Labour Party

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Politics 26 Jul 2012
Jobs for Kiwis promise not being met

Allowing a company to bring in 110 ‘façade installers’ to do jobs New Zealanders could easily do or be trained to do demonstrates once again the government has its priorities wrong when it comes to jobs for Kiwis, says Labour’s Immigration spokesperson Darien Fenton.


Politics 26 Jul 2012
John Key the only one who believes John Banks

It is no longer credible for John Key to keep John Banks on as a Minister in light of confirmation from police that he personally solicited at least $80,000 in donations but can’t seem to remember it, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Employment 26 Jul 2012
Kiwis deserve fair pay

“Hard-working New Zealanders deserve to earn a living wage for an honest day’s work,” says the Labour MP, David Clark.


Politics 26 Jul 2012
Bill saves future state assets from the block

Key state assets New Zealand Post, Kiwibank, Kiwirail and others will be protected for future generations if a new member’s bill passes, says State Owned Enterprises spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Export 26 Jul 2012
Business demands leadership on exports

Business leaders fear there is no government leadership on growing exports, creating jobs and keeping our young people here in New Zealand, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Energy 26 Jul 2012
Sun takes a beating but energy report spot on

A report that pours cold water on the effectiveness of solar water heating in reducing New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions throws up a number of issues that deserve further consideration, Labour’s Energy and Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey says.


Politics 26 Jul 2012
Key must heed advice of business leaders on Super

Business leaders, academics and the public want to see a fair and sustainable rise in the Super age to preserve the right to a pension on retirement, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 26 Jul 2012
NZ must support democratic reform in Zimbabwe

The Labour Party says it is time to consider suspending sanctions against Zimbabwe, to encourage further progress towards democracy.


Politics 25 Jul 2012
Labour proposes improvements to lobbying bill

The Labour Party says it supports in principle a Green Party bill designed to improve the transparency of lobbying around Parliament, but believes it can be made more workable.


Family 25 Jul 2012
Fair to families and investing in our children

Labour is demonstrating its commitment to being fair to families and investing in our children with its ‘Mondayisation’ and paid parental leave legislation.


Politics 25 Jul 2012
Carter out of touch and out of line

Primary Industries Minister David Carter is out of touch with his portfolios and is out of line with his recent comments to his constituents, Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson Damien O’Connor says.


Community 25 Jul 2012
Pressure mounting on CYFs staff

The coroner’s inquiry into the Kahui case comes as data from CYFs reveals a child protection service in crisis, Labour’s Spokesperson for Social Development and Children Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 25 Jul 2012
Ryall ignores painful truth of pharmacy contract

Pharmacists were left with no alternative but to sign-up to the new community pharmacy agreement and the Minister of Health is kidding himself if he thinks most did so happily.


Family 25 Jul 2012
Fairness and choice for families

Legislation aimed at easing the pressure on working parents will come before Parliament tonight with the first reading of the Paid Parental Leave Bill.


Politics 25 Jul 2012
National turns Generation Y into Generation OZ

National’s failure to close the wage gap with Australia is turning New Zealand’s Generation Y into Generation OZ, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 25 Jul 2012
Holidays Bill gives Kiwis a decent break

Kiwis deserve a decent break every year, says Labour’s Revenue spokesperson David Clark ahead of the first reading of his Holidays Amendment Bill that ensures every working Kiwi gets 11 public holidays a year.


Politics 25 Jul 2012
Speech: China-US Relations - Implications for New Zealand

China-US Relations:  Implications for New Zealand SPEECH TO ASIA FORUM Bell Gully HP Tower, 171 Featherston Street, Wellington Tuesday 24 July at 5.30 pm   Executive Chair of the Asia Forum, Farib Sos, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.


Politics 24 Jul 2012
PM has head in sand over trust funding

The Prime Minister’s “investigation” into the funding of a trust chaired by a National MP was a joke, and failed to ask the obvious questions, according to Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 24 Jul 2012
John Key all over the show on asset sales

Just two months out from the sale of Mighty River Power, John Key is still unable to explain to New Zealanders how much it will cost for his so-called loyalty scheme, potential settlements with iwi, public relations, advertising and brokerage fees, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 24 Jul 2012
Key should join tourism industry and support holiday bill

John Key will let the tourism industry down if he doesn’t support the ‘Monday-isation’ bill for Waitangi and Anzac day, says the bill’s sponsor Labour’s Revenue spokesperson David Clark.


Deaths 24 Jul 2012
Kiwis mourn the loss of Margaret Mahy

Labour is offering its sincere condolences to the family, friends and many fans of New Zealand author Margaret Mahy, who passed away yesterday.


Politics 23 Jul 2012
National's billion dollar bonus stings taxpayers

Kiwi mum and dad taxpayers will potentially miss out on $1 billion dollars in revenue lost from the asset sales to pay for John Key’s bonus scheme for private investors, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 23 Jul 2012
State asset money earmarked for everything

National changes its mind daily on uses for state asset sales money, throwing the cash to any idea it thinks will win votes, says Labour’s State Owned Enterprises spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Politics 23 Jul 2012
National should reflect on road safety

National’s Associate Transport Minister Simon Bridges should stop wagging his finger at drivers and sort out his own Government's priorities if he wants to tackle the road toll says Labour Transport Safety spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway.


Politics 23 Jul 2012
Assets 'loyalty scheme' hits taxpayers in the pocket

John Key’s ‘loyalty scheme’ for New Zealanders who buy shares in state assets simply means those that can’t afford shares will be forced to subsidise those who can, says Labour’s State Owned Enterprises spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Politics 22 Jul 2012
Serious questions to answer over trust funding

The Government has some explaining to do about the process for funding a trust that had a National MP as its Chair, says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 19 Jul 2012
New Zealand going nowhere ultra-fast

National's flagship ultra-fast broadband service is delivering nothing as New Zealand languishes half way down the OECD ladder for broadband subscribers, says Labour’s communications spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 19 Jul 2012
Welfare reforms shambolic

While the government’s youth services reforms might have been given the green light in Parliament today, their hasty introduction has generated a host of problems for those working in the sector and the young people they are supposed to be helping, Labour’s spokesperson for Social Development Jacinda Ardern says.


Politics 19 Jul 2012
Quakes blow a hole in roads budget

Budget documents reveal the cost of fixing Christchurch’s roads after the earthquakes has blown out from $700 million to $965 million.


Politics 19 Jul 2012
Super must be sustainable and fair to all Kiwis

Superannuation has to be made sustainable in the fairest possible way, says Labour Finance Spokesperson David Parker as new figures show one million people will be over 65 by the late 2020s.


Politics 19 Jul 2012
Govt should listen to environmental heavyweights on EEZ

An open letter from respected environmental organisations urging the Government to make changes to the Exclusive Economic Zone Bill should prompt an urgent re-think of the legislation, says Labour’s Environment Spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 19 Jul 2012
More jobs to go as dollar rises again

Hard-working Kiwis should brace themselves for more job losses as the dollar rises yet again, warns Labour finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 19 Jul 2012
Unnecessary job means more taxpayer pain

Taxpayers are being whacked with another hefty bill to satisfy National’s obsession with privatising the construction of new schools, Labour’s Associate Spokesperson for Education Chris Hipkins says.


Education 19 Jul 2012
National must fix legal flaws in export education

The National-led Government has failed to take the opportunity to fix legal flaws in the export education system, leaving students and providers in a vulnerable position, says Labour’s Export Education Spokesperson Raymond Huo.


Politics 18 Jul 2012
McCully's cult of secrecy

Treasury documents relating to Vote Foreign Affairs in Budget 2012 have been withheld from release on the specific direction of Minister Murray McCully says Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson Phil Goff.


Politics 18 Jul 2012
Arms Trade Treaty relevant to Manukau residents

At a first glance, the Global Parliamentary Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) might seem irrelevant to many New Zealanders, says Labour MP for Manukau East Ross Robertson.


Politics 18 Jul 2012
Two weeks left to sign Arms Trade Treaty

President of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Ross Robertson is calling on legislators around the world to sign up to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).


Politics 17 Jul 2012
Asset sales push up energy costs

The economy is mired in low-growth because of out of date policy, Labour’s finance spokesperson David Parker said today following the release of the latest CPI figure.


Politics 17 Jul 2012
Local Government reform should be based in fact

National’s rationale for local government reform is based on false information and a handful of egregious examples says Labour’s spokesperson for Local Government Annette King.


Politics 17 Jul 2012
Forcing through assets sales may cost millions

Kiwi families could lose millions of dollars if the government pushes through asset sales while disputes rage over water rights, says Labour’s State Owned Enterprises spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Politics 17 Jul 2012
Mine scare means Government must act now

The Labour Party says it is a great relief that 28 miners trapped by an underground fire this morning have emerged safely from the Waihi Gold Mine.


Politics 17 Jul 2012
Speech: NZPork Conference 2012

Damien O'Connor  |  Monday, July 16, 2012 - 16:45 Kia ora.


Politics 16 Jul 2012
Motorway spending spree reckless

A $200 million government pay out to consultants to investigate plans for motorways that won’t be built for some time is both reckless and irresponsible, Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says.


Politics 16 Jul 2012
Elimination of discrimination slows under National

New Zealand's seventh report to the United Nations on CEDAW highlights how progress has slowed on the elimination of discrimination against women under National, says Labour's Spokesperson for Women's Affairs Sue Moroney.


Politics 16 Jul 2012
National neglects local roads to pay for motorways

Southern ratepayers resent their local roading budgets being cut so the Government can pour billions of dollars into the Roads of National Significance, says Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Transport 16 Jul 2012
RoNS reversal the first right step

WELLINGTON — The Government’s decision to scale back the northernmost section of the Wellington Northern Corridor is the first right step to reining in its out of control spending on motorway projects, says Labour’s Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Politics 16 Jul 2012
Education Minister bullying sector

The Labour Party says it is disappointing the Education Minister prefers to bully teachers and principals, rather than listening to their advice about how best to teach kiwi kids.


Alcohol 13 Jul 2012
Time to haul back overt liquor advertising

Omnipresent and overt alcohol advertising and sponsorship needs to be reined if efforts to change our drinking culture are to be taken seriously, Labour’s Associate Health spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.


Politics 13 Jul 2012
Solutions needed for student visa processing

A lack of vision and long-term strategy from the National Government have directly contributed to the student visa application fraud debacle, says Labour’s Export Education Spokesperson Raymond Huo.


Politics 13 Jul 2012
Speech: David Shearer - NetHui 2012

  Speech to NetHui 2012 I’d like to start with a short personal story.


Politics 12 Jul 2012
Ministry for kids will encompass all

As the country’s leading social agencies issue a blunt message to the government about doing more for all Kiwi kids, Labour has today reiterated its call for a Ministry for Children.


Politics 12 Jul 2012
National isolated on compulsory KiwiSaver

The National Party is completely isolated over its opposition to compulsory KiwiSaver, now that the Revenue Minister Peter Dunne has thrown his support behind the idea.


Deaths 12 Jul 2012
Condolences extended to Ngati Tuwharetoa

Labour is offering its sincere condolences to the family of Timoti Te Heuheu and also to the people of Ngati Tuwharetoa who have lost a well-known and popular leader, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 12 Jul 2012
Speech to Arbitrators' and Mediators' Institute of NZ

David Shearer  |  Thursday, July 12, 2012 - 13:26 It's a real pleasure to be here amongst people who like to resolve differences.


Politics 12 Jul 2012
Economy's problems are no joke

Abuse from the Prime Minister is no substitute for a plan to deal with the economy’s slow growth, poor export performance and serious overseas liabilities, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.


Politics 12 Jul 2012
Perfect opportunity to reverse student allowance changes

As students return to university campuses for the second semester the government should seize the opportunity and reverse its abolition of allowances for postgraduate students, Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training spokesperson Grant Robertson says.


Export 12 Jul 2012
Port shambles holding New Zealand back

New Zealand exporters face increased transport costs and New Zealand workers are losing their jobs due to the Government's lack of a plan for our ports, Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today.


Employment 12 Jul 2012
Bullying communities won't create jobs

National’s is offering New Zealanders nothing when it comes to creating jobs and lowering unemployment says Labour’s Employment spokesperson Su’a William Sio.


Politics 12 Jul 2012
Student visa fraud exposes flaws in export education system

The discovery of a visa fraud ring involving hundreds of international students is evidence that the rules in relation to assessing qualifications and visa processes should be tightened, says Labour’s Export Education Spokesperson Raymond Huo.


Politics 11 Jul 2012
Robert Walters Finance Breakfast Speech

New Zealand is not headed in a good direction at the moment.


Economy 11 Jul 2012
Fundamentals wrong as exporters struggle

The Labour Party says flat business confidence, more job losses in the export sector and rising house prices are all signs of an economy that desperately needs modernising.


Deaths 11 Jul 2012
Condolences extended to Sir Terepai's family

Labour’s spokesperson for Pacific Island Affairs, Su’a William Sio, has expressed his sympathy and condolences to the family of former Cook Island Prime Minister Sir Terepai Maoate.


Politics 10 Jul 2012
National prepping KiwiRail for sale

News that KiwiRail is looking to shed hundreds of jobs in the next few months makes it patently obvious that the National-led Government is prepping it for sale, says Labour's SOEs Spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Transport 10 Jul 2012
Unrealistic Turn Around Plan behind Kiwirail job losses

The Labour Party says Kiwirail’s plan to sack 200 workers is a direct result of the Government’s unrealistic Turn Around Plan for the company.


Politics 9 Jul 2012
Joyce's savage cuts hurt regional economies

Data showing all but one regional polytechnic had its funding cut by millions of dollars is evidence that regional economies are being hurt by the National government says Labour’s Economic and Regional Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 9 Jul 2012
Local MP needs to jump on the bandwagon

It’s high time Otaki MP Nathan Guy made his position on the Capital Connection clear says Palmerston North MP Iain Lees-Galloway.


Conservation 9 Jul 2012
RMA reform on urban development too timid

Proposals to reform the Resource Management Act (RMA) made by a Government advisory group are a missed opportunity when it comes to urban development says Labour’s Associate Environment spokesperson Phil Twyford.


Corrections 6 Jul 2012
Private prison 'progress' an embarrassment

Corrections Minister Anne Tolley describes progress at New Zealand’s only private prison as ‘decent’.


Environment 6 Jul 2012
RMA changes risk more litigation

The changes recommended by the Government’s Technical Advisory Group to the Resource Management Act (RMA) run the risk of undermining the premise of the act and increasing litigation, says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Education 5 Jul 2012
League tables a blunt tool

The Government’s mooted plan to introduce league tables to rank schools is a blunt instrument that would have no impact on educational achievement and could leave parents with a blurred picture says Labour’s Education Spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta.


Conservation 5 Jul 2012
Resumption of whale hunt condemned

The Government’s call for South Korea to reconsider its proposal to commence a scientific whaling programme in the North West Pacific is the right one, says Labour’s Conservation spokesperson Ruth Dyson.


Politics 5 Jul 2012
Polytechnics struggling as government slashes funding

Polytechnics around New Zealand had funding cuts of more than $40 million between 2010 and 2011 - at the very time the Government should have been investing in skills and training to help the economy start growing again, Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training spokesperson, Grant Robertson says.


Community 5 Jul 2012
Retirement village residents left out in the cold

The Government’s claim that it has consulted with key stakeholders over variations to the Retirement Village Code of Practice is up for debate after groups across the country deny being included, says Labour’s Building and Construction spokesperson Raymond Huo.


Environment 4 Jul 2012
Environment disposable under National

The National Government is trashing New Zealand’s clean, green image says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Politics 4 Jul 2012
Govt telco commissioner's appointment may be illegal

The Government’s decision not to re-appoint Dr Ross Patterson as Telecommunications Commissioner may be illegal and a huge embarrassment for the government, Labour’s Communications and IT spokesperson Clare Curran said today.


Politics 4 Jul 2012
MPs' signatures delivered to UN

Labour MP and Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) President, Ross Robertson, was today honoured to present UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, with the Control Arms Global Parliamentary Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty on behalf of 2,047 MPs in 96 countries.


Crime 4 Jul 2012
Talking tough one thing, results another

National's decision to launch - for the third time - its crime reduction targets is nothing more than another reminder that there are likely to be delays in achieving those targets following last month’s budget cuts, says Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel.


Defence 3 Jul 2012
Defence Minister should pay attention

Defence Minister Jonathan Coleman has revealed just how out of the loop he is in the international defence community after discovering that the New Zealand Navy was banned from docking at a US naval port through a local newspaper.


Politics 3 Jul 2012
ETS delay will cost jobs

John Key’s decision to further stall agriculture’s entry to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) puts our international reputation at risk and will cost jobs, says Labour’s Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey.


Politics 3 Jul 2012
$6.7 million dollar treaty move makes no sense

The decision by the National-led government to spend nearly $7 million moving the original copy of the Treaty of Waitangi and other constitutionally significant documents from a purpose built room in Archives New Zealand makes no sense, says Labour’s Deputy Leader Grant Robertson.

 Bad Move to spend nearly $7 million to fit out a new room at the National Library to house the documents.


Environment 2 Jul 2012
National confirms zero action on climate change

Amendments to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) announced today confirm that National has zero commitment to curbing New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions says Labour's Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey.


Employment 2 Jul 2012
Reshuffle downgrades employment of women

Women’s employment has been downgraded by National after it shuffled a council dealing with the issue out of the control of a Cabinet Minister to a more junior colleague, says Labour’s Women’s Affairs Spokesperson Sue Moroney.


Alcohol 2 Jul 2012
Labour amendments will toughen alcohol law

Labour is seeking to toughen up the Government’s proposed alcohol law reform by proposing amendments to allow for minimum prices to be set and to give more clout to local government when licensing decisions are made.


Environment 2 Jul 2012
Welcome reprieve for pork industry

News that interim High Court orders prohibiting the import and release of consumer ready cuts of fresh pork have been continued has been welcomed by Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson Damien O’Connor.


Politics 2 Jul 2012
Dunne's crocodile tears simply posturing

Peter Dunne's criticism of the government’s decision to extend public frequency radio licenses to MediaWorks, at the same time as axing TVNZ7 ring hollow, says Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 2 Jul 2012
Steven Joyce's white whale empire surfaces

Steven Joyce’s bureaucratic white whale empire has surfaced with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Empire (MoBIE) starting its first business day tomorrow, says Labour’s Economic Development Spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Finance 2 Jul 2012
KiwiSaver turns 5

At age five, the time has come to transform KiwiSaver into a universal workplace savings scheme to help strengthen the economy and reduce New Zealand's debt, says Labour's Finance Spokesperson David Parker.

KiwiSaver turns 5


Politics 2 Jul 2012
Opposition Parties stand together on public broadcasting

The National Government’s conscious decision to kill off our only public broadcast television channel is an attack on democracy and will diminish our national identity, says Labour’s Broadcasting Spokesperson Clare Curran.


Politics 2 Jul 2012
Interest on student loans on the table for National

The prospect of the National Government putting interest back on student loans is still on the table with Budget papers revealing that they got advice from officials about introducing a 2% interest rate, says Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training Spokesperson Grant Robertson.


Real Estate 29 Jun 2012
Zoning announcement brings some relief

CANTERBURY — The long-awaited announcement of zoning will come as a huge relief to Port Hills residents who have been living in a state of limbo since February 22nd last year, says Port Hills MP Ruth Dyson.


Politics 29 Jun 2012
Convention centre slush fund revealed

A Cabinet paper released today shows the Prime Minister and his Economic Development Minister have continually misled New Zealanders about their shonky convention centre deal, says Labour's Economic Development Spokesperson David Cunliffe.

Appropriation changes to Convention Centre


Politics 29 Jun 2012
English harpoons Joyce's bureaucratic white whale

Official documents released today show Finance Minister Bill English has serious concerns about his colleague Steven Joyce's MoBIE white whale bureaucratic empire, says Labour's Economic Development Spokesperson David Cunliffe.

Bill English letter


Accommodation 29 Jun 2012
Government sends mixed messages on housing

CHRISTCHURCH — The Government’s mixed messages to people without adequate housing in Christchurch is indicative of its botched handling of the local crisis, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.


Corrections 28 Jun 2012
National's wasteful spending on private prisons

The Government is wasting valuable taxpayer dollars on funding more private prisons based on outdated numbers and forecasts, says Labour’s Justice Spokesperson Charles Chauvel.


Politics 28 Jun 2012
Kiwi farmers being shut out by foreign buyers

Claims that Shanghai Pengxin tried to charge iwi groups up to $66.5 million for just three of the 16 Crafar farms shows that Kiwi farmers are being priced out of the market by foreign corporate buyers, says Labour Leader David Shearer.


Politics 28 Jun 2012
National won't rule out KiwiRail sell-off

Senior Cabinet Minister Steven Joyce has failed to provide a guarantee that National will not sell off all or part of KiwiRail, says Labour’s SOEs Spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.


Employment 28 Jun 2012
Steven Joyce continues attack on jobs and clean growth

Steven Joyce today continued his attack on the Pure Advantage group of respected business leaders in Parliament, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.


Politics 28 Jun 2012
Green bill gives Parliament chance to debate foreign ownership

Parliament will have an opportunity to debate tightening our overseas ownership laws due to a Green Party bill that would restrict overseas buyers from purchasing New Zealand farmland, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.