010
Greens join nationwide call for fairness at work

Green MPs will today join nationwide stop work actions to support fairness at work, the Green Party said today.


Government 20 Oct 2010
World statistics day, some stats for the Government

The Green Party today joined Statistics Minister Maurice Williamson in welcoming World Statistics day, and called for reflection on New Zealand’s sobering inequality statistics.


Politics 18 Oct 2010
New focus on children good, but not enough

The Green party today welcomed Labour's move to place children at the heart of policy making.


Transport 15 Oct 2010
Better Puhoi-Wellsford plan ready now

WELLSFORD — A plan to save lives and money on the motorway between Puhoi and Wellsford got a strong endorsement from the Green Party today.


Alcohol 15 Oct 2010
Government must reconsider price of alcohol

News that alcohol is cheaper than bottled water undermines the Government’s entire approach to alcohol reform, and must not be ignored, the Green Party said today.


Council 15 Oct 2010
60% of votes for Auckland councillors wasted because of FPP

AUCKLAND — The Auckland Council elections have resulted in hundreds of thousands of Aucklanders votes being wasted because the elections were run under the flawed first-past-the post system (FPP), said the Green Party today.


Government 14 Oct 2010
Govt. can reduce debt with higher quality spend

The Government’s fiscal position can be made stronger by following it’s own advice to households — invest in higher quality assets, the Green Party said today.


Energy 13 Oct 2010
New Parliament oil report shows folly of Govt transport plans

New Zealand is highly vulnerable to oil price shocks that are nearly certain to occur in the next few years according to a research report published by Parliament today, said the Green Party.


Food 13 Oct 2010
Struggling families hit hardest by food, GST rises

Rising food prices coupled with the increase in GST will hurt Kiwi families who are already struggling financially, the Green Party said today.


Waste 13 Oct 2010
Govt. gives up leadership on waste

The Government’s newly released Waste Strategy fails to show any meaningful leadership on waste, the Green Party said today.


Transport 12 Oct 2010
Central Govt can fund smart rail projects

Central government can fund the smart rail projects that Aucklanders are calling out for by simply shifting money from uneconomic motorway projects, said the Green Party today.


Transport 12 Oct 2010
Public Transport is smarter

WELLINGTON — The Green party is calling on the Wellington Regional Council to rethink its transport strategy and abandon a proposed $2 billion spend on new motorways, which will not reduce congestion, and instead focus on the development of trains, buses, walking, and cycling.


Forestry 12 Oct 2010
Forestry meeting needs to address illegal timber

Forestry industry representatives can use their conference this week to call on the Government to regulate to stop the trade of illegally logged rainforest timber, said the Green Party today.


Transport 11 Oct 2010
Local Govt voters choose green transport

New Zealanders cast a clear vote for better buses, trains, walking and cycling in the local body elections, said the Green Party today.


TV 11 Oct 2010
TVNZ ratings focus responsible for Henry debacle

TVNZ should look its soon to be dumped Charter for guidance in its review of its news and current affairs editorial policies, Green Party broadcasting spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Transport 8 Oct 2010
SuperGold card transport scheme safe for now

Extra funding for the popular SuperGold card free off-peak public transport scheme was welcomed by the Green Party today, who nevertheless remain concerned about the reduced fare subsidy for the scheme, and the requirement that Regional Councils pick up administration costs.


TV 8 Oct 2010
Breakfast host's cereal offending must prompt TVNZ rethink

TVNZ needs to reconsider its decision to allow Paul Henry back on screen in a week's time, Green Party human rights spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Economy 8 Oct 2010
Senior Public Servant questions economic philosophy

The Department of Conservation’s Director-General is right to argue that our natural environment is the foundation of a prosperous economy, yet the message is still to get through to John Key’s Government, the Green Party said tonight.


Defence 7 Oct 2010
Censored US memoir poses questions about NZ forces in Afghanistan

New Zealanders deserve to know what our intelligence operatives are really doing in Afghanistan, Green Party foreign affairs spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Media 6 Oct 2010
Paul Henry breaches TVNZ's own standards

Paul Henry, by his racist and bigoted comments, has breached a number of key planks of the TVNZ Charter which TVNZ is still bound by, Green Party broadcasting spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Environment 6 Oct 2010
Trade Me to tweak rules around sale of kwila

Online marketplace Trade Me is moving to regulate the trade of new kwila furniture or decking products, following discussions with the Green Party and a coalition of non-governmental organisations.


Politics 5 Oct 2010
It's about more than Sir Anand, Paul

Paul Henry still doesn’t seem to understand how his comments yesterday offended more than the Governor-General, Green Party human rights spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Politics 4 Oct 2010
Review of Earthquake Law Needed

CANTERBURY — The call by the New Zealand Law Society for a review of the Canterbury Response and Recovery Act has been welcomed by the Green Party.


Agriculture 1 Oct 2010
Heavy rains lead to preventable pollution

Regional councils need to strengthen dairy farm effluent storage rules to protect rivers from pollution during extreme weather the Green Party said today.


Energy 1 Oct 2010
Green light for Stockton Hydro a breakthrough

WEST COAST — The Green Party welcomed news today that Solid Energy has withdrawn its appeal against Hydro Development Limited’s (HDL) resource consent to build a power station on the Stockton plateau.


Politics 30 Sep 2010
Greens launch Keep it Kiwi campaign with lamingtons

WELLINGTON CITY — Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman today launched the Keep it Kiwi campaign, handing out lamingtons in front of a Kiwibank branch in Wellington to celebrate New Zealand ownership at a time when John Key's Government plans to make asset sales an election issue in 2011.


Film 29 Sep 2010
Moving The Hobbit to Eastern Europe a solution worthy of Sauron

Actors Equity and Sir Peter Jackson need to start a dialogue to resolve issues regarding working conditions on the production of The Hobbit, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Politics 28 Sep 2010
Permanent emergency law must have checks & balances

Permanent legislation to handle emergencies could work, but only if the powers given to the Government were appropriately limited, said the Green Party today.


Environment 28 Sep 2010
Big agribusiness threatens our native fish

A new study shows the devastating impact intensive farming is having on our native fish species, the Green Party said today.


Real Estate 27 Sep 2010
Key Government sends out mixed messages on foreign ownership

The release of the long-awaited overseas investment review will leave most New Zealanders confused as to what the original point of the exercise was, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Education 24 Sep 2010
VSM an ideological solution in search of a problem

The decision of John Key's Government to a bill to introduce Voluntary Student Membership ignores public opinion, the Green Party said today.


Tourism 23 Sep 2010
Cycleways enhance resilience of rural economies

Funding announced for five more Cycleway projects will enhance the economic resilience of another five communities, the Green Party said today.


Water 22 Sep 2010
No more excuses for delaying clean water rules

With the release of the Land and Water Forum’s report, Environment Minister Nick Smith no longer has any excuse to delay adopting clean water rules, the Green Party said today.


Deaths 22 Sep 2010
Poroporoaki ki a Sir Archie Taiaroa, Greens pay tribute

The Green Party today pays respect to the tireless work, vision and mana of Sir Archie Taiaroa of Te Ati Hau Nui a Paparangi, Ngati Tuwharetoa and Ngati Apa/Nga Wairiki, with wider connections to Ngati Haua, Ngati Kurawhatia and Ngati Maru.


Politics 21 Sep 2010
Greens welcome PCE's findings on mining

The Green Party welcomes the findings of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment in her latest report Making difficult decisions: Mining the conservation estate.


Environment 20 Sep 2010
Govt. says we have to destroy the environment in order to save it

WELLINGTON CITY — Gerry Brownlee’s address to the petroleum industry reveals a stubborn determination to deny the obvious: a healthy economy relies on a healthy natural environment, said the Green Party today.


Economy 20 Sep 2010
Climate change inaction will hurt economy

Doing nothing about climate change will lead to more extreme weather events, events like the storm that lashed the country over the weekend, costing millions of dollars and hurting the economy and communities, the Green Party said today.