Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Transport 19 Sep 2010
Waterview objections to be bulldozed

AUCKLAND CITY — Any objections to the Waterview motorway connection project are about to be bulldozed just like hundreds of residents’ homes, the Green Party said today after a series of public meetings over the weekend.


Water 19 Sep 2010
Water discussions cost $14 million and counting

After successive Governments have spent $14 million trying to find policy solutions to New Zealand’s freshwater crisis, it’s time to stop procrastinating and adopt the resulting National Policy Statement without delay, the Green Party said today.


Food 15 Sep 2010
Imported fruit and vegetables not tested at border, say Greens

The Green Party is calling for urgent testing regime at the border, following confirmation that New Zealand does not test imported fruit or vegetables at the border for pesticide residues or other contamination, Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Transport 9 Sep 2010
New trains a step in the right direction

WELLINGTON — The long awaited arrival of the Matangi trains was welcomed by the Green Party today.


Politics 8 Sep 2010
NZ Green Party congratulates Australian Greens - Green Party Media Release

NZ Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today congratulated his Australian Green counterparts on their involvement in Australia’s next government.


Real Estate 3 Sep 2010
Is the PM a racist too Mr Williamson?

Maurice Williamson is wrong to call New Zealander’s who are concerned about the loss of our productive farmland to overseas interests racist, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Energy 2 Sep 2010
Greens show the way for Energy Strategy

Green Party MPs Metiria Turei and Kennedy Graham challenged Minister Brownlee’s vision with a forward looking submission on the Government’s draft Energy Strategy today.


Politics 1 Sep 2010
Dr Russel Norman speech: Economic Sovereignty and Dignity

ROTORUA — Speech to Rotorua Grey Power, 1st September 2010.  Introduction Thank you very much for coming along this afternoon.


Real Estate 31 Aug 2010
Will Govt. stop land sell-off to overseas owners?

The Green Party is calling on John Key’s Government to guarantee that none of South Canterbury Finance’s farmland will be sold to foreign owners.


Politics 30 Aug 2010
Risk of foreign ownership too great with South Canterbury Finance collapse

Whatever the outcome of troubled finance company South Canterbury Finance, the Government must move quickly to stop its prime South Island farmland from falling into foreign ownership, the Green Party said today.


Council 30 Aug 2010
Women under-represented on CCO boards

Women are underrepresented in Government appointments to the boards of Auckland Council’s new council-controlled organisations (CCOs), the Green Party said today.


Energy 29 Aug 2010
Two lignite plants is two too many

SOUTHLAND — Two new lignite plants in New Zealand are two lignite plants too many, said Green Party Energy spokesperson, Dr Kennedy Graham today.


Finance 29 Aug 2010
Superfund performance lags way behind more ethical Norwegians

The New Zealand Superannuation Fund would be worth $3.2 billion more today if it had performed in line with its ethically invested counterpart in Norway, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Energy 28 Aug 2010
Key Government hides from the truth about oil

The Green Party is once again calling on John Key's Government to open a formal inquiry into the effects of an imminent oil price shock.


Transport 27 Aug 2010
State of Auckland report supports green transport priorities

AUCKLAND — The State of our City report demonstrates that Auckland urgently needs a CBD rail loop and other green transport priorities because it is the economic engine of the country, said the Green Party today.


Real Estate 25 Aug 2010
Free trade deals must not overrule NZ economic sovereignty

Free trade deals with countries such as China must not get in the way of New Zealand’s economic sovereignty, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today.


Alcohol 25 Aug 2010
Greens seek to table bill restricting advertising of alcohol

A bill to restrict the advertising of alcohol on television and radio was today denied the chance to be heard in Parliament, the Green Party said today.


Politics 24 Aug 2010
Australian result shows advantage of MMP

Whatever the final result of the Australian election, the advantage of New Zealand’s proportional voting system MMP is very clear, said the Green Party today.


Alcohol 23 Aug 2010
No justification for casino exemption

Exempting casinos from the proposed new restrictions on opening hours for bars and clubs is absurd and unjustifiable, the Green Party said today.


Alcohol 23 Aug 2010
Show some spine, say Greens

The Government should show some spine over proposed liquor law changes, and adopt a stronger and more comprehensive approach, the Green Party said today.


Banks 18 Aug 2010
Investing in Kiwibank will keep it kiwi

The Government’s decision to provide a line of credit to Kiwibank to support its credit rating through a period of expansion is good news for our economy and ensures that we will keep it kiwi, the Green Party said today.


Conservation 18 Aug 2010
No environment, no whitebait

The slow start whitebaiters are experiencing to the 2010 season shows the impact various environmental challenges are having on the fragile fishery, the Green Party said today.


Transport 18 Aug 2010
Heavy trucks cost more than rail freight

Minister of Transport Steven Joyce is pushing through ill-considered policies and projects that benefit the trucking industry at the expense of the economy and the safety of New Zealanders, said the Green Party today.


Flooding 16 Aug 2010
Floods show need for climate change preparation

In light of flooding worldwide, including here in the Bay of Plenty, the Green Party is calling on the central government to provide greater leadership on adapting to climate change induced weather events through a National Policy Statement on climate change adaptation.


Politics 12 Aug 2010
Support foster parents and single parents

Extra support for foster parents is the right attitude, and one John Key’s Government could extend to single parents, the Green Party said today.


Politics 6 Aug 2010
Greens launch register of judges pecuniary interests

The Green Party has launched a member’s bill to set up a pecuniary interest register for judges.


Education 4 Aug 2010
Another F for Joyce

Todays decision to link tertiary education funding to performance is another big fail from the Minister of Tertiary Education, the Green Party said today.


Environment 3 Aug 2010
Crafar farm sale offers once-in-a-lifetime chance for a Tōtara National Park

MANAWATU-WHANGANUI — The sale of the Crafar farms in the Waikato offer New Zealanders a window of opportunity to reconnect the Pureora forest and create a Tōtara National Park, the Green Party said today.

Russel and ancient Totara


Employment 3 Aug 2010
Gender pay gap increases

The latest Quarterly Employment Survey shows the average pay gap between men and women has widened in the last quarter to 12.81 percent, the Green Party said today.


Agriculture 2 Aug 2010
Threat to New Zealand's dairy reputation needs immediate action

The Minister of Agriculture David Carter needs to intervene to halt the practice in the dairy industry of inducing cows to give birth to premature calves, Green Party Animal Welfare spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Environment 1 Aug 2010
Greens launch Mokihinui Wild Rivers campaign

WEST COAST — The Greens are preparing for another environmental win from John Key's Government with the launch of their Save the Mokihinui Wild Rivers campaign, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Aug 2010
Law change can protect Kiwis from private spies

Changes to a law already before Parliament could protect New Zealanders from spying by private companies, the Green Party said today.


Economy 30 Jul 2010
OCR changes will hurt our economy

The Reserve Bank’s reliance on one tool, the Official Cash Rate (OCR), relies on damaging the very sectors we need to prosper if we want a more sustainable and productive economy, the Green Party said today.


Food 30 Jul 2010
Pesticides need modern assessment

The New Zealand Food Safety Authority and the Environmental Risk Management Authority need to adopt the European Union method of assessing chemicals used on food the Green Party said today.


Agriculture 29 Jul 2010
Greens celebrate Mackenzie decision

OTAGO — The Green Party today welcomed news that the Environmental Defence Society (EDS) has won a High Court case challenging factory-style cubicle dairy farms in the Mackenzie country.


Transport 26 Jul 2010
Urgent need for CBD Rail Loop, says Auckland

AUCKLAND — The Government needs to fast-track the CBD Rail Loop project to meet the needs of a 21st century Auckland, said a politically broad range of speakers at the launch of the Green Party’s Rail Loop campaign today.


Building 23 Jul 2010
Everyone deserves a warm healthy home

Green Party MP Gareth Hughes is touring universities to promote his new member’s bill that will help ensure that everyone has a warm home.


Gambling 22 Jul 2010
Chch does not need any more pokie machines

CHRISTCHURCH — The Green Party today called on the Christchurch City Council to reinforce it’s sinking lid policy on gaming machines in Christchurch.


Politics 21 Jul 2010
Key claims mining mandate while dodging questions

John Key is being disingenuous with his bizarre claims of a mandate to mine conservation areas, while at the same time avoiding questions in the House, the Green Party said today.


Employment 20 Jul 2010
Green GP survey shows medical certificates an unworkable sick joke

After ringing 40 GPs nationwide it appears National’s policy of requiring medical certificates for only one day’s sick leave is simply unworkable, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.


Politics 18 Jul 2010
Nats confusion on foreign ownership has a simple solution

The National Party’s ongoing confusion on foreign ownership of land has a simple solution says the Green Party - simply keep the privilege of ownership of New Zealand land for New Zealand citizens, permanent residents and companies.


Conservation 18 Jul 2010
Will Key break promise and mine National Parks?

The Green Party is calling on John Key to stand by his Government’s promises to continue protecting National Parks and other areas of high conservation value from mining, ahead of a Cabinet decision expected Monday.


Motoring 17 Jul 2010
Greens applaud AA advice on tyre pressure

New Zealanders could save money and hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions by inflating their car tyres correctly, said the Green Party today.


Employment 16 Jul 2010
Key Government launches new attack on workers

Any plan to widen the 90 day fire-at-will law to all businesses during this term will be a clear breach of National's 2008 industrial relations pre-election policy, Green Party Industrial Relations spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Politics 14 Jul 2010
Reform of 'claim of right' law a waste of everybody's time

An inordinate amount of Government time and energy is being misspent on reforming the ‘claim of right’ law after its use in the trial of the Waihopai Three, Green Party Human Rights spokesperson Keith Locke said today In March three men were found not guilty of intentional damage after they deflated a dome at the Waihopai spy station.


Guns 14 Jul 2010
Protect the Police by cracking down on gun registration

The Government should resist pressure from the Police Association to arm frontline police officers, Green Party Police spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Corrections 14 Jul 2010
Wiri will cost more than $300 million

Green Party MP David Clendon is ready to bet a night behind bars that the private prison at Wiri will cost more to build than the $300 million claimed by the Minister of Corrections.


Conservation 8 Jul 2010
Welcome home Pete Bethune

The Green Party is celebrating news that Pete Bethune is to come home.


Maori 7 Jul 2010
Maori put 'on hold' while Brownlee ignores claims

The Green Party is calling on Minister Brownlee to apologise to iwi for mismanagement of the oil permitting process.


Migration 7 Jul 2010
NZ should help Australia by taking more refugees

New Zealand should reject any role in processing asylum seekers offshore, as proposed yesterday by Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Green Party Foreign Affairs spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Health 7 Jul 2010
Ryall robs public health system

The Minister of Health Tony Ryall's decision to subsidise private health providers with public money will lead to further shortfalls in health funding, the Green Party said today.


Politics 7 Jul 2010
Brownlee ignores aboriginal title

“All offshore oil exploration permits should be suspended until clear title to the resource has been established beyond the 12 nautical mile limit,” David Clendon, the Green Party Maori Affairs Spokesperson said today.


Diplomacy 6 Jul 2010
Key must raise human rights and tell China NZ is not for sale

John Key needs to do two things when he meets with senior Chinese leaders this week - raise human rights concerns and tell China that our productive land is not for sale, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Food 6 Jul 2010
Independent supermarket watchdog needed for any code of conduct

Any supermarket code of conduct to ensure growers and consumers get a fair go needs an independent watchdog to oversee it, Green Party Food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Food 5 Jul 2010
Time for NZ's supermarket chains to front up on their mark-ups

New Zealand’s two biggest supermarket chains should reveal the mark-ups they put on fresh food and vegetables, Green Party Consumer Affairs spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Building 5 Jul 2010
Broken Promises Broken Homes

John Key’s Government is not investing enough to meet its own limited goals for state housing, said the Green Party today.


Food 4 Jul 2010
Green Party survey shows growers face ruin from supermarket duopoly

Supermarket pricing practices need to be investigated and a Supermarket Code of Conduct drawn up, Green Party Food Spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Cycling 2 Jul 2010
Ohakune Cycleway opening a hint of what's to come

OHAKUNE — The opening of a section of the 200km Cycleway trail from Ohakune to Whanganui gives a hint of what’s to come — a network of cycle trails that will connect some of our most picturesque countryside to our towns and cities, the Green Party said today.


Politics 2 Jul 2010
Charities overshadowed by deregistration

If the line drawn by the Charities Commission means Plunket just scrapes through as a charity while the National Council of Women (NCWNZ) has been threatened with deregistration, then the law needs to be changed, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Jul 2010
Report on MP expenses needs to be listened to

The first independent report on the issues around MP expenses is a step in the right direction and needs to be listened to, the Green Party said today.


Transport 1 Jul 2010
$2 billion wasted on Waterview

AUCKLAND — The backwards-looking Waterview connection will be even more costly than advertised by the Government said the Green Party today.


Employment 30 Jun 2010
Govt doing nothing to reduce gender pay gap

Minister of Women’s Affairs Pansy Wong effectively conceded today that her Government has taken no new steps in the last year to reduce the pay gap between men and women, despite telling Parliament in June 2009 that she would “leave no stone unturned” to try to close the gap, the Green Party said.


Energy 30 Jun 2010
Parliament's ostriches ignore oil price dangers

Parliament's Finance and Expenditure Committee has failed to support a Green Party proposal for a select committee inquiry into the impact of an oil price shock on New Zealand.


Environment 30 Jun 2010
Govt fails to provide climate-friendly choices

The John Key Government has failed to provide climate-friendly choices to help households avoid the higher costs that could result from their Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), said the Green Party today.


Conservation 30 Jun 2010
Mokihinui land swap should be ruled out

WEST COAST — The Minister of Conservation could save an enormous amount of time, effort, and money by ruling out any possible land exchange for the Mokihinui river valley, the Green Party said today.


Environment 29 Jun 2010
Murdoch says sorry over ClimateGate. What about ACT?

The Green Party is calling on climate deniers like the ACT Party to apologise to the New Zealand climate scientists whose reputations they tried to besmirch in light of the grovelling apology by Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers in the UK over AmazonGate, part of the ClimateGate series of allegations.


Environment 28 Jun 2010
Brownlee thinks he knows best for East Coast

GISBORNE — Minister Brownlee thinks he knows what is best for the East Coast and is using his powers to run roughshod over the people, the Green Party said today.


Conservation 24 Jun 2010
International legal options can save the whales

Existing international law can be upheld at the International Court of Justice to save the whales where diplomatic efforts have failed, the Green Party said today.


Conservation 23 Jun 2010
47,371 Kiwis say love it, don't mine it

47,371 Kiwis have put their name on the record to save our treasured places, the Green Party said today.


Education 22 Jun 2010
37,000 signature petition a lesson for Govt

John Key’s Government has a lot to learn from the 37,000 signature petition presented to Parliament today expressing concern about the Government’s National Standards policy, the Green Party said.


Politics 21 Jun 2010
Did the Key Government raise human rights during Xi visit?

John Key needs to tell the public whether his Government raised any human rights issues with the Chinese regime during their trade talk-fest, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Conservation 21 Jun 2010
You can't save whales by killing them

John Key’s Government has the opportunity this week to show courage and defend existing whaling law, the Green Party said today.


Food 21 Jun 2010
Is palm oil the secret ingredient of your favourite food?

New Zealand food companies are not prepared to tell consumers which products contain palm oil, Green Party Food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 21 Jun 2010
NZ's proud Nuclear Free history threatened by uranium shipment

Uranium, a radioactive material, should never pass through New Zealand’s nuclear free seas let alone come into port, the Green Party said today.


Politics 18 Jun 2010
Incident outside Parliament – Russel Norman's statement

WELLINGTON CITY — The mistreatment of Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman on the grounds of Parliament by Chinese security personnel shows how important it is to stand up for democracy and human rights, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Jun 2010
Chinese visit likely to put NZ under pressure on Crafar farms deal

Chinese Vice-president Xi Jinping’s visit is likely to see our Overseas Investment Office put under even more pressure over the Crafar farms deal, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.


Agriculture 16 Jun 2010
GE clover doesn't have four leaves

New Zealand does not have to resort to using genetic engineering to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Green Party said today.


Politics 11 Jun 2010
Beneficiaries are not the problem

The Green Party is concerned the Government’s planned welfare reforms and the Working Group set up to consider them are wrongly focused on beneficiaries as the problem.


Politics 11 Jun 2010
Borrowing for tax cuts impedes economic rebalancing

The Government’s decision to borrow for tax cuts is leading to higher interest rates for home owners, a higher New Zealand dollar and a higher current account deficit, the Green Party said today.


Environment 11 Jun 2010
Lowering, Delaying air quality standards costly

Proposed amendments to the National Environmental Standard (NES) on air quality are another example of the Key Government trading off our health and prosperity for short-term cost cuts and private profits, said the Green Party today.


Conservation 11 Jun 2010
Bethune's trial unfair due to Govt inaction

Pete Bethune’s chances of a fair trial were harmed because John Key’s Government dragged its feet, said the Green Party today.


Conservation 9 Jun 2010
Norway sensibly halts new oil drilling

The Greens are calling on Minister Brownlee to follow Norway’s lead and put a moratorium on new oil exploration drilling until such time as the Deepwater Horizon incident has been fully investigated.


Corrections 8 Jun 2010
Is Kalyx suitable to run Auckland prisons?

AUCKLAND — A UK company with a troubled history wants to run Auckland’s remand prison.


Politics 8 Jun 2010
MPs shut out of "diverse" welfare forum

Green MPs have been shut out of this week’s Welfare Working Group forum, the Green Party said today.


Building 7 Jun 2010
Greens Congratulate Jeanette Fitzsimons on Honour

The Green Party congratulated former Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons today on her appointment as a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit.


Politics 6 Jun 2010
Dr Russel Norman Speech to the Green Party AGM: No water, no milk; No environment, no economy

CHRISTCHURCH — Excerpts On the Green Party's economic challenge Our challenge is this: We must join the economy to the environment in the minds of all New Zealanders.


Environment 3 Jun 2010
Expanded EPA unlikely to have any teeth

An expanded Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would be welcomed if it provided strong independent environmental oversight, but the Green Party is expressing doubts that it will live up to its promise.


Health 3 Jun 2010
Reports show child health suffering

Two major reports released this week highlight the poor state of child health and wellbeing in New Zealand, the Green Party said today.


Conservation 2 Jun 2010
Great Barrier conservation cuts just the beginning

The loss of staff from Great Barrier Island is the beginning of a significant reduction of frontline staffing as DOC scrambles to find $54 million in cost savings over four years, the Green Party said today.


Politics 2 Jun 2010
Is Natural Dairy lawyer privately advising Government?

Finance Minister Bill English needs to find out if a corporate lawyer advising the Government on rewriting the Overseas Investment Act is also working for the overseas investors looking to buy Crafar farms, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 2 Jun 2010
NZ needs to back itself, and Kyoto

The Green Party is calling on the Government to back Adrian Macey’s nomination to chair the Kyoto Protocol negotiations by reaffirming New Zealand’s ongoing commitment to the UN climate change process.


Council 31 May 2010
Major HR stuff-up due to rushed Super City process

AUCKLAND — A major error by the Auckland Transition Agency has left hundreds of skilled council staff unable to apply for positions in the new Auckland Council the Green Party said today.


Politics 31 May 2010
John Key to sell '100% Pure' brand for $36

Economic research sponsored by Forest & Bird highlights the folly of the Government’s plans to mine in our most precious places, the Green Party said today.


Gas 31 May 2010
NZ deep water oil drilling should be placed on hold

The Greens are calling on the Government to place on hold the proposed deep water oil drilling program in the Great South Basin until the oil industry identifies the exact cause of the US oil catastrophe, explains how it can be prevented from happening again, and demonstrates that it can plug oil wells in deep water.


Transport 31 May 2010
MPs urge region to support rail link

HAWKE'S BAY — Local MPs Anne Tolley (East Coast), Chris Tremain (Napier) and Craig Foss (Tuki Tuki) have united to encourage businsses to support the Gisborne to Napier Rail Link.


Transport 30 May 2010
Government attack on public transport continues

A short-sighted funding policy for public transport quietly released by the New Zealand Transport Agency on Friday afternoon will mean more expensive bus and rail fares throughout the country, said the Green Party today.


Marine 27 May 2010
NZ seafood rejected on international market again

Major international shipping company, Maersk, has refused to ship orange roughy, adding to the rising tide of international rejection of the NZ seafood industry, the Green Party said today.


Politics 27 May 2010
Schedule 4 is already the best compromise

Pleas from the mining industry and Government for a compromise on Schedule 4 ignore its history as the hard won compromise of the previous National Government, the Green Party said today.


Diplomacy 26 May 2010
NZ citizen on trial in Japan for doing what the Govt wouldn't

The Key Government’s lethargic reaction to whaling in the Southern Ocean is epitomised by its lack of concern for Pete Bethune whose trial begins tomorrow, the Green Party said today.


Banks 26 May 2010
Thoughtless disregard for Kiwibank's brand

Bill English’s casual remarks about privatising Kiwibank are undermining the strength of its “It’s ours” brand, the Green Party said today.