New Zealand Government 2005-2008

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The Labour led government under Prime minister Helen Clark in her last term.

Joined April 2008
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Health 6 Nov 2008
Funding boost for Plunket responds to baby boom

Associate Health Minister Steve Chadwick today announced that Plunket will receive almost $3 million each year in additional funding to deliver more WellChild checks.


Court 4 Nov 2008
Addressing Court Capacity in Auckland

AUCKLAND — This week Minister for Courts Rick Barker announced details on the Ministry of Justice's Auckland Service Delivery Programme, and the Auckland District Court Upgrade Project.


Politics 19 Oct 2008
Statement from the Minister of Internal Affairs

In response to questions from media around the circumstances in which Mr Yang Liu was granted residency and citizenship, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon Rick Barker, has issued the following statement.


Art 7 Oct 2008
Australia joins NZ in advancing artist resale royalty

Associate Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Judith Tizard has today welcomed Australia's announcement that it will introduce a resale royalty scheme to Parliament that will benefit visual artists, an initiative already taken in New Zealand.


Building 29 Sep 2008
Gold plated building standards gone, says Jones

Building and Construction Minister Shane Jones has responded to the criticisms of the Building Act and removed its "gold plated building standards".


News 28 Sep 2008
Daylight saving extension popular

An overwhelming majority of New Zealanders support the extension to daylight saving, Internal Affairs Minister, Rick Barker, said today.


Police 28 Sep 2008
Proposed appointments to the Independent Police Conduct Authority

A majority in the House of Representatives today voted to recommend that the Governor-General appoint Allan Galbraith, and Mel Smith, to the Independent Police Conduct Authority.


Conservation 17 Sep 2008
Important purchase for Kerikeri Basin protection

KERIKERI — Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick and Far North Mayor Wayne Brown today announced the purchase of the last remaining block of land still in private ownership in the Kororipo-Kerikeri Basin.


Skiing 15 Sep 2008
Bumper ski season to lure Aussies

Two special ads will go to air in Australia today encouraging Australians to share our slopes this spring, Tourism Minister Damien OConnor said today.


Health 15 Sep 2008
Ministers Welcome Ambulance Strategy

The ambulance strategy, released for consultation today, proposes a framework for initiatives that will include extending the scope of practice so ambulance officers can treat people at home.


Conservation 15 Sep 2008
Wetland purchase completes conservation corridor

The purchase of 240 hectares of wetland and regenerating native forest in Waituna, Southland, will ensure the long term protection of this important ecological area, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Conservation 13 Sep 2008
High country parks network another step closer

The creation of Hawea Conservation Park in Otago brings the development of a network of high country parks in the South Island another step closer, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Transport 12 Sep 2008
Public Transport Bill hugely positive for Auckland

AUCKLAND — Associate Transport Minister and Auckland Central MP Judith Tizard says the passing of the Public Transport Management Bill is a watershed moment for Auckland's public transport.


Police 12 Sep 2008
Comment on shooting of police officers

Prime Minister Helen Clark and Police Minister Annette King said today they are deeply saddened by the fatal shooting of an Auckland police officer, and the wounding of another, during an incident in Mangere early this morning.


Finance 4 Sep 2008
Shop around for interest rates as 8 per cent per week is appalling

Responding to an article in today's paper, Consumer Affairs Minister Judith Tizard said it was appalling that anyone should have to pay 8% per week interest on a loan as there are far lower rates available.


Energy 4 Sep 2008
Legislation passes to enable sustainable biofuels

Energy Minister David Parker today welcomed the passing in Parliament of the Biofuel Bill, which he said would stimulate the market for sustainable alternative transport fuels.


Classical 4 Sep 2008
Appointment to NZSO Board announced

Associate Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister, Hon Judith Tizard today announced the appointment of one new member and the reappointment of two members to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra Board.


Business 4 Sep 2008
Tax treaty developments: Czech Republic, Mexico, Austria, Netherlands Antilles

The new double tax agreement between the Czech Republic and New Zealand has come into effect, one of several tax treaty developments to take place this week.


Health 4 Sep 2008
Mens health a priority for the government: OConnor

Improving the health of New Zealand men is a priority for this government, Associate Health Minister Damien O’Connor said today.


Tourism 4 Sep 2008
New Zealand still a favourite in the UK

New Zealand has been voted the number one destination by travellers in the UK, Tourism Minister Damien O’Connor said today.


Conservation 3 Sep 2008
Chelsea Park ensures public access to city parkland

NORTH SHORE CITY — Today’s handover of Chelsea Estate Park on Auckland’s North Shore guarantees public access to the area, protects important forests and preserves a significant part of Auckland’s historic heritage, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Conservation 3 Sep 2008
New steps to protect sports fisheries from rock snot

To reduce the risk of didymo spread, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today agreed to the New Zealand Fish and Game Council recommendation to restrict the use of footwear with felt soles by fishing licence holders.


Health 1 Sep 2008
50,000 women to benefit from cancer prevention initiative

Ministry of Health postcard promoting HPV immunisationFrom today more than 50,000 young New Zealand women can access a free cervical cancer vaccine with the launch of the first stage of the HPV (human papillomavirus) Immunisation Programme, Associate Health Minister Steve Chadwick said today.

Ministry of Health postcard promoting HPV immunisation


Internet 27 Aug 2008
Delivery of rural broadband stepped up

The government’s commitment of $75 million for rural projects aimed at extending the reach of broadband is great news for people living in remote areas of New Zealand, Rural Affairs Minister Damien O’Connor said today.


Internet 27 Aug 2008
Applications for $340 million broadband fund open

Applications are now open for the government’s $340 million fund to accelerate broadband.


Politics 20 Aug 2008
New chair of the Copyright Tribunal announced

Associate Commerce Minister Judith Tizard today announced the appointment of Professor Susy Frankel as Chair of the Copyright Tribunal for a term of one year.


Books 18 Aug 2008
Judith Tizard launches Library Week

The launch of Library Week at the National Library in Wellington tonight will kick off a nation-wide programme of activities designed to celebrate the services of local libraries.


Culture 14 Aug 2008
Appointment to Creative New Zealand Arts Council announced

Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon Judith Tizard, today announced the appointment of a new member to the Creative New Zealand Arts Council.


Conservation 13 Aug 2008
Slow recovery for some whale species, still far to go

Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today welcomed the news that Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today welcomed the news that some large whale species are slowly recovering, but warned that there is still a long way to go before these populations can be considered safe.


Electricity 13 Aug 2008
Major step towards greener energy by 2025

Providing for the country’s energy needs now and into the future while reducing New Zealand’s impact on the environment is the goal of the government’s proposed National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation announced today.


Health 7 Aug 2008
Herceptin Decision

Pharmac’s decision to decline funding for a 12 month course of the breast cancer drug Herceptin has been acknowledged by the Minister of Health David Cunliffe.


Health 7 Aug 2008
Groundbreaking agreement on Health Quality

A new and strong partnership between health professionals and their employers is the key to improving the quality of healthcare delivery, Health Minister David Cunliffe said today.


Conservation 7 Aug 2008
First opportunity to explore restored forest

WAIRARAPA — A new walking track at Pukaha Mt Bruce means locals and visitors can for the first time explore the largest remnant of the once magnificent 70 mile Wairarapa forest, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Film 7 Aug 2008
Reappointments announced for New Zealand Film Commission Board

Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon Judith Tizard, today announced the reappointment of Bill Birnie, Tainui Stephens and William Somerville to the Board of the New Zealand Film Commission.


Maori 7 Aug 2008
Reappointment to the Maori Heritage Council of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust

Hon Judith Tizard, Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage today announced the reappointment of Gerard O’Regan to the Mori Heritage Council of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust for a three year term commencing on 1 July 2008.


Politics 4 Aug 2008
Barker to Indonesian Civil Defence conference

Civil Defence Minister Rick Barker left for Jakarta last night to attend a conference aimed at strengthening Indonesian community resilience to earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions, and deliver the keynote address.


Politics 4 Aug 2008
Barker to Indonesian Civil Defence conference

Civil Defence Minister Rick Barker left for Jakarta last night to attend a conference aimed at strengthening Indonesian community resilience to earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions, and deliver the keynote address.


Film 2 Aug 2008
Appointments to the Film and Literature Board of Review

Dr Ian Lambie, Judith Fyfe and Andrea Haines have been appointed to the Film and Literature Board of Review, Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker announced yesterday.


Building 2 Aug 2008
Inaugural building summit lays roadmap for future

AUCKLAND — Yesterday's inaugural building forum in Auckland - " Leading for the Future" - has laid down the foundations for the long-term future of the industry, says Building and Construction Minister Shane Jones.


Politics 1 Aug 2008
Discussion document on War Pensions Act rewrite launched

The ongoing work to improve and streamline services to veterans took a significant step forward today with the release of the Law Commission Issues Paper, Towards a New Veterans’ Entitlements Scheme: A Discussion Paper on a Review of the War Pensions Act 1954.


Business 1 Aug 2008
Minister warns do not be duped by extended warranties

Consumer Affairs Minister Judith Tizard is calling on retailers to be honest about the real value of extended warranties and for consumers to understand that they are frequently a waste of money.


Conservation 1 Aug 2008
New marine reserve on Capital's doorstep

WELLINGTON — Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today announced the establishment of a new marine reserve on Wellington’s scenic south coast.


Health 1 Aug 2008
Short-term neonatal pressures being managed

The annual short-term pressure on neonatal intensive care unit cots is being well handled, Associate Health Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Energy 1 Aug 2008
Marine energy generation fund open for applications

Round two of the four-year government funding initiative to kick-start the deployment of marine energy generation devices in New Zealand opens today.


Business 1 Aug 2008
Childrens nightwear labelling regulations now effective

Consumers will soon see new labelling on children’s nightwear available for sale, announced Consumer Affairs Minister Judith Tizard today.


Internet 1 Aug 2008
Strong criteria key to success of Broadband Fund

Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe has thanked contributors for the extensive feedback they have provided on the criteria for the Broadband Investment Fund.


Sport 1 Aug 2008
Lottery grant gives Nelsons athletes a new stadium

NELSON — Thanks to a grant of up to $784,892 from the Lottery Significant Projects Fund, Nelson will soon have a new multi-sport, indoor stadium.


Health 31 Jul 2008
Minister welcomes Whanganui and Mid-Central DHB Alliance

Minister of Health David Cunliffe today welcomed an announcement from Whanganui and Mid-Central District Health Boards that they are moving to formalise their alliance.


Health 31 Jul 2008
Taranaki to benefit from $80 million hospital revamp

TARANAKI — Minister of Health David Cunliffe today signed off on an $80 million revamp of Taranaki Base Hospital that will include two new surgical theatres and increase the number of hospital beds.


Energy 31 Jul 2008
Ministers welcome Committee report on Commerce Amendment Bill

Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel and Energy Minister David Parker today welcomed the amendments to the Commerce Amendment Bill recommended unanimously by the Commerce Select Committee.


Environment 30 Jul 2008
Science confirms sea-level on the rise, time to plan for it

The latest science highlights the need for local bodies to plan for changes in coastal hazards resulting from climate change, Climate Change Minister David Parker told the Second Australasian Hazards Management Conference at Te Papa in Wellington today.


Internet 30 Jul 2008
Research shows Kiwis are becoming internet savvy

Internet use is a regular and important part of life for the majority of New Zealanders according the to latest World Internet Project New Zealand (WIPNZ) survey released by AUT, Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe and National Library Minister Judith Tizard said today.


Maori 26 Jul 2008
New Te Reo school resource for learning about disasters

More than 300 Maori immersion and bilingual schools began receiving New Zealand’s first Te Reo civil defence teaching resource, Kia Takatu this week.


Technology 26 Jul 2008
Report provides valuable input to TSO reform

Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe has welcomed a final report from the Telecommunications Carriers Forum (TCF) on reforming the Telecommunications Service Obligation (TSO).


Energy 26 Jul 2008
New Zealand joins new clean energy partnership

New Zealand is to work with the United States to promote the use of cleaner and more efficient sources of energy in island nations and territories, Energy Minister David Parker announced today.


Tourism 26 Jul 2008
Tourism spend up despite tough times for industry

Data showing continued growth in spending by international visitors to New Zealand was welcomed today by Tourism Minister Damien O’Connor.


Education 26 Jul 2008
Government funds NMITs new arts and media block

NELSON — Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) will receive a capital injection of $8.132 million to build a new Arts and Media Block, Prime Minister Helen Clark and Associate Tertiary Education Minister Maryan Street announced today.


Health 24 Jul 2008
40,000 to receive school-based health services

More than 40,000 secondary school students will have better access to health services due to an initiative launched today by Associate Health Minister Steve Chadwick.


News 24 Jul 2008
Act will ensure access to registers with more transparency

Maintaining access to birth, death, marriage and civil union registers while ensuring there are safeguards for individuals’ personal information is the main outcome of the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationship Registration Amendment Act passed yesterday, Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker said.


Health 22 Jul 2008
More PI women being screened for breast cancer

Associate Health Minister Steve Chadwick and Pacific Island Affairs Minister Luamanuvao Winnie Laban today welcomed news that the numbers of Pacific women receiving free mammograms has significantly increased.


Health 19 Jul 2008
Air Ambulance Report released

The Minister of Health David Cunliffe and the Minister for ACC Maryan Street are supporting a set of recommendations from the Air Ambulance Reference Group, but they say much more work is needed before any changes should be made.


Environment 19 Jul 2008
Australian ETS similar to New Zealands

The New Zealand government welcomes the Australian government’s proposal for a Carbon Pollution Reduction scheme, Finance Minister Michael Cullen said today.


Business 19 Jul 2008
Dunne welcomes move towards reducing tax return complexity

Revenue Minister Peter Dunne welcomed a consultation document released by Inland Revenue today containing proposals to modernise the company income tax return.


Court 15 Jul 2008
Governments preferred approach to tribunal reform released

Courts Minister Rick Barker today launched a consultation document aimed at improving New Zealanders satisfaction with tribunal services.


Conservation 15 Jul 2008
Botanist wins NZs premier conservation award

NELSON — Nelson botanist and conservationist Shannel Courtney will be awarded one of New Zealand’s oldest conservation awards recognising his outstanding contribution to the conservation of our native plants, Steve Chadwick said today.


Electricity 15 Jul 2008
Good management key to weathering dry winter

The electricity industry’s success in weathering the dry winter has been due to good management, not a lucky ‘gamble’, Energy Minister David Parker said today.


Health 12 Jul 2008
Minister welcomes decision on Belhaven

AUCKLAND CITY — Minister of Health David Cunliffe has welcomed a decision to move residents of the Belhaven Rest Home into a new home.


Environment 12 Jul 2008
Survey should be taken with a grain of salt

A survey on climate change and emissions trading due to be released tomorrow should be treated with extreme scepticism, Climate Change Minister David Parker said.


Health 12 Jul 2008
Minister says Junior Doctors Union scaremongering

The Minister of Health David Cunliffe says claims by Dr Deborah Powell of the Resident Doctors Association that hospitals in the Auckland region face a Junior Doctor shortage are nothing more then blatant mischief making.


Energy 12 Jul 2008
Oil Emergency Response Strategy updated

Energy Minister David Parker today released the updated Oil Emergency Response Strategy (OERS).


Conservation 12 Jul 2008
New coastal policy board member appointed

Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick has appointed Environment Court Commissioner Kathryn Edmonds to the Board of Inquiry on the Proposed New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement.


Gambling 11 Jul 2008
Allocation of Lottery funding announced

The New Zealand Lottery Grants Board will distribute $102.91 million to its distribution committees and $63.34 million to the statutory bodies that it funds in 2008 / 2009.


Education 11 Jul 2008
$25m new centre boosts Whitireia's trades training

Whitireia Community Polytechnic is now even better placed to contribute to trades training with a brand new Industry Training Centre, Tertiary Education Minister Pete Hodgson said at the centres official opening today where he was accompanied by Associate Economic Development Minister and Mana MP Luamanuvao Winnie Laban.


Building 11 Jul 2008
Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers board confirmed

Building and Construction Minister Shane Jones today confirmed appointments for the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers (PGD) board.


Health 11 Jul 2008
Life Preserving Services during strike action

Minister of Health David Cunliffe said clinicians must be free to make good proactive clinical decisions without hesitation during strike action.


Business 11 Jul 2008
Appointments to Securities Commission and Takeovers Panel

Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel today announced appointments to the boards of two independent Crown entities, the Securities Commission and the Takeovers Panel.


Art 9 Jul 2008
Te Waka Toi Board Appointments announced

AUCKLAND — The Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon Judith Tizard, today announced changes to the Board of Te Waka Toi, one of two arts boards operating under the Arts Council of Creative New Zealand.


Art 9 Jul 2008
Creative NZ Arts Board reappointment announced

AUCKLAND — The Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon Judith Tizard, today announced the reappointment of Terry Snow to the Creative New Zealand Arts Board for a three year term from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2011. 

Terry Snow is an Auckland journalist who has participated in and covered the arts extensively over more than 30 years in New Zealand, the UK and the Netherlands.


Health 9 Jul 2008
Ministers welcome Select Committee Report on Ambulances

The Minister of Health, David Cunliffe and the Minister for ACC Maryan Street described today’s Health Select Committee report on Ambulance Services as an important step forward.


Deaths 9 Jul 2008
Minister releases report into the death of Debbie Ashton

TASMAN — State Services Minister David Parker today released a report by Kristy P McDonald QC, into the death of Nelson woman Debbie Ashton in December 2006.


Politics 7 Jul 2008
Hand-over of responsibility for War Pensions marked

A group of New Zealand’s war veterans took part in a special event held at Parliament today recognising Veterans' Affairs New Zealand becoming the sole agency with responsibility for delivering all aspects of War Disablement Pensions.


Health 7 Jul 2008
More Good News for the Primary Health Sector

The Minister of Health David Cunliffe has today announced a further investment of $390,000 into the primary health care sector aimed at almost 800 GP practices that charge very low fees.


Technology 5 Jul 2008
3G mobile investment drives further broadband surge

Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe said New Zealand’s regulatory regime has given telecommunications companies the flexibility they require to bring broadband to rural areas.


Gambling 5 Jul 2008
Appointment to Gambling Commission

Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker announced today that His Excellency Governor-General Anand Satyanand has appointed Mary Richardson to the Gambling Commission.


Health 5 Jul 2008
Future pathway for resident doctors

The Minister of Health David Cunliffe says that the Resident Doctors Commission announced today is an exciting new initiative for New Zealand’s junior doctors and a great opportunity for junior doctors to be involved in their future.


Books 5 Jul 2008
A public lending right for New Zealand authors

The Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors Bill began its first reading in Parliament today.


Conservation 5 Jul 2008
New members appointed to key conservation body

Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today announced new appointments to the New Zealand Conservation Authority (NZCA).


Health 4 Jul 2008
11.1 Million Subsidised GP appointments a year

July marks the sixth anniversary of Primary Health Organisations in New Zealand, and over four million New Zealanders are benefiting.


Health 4 Jul 2008
Regional clinical networks make services stronger

Minister of Health David Cunliffe has welcomed discussions about strengthening clinical networks in the lower North Island to enhance the delivery of services.


Health 2 Jul 2008
New health support service now running in Paritutu

NEW PLYMOUTH — A new health support service for people historically exposed to dioxin from the former Ivon Watkins Dow factory in Paritutu, New Plymouth became available today. 


Health 2 Jul 2008
Ministers welcome review of Wellington area maternity services

Minister of Health David Cunliffe and Associate Minister of Health Steve Chadwick today welcomed a review of maternity services in Wellington.


Politics 2 Jul 2008
Deputy State Services Commissioner: Temporary Appointment

State Services Minister David Parker today announced the appointment of John Ombler to the position of Deputy State Services Commissioner.


Conservation 2 Jul 2008
Success at saving Skinks

OTAGO — Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today announced a major conservation management and research breakthrough with grand and Otago skinks, and a captive breeding programme with Otago Skinks, aimed at securing the genetic diversity of the species.


Real Estate 2 Jul 2008
Shared Equity pilot kicking into gear

Aspiring first home buyers living in high-priced regions will be able to apply for a shared equity loan from the government from tomorrow, says Housing Minister Maryan Street.


Health 2 Jul 2008
Minister pleased at performance of Accident and Emergency Departments

The Minister of Health, David Cunliffe said all emergency department patients with an urgent life-threatening condition are getting immediate treatment.


Health 28 Jun 2008
Public Health Bill enjoys wide support

The new Public Health Bill, voted back to the house this week by the Health Select Committee, will future proof public health for generations to come, said the Minister of Health David Cunliffe today.


Conservation 26 Jun 2008
NZ remains strongly opposed to scientific whaling

New Zealand remains strongly opposed to so-called scientific whaling, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick today told the 60th meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in Santiago, Chile.


Conservation 25 Jun 2008
NZ welcomes major breakthrough on future of IWC

New Zealand has welcomed a major breakthrough at the 60th meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today.


Media 25 Jun 2008
Report subject to suppression orders

The government must follow due legal process in order to release the report referred to on the front page of the Dominion Post today, State Services Minister David Parker said.


Export 21 Jun 2008
NZ exporters to benefit from new robotics programme

Economic Development and Research Science and Technology Minister, Pete Hodgson, and Communications and Information Technology Minister, David Cunliffe, have announced a major research programme into personalised robotics in the aged health sector which has the potential to place New Zealand in the export market of the growing global robotics industry.