Labour Party

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Politics 15 Nov 2012
Ngati Whatua settlement a watershed

Labour is hailing the passing of the Ngati Whatua Orakei Settlement Bill as a watershed moment for Auckland.


Politics 15 Nov 2012
Economic sabotage costs 90 Hillside jobs

The loss of 90 highly skilled Hillside manufacturing jobs has destroyed livelihoods across Dunedin and is the result of KiwiRail’s blind execution of Government directives, Dunedin South Labour MP Clare Curran and Dunedin North Labour MP David Clark say.


Politics 15 Nov 2012
Bill introduces corporate manslaughter charge

A member’s Bill that allows companies to be charged with corporate manslaughter will fill a long-standing gap in our health and safety laws, the Bill’s sponsor Labour List MP Andrew Little says.


Politics 15 Nov 2012
For Kiwis out of work life's no fairy tale

National can use all the cute words it likes to avoid answering tough questions on unemployment, but for New Zealanders out of work, life’s no fairy tale, says Labour’s Employment spokesperson Su’a William Sio.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
'Bill's Brain' and Fox News-maths on incomes

Bill English has resorted to using Karl Rove’s denial-style maths techniques to inflate New Zealand’s household incomes, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Call to put prescription cost increase on hold

With thousands of families already paying more than they should be for prescriptions, the Government should put its planned fee increase on the back-burner until it has a system in place to track charges, Labour's Health Spokesperson Maryan Street says.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Government needs to work with, not against, diabetics

Diabetics deserve a break, says Labour’s Health spokesperson, Maryan Street.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Bennett bouncing all over the place on jobs

Social Development Minister Paula Bennett’s attempt to paint jobless Kiwis as shirkers who can’t be bothered looking for work is insulting, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Exporters hurting as rental property investment on the march

Interest in investment property is back to ‘historically high’ levels, underlining the need for a capital gains tax to get investment money into productive businesses, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Govt on wrong track with unemployment

New Zealand is rated as the 6th worst performer among OECD countries in terms of increasing unemployment since the onset of the global financial crisis, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Lean times ahead for minimum wage workers

The Government’s plan abandon a long standing approach to the annual review of the minimum wage is a cost-cutting exercise that could lead to a freeze on the minimum wage for hundreds of thousands of workers, says Darien Fenton.


Politics 14 Nov 2012
Still no clarity on the IRD's 20-year-old systems

Bill English can’t explain the changes or costs required to replace Inland Revenue’s 20-year-old FIRST mainframe computer system, and is unable to acknowledge if the IRD has spent millions on consultants for the project, says Labour’s Revenue spokesperson David Clark.


Politics 12 Nov 2012
Don't ask us, we don't know says government

The Government has slashed the number of compliance checks carried out to check employers in the horticulture and viticulture industries are meeting immigration obligations says Darien Fenton.


Politics 12 Nov 2012
Come clean on Christchurch, Hekia

The Education Minister is treating the people of Christchurch with contempt by not fronting up with all the advice, information and options considered as part of the process of deciding the future for the city’s schools, says Chris Hipkins.


Politics 12 Nov 2012
Give Foss the flick and fix Novopay, Hekia

News of privacy and security breaches with the Ministry of Educations troubled Novopay system is a worrying addition to the litany of problems with the system and it is now time for Hekia Parata to personally step in to fix things, says Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 12 Nov 2012
The definition of madness... English on jobs

“Bill English’s belated admission that the Government is nowhere near on track to create the 170,000 new jobs it promised over four years is cold comfort for the 300,000 jobless Kiwis,” says David Shearer.


Politics 9 Nov 2012
English's grasp of figures lost in translation

Trying to get political mileage out of ‘lower benefit rates’ when unemployment is at a 13 year high is below the belt, says Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern.


Politics 9 Nov 2012
Day of shame as National pulls out of Kyoto

New Zealand’s international reputation has taken a massive hit today with the Government’s decision to not commit to the second stage of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change, says Labour’s Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey.


Politics 9 Nov 2012
Redundancy protection will give families a fair go

Legislation that would protect New Zealand families against shock redundancy is back on the Parliamentary agenda.


Politics 9 Nov 2012
'Catastrophic failure' hits Southern Cross cable

A catastrophic failure has struck the Southern Cross international internet cable, says Labour’s Communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 9 Nov 2012
Key and English failing on jobs

The Prime Minister and his Finance Minister are failing to Kiwis on the most basic and important economic level – jobs, says David Shearer.


Politics 9 Nov 2012
Media must be seen to be free from political interference

The appointment of Richard Long to the board of TVNZ might look good on paper but his links to the National Party could create the perception of political interference, says Clare Curran.


Politics 9 Nov 2012
Bill offers security for NZ dairy farmers

A member’s bill drawn from the ballot today will secure ownership and control of Fonterra in the hands of New Zealand dairy farmers, its sponsor Labour MP Damien O’Connor says.


Politics 8 Nov 2012
Bennett finally admits boss was paid out

Social Development Minister Paula Bennett has some apologising to do after misleading the public over the hasty departure of the head of Work and Income just 11 months after she was hired, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 8 Nov 2012
Joyce set out to dump scheme in favour of Snapper

Documents released under the Official Information Act reveal Steven Joyce wanted to dump the Auckland integrated ticketing project soon after he was elected because he thought Snapper could do it instead, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 8 Nov 2012
Public pressure forces Parata back-down

Hekia Parata’s about face on the mergers of four Christchurch secondary schools can’t be shrugged off as non-consequential and her protestations that mergers weren’t on her agenda are just double-speak, Labour’s Canterbury Recovery spokesperson Lianne Dalziel says.


Politics 8 Nov 2012
Unemployment hits Maori and Pasifika hardest

National’s failed attempt to create jobs is hitting Maori and Pasifika the hardest, with unemployment rates above 15 per cent, says Labour’s Employment spokesperson Su’a William Sio.


Politics 8 Nov 2012
Positive vote on Arms Trade Treaty encouraging

A vote by 157 governments at the UN General Assembly’s First Committee on Disarmament in New York, in favour of finalising the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in March, is a hugely positive step forward,  Labour’s Associate Spokesperson for Disarmament and President of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Ross Robertson says.


Politics 8 Nov 2012
No hope for NZ manufacturing with National

Last night many New Zealanders were cheering for hope in America, but today they’re waking up to the realisation that our own National government’s economic policies are hopeless, Labour’s economic development spokesperson David Cunliffe says.


Politics 8 Nov 2012
Key's legacy: highest jobless rate since Shipley

John Key’s legacy to New Zealand will be the highest jobless rate in 13 years, since the last time a National government was in power, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 8 Nov 2012
Marriage Bill all about fairness

Labour MP Louisa Wall gave the first public submission on her Marriage Equality (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill today, saying that all New Zealand couples deserve equality under the law.


Politics 8 Nov 2012
Bennett ignores advice on children's health

Social Development Minister Paula Bennett has ignored official advice that children’s health could suffer as a consequence of her social obligation regime, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 8 Nov 2012
Labour congratulates President Obama

The Labour Leader, David Shearer, has paid tribute to the US President Barack Obama for securing a second term in the Oval Office.


Government 8 Nov 2012
IRD staff turnover at nearly 34 per cent in Wellington

Morale at IRD appears to be at an all-time low with staff churn at the Wellington base hitting almost 34 per cent in the past year, Labour’s Revenue spokesperson David Clark says.


Politics 7 Nov 2012
King keeps close eye on home insulation

  Labour is keeping a close eye on the Government’s promise to insulate all Housing New Zealand houses by the end of next year, says Annette King.


Politics 6 Nov 2012
Dark day for high-tech manufacturing

On the day Fisher and Paykel was sold overseas Rakon outsourced high-paying jobs to Asia, marking a dark day for Kiwi high-tech manufacturing, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 6 Nov 2012
A four letter word for not responsible...? Foss.

The Associate Education Minister Craig Foss is making avoiding responsibility for the Novopay debacle into an art form, says Nanaia Mahuta.


Politics 6 Nov 2012
Full time jobs drop shows National's failures

The consequences of National’s economic mismanagement are clear with full-time employment falling over the last three months under this Government, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 6 Nov 2012
Rakon jobs underline manufacturing troubles

The problems facing manufacturing have been laid bare by the loss of 60 jobs at high-tech manufacturer Rakon, while the whole sector lost 5,700 jobs in the past year, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 6 Nov 2012
Comment on Royal Commission report into Pike River

“This report is crucial for the West Coast.


Politics 5 Nov 2012
Labour backs Pike River recommendations

Labour is calling on the Government to adopt all of the recommendations of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Pike River and to extend health and safety improvements to all workplaces to keep New Zealanders safe on the job.


Politics 5 Nov 2012
MMP review recommendations must be implemented

Labour is welcoming the Electoral Commission’s review of the MMP system and is offering to facilitate the passing of a new law implementing the most important recommendations.


Politics 5 Nov 2012
Schools carrying the cost for Novopay nightmare

The Government has abandoned schools to cope with the myriad of payroll botch-ups that it created, says Nanaia Mahuta.


Manufacturing 5 Nov 2012
Westpac profits, admits manufacturing is faltering

Westpac today announced record profits while at the same time admitting that it was a tough time to be an exporter or an import-competing manufacturer, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Nov 2012
Swift move needed to retain confidence

The Government must move quickly to reassure the public and our trading partners that our borders are secure, Labour’s Customs spokesperson Kris Faafoi said today.


Politics 1 Nov 2012
Drug and alcohol court support overdue

Today's announcement of greater support for the drug and alcohol court initiative is overdue, says Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel.


Politics 1 Nov 2012
Glossing over infrastructure issues

The Government has released another policy-free brochure, this time glossing over the major issues in infrastructure, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 1 Nov 2012
Independent review needed before Government move on new motorway projects

The Government risks wasting billions of dollars if it moves ahead with four new Roads of National Significance as flagged in its just-released infrastructure report, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 1 Nov 2012
Who will pay for privatisation of road safety?

The Government’s consultation process on proposed changes to the Warrant of Fitness system raises questions about how the changes will be paid for, Labour’s Transport Safety spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.


Politics 1 Nov 2012
Worst possible outcome for Ross Sea

Emerging reports that further protection of the Ross Sea is being shelved to appease big fishing interests are extremely disappointing, Labour's Associate Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Maryan Street says.


Politics 31 Oct 2012
School closures another blow for at-risk kids

Students most in need of extra support and help will lose out thanks to Education Minister Hekia Parata’s latest decision to close two of the country's four residential special schools, Labour's Associate Education spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.


Politics 31 Oct 2012
One vote could make all the difference

If just one more MP votes to lower the drink-drive limit, up to 30 lives a year could be saved, Labour’s Transport Safety Spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.


Politics 31 Oct 2012
Plug should be pulled on Kapiti expressway

Labour is calling on the Government to pull the plug on the Mackays to Peka Peka section of the Kapiti expressway after a leaked NZTA document reveals the project has a “shockingly low” benefit to cost ratio.


Politics 31 Oct 2012
Craig Foss: no care, no responsibility

Craig Foss is hiding behind his officials as he desperately tries to avoid taking responsibility for the Novopay debacle, says Nanaia Mahuta.


Defence 31 Oct 2012
Key needs to reassure Kiwis of SAS role

Labour is calling on the Prime Minister to confirm that our SAS troops in Afghanistan are sticking to their mandate of ‘gathering intelligence’ as previously stated by the Government.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Half of 2008 manufacturing start ups have shut down

Over half of all manufacturing businesses that started up in 2008 have disappeared in the past four years, showing the industry has been gutted by the crisis, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Worst fears confirmed for vulnerable workers

Tens of thousands of vulnerable workers could see their wages and conditions eroded even further thanks to the Government’s decision to remove legislative protections from them, says Darien Fenton.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Bennett's 'not-me-itis' doesn't inspire confidence

Paula Bennett’s continued shrugging off of any responsibility for the security breaches at Work and Income is doing nothing to alleviate the concerns thousands of Kiwis now have about access to their personal information, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Should ComCom have more teeth?

Consumers could be the big losers after the Commerce Commission rubber-stamped Vodafone’s purchase of Telstra Clear, says Clare Curran.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Capital gains tax key part of house affordability

The Government’s refusal to consider a capital gains tax that would help put a lid on property prices and increase wages shows it isn’t serious about making housing affordable in this country, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Time to rethink affordable housing at Hobsonville

John Key’s own backyard could provide affordable housing opportunities Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King says.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Government's weak response disappointing

The Kiwi dream of home ownership and affordable housing for New Zealanders is dying and hope for resuscitation by government looks bleak, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 30 Oct 2012
Childish Government plays musical chairs instead of debating

National's childish refusal to debate alcohol reform created a pantomime version of musical chairs on Q&A, when they should have discussed the important issues, says Labour’s Associate Justice spokesperson Lianne Dalziel.


Police 29 Oct 2012
Police appoint senior team to look into illegal GCSB spying

Police have appointed a team of senior investigators to look into a Green Party complaint about the Government Communications Security Bureau’s illegal interception of Kim Dotcom’s communications, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.


Politics 29 Oct 2012
Dunne runs from the hard questions

Peter Dunne must front up and explain how the IRD breached 6,300 Kiwis’ privacy and why over 5,700 people haven’t been told of the loss of their private details, says Labour’s Revenue spokesperson Dr David Clark.


Deaths 29 Oct 2012
Condolences to Rev Kilifi Heimuli's family

It is with sadness that I’ve learnt that Rev Kilifi Heimuli has passed away, says Su’a William Sio, Labour’s Pacific Island Affairs spokesperson.


Politics 29 Oct 2012
IRD privacy breaches a systemic failure

IRD has made multiple privacy breaches involving 6,300 people in the past year, showing there are serious systemic issues in the department, says Labour’s Revenue spokesperson Dr David Clark.


Politics 29 Oct 2012
Government tinkers in face of housing crisis

The Government appears set to disappoint New Zealanders again by offering token tinkering in response to the housing affordability crisis, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Politics 26 Oct 2012
New Manufacturing Inquiry website to take submissions

The leaders of four political parties are calling on New Zealanders to find out more about the joint-Parliamentary inquiry on manufacturing and make submissions by visiting the new website.


Politics 26 Oct 2012
Government delay on Alcohol Reform Bill puzzling

National is trying to avoid debating the hard issues on alcohol reform, says Labour’s Associate Justice spokesperson, Lianne Dalziel.