Labour Party

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Politics 12 Dec 2012
Pharmac keeps head down over important public concerns

Pharmac has not disclosed any activity around a controversial change of blood glucose meters in its annual report and should have, says Labour Health spokesperson, Maryan Street.


Politics 12 Dec 2012
Court closures signal future change

Confirmation that the Government will close some district courts and downgrade others is hardly proof of National’s commitment to maintain access to justice for ordinary New Zealanders, says Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel.


Politics 12 Dec 2012
Leaving workers in limbo sends bad message

Indian workers holding valid New Zealand work visas should be allowed to return to work, say Labour MPs Darien Fenton and Rajen Prasad.


Politics 12 Dec 2012
Public need to see Binnie report, now

Judith Collins has made a rod for her own back by openly criticising an independent report into David Bain’s compensation claim and now has no other option but to release it immediately, Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 11 Dec 2012
RMA reforms have echoes of Muldoon

The Resource Management Reform Bill represents the next steps in the National Government’s agenda to centralise control and take away decision-making rights from local communities, Labour’s Environment Spokesperson Grant Robertson said.


Politics 11 Dec 2012
Key's excuses won't feed and house children

John Key should stop making excuses and live up to the promise he made that as Prime Minister he would tackle the growing ‘underclass’ and protect our most ‘vulnerable’ citizens, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 11 Dec 2012
Teachers' anger on Christchurch schools justified

Hekia Parata’s plan for the future of Canterbury’s schools has been bungled from day one, and teachers’ anger at the Government is completely justified, says Megan Woods.


Politics 11 Dec 2012
Vital to learn lessons from Royal Commission

The findings from the release of the final part of the Royal Commission into the Canterbury Earthquake must be considered quickly, says Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


News 10 Dec 2012
Good call by telco on data roaming rates

The horrendous data-roaming costs to Kiwis travelling overseas just got a lot more affordable with a welcome announcement from Telecom for a flat daily rate in some major destinations.


Politics 10 Dec 2012
Children's health monitor damns Govt inaction on poverty

Revelations that one in five New Zealand children are reliant on a benefit as the main source of their family’s income highlights the National Government's failure to lift our kids out of poverty, say Labour MPs Maryan Street and Jacinda Ardern.


Building 10 Dec 2012
Safe buildings a goal in sight

The Government must ensure that the lessons learnt in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes are fed into its policy development for making all buildings safe, say Labour MPs Lianne Dalziel and Raymond Huo.


Government 10 Dec 2012
Minister's back down a victory for community action

This afternoon’s back down by Paula Bennett on funding for the sexual abuse crisis line HELP is a triumph for community action, says Labour's Women's Affairs spokesperson Sue Moroney.


Council 7 Dec 2012
Port Hills MP Welcomes Council Decision

The unanimous decision of Christchurch City Council to enable mitigation work to be considered on a case by case basis for Port Hills residents at risk of rockfall is a fantastic outcome and I congratulate the Council for this vote.


Politics 7 Dec 2012
About time: A small chink in monetary orthodoxy

Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler’s admission today that he is negotiating the use of macro-prudential tools shows the Government is finally conceding that its orthodox monetary policy needs to change, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 7 Dec 2012
24 hour crisis line needed this Christmas

Auckland’s 24 hour sexual violence crisis line, HELP, must be available over Christmas says Labour’s Women’s Affairs spokesperson Sue Moroney.


Deaths 7 Dec 2012
Labour's thoughts with tornado victims

Labour Leader David Shearer is expressing his sympathy to the families of those who lost their lives during this afternoon’s tornado in Auckland.


Politics 7 Dec 2012
Christchurch teachers call on Key to stop and listen

Christchurch teachers fed up with the National Government’s education reform agenda have turned out in force today with a clear message for the Prime Minister, says Labour MP for Wigram Megan Woods.


Politics 6 Dec 2012
Wave good-bye to 50,000th Kiwi this year

The number of people giving up on building a future in New Zealand is an indictment of the Government’s economic failure, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 6 Dec 2012
John Key overreacts to Pike River question

The Prime Minister has overreacted to a simple question about whether the Government will support the Pike River families’ proposal to re-enter the mine, says West Coast/Tasman MP Damien O’Connor.


Politics 6 Dec 2012
McCully appointee should have declared interest

Murray McCully’s angry outburst is just an attempt to divert attention from the fact that a National Party mate he appointed to a state-owned shipping line failed to tell either him or his Ministry that he was registered as a shareholder of a competing company, says Labour’s Foreign Affairs and Trade spokesperson Phil Goff.


Politics 6 Dec 2012
Last chance for Minister to cut liquor delay

Justice Minister Judith Collins has one last chance to do the right thing and cut the nonsensical 12 month delay that local councils could face before being able to implement local alcohol policies, says Labour MP Phil Twyford.


Politics 6 Dec 2012
Key's faux defence of Hillside shown up

John Key’s claim that he couldn’t keep Dunedin’s Hillside open as he would have had to compensate KiwiRail has been shown up as he is unable to reveal the cost of compensation, says Labour Dunedin South MP Clare Curran.


Politics 5 Dec 2012
Steven Joyce just doesn't get it

For Tertiary Education Minister Steven Joyce to say that it is “good news” that 30,000 fewer people were undertaking tertiary education in 2011 than the year before shows just how out of touch the National government is, Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Politics 5 Dec 2012
Consultant spend soars as cutbacks continue

Official figures reveal that Treasury’s spending on consultants has increased by a “gob-smacking’” 1014 per cent over five years, Labour’s State Service spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.


Politics 5 Dec 2012
Negotiations leave borders exposed

There is a real possibility that New Zealand’s borders could be unprotected over the busy Christmas period if the Ministry of Primary Industries does not settle wage negotiations with frontline biosecurity staff, says Labour’s spokesperson for Primary Industries Damien O’Connor.


Politics 5 Dec 2012
Joyce's privatisation agenda damages foundation education

Steven Joyce's ideological agenda to increase the privatisation of tertiary education is damaging the quality and provision of vital foundation and bridging programmes in our polytechnics, says Grant Robertson Labour Tertiary Education, Skills and Training spokesperson.


Politics 4 Dec 2012
Government aids export of job seekers to Oz

Revelations today that taxpayers are picking up the tab for unemployed Kiwis to fly to Australia to take up job offers is further proof that the Government has no interest in creating work opportunities here, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 4 Dec 2012
ACC recruitment delays unacceptable but understandable

That the appointment of a permanent ACC chief executive won’t be made for “several months” suggests the Government is having difficulty in finding a suitable replacement, Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little says.


Politics 3 Dec 2012
Chorus comfy but consumers lose out

New Zealand consumers have come off second best to Chorus following the Commerce Commission’s decision on what the main telco network operator can charge for its phone lines, says Labour’s spokesperson for Communications and IT Clare Curran.


Politics 3 Dec 2012
Labour backs call for suicide prevention campaign

Labour's Mental Health and Addictions spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway is backing Christchurch coroner Sue Johnson's call for a suicide prevention  campaign.


Politics 3 Dec 2012
Government takes disability rights backwards

The restructuring of the Human Rights Commission provides more evidence that the National-led Government is simply paying lip-service to the needs of disabled New Zealanders, Labour’s spokesperson for Disability Issues, Clare Curran, says.


Politics 3 Dec 2012
Church visit will highlight education

Leaders of The Congregational Christian Church of Samoa - one of New Zealand’s oldest Pacific churches - will visit Parliament tomorrow to celebrate 50 years of service to the community.


Politics 30 Nov 2012
She won't be right, mate


Politics 30 Nov 2012
Banks step in as Government fails to step up

The Government should be ashamed that it has been left to the country’s retail banks to help teachers and school support staff with financial woes caused by the Novopay debacle, says Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 30 Nov 2012
Dunne coy on details of IT system update

Details of the Government’s tender process to update Inland Revenue’s IT systems are still unclear after question time today, says David Clark.


Politics 30 Nov 2012
No suprises : Women workers worse off

The contribution women make to our economy continues to be undervalued, says Labour’s Women’s Affairs spokesperson Sue Moroney.


Politics 29 Nov 2012
Parata must share Foss' Novopay shame

Hekia Parata can’t hide behind Craig Foss’ incompetence any longer, with the confirmation that she too signed off on the final decision to roll out Novopay, says Chris Hipkins.


Politics 29 Nov 2012
National's "more affordable" homes for hobbits

National’s plan for slightly “more affordable” homes at the Hobsonville development is little more than a cruel joke, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 29 Nov 2012
City rail link a no-brainer, unless you're Gerry Brownlee

The National Government is looking increasingly isolated with its opposition to Auckland’s City Rail Link, says Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 29 Nov 2012
Youth jobs programme destined to fail under National

A course trumpeted as successfully moving young people into work by both the Prime Minister and the Social Development Minister has an extraordinarily high failure rate, official figures reveal.


Politics 29 Nov 2012
Call for Dunedin business to support Hillside Xmas hamper appeal

Dunedin South Labour MP Clare Curran has today launched an appeal for Dunedin businesses to donate Christmas hamper items for the Hillside workers who are about to lose their jobs.


Politics 28 Nov 2012
Elective surgery targets about numbers not needs

Children are being dropped off  treatment lists as district health boards focus on meeting the government’s much-lauded elective surgery “targets”,  Labour’s Health spokesperson Maryan Street says.


Politics 28 Nov 2012
Nervous Nats block Parliamentary inquiry into Novopay

National’s decision to block a Select Committee inquiry into the Novopay debacle is as irresponsible as it is cowardly, says Chris Hipkins.


Politics 28 Nov 2012
Death toll in forestry sector must be addressed

The Government needs to address the horrific toll of death and injury in the forestry sector, says Darien Fenton, Labour’s spokesperson for labour issues.


Politics 28 Nov 2012
Another Pike River investigation not the answer

The announcement by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment that it is conducting an independent investigation in to the Pike River tragedy is a face-saving exercise from a department that has already been exposed as failing in its duty to protect workers, says West Coast-Tasman Labour MP Damien O’Connor.


Politics 27 Nov 2012
Foss asleep at the Novopay wheel

Craig Foss’ admission that he never asked to see the results from the trial run of Novopay is a gobsmacking, says Chris Hipkins.


Politics 27 Nov 2012
Alarm bells sound over Family Court reform process

Judith Collins' announcement today that the legislation restricting access to the Family Court has raised concerns that it has been timed to avoid proper parliamentary scrutiny, Labour’s Charles Chauvel says.


Politics 27 Nov 2012
Rebuild needs community's involvement

OPINION published in The Press, Tuesday 27 November 2012 It is time for an honest debate about the direction the Christchurch recovery is taking, writes Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 27 Nov 2012
Rebuild needs community's involvement

OPINION published in The Press, Tuesday 27 November 2012 It is time for an honest debate about the direction the Christchurch recovery is taking, writes Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 27 Nov 2012
Detector dog process drags on, and on

News that a biosecurity sniffer dog and its handler will be stationed at Wellington International Airport from next month is hardly cause for the agricultural sector to start popping the champagne corks, Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 26 Nov 2012
Stats cast a dark shadow over White Ribbon Day

The revelation that family violence related deaths in New Zealand have increased by more than 50% since 2008, casts a dark shadow over White Ribbon Day today (November 25), says Labour’s Women’s Affairs spokesperson Sue Moroney.


Politics 26 Nov 2012
Goodhew's performance disappoints

The National Government is letting New Zealanders down when it comes to appointing women on boards says Labour’s spokesperson for Women's Affairs, Sue Moroney.


Politics 26 Nov 2012
Construction Sector Welcoming Kiwibuild

KiwiBuild will help the construction sector end its damaging boom-bust cycles and develop sustainable capacity and a better-qualified workforce, says Labour’s Building & Construction spokesperson Raymond Huo.


Politics 26 Nov 2012
Polytech cuts undermines education in Manukau

“The Government’s decision to cut $32 million from polytechnics  will impact on education in Manukau and see valuable staff lose their jobs, says Labour  MP for Māngere, Su’a William Sio.


Politics 26 Nov 2012
Minister of Pacific Island Affairs fails Pacific education

“A rift between senior Pasifika leaders and the Minister of Pacific Island Affairs is the result of the failure of this Government to prioritise Pasifika people and their educational aspiration,” said Su’a William Sio, Labour’s Spokesperson for Pacific Island Affairs.


Politics 23 Nov 2012
Government must act to ease power price pressure

Gerry Brownlee must sit down with Orion soon to get a better deal for Cantabrians than the new plan to impose the network’s $155 million in earthquake costs on households, say Labour’s Canterbury MPs.


Politics 23 Nov 2012
And the Novopay issue keeps rolling on ...

That Ministry of Education staff knew  that Talent2 hadn’t factored in end of year pay issues shows how badly managed the entire process has been,  Labour’s Education Spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta says.


Politics 23 Nov 2012
Labour calls for Council-Government truce

It is time for the Christchurch City Council and Government to call a truce after another Council decision appears set to be vetoed, says Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Politics 23 Nov 2012
Government rapped for road safety failure

A new road risk assessment report out today highlights the folly - and danger - of National’s plan to forge ahead with its ‘holiday highway’, Labour’s Transport Safety Spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.


Politics 23 Nov 2012
Bilingual language exclusion won't go unnoticed

Education Minister Hekia Parata has turned a blind eye to the Pacific community’s aspirations for bilingual education, says Labour’s Pacific Affairs spokesperson Su’a William Sio.


Politics 22 Nov 2012
Platitudes not enough from Talent2

Teachers and schools deserve more than a belated apology ‘for the inconvenience” from the contractor responsible for the Novopay payroll debacle, says Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 22 Nov 2012
Hands-off Nats hand out boarding passes to Oz

With unemployment at a 13-year high it’s no coincidence that over 53,000 Kiwis have left for Australia in the last year, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 22 Nov 2012
Immigration Minister must tell full story

A decision by Immigration New Zealand to keep clients who have had personal details compromised in the dark needs explaining, Labour’s Immigration spokesperson Darien Fenton says.


Politics 21 Nov 2012
Too little, too late Foss

The promise to reimburse schools for their auditing of accounts is hardly recompense for the on-going frustrations with Novopay says Labour’s Education spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 21 Nov 2012
Caucus unanimously endorses Leader

Labour Leader David Shearer has today received the unanimous endorsement of his caucus.


Politics 19 Nov 2012
Labour Leader calls caucus meeting

Labour Leader David Shearer has called his caucus to a meeting in Wellington at 4pm tomorrow.


Politics 19 Nov 2012
Labour sends its support to the Pike River families David Shearer | Monday, November 19, 2012 - 14:52

Labour is expressing its support and sympathy for the families of the 29 miners killed at Pike River two years ago today.


Politics 19 Nov 2012
Labour Leader calls caucus meeting

Labour Leader David Shearer has called his caucus to a meeting in Wellington at 4pm tomorrow.


Politics 16 Nov 2012
Judith and Christopher's great leap backwards

Labour is condemning the Government's decision to return to the title of QCs, as the necessary legislation is read in Parliament this afternoon for a third and final time.


Politics 16 Nov 2012
Half-baked housing announcement made in a rush

The tepid response to National’s lame housing strategy has shamed Phil Heatley into extremely half-hearted action in Hobsonville, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 16 Nov 2012
Bill to impose Queensland mining regulations

West Coast Tasman Labour MP Damien O’Connor is pushing for New Zealand underground miners to be guaranteed the same regulatory protection their Queensland counterparts enjoy, as recommended by the Pike River Royal Commission.


Politics 16 Nov 2012
Community sector falls victim to Govt's economic mismanagement

The postponement of the Government's review of the definition of charitable purpose in the Charities Act is yet another blow to the community and voluntary sector, the Green Party said today.


Politics 16 Nov 2012
Government loses control of Education Ministry

Claims by Associate Education Minister Craig Foss that he is "utterly flabbergasted" by revelations the Ministry of Education is planning to restructure its Payroll Services Unit clearly demonstrate he isn't in control of his own portfolio, Labour's State Services spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.


Politics 16 Nov 2012
Labour welcomes Christchurch Cathedral decision

Justice Chisholm’s decision, issued this afternoon and ordering a halt to the demolition of Christchurch’s Anglican Cathedral, has been welcomed by the Labour Party.


Politics 16 Nov 2012
Labour congratulates Land and Water Forum report

The Land and Water Forum is to be congratulated for a comprehensive third report that has the buy-in of most interested parties and provides a strong path forward for the management of freshwater in New Zealand, says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 16 Nov 2012
Job cut madness won't fix Novopay

The Ministry of Education’s decision to restructure their Payroll Services Unit at the very time those same staff are focused on fixing the Novopay shambles is mind-bogglingly stupid, Labour’s State Services spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.