Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Defence 27 Apr 2011
Claims about Governor-General designate Mateparae must be investigated

Claims made in the latest issue of Metro magazine regarding the conduct of New Zealand’s Governor General designate, Lt.


Food 26 Apr 2011
High global food prices make NZ vulnerable to land grab

With commodity prices at record highs, New Zealand must protect its global advantage by keeping New Zealand land for New Zealand citizens, permanent residents and companies, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Alcohol 26 Apr 2011
NZ officials sabotage Thai health initiatives

New Zealand officials should not be putting pressure on another country to forego public health initiatives, Green Party alcohol spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Defence 25 Apr 2011
Independent inquiry needed into SAS prisoner transfer torture claims

The Green Party is calling on the Government to establish an independent inquiry into new evidence that New Zealand’s SAS soldiers in Afghanistan have been passing over prisoners who have later been mistreated or tortured, actions which may be in breach of the Geneva Convention.


Disability 21 Apr 2011
Tony Ryall misleads over cost of disability support care

Health Minister Tony Ryall needs to stop using discredited figures to deny justice to parents seeking financial support for looking after their disabled children, the Green Party said today.


Politics 20 Apr 2011
Where are the photos from the black tie dinner Mr Key?

The New Zealand Air Force should not be ferrying John Key around New Zealand so he can attend black tie dinners at exclusive golf clubs, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Tūrei said today.


Transport 19 Apr 2011
Relieve petrol costs with more buses and trains

The Government can lessen the impact of the price of oil, even if it can’t reduce the price, the Green Party said today.


Finance 18 Apr 2011
Prices, GST, inflation hit families hard

Rising prices are hurting Kiwi families, and the Government’s tax changes have left thousands worse off, the Green Party said today.


Energy 18 Apr 2011
Govt must stop subsidies to risky deep sea oil

The Government must not subsidise overseas oil giants to explore and drill in our deep waters when the technology to avoid a catastrophic oil spill is entirely unproven, said the Green Party today.


Politics 18 Apr 2011
Chidren need Minsters's action not talk

The Green Party today welcomed Minister Bennett’s suggestion of a national conversation on children’s issues, but expressed serious scepticism that the Government was at all interested in action to genuinely better “value, nurture and protect children”.


Real Estate 15 Apr 2011
NZ under threat from massive land grab

Selling the Crafar farms to an overseas consortium cannot possibly be in New Zealand’s economic interests, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Food 15 Apr 2011
Sue Kedgley lodges Commerce Commission complaint over 'meat glue'

The Commerce Commission needs to investigate scraps of meat being glued together with ‘meat glue’ and then being sold as prime cuts of meat, Green Party consumer affairs spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Agriculture 14 Apr 2011
Government makes a pig's ear of biosecurity risks

The Government’s decision to relax border standards for the importation of pig meat places the New Zealand pork industry at unacceptable risk, said the Green Party today.


Food 14 Apr 2011
One month on from Fukushima and still no halt to Japanese food imports

“New Zealand must start halting food imports from Japan,” Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Media 7 Apr 2011
Private media interests trump public service broadcasting

The Government is intent on favouring private broadcasting interests over the State broadcaster TVNZ, Green Party MP Sue Kedgley said today.


Finance 7 Apr 2011
AMI shock to Government's fiscal position further evidence of need for a levy

The $500 million underwriting of AMI Insurance will put the Government’s books under even greater pressure making the need for an earthquake levy more compelling, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Food 5 Apr 2011
Green light from Greens for traffic light food labelling

A new system of food labelling being proposed by Sanitarium today would help consumers work out which foods were healthy and which were not, Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Energy 4 Apr 2011
Govt's revealed energy agenda is from 19th century

The Government’s leaked energy strategy reveals their incoherent economic plan to take us back to the 19th century, said the Green Party today.


Politics 4 Apr 2011
Poll shows NZ supports levy for Christchurch

A new poll shows strong support for a temporary levy to pay for Christchurch earthquake recovery, the Green Party announced today.


Agriculture 3 Apr 2011
Fonterra cleans up water pollution in Australia but not NZ

The Greens are congratulating Fonterra for investing in clean water technology in their Australian factory but want to know why they won’t do the same at their factory in the Wairarapa.


Politics 1 Apr 2011
Greens announce hip hop tour of universities

The Green Party today announced that it will be carrying out a hip hop tour of universities to help raise student’s awareness of environmental and social justice issues.


Conservation 29 Mar 2011
Green Party Advisory: Bee hives come to the Beehive

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley is launching a petition today calling on the Government to immediately suspend the use of pesticides which are implicated in bee deaths around the world.


Alcohol 28 Mar 2011
NZ must deal with youth drinking and ignore Australian threats

Reports today that children are being treated for alcohol and addiction, show the urgent need for the Alcohol Law Reform bill to be significantly strengthened, Green Party alcohol spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Media 27 Mar 2011
Images in Vice magazine needed age restriction

Green Party Women’s Affairs Spokesperson Catherine Delahunty today confirmed that she had lodged a complaint with the Office of Film and Literature Classification concerning a recent issue of Vice magazine depicting nude young women in scenes of bondage.


Food 24 Mar 2011
Kids Ad guidelines still mean children exposed to saturation advertising

Voluntary guidelines touted today as reducing advertising to children will still allow up to 10 minutes of advertising to be screened every hour during school age children’s TV programming, Green Party broadcasting spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Finance 24 Mar 2011
Credit downgrade last thing a fragile economy needs now

The Government has raised the risk of a credit downgrade by borrowing to pay for the Christchurch earthquake rather than raising a levy, the Green Party said today.


Conservation 18 Mar 2011
Dump Day Decision Dumps on Dolphins

The Government has placed the endangered Hector’s dolphin at further risk of extinction by lifting restrictions on commercial fishers in the South Island, said the Green Party today.


Building 18 Mar 2011
New timber rules eliminate all but one non-toxic alternative for homes

Simplifying timber treatment rules will hurt growers, sawmills, and green consumers who want non-toxic timber building options, said the Green Party today.


Politics 15 Mar 2011
Harshest welfare changes on the table

Social Development Minister Paula Bennett confirmed in Parliament today that she is seriously considering even the most extreme of the Welfare Working Group’s recommendations, including associating benefit receipt with contraception, the Green Party said today.


Food 11 Mar 2011
Inequality and food price increases hurting struggling families

Rising food prices will hurt Kiwi families who are already struggling financially, the Green Party said today.


Motoring 9 Mar 2011
AA needs to get real about oil price response

The Green Party is calling for the Automobile Association (AA) to be upfront with Kiwi motorists that more is needed for the country to face oil price shocks than just efficient driving tips.


Politics 2 Mar 2011
Raising earthquake revenue must be on Key's agenda

The Government has a unique chance for national and political consensus around an earthquake levy, rather than risk a politicised argument about possible spending and benefit cuts, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Earthquakes 22 Feb 2011
Condolences for Christchurch

CHRISTCHURCH — The Green Party has extended its condolences to the people of Christchurch and Canterbury and its support for the Government's emergency response.


Health 22 Feb 2011
Key must guarantee PHARMAC

John Key must stop fudging questions about Pharmac and tell the New Zealand public just what is at stake in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Science 22 Feb 2011
Inquiry into AgResearch GE experiments needed

It is time for AgResearch to admit the failure of its genetic engineering experiments on animals and halt these experiments altogether, the Green Party said today.


Politics 21 Feb 2011
Save on welfare without harsh cuts

There’s an easy way to save on welfare without delivering harsh cuts to our most vulnerable citizens: raise the minimum wage and invest in real job creation, the Green Party said today.


Food 21 Feb 2011
Full inquiry into dairy prices needed now

The Government needs to set up a full Commerce Commission inquiry into dairy pricing in New Zealand, Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Politics 21 Feb 2011
Life on a benefit about to get more impossible

Making ends meet on a benefit is already next to impossible, and will get even harder if tough recommendations expected from the Welfare Working Group this week are adopted, the Green Party said today.


Agriculture 21 Feb 2011
Rising dairy prices could cost the environment

The rise in dairy prices will be very bad news for the environment unless the Government acts swiftly to implement clear rules for clean water, and puts a moratorium on diary conversions until these rules are in place, said the Green Party today.


Conservation 19 Feb 2011
Japan, congrats on whale fail

New Zealand can help make this Japanese whaling season the last ever, the Green Party said today.


Employment 19 Feb 2011
No four dollar an hour minimum wage in NZ

The Government must make sure that workers in the care sector are paid more than four dollars an hour, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Employment 18 Feb 2011
Road-building jobs cost the government over half a million each

The Government’s “Transport Stimulus” would have created many more jobs if they hadn’t cut funding for everything else to build new motorways said the Green Party today.


Motoring 17 Feb 2011
Ministers BMW cost more than ambulances

The average cost of an ambulance is less than a BMW 7 series, revealed the Green Party today.


Motoring 17 Feb 2011
John Key needs to come clean on cars

John Key needs to make public the information on the BMW for Ministers deal, or pull out of it, said the Green Party today.


Business 16 Feb 2011
Key gets NZ ready for sale

The Government pledge that New Zealand investors will get first crack at buying shares in any future sell off of state owned assets will likely only delay the inevitable movement of these assets offshore, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Community 16 Feb 2011
Govt can make Community Max work

On-going publicity about the Government’s Community Max scheme continues to highlight why investment in long-term job creation is so important, the Green Party said today.


Employment 16 Feb 2011
Communities need real jobs

Revelations that projects from Work and Income’s Community Max scheme have not created jobs or skills show how important it is to invest in meaningful long-term job creation, not short-term PR exercises, the Green Party said today.


Diplomacy 15 Feb 2011
Greens welcome Gillard visit

The Green Party today welcomed the forthcoming visit of Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.


Politics 11 Feb 2011
John Key's recipe for poverty and inequality is bearing fruit

John Key’s Government is growing inequality and cutting social spending which is a recipe for disaster, said the Green Party today.


Real Estate 10 Feb 2011
More openness needed regarding overseas buyers of NZ land

The Government must move to make the Overseas Investment Office more transparent so the public have the full facts about who is buying up New Zealand land, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Environment 10 Feb 2011
Govt's target will actually increase emissions

The Government is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the New Zealand public about plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, revealed the Green Party today.


Agriculture 10 Feb 2011
Hen code forgets that a cage is still a cage

The Government must move to rid New Zealand of battery hen cages completely, and not seek to replace them with so-called ‘enriched’ cages, Green Party animal welfare spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Conservation 4 Feb 2011
World's eyes focus on New Zealand's disappearing forests

New Zealand stands at the brink of losing some of our most precious plants and animals unless the Government works smarter to protect them, the Green Party said today.


Employment 3 Feb 2011
Household Labour Survey highlights inequality

Rising unemployment will hurt Kiwi families who are already struggling, and widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots, the Green Party said today.


Defence 1 Feb 2011
Key Government succumbs to US pressure over SAS

John Key’s decision to leave SAS troops in Afghanistan despite the long-planned March 2011 withdrawal date is a disappointing concession to pressure from the United States, Green Party defence spokesperson Keith Locke said today.


Finance 1 Feb 2011
Capital gains tax will help fix savings crisis

A tax on capital gains is one of the necessary components to addressing New Zealand’s savings crisis, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Alcohol 1 Feb 2011
Consumers need full facts on alcohol's risks

Labels on alcohol warning pregnant women of the dangers of drinking while pregnant are long overdue, Green Party alcohol spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.


Food 30 Jan 2011
New food label advice needs Government action now

The Government needs to urgently commit to implementing comprehensive recommendations just released by Food Standards Australia New Zealand, the Green Party said today.


Economy 30 Jan 2011
Green economics the smart way forward

Green economics offers a way out of New Zealand’s economic doldrums without selling off strategic assets, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman argued in his Party’s first major speech of election year.


Business 26 Jan 2011
Key swings to the right with privatisation plans

John Key’s plan to privatise state assets will damage the economy long-term and hurt ordinary New Zealanders, said the Green Party today.


Politics 26 Jan 2011
Locke to retire at election

Green MP Keith Locke announced today that he will not run again at the next election, but promised a busy 12th and final year in Parliament.


Transport 25 Jan 2011
Greens propose alternative for Puhoi to Wellsford

WELLSFORD — A quicker and cheaper alternative is needed to replace the proposed $1.7 billion Puhoi to Wellsford motorway, said the Green Party today.


Transport 21 Jan 2011
Govt motorway builders ignoring high petrol prices, will cost Kiwis

High petrol prices will continue to hit kiwi households and businesses in the back pocket if the Government doesn’t change its outdated approach to transport planning, said the Green Party today.


Transport 22 Dec 2010
Greens call for honest review of both road & rail projects

While reviewing the business case for the CBD rail loop Steven Joyce should also review the case for investing $1.7 billion into the Puhoi-to-Wellsford ‘Holiday highway’, the Green Party said today.


Government 21 Dec 2010
Privatisation of ACC will hurt accident victims

John Key’s Government's plan to privatise ACC will further undermine a world leading system that was fair for accident victims, said the Green Party today.


Family 21 Dec 2010
Greens wrap up 'Twelve Days of Christmas' with kids front and centre

We can guarantee our kids the essentials, reduce the gap between the haves and the have-nots, build a stronger community, and put children at the centre of political decision-making, the Green Party said today on the ‘twelfth day of Christmas’.


Trade 21 Dec 2010
National and Labour must re-evaluate their obsession with FTAs

The economic value of Free Trade deals such as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement should be greeted with scepticism after recent revelations, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Government 17 Dec 2010
On the tenth day of Christmas, let people have a say on welfare reform

On the ‘tenth day of Christmas’, the Green Party today released a submission guide for responding to the Welfare Working Group’s options paper, and urged the group to extend its submission deadline past Christmas Eve so that more New Zealanders have a chance to have their say.


Environment 16 Dec 2010
Government lacks cohesive plan on pest control

The closing of an important possum control research programme based at Invermay research station in Mosgiel is yet another step backwards for the protection of our native biodiversity and the control of tuberculosis (TB), the Green Party said today.


Environment 15 Dec 2010
Govt's whaling decision welcomed; now send in the Navy

The Green Party today welcomed the announcement the New Zealand Government will be joining Australia as a third party intervener in their whaling case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).


Transport 15 Dec 2010
Petrol price goes up, Govt buries head deeper

The $2-a-litre petrol price barrier has been broken and shows more than ever the Government needs to plan for a future of high oil prices, said the Green Party today.


Energy 15 Dec 2010
On the eighth day of Christmas, let's keep the bills down for families

On the ‘eighth day of Christmas’, the Green Party today suggested a practical way to keep power bills under control for families struggling to make ends meet – a progressive power pricing system.


Energy 15 Dec 2010
Nothing to stop oil disaster in New Zealand waters

There needs to be a moratorium on all new offshore petroleum permits and existing permits cancelled until proper environmental, safety and public consultation processes are in place, said the Green Party today.


Economy 14 Dec 2010
Worsening outlook due to poor economic management

John Key’s Government can take most of the responsibility for the worsening fiscal position and quite a lot of responsibility for the worsening economic position, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Corrections 14 Dec 2010
Private prison for Auckland a step backwards

AUCKLAND CITY — The decision to privatise Auckland’s remand prison and have it run by multinational prison corporation Serco is a mistake, said the Green Party today.


Employment 14 Dec 2010
Let's have some fairness for fired workers on the seventh day of Christmas

On the ‘seventh day of Christmas’, the Green Party today revealed that workers dismissed under the 90 day law could be going without income for up to 13 weeks over Christmas because of unfair WINZ rules.


Government 14 Dec 2010
Independent scrutiny for gold plated MP super

Pre-1992 MPs’ gold plated superannuation needs to be included in the recently announced overhaul of MPs’ expenses and entitlements, said the Green Party today.


Transport 14 Dec 2010
IBM survey says commuters want green transport

Yet another survey shows that New Zealanders want and need better transport options, said the Green Party today.


Fishing 14 Dec 2010
Failure of tuna rescue package bad news for the Pacific says Greenpeace

The world’s industrial fishing fleets will continue to plunder vital tuna resources from the Pacific following the rejection of a rescue package to halt the decline of tuna stocks, says Greenpeace.


Family 13 Dec 2010
On the sixth day of Christmas, let's target child health and wellbeing

On the sixth day of Christmas, the Green Party today showed how targeted policies can improve child health and wellbeing, in response to the release of the Children’s Social Health Monitor report.


Environment 13 Dec 2010
Cancun Agreement: A positive step but we're not there yet

While a positive step, the Cancun Agreement falls well short of what is needed to avert the worst effects of climate change, Green Party climate spokesperson Kennedy Graham said today.


Politics 12 Dec 2010
Wikileaks: Key Govt hides resumption of NZ/US Intel links

Green MP Keith Locke has condemned Key Government for hiding the fact that last year the United States had resumed full intelligence exchanges with New Zealand.


Accommodation 10 Dec 2010
On the fifth day of Christmas, let's build new warm, healthy state houses

On the fifth day of Christmas, the Green Party today proposed building 6,000 new state houses in the next three years in response to the Government’s announcement yesterday that it intends to push people out of state housing.


News 10 Dec 2010
Chinese pressure over Noble Prize Ceremony means NZ must go

New Zealand should defy China and attend tomorrow’s Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, Green Party MP Keith Locke said today Mr Locke was told in answer to a written parliamentary question that the New Zealand Government had received an official request from the Chinese Government not to attend the award ceremony.


Government 9 Dec 2010
Greens welcome Labour change of heart on the foreshore

The Labour Party has announced today that it will essentially be adopting the Green Party position on the foreshore and seabed.


Environment 9 Dec 2010
Nats refuse to commit to emissions target at Cancun

The Green Party is deeply disturbed by the New Zealand Government’s statement today that it will not commit to specific greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets unless it gets its way on dubious forestry rule changes.


Government 9 Dec 2010
Gift duty: A check on widespread tax avoidance?

The Green Party opposed the first reading of the Taxation (Tax Administration & Remedial Matters) Bill last night on the grounds that the Bill will abolish gift duty—a left-over tax from a time when New Zealand had estate duties.


Politics 9 Dec 2010
On the fourth day of Christmas, let's put children at the centre of welfare reform

On the fourth day of Christmas, the Green Party today welcomed the release of the Alternative Welfare Working Group’s (AWWG) report, and endorsed its recommendation to put children’s interests at the centre of welfare reform.


Environment 8 Dec 2010
Lignite is taxpayer subsidised madness

SOUTHLAND — Plans to mine Southland and Otago lignite will significantly increase New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions at the taxpayer’s expense, according to a report welcomed by the Green Party today.


Mountain Biking 8 Dec 2010
Heaphy gem opens for mountain bikers

WEST COAST — The Green Party is celebrating the news that from May next year, people will once again be able to ride the Heaphy Track.


Trade 8 Dec 2010
Want to know NZ's position on the TPP – go ask the Sultan

The New Zealand public has the right to the same information given to the Sultan of Brunei and officials from the other countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Disability 8 Dec 2010
On the third day of Christmas, let's support people with disabilities

On ‘the third day of Christmas’ the Green Party today called for a change in attitude towards helping people with disabilities into work, away from punishment and towards inclusion.


Food 8 Dec 2010
Bill sets up Supermarket Code of Practice and Ombudsman

Green Party MP Sue Kedgley is today launching a Private Members Bill which would require a Supermarket Code of Practice and a Supermarket Ombudsman to be set up.


Government 7 Dec 2010
Greens welcome Law Com call for Independent body for MPs expenses

The Law Commission will table a report in Parliament today that calls for an independent authority to be responsible for MPs’ expenses and entitlements.


Food 7 Dec 2010
GE food labelling on US TPP hit list

The Key Government must resist attempts by the United States to abolish mandatory labelling of genetically engineered food in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Environment 7 Dec 2010
NZ Govt fights for big polluters in Cancun

  John Key’s Government will undermine New Zealand’s interests if it continues to support big polluters’ attempt to block a second Kyoto commitment period at Cancun, said the Green Party today.


Family 7 Dec 2010
On the second day of Christmas, let's do something about child poverty

On ‘the second day of Christmas’, the Green Party today urged National and Labour do something concrete about child poverty by extending Working for Families support to children whose parents rely on a benefit.


Government 6 Dec 2010
Rugby World Cup used as excuse to give SIS more powers - Greens

The Rugby World Cup is being used as an excuse for extending the powers of the Security Intelligence Service, Green Party MP Keith Locke said today.


Trade 6 Dec 2010
TPP negotiations could open NZ up to US land grab

New Zealand’s overseas investment regime will be on the United States’ hit list during the Trans Pacific Partnership talks this week, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.