Green Party

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The Green Charter The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles: Ecological Wisdom: The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. 

Joined August 2007
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Politics 27 Mar 2012
Urgent review of foreign buy up of NZ land needed

There needs to be an urgent review of the way the Overseas Investment Office (OIO) operates, Green Party Co-Leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Deaths 25 Mar 2012
Green Party saddened by death of Sir Paul Callaghan

The Green Party expressed sadness at the passing today of Sir Paul Callaghan.


Politics 22 Mar 2012
ACC should release Boag-Pullar 45-point list

ACC should release Boag-Pullar 45-point list The Green Party is pushing for cultural reform at ACC and is calling on the organisation to release a 45-point list detailing some of its privacy and protocol breaches.


Employment 22 Mar 2012
Time for port to end waterfront dispute

AUCKLAND CITY — The Green Party says news that workers at the Ports of Auckland will resume negotiating their collective employment agreement without the threat of job losses highlights the weakness of the port company's legal position.


Politics 21 Mar 2012
Key opening foreign owned Bathurst Resources' office inappropriate

The Prime Minister should not be attending the event of a company that is currently applying to mine conservation land, the Green Party said today.


Politics 21 Mar 2012
John Key too slow - Smith inquiry still needed

John Key should have had the guts to sack or stand Nick Smith down two days ago when it became obvious the former ACC Minister had used his ministerial influence to help a friend in her dispute with ACC.


Politics 21 Mar 2012
Privacy inquiry irrelevant - Greens call for independent inquiry into Smith

Privacy inquiry irrelevant – Greens call for independent inquiry into Smith The Prime Minister must stop hiding behind the Privacy Commissioner's inquiry into a mass leak of ACC claimant details and order an independent inquiry into the behaviour of one of his most senior ministers.


Politics 21 Mar 2012
Green Party comment on Urewera verdict

There should be a full and independent inquiry into all aspects of the so called Urewera case once sentencing is completed, Green Party Police spokesperson David Clendon said today.


Politics 20 Mar 2012
Minister should be stood down over ACC dispute

The Green Party is calling for Government Minister Nick Smith to be stood down while a full independent investigation is conducted into his behaviour in a friend's ACC dispute.


Deaths 19 Mar 2012
Green Party expresses condolences to Tongan communities

The Green Party expresses its condolences to Tongan communities after the sudden passing of King George Tupou V in Hong Kong yesterday.


Politics 19 Mar 2012
Local govt reforms driven by ideology, not good governance

A manufactured crisis is being used as an excuse to drive ideological changes to local government, the Green Party says.


Politics 16 Mar 2012
ACC's actions compound privacy breach

Insensitive treatment of ACC clients who have had their privacy compromised is evidence of a culture of complacency and should be included in the Privacy Commissioner’s investigation, the Green Party said today.


Politics 15 Mar 2012
Gutting state sector no way to get economy moving

Sacking public servants will not result in less crime or better educational outcomes for New Zealand, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 14 Mar 2012
Green Party asks Privacy Commissioner to step in on ACC

The Green Party is calling on the Privacy Commissioner to investigate systemic issues relating to the privacy of individuals’ information at ACC.


Politics 14 Mar 2012
Leak to blogger must be investigated

AUCKLAND CITY — There needs to be a full investigation regarding who leaked the personal details of a striking Ports of Auckland worker, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Denise Roche said today.


Cycling 14 Mar 2012
Otago Rail Trail comes full circle

OTAGO — The trail that helped inspire the New Zealand Cycle Trail project — the Otago Rail Trail — has been incorporated as a Great Ride in that same network, the Green Party said today.


Water 14 Mar 2012
OECD report shows now is time for action over water quality

An OECD report released today shows there is no room for complacency over our water quality in New Zealand, the Green Party said today.


Politics 13 Mar 2012
John Key's student loan comments reveal concerning agenda

John Key's comment that the student loan scheme will be reined in "in a big way" will be bad news for students, the Green Party said today.


Politics 13 Mar 2012
Independent investigation needed at ACC

The Green Party is calling for an independent investigation of ACC in the wake of allegations that the details of over 9000 claimants have been passed on to people who should not have received them.


Politics 9 Mar 2012
Mojo Mathers' statement re Speaker's decision on support funding as delivered at press conference

The Speaker’s decision to fund the electronic note taking and other support I need to fully participate in parliament is a very positive result both for me and for the disability community.


Politics 8 Mar 2012
Welfare reforms go against Race Relations Commissioner's goals

On the same day as International Women’s Day, the Race Relations Commissioner’s report shows more work needs to be done to make New Zealand a fair and equal society, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Politics 8 Mar 2012
Green Party statement on Mojo Mathers disability support issue

The Green Party will keep pushing for a fair and permanent outcome on funding for MPs with disabilities after the Parliamentary Services Commission meeting failed to reach a conclusion on funding for electronic note taking for Green MP Mojo Mathers last night.


Gambling 7 Mar 2012
Key's "sinking lid" pokies claim false

AUCKLAND CITY — The Prime Minister’s claim that the Government has a “sinking lid” policy on pokie machines is false, the Green Party says.


Employment 7 Mar 2012
Ports Of Auckland actions in sacking workers disgraceful

AUCKLAND CITY — The Ports of Auckland's actions in sacking 300 staff sets a terrible precedent for all workers in New Zealand, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 6 Mar 2012
Referendum will rock asset sales plan

A successful citizens initiated referendum (CIR) to stop the sale of publicly owned power companies will impact the implementation of the mixed ownership model the Green Party said today.


Politics 6 Mar 2012
Mining royalties remain unpaid

WAIHI — Mining company Newmont Gold must pay royalties on the Crown-owned gold it extracts from its Martha mine in Waihi, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Mar 2012
Govt. gives no guarantees over dam sales

The Government will not legislate for any safeguards to ensure partially privatised energy companies won’t sell strategic individual assets, like dams, offshore, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Mar 2012
Govt needs to move on all the FCV recommendations

"The Government decision to agree to only six of the 15 recommendations of the inquiry into Foreign Charter vessels (FCVs) will not fix the multitude of problems associated with Foreign Charter vessels, Green Party fishing spokesperson Steffan Browning said today.


Politics 29 Feb 2012
Dams could be sold under partial privatisation

The Government's plans to retain 51 percent of our state-owned enterprises does not guarantee individual strategic assets, like our dams, will not fall 100 percent into foreign private control, the Green Party said today.


Politics 28 Feb 2012
Govt must give public full details of Moore's dinner party

The Government needs to tell the public if it authorised Washington Ambassador Mike Moore's co-hosting of a dinner party co-sponsored by tobacco giant Philip Morris, Green Party Health Spokesperson Kevin Hague said today.


Government 28 Feb 2012
Govt must give public full details of Moore's dinner party

The Government needs to tell the public if it authorised Washington Ambassador Mike Moore’s co-hosting of a dinner party co-sponsored by tobacco giant Philip Morris, Green Party Health Spokesperson Kevin Hague said today.


Legal 27 Feb 2012
Greens support judicial review of National's two tier legal system

Greens support judicial review of National's two tier legal system The Green Party fully supports the Criminal Bar Association's legal challenge to National's unfair legal aid scheme, Metiria Turei, Green Party Co-leader said today.


Trade 24 Feb 2012
Green Party comment on MFAT restructuring announcement

Comments from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) Chief Executive John Allen suggest the future direction of New Zealand’s foreign policy will be dominated by purely trade interests, Green Party Foreign affairs spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham said today.


Conservation 23 Feb 2012
Two more endangered dolphin deaths requires immediate Govt action

The death of two Hector's dolphins in set nets near Christchurch yesterday is a warning for the Government to step up their protection for this endangered species, the Green Party said today.


Cycling 23 Feb 2012
Hawke's Bay Trails opening a model Cycle Trail

HAWKE'S BAY — The opening of the Hawke's Bay Trails this weekend is an exciting milestone for cycling in a region that's establishing itself as one of the best places in New Zealand to ride a bicycle, the Green Party said today.


Employment 23 Feb 2012
Risk of privatising youth employment services too high

The Green Party has called on the Government to abandon plans to privatise the Ministry of Social Development's youth employment services, following the release of a Cabinet paper which reveals Treasury has significant concerns about the plan.


Earthquakes 22 Feb 2012
22 February Earthquake – One year on

The Green Party hopes we all will pause today to remember the 185 individuals who lost their lives as a result of last year's severe Christchurch earthquake.


Politics 21 Feb 2012
NZ fishing industry under international scrutiny

New Zealand's fishing industry practice is jeopardising our clean green brand, the Green Party said today.


Economy 20 Feb 2012
Government's books deteriorate for no apparent gain

The National Government's economic mismanagement has led to a widening budget deficit with no apparent gain in sight, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Feb 2012
Report shows Govt failing children

A new report confirms the National Government is failing our children, and shows the urgent need for policies to end child poverty in New Zealand, the Green Party said today.


Politics 16 Feb 2012
Govt's focus on selling assets ignores wider structural problems with economy

The Government's focus on debt reduction through asset sales will do little to transform the wider structural weaknesses of the New Zealand economy as indicated by Treasury's worse than forecast current account deficit figures, the Green Party said today.


Politics 16 Feb 2012
Green Party Maiden Speech - Steffan Browning

Steffan Browning Kia ora tatou katoa I give my acknowledgement to this House, those that have gone before, to the Tangata Whenua of this region, and indeed Aotearoa.


Politics 16 Feb 2012
Green Party Maiden Speech - Eugenie Sage

Eugenie Sage Tēnā koe Mr Speaker and congratulations on your election.


Politics 16 Feb 2012
Green Party Maiden Speech - Mojo Mathers

Mojo Mathers   Sign Greeting Toku awa.


Politics 16 Feb 2012
Green Party Maiden Speech - Julie Anne Genter

Julie Anne Genter Tena koe, Mr Speaker.


Politics 16 Feb 2012
Green Party Maiden Speech - Jan Logie

Jan Logie I acknowledge this House, the land it stands on, and the indigenous people of this place.


Government 16 Feb 2012
Green Party comment on High Hazard Unit staffing

The Green Party today welcomed news of a fully staffed High Hazards Unit but questioned whether appropriately qualified staff have been secured, given the Government’s history of underfunding mine safety.


Politics 15 Feb 2012
Ministers' Crafar blunder the result of NZ China Strategy

The decision to allow Shanghai Pengxin to buy the Crafar farms was a politically motivated one aimed at keeping the Chinese Government happy, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 15 Feb 2012
Sky City profits sky high: no need to subsidise conference centre

Sky City's record profits released today highlight how unnecessary it is for the Government to change legislation in exchange for a new convention centre, says the Green Party.


Legal 13 Feb 2012
Carers deserve a fair deal not endless litigation

The Government needs to come to a fair and equitable agreement with families wanting to be paid for caring for their own disabled children, Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty said today.


Politics 9 Feb 2012
Government tenders for disaster

The Government's decision to open up 25 new blocks for oil and gas exploration is an old fashion economic strategy that ignores New Zealand's potential to lead the world in renewable energy generation, the Green Party said today.


Politics 9 Feb 2012
Minister inaction will make him accessory to dolphin extinction

The Government has today confirmed it will not take steps to further protect the critically endangered Maui's dolphins following the recent death of one in a set net off the coast of Taranaki, the Green Party said today.


Politics 9 Feb 2012
National selling assets returning 18.5% on average

The astonishing figure was revealed by Minister for State-Owned Enterprises, Tony Ryall, in Questions for Oral Answer in the House today.


Conservation 9 Feb 2012
Weakening of Biodiversity Strategy looks imminent

DOC's Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Conservation suggests the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy will be weakened, the Green Party said today.


Politics 4 Feb 2012
Transport Ministry warns of budget blowout

The Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Transport shows that the existing transport funding shortfall is likely to grow massively if oil prices are high, the Green Party said today.


Politics 1 Feb 2012
Government proposals reduce rights in SOEs

The best way for Maori to retain established legal rights in state owned energy companies is to keep them in public ownership, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.


Conservation 1 Feb 2012
Government must act to protect Maui's dolphin

The Green Party is calling for a moratorium on set-net fishing off the coast of Taranaki following the death of a highly endangered Maui's dolphin that got trapped in a net.


Politics 27 Jan 2012
Crafar decision short-sighted

The Government's decision to allow foreign ownership of the Crafar farms is not in New Zealand's interest," said the Green Party today.


Politics 25 Jan 2012
Central govt.'s cosy deal with SkyCity bad for Auckland

The National Government's cosy negotiations with SkyCity — which will increase the number of pokie machines at its Auckland casino in exchange for a convention centre — is another example of central government interference with Auckland affairs, the Green Party said today.


Family 12 Jan 2012
Green Party comment on Families Commission and Rental Accommodation

“The Families Commission has rightly identified the poor quality of rental accommodation as a major issue facing New Zealand families,” Green Party Housing Spokesperson Holly Walker said today.


Marine 11 Jan 2012
Ross Sea should be declared a Marine Protected Area

The Jung Woo 2 is the third ship to come to grief in the Ross Sea in little over a year and should serve as a wakeup call for the Government to close off the Ross Sea as a Marine Protected Area, the Green Party said today.


Politics 23 Dec 2011
National selling assets returning healthy profits

The National Party is planning to sell state-owned assets (SOEs) at a time when they are returning record dividends which are likely to rise significantly over time, the Green Party said today.


Politics 21 Dec 2011
Greens call for new parliamentary oath

The Green Party is calling for the parliamentary oath to be modernised and says there is public support for the change.


Politics 21 Dec 2011
WINZ exacerbates growing food bank lines this Christmas

Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) is helping to make Christmas particularly miserable for some Kiwi families by restricting the payment of some special needs grants, the Green Party said today.


Politics 17 Dec 2011
Greens raise foreign ownership concerns over AMI sale

The Green Party is raising concerns over the sale of AMI to Australian--owned insurance giant IAG, saying it will result in greater foreign ownership of the New Zealand insurance sector and will see a reduction in competition.


Politics 17 Dec 2011
Fonterra is the Govts ambulance at bottom of poverty cliff

Fonterra's plan to supply milk to children in schools, starting in Northland, highlights how bad child poverty has got in New Zealand says the Green Party.


Politics 17 Dec 2011
Productivity Commission's solutions will cost NZers

The Productivity Commission's failure to advocate for a capital gains tax on property excluding the family home in its draft report on housing affordability is a missed opportunity, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Agriculture 16 Dec 2011
Crafar farms decision must not fall through Xmas season cracks

WAIKATO — The Overseas Investment Office needs to tell the public when it will come to a decision about Shanghai Pengxin’s bid to buy the Crafar farms, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 15 Dec 2011
Greens challenge Key to send Ministerial observer to whale hunt

The Green Party is challenging John Key to send Murray McCully to the Southern Ocean to observe the whale hunt, after New Zealand issued a statement yesterday expressing concern that confrontations in the Southern Ocean will eventually lead to injury or loss of human life.


Government 15 Dec 2011
Helpline must be funded - Green Party

AUCKLAND — New Zealand’s only 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline is in danger of being shut down if the Government does not step in to save the service, the Green Party said today (14 December).


Environment 13 Dec 2011
Fonterra must explain self-reporting inaccuracy

Fonterra needs to explain the vast discrepancy between claims made today about the success of the Clean Stream Accord and the findings of an independent review commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) said Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman.


Politics 13 Dec 2011
Green Party congratulates David Shearer on Labour leadership

Green Party Co-leaders Metiria Turei and Russel Norman have congratulated David Shearer on his election as Labour Party leader.


Politics 13 Dec 2011
Durban agreement not enough to stop climate change

The Durban agreement does not go far enough to avert dangerous climate change within our children's lifetime, says Green Party climate change spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham.


Government 13 Dec 2011
Dunne needs to ask Ohariu-Belmont voters if they want asset sales

Peter Dunne needs to ask the people of Ohariu-Belmont, who placed their trust in him, if they want our state owned assets sold thanks to his vote, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today (12 December).


Politics 12 Dec 2011
Dunne needs to ask Ohariu voters if they want asset sales

Peter Dunne needs to ask the people of Ohariu, who placed their trust in him, if they want to see our state owned assets sold thanks to his vote, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 11 Dec 2011
Dunne must answer questions over supressed alcohol report

Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne's actions in supressing research regarding the public's attitude to alcohol during the consideration of the Alcohol Reform Bill is deeply concerning, Green Party health spokesperson Kevin Hague said today.


Politics 11 Dec 2011
Government must fundamentally change climate policy

"The new Government must fundamentally re-write its climate change policy as one of its first priorities," said Green Party Climate Change spokesperson Kennedy Graham.


Politics 11 Dec 2011
Final vote shows record low turnout must be addressed

With the final election results showing a record low voter turnout, the Green Party is strengthening its call for the Justice and Electoral Select Committee to focus its post-election inquiry on addressing declining voter turnout.


Politics 10 Dec 2011
Greens grow as third party in Parliament

The Green Party is celebrating the election of Mojo Mathers as their 14th MP after the counting of special votes increased the Green's share of the party vote and number of MPs to a record high.


Politics 8 Dec 2011
Government must answer questions over SCF bailout

The Green Party is supporting calls for an investigation into the Government's management of the Crown deposit guarantee scheme, following the Serious Fraud Office laying charges over South Canterbury Finance (SCF) transactions worth $1.7 billion.


Education 7 Dec 2011
Show us where the money is coming from for charter schools - Green Party

John Key needs to show the public where the money is coming from for National and ACT’s charter schools roll-out, Green Party education spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.


Politics 7 Dec 2011
Lack of tax on capital gains fuels growing inequality

Closing the single largest remaining tax loophole by introducing a capital gains tax (excluding the family home) would help close the growing gap between rich and poor, the Green Party said today.


Politics 7 Dec 2011
Show us where the money is coming from for charter schools John?

John Key needs to show the public where the money is coming from for National and ACT's charter schools roll-out, Green Party education spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.


Environment 7 Dec 2011
Frack no to fracking fluid

The transportation of toxic fracking fluid from Gisborne to Taranaki must be prevented, the Green Party said today.


Politics 7 Dec 2011
Where's the Govt as Japanese whaling fleet sails?

In light of reports the Japanese whaling fleet has set sail for the Southern Ocean, the Green Party is calling on the Government to send an offshore patrol vessel to monitor the whale hunt and ensure the safety of protest vessels.


Politics 6 Dec 2011
NZ risks becoming climate change pariah

The National-led Government's weak position on climate change is being exposed at the United Nations international climate change negotiations in Durban, Green Party climate change spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham said today.


Politics 6 Dec 2011
Spending cap lacks flexibility when times get tough

Future governments need the flexibility to respond to future economic shocks effectively and shouldn't be hamstrung by self-imposed spending caps, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 6 Dec 2011
Privatising welfare not the answer

National and ACT's moves to corporatise welfare will cost New Zealand more money for worse outcomes, the Green Party said today.


Politics 5 Dec 2011
Downturn in building sector ideal timing for state house build

The Government can stop the potential loss of capacity and skills in the building sector by investing in state house construction before the rebuild of Christchurch gets underway, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.


Politics 4 Dec 2011
Govt decision pushes sea lions closer to extinction

The Government is failing to protect the critically endangered New Zealand sea lion by proposing to remove entirely the squid fishing by-catch limit, Green Party Oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today.


Food 2 Dec 2011
NZ mustn't be complacent on pesticide exposure through food

The New Zealand Food Safety Authority's latest report shows children are the most at risk of being most exposed to pesticides in food, Green Party MP Steffan Browning said today.


Politics 1 Dec 2011
'Morning Star' raised to highlight human rights abuses

WELLINGTON — The Green Party is today supporting the raising of the 'Morning Star' to highlight human rights abuses in West Papua by Indonesia, Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty said.


News 1 Dec 2011
'Morning Star' raised to highlight human rights abuses

The Green Party is today supporting the raising of the 'Morning Star' to highlight human rights abuses in West Papua by Indonesia, Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty said.


Conservation 30 Nov 2011
Minister backtracks on public input on mining Denniston

Minister of Conservation Kate Wilkinson needs to stop ducking for cover and reassure the public that they will have a meaningful say over whether the Denniston Plateau is mined.


Politics 30 Nov 2011
National Party Undermines Percentage of Women in Parliament

The Green Party is disappointed representation of women in Parliament has gone down for the first time since the introduction of MMP, Green Party Women's Affairs spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said today.


Conservation 28 Nov 2011
Green Party says no to Coromandel mining survey

COROMANDEL — Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty joined a protest against mining exploration in the Kauaeranga Valley this morning, the Green Party said today.


Environment 25 Nov 2011
Undeclared hazardous waste on Rena

The discovery that undeclared hazardous goods on the grounded cargo ship Rena may be leaching toxins into the sea highlights the importance of looking after our natural environment, said the Green Party today.


Politics 25 Nov 2011
Ombudsman points to National's agenda for more asset sales

John Key must explain why his Ministers seem to be getting advice regarding extending privatisation to more state-owned assets than publicly admitted, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.